Blog entries by iFish

Howdy. Some of you might know(from my Twitter) that I recently picked up an SSD and OWC data doubler(HDD bay that replaced the optical drive. ) The reason I got an SSD was because I wanted the speed, I also wanted to make it so my laptop can have at least another few months under it's belt(I...
Good morning. I didn't realize up until now that Zelda 25th anniversary symphony "Zelda Symphony of the Goddess" was even coming to Canada until I randomly was on Facebook, bored out of my mind clicking links that seems interesting. But oh well, I found out it was coming to my city and that...
Heya. So, today my phone came in the mail. It's my first ever phone. I gotta say, I'm pretty happy with it so far, I went for the Samsung Galaxy Nexus. But now using my iPod touch just feels too small... But I'm happy with my new toy~
Good morning. Tomorrow begins my exam period, and I'm pretty excited over that. The exam I'm mostly excited for my math one. I made these great memory aids that scratch the surface of everything we've done so far this year. I'm pretty happy with how my memory aids came out(Caughtion images...
Oh, hey, didn't see you there. Well, anyway, these days I've been growing sick of iOS(Not for tablets) and in 2 months I'm getting a smartphone, so I decided I'll give Android a fair look; but on one condition, it has to be a Nexus device. So, I've been looking at the Galaxy Nexus all over the...
Hey guys. First time blogging on this new system, heh. Anyway. Over the weekend, my so called "friends"(I should clarify that only 3 of them were my friends. Other people were just eh) were bored and decided to "troll"(Read: By huge cunts and bully) me. So, they started spamming my YouTube...
Hey guys. As some of you may know, I use Twitter fairly often.(Read: All the time). And I'm always looking for a new Twitter client. Something fun to use, with a nice native looking UI(Or not in some cases) Well, seeing as I use a Mac. I want it to feel "native" on OS X. Very well integrated...
Ohai! Yeah, a lot happend today. I'll start with the most important: my cousins arrived today for their Vacation here from Isreal Apple launched OS X Lion today. So I spent a good hour downloading it from the Mac App Store and then another good hours and a half approximately installing it. So...
So, I wake up today with an email from my father saying "I got a gift for you" I replied with "Uh.... okay" So he gets home with a bit brown box. I dig into it, and find a white box. And it is a MacBook Pro 13-inch. So, I'm not deciding to not build my desktop and just use my new Mac. Not...
Hai~ Well, as some of you may know, I quit my job a few weeks back. Not going to get into why. So, with that being said, my dream of getting a MacBook Pro is dead. So, over the weekend I was browsing and gathered some part with the help of Originality, I think I got the computer...
Hey Tempers. Anyway, I think I should start off with that I have been unemployed for over a week. :3 So, I'm not getting that MacBook Pro. I really hate my laptop, it stresses me out on a daily basics. So I got fed up and I'm going to try to be mostly post-PC for a while, until I can get my...
Long time no speak. Anyway, hi. So, I will cut to the chase, I got a job doing a bunch of things at my Dad's client's office furniture factory. It is 10 hours a day for $10/h. And Friday is optional and 5 hours and$15/h(Over time). Anyway, I'm doing it sincew I figured having money is good...
Hey tempers. Well, this morning (Around 5:00AM) my dog had a seizure, so my Dad woke me up to tell me they're going to the hospital. I didn't know what to really think. But first let me give you a heads up. I really DON'T like my dog, I'm not fond of him at all. He bits me when I am told to put...
D'haaaai! Well, I'll start by saying in June I planed on going to NYC with my dad. My dad was only taking me since I wanted to go. But he really didn't want to go. I also wasn't looking forward to sharing a room with him. he snores like.... Like.... Uh... I cannot explain, but it's pretty bad...
I'm not good at thinking of titles anymore~ Anyway, hi. So, I'm looking forward to Summer now more than ever. Looking forward to not having rules set upon me. Looking forward to having a job(It's official now, I have the job) Looking forward to buying my iPad 2 and MacBook Pro in July. Yeah...
Hola. Long time since I've been in this section.... Miss me? Doubt it. Oh well. I'll start off by saying I've been playing Minecraft all day. I bought it last night and I love it. But now I'm feeling kinda bloated and sick.... (Like Windows! ZING!) Maybe I ate too much. Anyway, last week I...
Ohai. Well, I'm a huge Little Big Planet fan. So, the second one is coming out in a few days. I dedicated to do the trade in 3 games get it free type of deal. I traded in Wii games will I already have on my USB anyway. So, the manager at EB games is sorta my friend (by friend I mean he does...
Heya, Tempers *yawns* I was up all night. But, I blame my mother. Since she said "Go to bed early, you have to get back into the routine of school" So, my body decided staying up all night would be a GREAT IDEA! So, I was up all night. At least I can go to bed early tonight and be perky for...
Hola, fellas! Well. Today I was eavesdropping on my mom and dad talking. They were talking about how I plan to build a PC desktop in summer and then before Cegept (College for Quebec) get a Macbook Pro. So, my dad said "Isn't it a waste of money to build a computer then a year later get another...
Hey guys. I had a dream. My dream was to learn to program. So, I set my new years resolution to "Learn Python and maybe more coding languages" So, once that clock hit 12:00 I started my learning experience! Before you troll and say "Ifshi! THT ISNT CDOING!" I know it is just a few simple...
General chit-chat
Help Users
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Can't we just go back to waking each other's dicks again
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    No! We said we' d never mention that I mean what are you talking about, thats ridiculous
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    We can hug and make up which part of your body would you like kissed sir
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I just wanna spoon I'm not falling for your tricks anymore, I've moved on.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Yes I know about your deep love you have for @SylverReZ but I was your first
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    That could've been polly thinking about it
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Its not your baby, no matter how much you what it to be, we were separated at that time.
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    We sound like Mexican soap operas
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I miss polly, he took alot shit but was fun messing with him
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    That's why I don't get too involved in the forums I don't want my name all over the damn place but I do feel like I had a doing in the Leo and Luke love battle lol
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I think the cross gen console thing has killed playing cod, bf, pubg on consoles. Cheaters on pc has made them horrible to play on consoles.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    That's why they dump millions into security now I remember getting all my cod shit unlocked in one match was fun
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    An option to just play with console players may reduce latency even
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Aaawww (points finger)
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Yea they should separate to each, (I know already you gonna say dats rasist)
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    No like if you're on Xbox like a toggle switch that says Xbox players only
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    True, should be choice if you want cross play
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I plan on going back to ultimate with all the new shit coming that'll just be free on ultimate
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Wut? PS ain't tickling your balls no more?
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    No I can just afford both ;O
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I hear ya. You got a dope handheld coming soon, that should at least tingle those dingles.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Probably look like ass with Gamepass on it
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Crazy, I remember posing for that one, towelie was messed up in that shoot.
    BigOnYa @ BigOnYa: Crazy, I remember posing for that one, towelie was messed up in that shoot.