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  1. M

    Hacking Micro Sd "Disk is not ready"

    I cant access my Micro SD through PC, even through CMD.. it perfectly fine playing with the R4 DS, this is the 1st time it happened for 2 years.. I tried other micro SD, it works, this is the only SD that wont work.. i want to copy new games and back up my games.. is there a sollution ? Cant...
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    Gaming Question about Final Fantasy Tactics A2 or FFT in general.

    Can I play FFTA2, even though i havent played any FFT games before? Storywise? is there to many referencing about older game in the series? would i be spoiled, or would it take something away when i play the older games in the future? i can only play my DS now, my brother's PSP is very...
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    Gaming unlock all booster packs in yugi 2011 Nexus through AR or ?

    is there any way to unlock all of those? like AR codes or such ingame tehcniques... i don't want to get all the cards by cheats, just unlock the packs..
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    Misc can i use this wifi network adapter? that, i want to have wifi in my house, i have broadband connection here in the philippines. Is that adapter can support the DS wifi? if not...what if this.. thanks, im really new to this...
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    Gaming DS games you've finished and your experience and thoughts

    well,thoughts about DS games that you've finished or played long enough.. not all the games you've finished, but you know, just the worth it and what games you think that is Overrated,Underrated and such...just not those silly call.. and give a little introduction of what kind of...
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    Homebrew Full packaged NESds?

    can someone upload, or give me a link where i can download it, i mean, with games on it, like BATTLE City, Adventure island and mario.... same with lameboy... thanks...
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    Gaming Radiant Historia save problem in 1.28 wood

    I have some problems, after i save, and then try to load it, or save again, a prompt says that "GAME data was corrupted, backup save is recovered" i only have 1.28wood FW, i don't have now a MSD reader, google says that i can force 512kb file size for the game, is it ok even if i dont update my...
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    Gaming Games that can be enjoy with one DS and 3/4 players

    you know, i mean, by turns.. like after i finished a race in mario kart, my friend will play it who's better?.. i only have 1 ds, they don't have.. and as much as we enjoy mario kart and fighting games by turns, we would like to play a game that's fun and can identify who's...
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    Gaming a way to identify a ROM that can brick a DSlite?

    is playing a mysterious ROM "CRACKED DQ9 SOTSS" [245mb] in no$gba and able to play it assure that it is not a bricker?.. i played it on the Emulator last year ,just got my DSlite in April..and im planning to transfer my save game and the game to my r4, so is it okay? i'd searched the net...
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    Gaming is it ok to charge DSlite even though it's not lowbatt?

    yeah, i asked like a noob...well, is it ok? ..thanks...
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    Gaming Is playing DS' KingdomHearts first than KH1 can spoil story?

    title... I want to play KH games on DS, i have my PS2 back then, but now it's broken, never really had a chance to play KH1 then..Is playing 358/2 and Recoded can spoil/ruin the story for me? i also have a PSP, so i'll play BSB if DS's KHs will spoil it..
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    Hacking Moonshell 2.10 hangs while watching a DPG movie

    So i was wathcing a 100mb clips, then moonshell just hangs then the light keep blinking like it's in sleep mode... it's the 4th time it happens to me in 2 weeks time, (my DSlite is 2 weeks old).. i have the original R4...why it's happening?
  13. M

    Hacking Can't recognize/detect r4 sometimes..

    when im using moonshell or a game, in the middle of it, it hangs up, the green light is blinking like in sleep mode, it has display on screen, ( im watching a movie on moonshell and then it happens) , i'd push all the buttons, never worked... then i turn it off and turn it on after 10 secs, it...
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    Gaming Soft pouch or Crystal Case?

    I know they're two different things but there's a DSlite package i'm going to buy tommorow, the option is with soft pouch or crystal case...what's better? im sorry, i really don't know a lot of DS
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    Gaming Buying NDS lite here in the Philippines..

    I'm planning to buy DS lite on April 9, I need Help, this is the package i'm going to buy.. so there, PHP 6,800=$158, 1 x Brand New DS Lite*** 1 x Original R4DS (with 2011 Woods Edition firmware) 1 x 2GB Microsd 1 x Screen Protector...
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    Gaming What do you like in Golden Sun series?

    i'd played about 3/4 of the GS2 while 1/2 in GS1, i got sick with all these dialog, (small texts from a GBA screens annoy me a lot)... so what do you like about GS??,, im planning to play GS1 and 2 these week if i got enough motivation...what so good about GS? flaming please, just...
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    Gaming [HELP]Dragon Quest 9

    so i've been playing it for 10 hours, im on abbot altrades, i look at a walkthrough and they say the "recipe" thing, i'd never got one, i always search bookshelves, but i got always nothing, the i follow the walkthrough where are bookshelves that has recipe, but when i analyse na shelves, it...
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    Gaming Best JRPG series

    let's vote to see what is the best series of JRPG,..Vote then explain why and what is your favorite among the series that you picked. And if you have a game in the series that you picked that you didn't like, put it also here mine is Final Fantasy series, Because of the storyline (best),music...
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    Gaming is Soma Bringer worth the time??

    im thinking playing it, i'd played it a little...but i don't get it...was is so good about this game??tnx... PS: i was playing tales of innocense but my saves got corrupted, been 15hours on that..T_T
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    Gaming i need Tales of Innocense and Prof Layton Curious Vill. savs

    i need them, my saves are gone.. prof layton must be in 6-8 chapter...and tales of innocense in "the time where i just got those mushroom from the undergground cave." ...need help..tnx !
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  • BakerMan
    I rather enjoy a life of taking it easy. I haven't reached that life yet though.
    BakerMan @ BakerMan: sorry, that's a song