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Elon Musk announces Twitter suppressed Hunter Biden Laptop Story


pronouns big/pingus
GBAtemp Patron
Jun 23, 2014
United States
Elon Musk announced Twitter would be live tweeting regarding an apparent coverup of a story concerning President Joe Biden's son's laptop

The tweetstorm was initially supposed to commence at 5pm EST, but has been postponed to 6pm in order to perform additional fact checking

What are your predictions? Why do you think Twitter would suppress such materials?

Edit 1: the "Twitter files"

Edit 2: direct requests from the DNC and Biden election team to take down Twitter posts


Edit 3:

All said and done, Musk is saying Twitter infringed on 1st amendment rights. I don't think he understands the constitution very well because it clearly does not.


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2022
United States
I predict that nothing will come from this just as nothing has came from the Epstein Case, Ray Epps, or anything else of importance, though I hope I am wrong.


pronouns big/pingus
GBAtemp Patron
Jun 23, 2014
United States
Yet another desperate plea for attention from the world's most fragile billionaire. Twitter is just $8Chan now.
Have you been on 8chan...the two are in no way related

The most popular section on 8chan was literally "Nazis" the board

More like truth social maybe if anything
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Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2022
United States
Part 2 tomorrow followed by the promised Q&A.

As for NAZI's, do any of you know what NAZI actually stands for? It's like the whole world is suddenly talking about a history they actually know nothing or next to nothing about, and that's both from the proverbial Right and the proverbial Left.


  • biden tweet.png
    biden tweet.png
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pronouns big/pingus
GBAtemp Patron
Jun 23, 2014
United States
Part 2 tomorrow followed by the promised Q&A.

As for NAZI's, do any of you know what NAZI actually stands for? It's like the whole world is suddenly talking about a history they actually know nothing or next to nothing about, and that's both from the proverbial Right and the proverbial Left.
Super curious if you are replying to the wrong thread?

My only mention of nazis was on 8chan where they have a literal board called "NatSoc" aka National socialism - you know what nazi literally stands for



Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2022
United States
Super curious if you are replying to the wrong thread?

My only mention of nazis was on 8chan where they have a literal board called "NatSoc" aka National socialism - you know what nazi literally stands for
What is 8Chan? And I've never heard of this group that calls them selves "NatSoc", which if looking at the name alone seems to imply that they are Nationalists (which only the Globalists claim is an evil and hateful term), and that they are attached to some sort of Socialist idea, which I presume has something to do with Hitler's conception of Socialism, which he wanted to make clear was a different entity all together than the Socialism of the Communists, Marxists, and self proclaimed Bolsheviks (majority). If NatSoc is racist and about white supremacy, I suppose I would have to read their actual posts to find that out, but the name itself doesn't imply this.

As for Hitler, he was fighting to preserve Germany and Europe's national sovereignty against the looming threat of the Communists in who had in his youth used a blood bath to turn Russia into Soviet Russia through the massacre of the last Czar, his family, and many there after. The idea was to spread Communism Internationally and do away with the Nation States, using Russia as the Capital. This was funded by many Jewish Bankers, Writers, Philosophers, and the like, many of which had strong ties with the Industrialists/Capitalists of the time, or were them themselves.

This is not to say Hitler was some sort of saint, though the threat he saw rising was very real and evidence of it's happening was very apparent and well documented on that note. As for the violence that Hitler did order, I will say that in war time people tend to do war like things, and on that note, EVERYONE was shedding blood in those days, from what we have been conditioned to call World War I, on into World War II.
In fact if you look at the numbers, Hitler was said to have slain 6 Million Jews, though now at the Auschwitz tour the official number has been reduced to 2 Million and ever shrinking. None the less, let's stick with the 6 Million figure and compare that with the 100 Million that were slain by Stalin, both European and Russian, and the 70 Million slain under Mao Zedong's red reign. Now for fun we can compare that with the 73 Million Abortions conducted world wide in this very day, and that makes one wonder, why was what Hitler did or allegedly did called THE HOLOCAUST?

If you are curious about where the famous 6 Million figure came from, I HIGHLY suggest looking into S.A.R. Lynch's book of compiled media articles from WAAAYYYY before 1945, dealing with the famous number. The book is called Six Million Open Gates, and can be found HERE, and HERE, with more information on it HERE.

Anyhow, the word NAZI itself is a slang term that if I recall correctly was created by a Jewish Journalist back in the day long before any claims of oven burning and the like. It was supposed to be an abbreviation in the author's language for what the Germans of the time called them selves, which was "National Socialist German Workers' Party". NAZI sounded a lot like another word in this man's language which meant "idiot" or something like that and the term just caught on, but the Germans never referred to them selves as NAZI's. As for them believing that the Blond Hair Blue Eyed race was superior to all other races and little ol Germany was set to try to take over THE WHOLE FREAKIN' WORLD with the aid of Japan...
...well, like the soap made from Jew Fat, like the Jew Skin Lamp Shades, the Shrunken Heads, and so forth, that was all part of anti-German propaganda, and the notion was for each country to be made of it's own people and that each people be proud of their own ethnicity; the idea being to preserve national and ethnic diversity. Olympian Jesse Owens was warned that if he went to Germany that he'd be treated like dirt because he was black. In his own words he came back and said the Germans treated him like royalty and that he received better treatment there than in America which was currently under the Democrat party's policy of segregation.

The Germans were trying to get the majority (key word majority, not all) of Jews out of Germany, which again historically was nothing most other countries had not already done, and return control, influence, and culture into the hands of the German people. The intention was to ship the Jews (again not all) to Madagascar, though early on a deal called the Haavara Agreement was struck between Germany and Britain, which allowed the wealthier of the Jews to buy their way out and be deported to what was then called Mandatory Palestine (now the militarized zone called Israel) which the British had just claimed from the recently defeated Ottoman Empire. Germany quickly turned around for the first time in years once all the bankers, pornographers, and the like were thrown out of the country, though they could not ship the rest of the Jews to Madagascar as planned as Britain occupied territory between it and Germany and once Winston Churchill stepped into the picture, he would not co-operate with Germany in any way shape or form, so the Jews remained in labor camps along side of many other people from Europe who had pledged allegiance to the rising Communist Ideology, which like it's sister Marxism, is about a LOT more than mere economics, the death of Christianity being one of them, as well Control of all Capital put into the hands of the few rather than the individual and family, the replacement of family with community, the introduction of graduated income tax, the end of inheritance, the end of private property, centralization of credit, etc. etc. etc.

Think "You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy"

I could go on at great length on this subject, and also point out how the rise of Globalism took place starting at the end of World War II, but I would end up writing a book and it would be much easier just to refer you to some on-line references should anyone get curious or want to challenge these claims. I will say though that it has been stated many times that the reasons the prisoners (not all Jewish) in the labor camps at the end of the war looked so rough, was because of America and Britain's Fire Bombing of Germany all through out the end of the war, which prevented the Germans to continue to ship food, medical supplies, and the like to the camps. And please keep in mind that these fire bombings took place LONG after Germany's military strong points had been wiped out; thus the fire bombings were an attempt to eradicate the German people.

I am just responding because ever since Kayne west has been doing his usual rounds looking like a fool and the media reporting on every bit of it as if it were actual news, everyone has been posting NAZI this and NAZI that, as if they are on the good side because they didn't attempt to terminate 6 Million Jews, and all those people out there like Trump are on the wrong side because they support killing 6 Million Jews. It's childish as hell.

As for Truth Social, I'm not Republican, but I have spent some time observing it and I've not only failed to find any overwhelming Jewish hate sentiment, but in fact have not seen any at all. I guess there might be someone on there posting such things, but I've not seen them. On that note, what ever Skin Heads and White Supremecists do happen to exist out there have apparently never bothered to read anything but the old propaganda edit of Hitler's, My Struggle, which by the way has been re-translated into English and Hebrew for anyone interested in seeing what Hitler's actual words were. Also there are MANY speeches of his on-line with English subtitles. Again, I am not saying he was a saint, I am saying he was a man who lived during war time, and the body count he caused was waaaayyy below that of America's allies who, like America by this time, were financially backed by Jewish interests in high places.

Sorry if any of this is written sloppy, it's late and I'm going from off the top of my head right now. Before I go though I would like to share this investigation video shared by a curious young Jewish kid:

Last edited by EldritchPenumbra,


pronouns big/pingus
GBAtemp Patron
Jun 23, 2014
United States
What is 8Chan? And I've never heard of this group that calls them selves "NatSoc", which if looking at the name alone seems to imply that they are Nationalists (which only the Globalists claim is an evil and hateful term), and that they are attached to some sort of Socialist idea, which I presume has something to do with Hitler's conception of Socialism, which he wanted to make clear was a different entity all together than the Socialism of the Communists, Marxists, and self proclaimed Bolsheviks (majority). If NatSoc is racist and about white supremacy, I suppose I would have to read their actual posts to find that out, but the name itself doesn't imply this.

As for Hitler, he was fighting to preserve Germany and Europe's national sovereignty against the looming threat of the Communists in who had in his youth used a blood bath to turn Russia into Soviet Russia through the massacre of the last Czar, his family, and many there after. The idea was to spread Communism Internationally and do away with the Nation States, using Russia as the Capital. This was funded by many Jewish Bankers, Writers, Philosophers, and the like, many of which had strong ties with the Industrialists/Capitalists of the time, or were them themselves.

This is not to say Hitler was some sort of saint, though the threat he saw rising was very real and evidence of it's happening was very apparent and well documented on that note. As for the violence that Hitler did order, I will say that in war time people tend to do war like things, and on that note, EVERYONE was shedding blood in those days, from what we have been conditioned to call World War I, on into World War II.
In fact if you look at the numbers, Hitler was said to have slain 6 Million Jews, though now at the Auschwitz tour the official number has been reduced to 2 Million and ever shrinking. None the less, let's stick with the 6 Million figure and compare that with the 100 Million that were slain by Stalin, both European and Russian, and the 70 Million slain under Mao Zedong's red reign. Now for fun we can compare that with the 73 Million Abortions conducted world wide in this very day, and that makes one wonder, why was what Hitler did or allegedly did called THE HOLOCAUST?

If you are curious about where the famous 6 Million figure came from, I HIGHLY suggest looking into S.A.R. Lynch's book of compiled media articles from WAAAYYYY before 1945, dealing with the famous number. The book is called Six Million Open Gates, and can be found HERE, and HERE, with more information on it HERE.

Anyhow, the word NAZI itself is a slang term that if I recall correctly was created by a Jewish Journalist back in the day long before any claims of oven burning and the like. It was supposed to be an abbreviation in the author's language for what the Germans of the time called them selves, which was "National Socialist German Workers' Party". NAZI sounded a lot like another word in this man's language which meant "idiot" or something like that and the term just caught on, but the Germans never referred to them selves as NAZI's. As for them believing that the Blond Hair Blue Eyed race was superior to all other races and little ol Germany was set to try to take over THE WHOLE FREAKIN' WORLD with the aid of Japan...
...well, like the soap made from Jew Fat, like the Jew Skin Lamp Shades, the Shrunken Heads, and so forth, that was all part of anti-German propaganda, and the notion was for each country to be made of it's own people and that each people be proud of their own ethnicity; the idea being to preserve national and ethnic diversity. Olympian Jesse Owens was warned that if he went to Germany that he'd be treated like dirt because he was black. In his own words he came back and said the Germans treated him like royalty and that he received better treatment there than in America which was currently under the Democrat party's policy of segregation.

The Germans were trying to get the majority (key word majority, not all) of Jews out of Germany, which again historically was nothing most other countries had not already done, and return control, influence, and culture into the hands of the German people. The intention was to ship the Jews (again not all) to Madagascar, though early on a deal called the Haavara Agreement was struck between Germany and Britain, which allowed the wealthier of the Jews to buy their way out and be deported to what was then called Mandatory Palestine (now the militarized zone called Israel) which the British had just claimed from the recently defeated Ottoman Empire. Germany quickly turned around for the first time in years once all the bankers, pornographers, and the like were thrown out of the country, though they could not ship the rest of the Jews to Madagascar as planned as Britain occupied territory between it and Germany and once Winston Churchill stepped into the picture, he would not co-operate with Germany in any way shape or form, so the Jews remained in labor camps along side of many other people from Europe who had pledged allegiance to the rising Communist Ideology, which like it's sister Marxism, is about a LOT more than mere economics, the death of Christianity being one of them, as well Control of all Capital put into the hands of the few rather than the individual and family, the replacement of family with community, the introduction of graduated income tax, the end of inheritance, the end of private property, centralization of credit, etc. etc. etc.

Think "You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy"

I could go on at great length on this subject, and also point out how the rise of Globalism took place starting at the end of World War II, but I would end up writing a book and it would be much easier just to refer you to some on-line references should anyone get curious or want to challenge these claims. I will say though that it has been stated many times that the reasons the prisoners (not all Jewish) in the labor camps at the end of the war looked so rough, was because of America and Britain's Fire Bombing of Germany all through out the end of the war, which prevented the Germans to continue to ship food, medical supplies, and the like to the camps. And please keep in mind that these fire bombings took place LONG after Germany's military strong points had been wiped out; thus the fire bombings were an attempt to eradicate the German people.

I am just responding because ever since Kayne west has been doing his usual rounds looking like a fool and the media reporting on every bit of it as if it were actual news, everyone has been posting NAZI this and NAZI that, as if they are on the good side because they didn't attempt to terminate 6 Million Jews, and all those people out there like Trump are on the wrong side because they support killing 6 Million Jews. It's childish as hell.

As for Truth Social, I'm not Republican, but I have spent some time observing it and I've not only failed to find any overwhelming Jewish hate sentiment, but in fact have not seen any at all. I guess there might be someone on there posting such things, but I've not seen them. On that note, what ever Skin Heads and White Supremecists do happen to exist out there have apparently never bothered to read anything but the old propaganda edit of Hitler's, My Struggle, which by the way has been re-translated into English and Hebrew for anyone interested in seeing what Hitler's actual words were. Also there are MANY speeches of his on-line with English subtitles. Again, I am not saying he was a saint, I am saying he was a man who lived during war time, and the body count he caused was waaaayyy below that of America's allies who, like America by this time, were financially backed by Jewish interests in high places.

Sorry if any of this is written sloppy, it's late and I'm going from off the top of my head right now. Before I go though I would like to share this investigation video shared by a curious young Jewish kid:

tl;dr they are nazis who use the term national socialist as that's what the nazis themselves used (NSDAP - national socialist german workers' party)

if you never heard of 8chan then you shouldn't say people are talking about things they don't know about, when you are in fact commenting on things you do not know about

8chan was basically a more extreme version of 4chan that spawned qanon - eventually it was let loose by its webhosts and rebranded as 8kun where it has all but died - but yes they are literal nazis and to this day this greets you on some pages

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Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2022
United States
tl;dr they are nazis who use the term national socialist as that's what the nazis themselves used (NSDAP - nation socialist german worker's party)

if you never heard of 8chan then you shouldn't say people are talking about things they don't know about, when you are in fact commenting on things you do not know about

8chan was basically a more extreme version of 4chan that spawned qanon - eventually it was let loose by its webhosts and rebranded as 8kun where it has all but died - but yes they are literal nazis and to this day this greets you on some pages

View attachment 341223
I've only heard of 4Chan also, but when I say people speak of things they don't understand I'm talking about Twitter, Facebook, this site, and so on, where it is FREQUENT! That said, I am quite aware that there are places on there internet where mislead and self proclaimed white supremacists do exist, it's just that I don't visit those channels. The ignorance of many of the users of Bitchute was enough for me. :)


Dec 23, 2009
Can someone tell Elon he didn't bought a reliable news conglomerate but a gossip channel. The gop had more than enough channels to bang on about it, so more Twitter would be at most akin to adding an extra droplet in the ocean.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2022
United States
Too many clips to laugh at, too many fools don't understand how information and perception have really been working in the modern age. HINT: You were obviously being lied to and you believed because you wanted to. Think about it. You are a trained monkey, or at least you think you came from monkeys because they trained you to believe that too! :)

Hunter lying and acting like it was the Russians

Laptop Montage:

The former Director of the CIA LIED

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Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2020
Puerto Rico
twitter interfered in the election. last night bombshell shows to the lens Biden went to hide the story of his disgusting criminal son so he could win.

every single thing people say was a conspiracy turns out to be true Democrats pretty much controlled twitter and this is why they are so mad that Elon purchase it. they won't be able to use it for the 2024 election.


This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
Not only did they try to "hide" it, but they blamed Russia for it. Lol. Also, the contents of the laptop does a lot to implicate "Biden's" pay-to-politic racket.


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2022
United States
I like how all sorts of video was leaked from the Laptop with Biden with his whores doing drugs, putting their feet in each other's mouths, etc. and Biden's like,"I don't know if it's my laptop, it might be a Russian Hoax." People will believe anything, it's so amusing and scary at the same time.

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