Search results

  1. Phillyman

    Hardware Building a new PC for 2013!

    So my aging Core2Duo (Q6600) computer died the other night, so I decided to build a new computer. To be fair, I think the power supply died, but's a week until my birthday so might as well go all out. Here is what I have ordered so far! and by Christmas I...
  2. Phillyman

    Pat the NES Punk on DVD! (Indiegogo)

    I never did get to help with the AVGN movie fund raiser, but Pat the NES Punk is doing a Indiegogo campaign to raise funds to put his work on DVD. I for one am funding it, because not only are his video's enjoyable......but I want to see more of this type of stuff out there...
  3. Phillyman

    Help me name this alien movie from 20+ years ago

    I am going crazy trying to put a name to this memory of a movie that I watched as a kid. I only can remember the very last scene from the movie. Basically I think its a movie about alien's taking over a town, and the end scene of the movie is where the kid wakes up in his bed (I think) and...
  4. Phillyman

    Gene Simmons Son Rips of Bleach Manga

    BLEACH MANGA SPOILERS PRESENT IN LINK BELOW! So Gene Simmons (KISS)....well Mr. Simmons had the following to say about "File Sharers" With that in mind, his son has decided to pretty much rip off the Bleach Manga (Comic) for his own gain...
  5. Phillyman

    Recommended Video Game Sites?

    Lately I have discovered some really cool video game websites out there, and was hoping that I could poll you guys for even more that I may have missed? It doesnt matter to me if its general video game news, retro console information, long as it has something to do with video...
  6. Phillyman

    Anyone here ever been on a Sky Coaster?

    Here is yours truly the other day on one It was the best $27 ever spent!
  7. Phillyman

    Buick Century to Honda Civic.

    So I might be ready to buy my first new car.......let me take you over the history of my cars 1992 Dodge Spirit This was my first car, it lasted me for a few years and then something in the engine went. 1989 Ford Taurus This...
  8. Phillyman

    Started at the Gym

    Ok so back when I was 18 years old, I weighed in at 180lbs, when I was about 21 I was coming in at 210lbs, two years ago I was at 235lbs......and now I am sitting at 255lbs. Well its finally getting to me, my 29th birthday is in 7 days, and I need to drop this weight before my 30th birthday! I...
  9. Phillyman

    Anyone here been to Cirque du Soleil??

    I just bought two tickets for Cirque du Soleil, they are coming to the Washington DC area at the end of October, I am going to the Kooza show. Anyone been to one of there shows? Just cost me $200 for tickets.
  10. Phillyman

    N64 - Why did they not have protective sleeves?

    Been thinking about this one for a while, The NES had the black sleeves, The SNES had the clear plastic sleeves, the Gamecube had cases, and the Wii has cases......but the poor N64 doesn't have a sleeve? How hard could it have been for someone to come up with something that slides onto the end...
  11. Phillyman

    Gaming So I bought a bunch of GBA games!

    Tell me if I did good or not , These are all with free shipping.... $10 $10 $11 $10 $10 $8 $12 $5 $11 $13 $8 $10 $10
  12. Phillyman

    Free Ebay Alternative For Gamers....

    Ok so we all know what we hate about Ebay.... Get charged for listing Get charged for selling Get charged for receiving money Its like they charge us every possible way to make us broke Well it seems as though someone has heard our outrage and started their own Ebay Alternative. No Listing...
  13. Phillyman

    Not there yet.....Need to push further!!

    Ok so playing GTA4.....I realize that we are not pushing the limit of gaming yet. Everyone wants to think this game is controversial .....but I feel we can go further! 1) Where are kids at in GTA4? I should be able to powerslide into a mother and child crossing the street. Also add some school...
  14. Phillyman

    I cant stop laughing at this....

    I almost fell off my chair laughing at this post on Craigslist.... need someone to take a dump on my neighbors fromt porch while I'm away (falls church)
  15. Phillyman

    Can You Donate Some EGM Magazines?

    I am currently looking for people to donate Electronic Gaming Monthly magazines. If anyone has the following issues laying around collecting dust, it would be greatly appreciated if you could donate them. I can only pay for shipping costs, but know that your magazines are going to a good cause...
  16. Phillyman

    Help Name This Movie.....

    I am sure most of us have seen the trailer for Jumper.....This trailer reminds me of another similar movie that came out a few years ago that centered around teenagers with superpowers. It was 2 friends or 2 cousins that one of them went evil and the other stayed good.....Also I believe the...
  17. Phillyman

    Who Here Remembers Quake 2?? (PC)

    Ok so I just got thinking about Quake 2 tonite, I can only remember very vague memories of Online Multiplayer......I think they were all Slayer type games (maybe free for alls?) Anyways I can distinctly remember 3 maps.... 1) Big Gate with a tower in the corner, an elevator goes up to the top...
  18. Phillyman

    If Every Human Died.....

    Ok so I have been thinking about this for a few days now......Everyone is talking about how global warming will raise the sea level. My question is if EVERY human died, how much would the sea level raise? Here are the rough numbers 6 Billion People on Earth Humans are 60% water Average weight...
  19. Phillyman

    Godaddy is teh sux!

    Ok So I have Shared Hosting through GoDaddy and I get 100gb of space and 1000GB of bandwidth each month. Well lately my site has been slow as balls and I am getting tired of waiting 7-12 seconds for each page to load. So its time to move.....Anyone know of a Good Hosting company that has at...
  20. Phillyman

    All I want for Chrismas is some glittering poop?

    WTF? Is this suppose to be for rich people that can wipe their ass's with $100 bills?
General chit-chat
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    Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo: @BigOnYa, FarCry 5 is an awesome game with multiple endings!