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  1. T

    PS Vita Battery Won't Charge Past 81%

    No sweat, don't mention it! so, I'm not exactly sure what that means either.... I figured it was just referring to the Vita's ability to disable plugins by booting in safe mode (holding L when turning it on). that way if the plugin causes any drama, you can skip it and then uninstall it.
  2. T

    PS Vita Battery Won't Charge Past 81%

    Sure thing, here is the link to the reddit... they discuss what I was talking about in there too, if you're interested to know more about that blue vita you have. Like I said though.. I ended up going back to the standard one due to the reasons I mentioned in my above post. Happy gaming...
  3. T

    PS Vita Battery Won't Charge Past 81%

    Not sure if you're still curious about this but... Sapphire Blue and Cosmic Red JP model Vitas are rather special in the sense that they have a unique motherboard (IRS-002).... There are a few Reddit posts discussing it... but the gist is their motherboard is actually closer to the slim model...
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    BigOnYa @ BigOnYa: I played the intro to far cry 5, that is like some crazy Jim Jones cult shit. Still its petty...