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  1. Xanthious

    GBATemp WIFI Weekend #2

    Will I be able to participate with my DS Flash Card or no ? I've never tried using it for multiplayer and I'm not sure if using a Flash Card buggers it or no.
  2. Xanthious

    Gaming Is the 3DS worth getting?

    A co-worker of mine bought one on launch and he's largely unimpressed. As you stated the launch titles are underwhelming at best and he claims that he gets headaches if he plays for too long with the 3D on. On top of that he says that the 3D "sweet spot" is pretty sensitive and that if he's not...
  3. Xanthious

    Hacking US Retailer / Flash Cartridge Reccomendation

    I'm personally hoping that the Xperia Play will have a bit better performance than my Droid Incredible and I will be able to use that for all my emulation. I will likely hold off on getting a slot 2 card until I see how well the Xperia Play does with GBA emulation. I would of went soley with the...
  4. Xanthious

    Hacking US Retailer / Flash Cartridge Reccomendation

    Well after reading what you fellas said and a bit more research I decided to go back with an AceKard 2i again. It seemed that the DSTwo, while an awesome card no doubt, had a lot of extra bells and whistles I wouldn't have much use for. So today I went and bought a black DS Lite and Pokemon...
  5. Xanthious

    Hacking US Retailer / Flash Cartridge Reccomendation

    Well if it's kind of buggy I might just go with a dedicated slot two card then. I have "close to perfect" emulation on my Droid Incredible so I'd like to have perfect emulation if possible and it seems like the DSTwo is a bit off of that from what I've read both here and in reviews. Considering...
  6. Xanthious

    Hacking US Retailer / Flash Cartridge Reccomendation

    Thanks for that advice! I looked up the site and the cart you reccomended. How is the GBA and SNES emulators on the supercard dstwo?
  7. Xanthious

    Hacking US Retailer / Flash Cartridge Reccomendation

    Ok. Im getting a DS here (again) shortly. I used to have one and an Ace2Kart and it was pretty well perfect. Here is what I'm hoping you guys can help me with. First and foremost I was hoping to find a reliable US retailer. I REALLY don't want buy out of China or Canada or Guam or some other...
  8. Xanthious

    Hardware Next Nintendo DS Titled "Nintendo 3DS"

    Well this could end up being another PSPGo or Virtual Boy or it could end up being something that's halfway worth a damn. Right now I'm leaning towards the Virtual Boy route.
  9. Xanthious

    Gaming Games For Windows - On Demand. 75% Off Batman: AA

    Thats an awesome price on what might of been the best game to come out last year. Sadly I avoid Games for Windows titles. Xbox Live is a hell of a thing but trying to force PC gamers to accept a half baked version of it doesn't work for me. Steam has a much better set up and M$ will be hard...
  10. Xanthious

    Emulation Moto Droid GBA Emu Questions

    Hey all. I've been looking at the GBA Emu in the Android Marketplace but wasn't sure if it's worth the download or not. Anyone have experience with it? Does it run games at full speed? How is the compatibility? Any input you could pass along would be appreciated. Thanks !
  11. Xanthious

    R e v o l u t i o n

    Before everyone gets all excited about this new way of controlling video games I suggest we all take a big collective time out and reflect on the fact that new ways of controlling games is nothing new to Nintendo. Heck they have been shoving new controllers down our throat since the days of NES...
  12. Xanthious

    The GB Micro is out!

    Now let me say that the "big N" really knows how to fleece thier loyal fanbase. They release another handheld unit that has a smaller screen and interfaces that arent compatible with already existing hardware and they give it to us for the bargain price of 20 dollars MORE than the SP unit. I...
  13. Xanthious

    GBAtemp Skin Contest Voting

    The pretty colors get my vote. Go Bojzi. Ummm who is Bojzi ?
  14. Xanthious is back !

    Dont go spending that money yet Dice *runs off* BACK IN THE CAGE YOU SNEAKY ITALIAN !!! BACK IN YOUR CAGE OR ITS TWENTY MORE LASHES TONIGHT !!!
  15. Xanthious is back !

    Who was that strange man . . . . he seems vaugely familiar.
  16. Xanthious is back !

    Anyone able to explain why I can access this site no problem in Firefox but I couldnt get it to open up in IE to save my life. . . its no big deal to me but I thought it was a bit strange.
  17. Xanthious

    Welcome to GBAtemp v2!

    I would of voted for you.
  18. Xanthious

    Teh Person Above Meh ^

    ^ Will never live down the "incident" with the moose. < Is pwned by Costello cause he has NO skills updating m4d v Will be confronted by three men wearing dark coats later tonight
  19. Xanthious

    Welcome to GBAtemp v2!

    Thank you, I will go back to pointing at the flashing screen and drooling again.
  20. Xanthious

    Welcome to GBAtemp v2!

    Awesome job guys. Now I might just be acting stupid like but has the quick reply box departed ?
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