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  1. s0nicfreak

    Blog: s0nicfreak

    Blog: s0nicfreak
  2. s0nicfreak

    Blog: s0nicfreak

    Blog: s0nicfreak
  3. s0nicfreak


  4. s0nicfreak

    Comment by 's0nicfreak' in 'Smoked only once...'

    You are now addicted and it will lead to becoming addicted to harder drugs. Such as meth. And then this stuff will happen
  5. s0nicfreak

    Comment by 's0nicfreak' in 'Sorry for Nintendo'

    Well, not if they stop making money and therefore start laying people off... But we all know that's not going to happen.
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    BigOnYa @ BigOnYa: I played the intro to far cry 5, that is like some crazy Jim Jones cult shit. Still its petty...