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  1. D

    Hacking Need your guys' advice!

    Hey everyone, I've been out of the flash card scene for a long time now due to my M3 Slim SD breaking on me not too long after I first got it : ( So as you may imagine, I'm shocked that everything is down to single slot now. I'm looking to get a new flashcard now, so what would you guys...
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    Hacking Need help with my old M3 Slim SD

    I've been out of the flashcard news for well over a year now, and all this new mumbo jumbo with single slot is amazing. The technology has progressed so much...anyways My trusty ol' M3 Slim SD has stopped working. I get a blank screen when I boot up. The passcard works and everything, I see the...
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    Hacking Am I screwed?

    Well about an hour ago I updated my M3 to v25, and I forgot to delete the update file from the root directory of my SD card (so the update screen still came up when you boot up.) Well, my brother's friend picks up my Lite and turns it on and clicks A on the update screen, I didn't care so...
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    Hacking v25 problems!!

    Yeah, the latest M3 update and game manager won't extract correctly from me from says something about an "unknown method" and then the file name, when I click "extract". I've gotten the download from zshare and dualscene, both the same thing, and the one on the official site is a...
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    Gaming Metroid Prime Hunters is really pissing me off..

    I've rewritten it countless times using the settings on the m3 wiki but it still never works, it will freeze up near the beginning where you load a save or right after that with a high pitched beeeeeeeeeeeep sound. I'm using *edit* v21b update and game manager.. What am I doing wrong?!?
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    Gaming Metroid Prime Hunters *help*!

    Well, my Metroid Prime Hunters will freeze with a high pitched BEEEEEP noise right after I choose to load a game (in-game menu). Any ideas why? Also, does the Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap have an internal clock, like that simulates day and night?
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    Hacking Saving DS games with an M3

    Yeah, I got my M3 slim the other day and I've been playing NDS games on it and stuff, but I have no idea how to save my progress. How do I go about doing that? I know, dumb, n00b question, sorry
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    Hacking How exactly do you change the skin on an M3?

    So yeah, how exactly do you change it?
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    Hardware GBA saving on an M3..

    So say when I play Shining Soul 2 on my M3 SD, I save by pressing L+R+A+B and selecting the first "save" option. If I quit out of that, and play a differnent game, if I use the L+R+A+B save function, will it overwrite my Shining Soul 2 data? P.S. Should all games be able to use the L+R+A+B...
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    Hacking A-Data 2GB SD Card - M3 Update??

    I read someone on here saying that their A-Data 2GB SD Card won't work with the newest official firmare this true? I need to know before I upgrade my firmware cause I just got my M3 it today..
  11. D

    I think there should be a new forum..

    I think there should be a new forum about online sites that sell backup devices; recommendations, questions to ask, etc. I think it'd be pretty helpful considering there are probably a lot of people looking for good places to buy from.
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