Search results

  1. Col70

    Hacking USB GX2 crashes/exception dump?

    Have 3.2e, rev 14. USB GX2 randomly crashes to exception dump. Not all the time and not when I'm doing anything in particular - anyone else experience this and know an answer?
  2. Col70

    Hacking Buggered Wii - were to send for repair?

    Ok I have a Wii that is well and truely buggered. When the unit is switched on I just get black screen. What I did to bugger it: When installing a nand backup using BootMii, we had a power-out in the house. When I switched the Wii on - hey presto nothing, zip, zilch, nada! What I've tried: The...
  3. Col70

    Gaming Afetr a Wii on the cheap with just USB?

    recently modded a wii for someone who's disc drive wouldnt work but could boot games via USB... wouldnt sell it to me but wondered if anyone in the UK had one to sell or knew of someone selling?
  4. Col70

    Hacking Bootmii killed my Wii

    Ok the situation was as follows: My Wii was a 3.2e with preloader, Bootmii as IOS, rev14, cIOScorp 3.2 I upgraded cIOScorp to 3.3 and it didn't have the desired effect and would only take a few iso's etc Because of this I thought I would use Bootmii to go back to its previos state. Started...
  5. Col70

    Hacking Healthii for 4.1e?

    I recently got hold of a Wii and have modded it to rev14 and have preloader 0.29 and bootmii installed. On an old Wii on 3.2e I was able to launch healthii to install custome health screens. Does anyone know how I can does this on a 4.1e?
  6. Col70

    Hacking cIOS249r7.wad????

    a major noob mate of mine thinks that he may have installed or uninstalled cIOS249r7.wad using wad manager. Now his wii wont boot new games via usb, disc channel boots 'some' games via disc channel - but in black and white and when he tried to reinstall cIOScorp, it wouldnt run as it was missing...
  7. Col70

    Gaming UK Wii Releases July 2009

    Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince Jul 3rd 2009 Rygar: The Battle Of Argus Jul 3rd 2009 Ready, Steady, Cook: The Game Jul 3rd 2009 Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 Jul 3rd 2009 Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 Jul 3rd 2009 Space Camp Jul 3rd 2009 Summer Sports Party Jul 3rd 2009 The Conduit Jul 10th...
  8. Col70

    Gaming Do u need WM+ for Sports Resort?

    Got the game running but keeps telling me to select a wiimote - which I do but keeps looping back as if it's saying that I need to have Wiimotion+
  9. Col70

    Hacking What do IOS38 rev 13b & Custom IOS38 rev 13a actually do?

    I've been sat at rev 10 for ages now and everything seems fine, but after reading through various threads regarding GST, Ghostbusters and now Sports Resort, finally upgraded to 13b, but can't see any difference other than having to plug my HDD into a specific USB port?? So, what do they...
  10. Col70

    Gaming Conduit on USB or HD?

    I know everyone wants The Conduit yadda yadda yadda What I wanna know is, has anyone got it on USB or HD yet?
  11. Col70

    Hacking The Conduit Conundrum

    With all the fun and frolics over Ghostbusters and Grand Slam Tennis, I'll eat my face if The Conduit doesn't have us all feverishly typing awy to find out the cios updates
  12. Col70

    Hacking Why does NTSE look so good

    Just got a 42"plasma and when I boot Biohazard0 (JAP) and SMG (US NTSE) both from USB, they look awsome and yet when I boot the PAL versions, they blurred and pale?
  13. Col70

    Hacking BootMii by iso - what's the point?

    As my Wii is one of the Wii that won't install via Boot2, as far as I understand it, BootMii will only work via the HBC. As my Wii won't boot HBC direct from Preloader, I can't see the point of it as it'll only be any good if you can boot HBC from preloader....
  14. Col70

    Hacking Disc Channel stopped working?

    Anyone help out here. Loaded up a disc today and got the banner appear ok with the game image. Clicked it and the Wii started its usual disc cycle, screen flickered as usual then nothing... Tried the above using both an original and bup and got the same result. Even tried booting with the 'Y'...
  15. Col70

    Hacking HOTD 2&3 and MOHH2 - workaround?

    I have been waiting patiently for a workaround to these on USB - has anyone got any idea how to boot these on USB yet?
  16. Col70

    Hacking HOTD 2&3 and MOHH2 - workaround?

    I have been waiting patiently for a workaround to these on USB - has anyone got any idea how to boot these on USB yet?
  17. Col70

    Hacking USB 1.1/Medaol of Honor/House of the Dead????

    Ok somebody must know why they don't work with USB 1.1 and a way around it (HOTD 2 doesn't work and 3 does and MOHH2 crashes after strap screen)???? Come on coders - I'm sure there's an answer...
  18. Col70

    Gaming Multi/Two Player Games

    Other than Wii Sports, Mario Kart, Tetris Party and House Of The Dead Overkill what do you guys rate as a multi or two player game (particulary cooperative games like House of the Dead)???
  19. Col70

    Hacking I've lost Starfall?!?

    Basically when I press Y on the GC pad it boots to the Press A screen. Preloader is still present. Anyone suggest why or how it's gone or how I get it back?
  20. Col70

    Gaming Wii Sports profiles and highscores

    Wii Sports: Have tried to copy the save data file from one console to another and although my Mii is on both, I lose my points etc - is there any way to transfer all the scores from one console to another????
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    Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo: Wii Spurts