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  1. Arfiol

    Alleged LulzSec Top Boss Arrested in Scotland

    I hope not. These people have generated more lulz than the world has seen in a long time. Of course, PS3 owners might disagree...
  2. Arfiol

    Guilty pleasures

    I guess my guilty pleasure is hanging on 7chan.
  3. Arfiol


    Rydian's departure is really too bad; he was an interesting member, and will surely be missed.
  4. Arfiol

    Comment by 'Arfiol' in 'Darn'

    Rydian's departure is really too bad; he was an interesting member, and will surely be missed.
  5. Arfiol

    Uhg, stupid PSP

    Doesn't the battery come with a warranty? Even if it doesn't, I'd say buying a new battery is a good idea. I'm no expert, but what you're describing sound like a faulty battery, and hey: even if it's the PSP that's broken, you will be one step closer to fixing the problem.
  6. Arfiol

    Comment by 'Arfiol' in 'Uhg, stupid PSP'

    Doesn't the battery come with a warranty? Even if it doesn't, I'd say buying a new battery is a good idea. I'm no expert, but what you're describing sound like a faulty battery, and hey: even if it's the PSP that's broken, you will be one step closer to fixing the problem.
  7. Arfiol

    Minecraft in school

    It might be a fun idea to try out once, as an entertaining change of pace for the students, but Minecraft could never be a frequent tool for art classes.
  8. Arfiol

    Recommend me a funny anime

    I'll have to say A-channel. It doesn't have much to do with Full Metal Panic: Fumoffu, it's more like a crossover between Lucky Star and K-ON!, but hilarious nonetheless.
  9. Arfiol

    Gay couple asked to reverse shirt at Dollywood

    I don't really know about this. You have to remember that the couple were ASKED to turn the t-shirt inside out, not FORCED. Still, not being able to wear a garment because SOME people MAY find it offensive is total crap to me. You should always be able to say and wear what you want, regardless...
  10. Arfiol

    Original Gameboy screen problem

    Hmm... Usually there's not much you can do about GB errors, since they're all about malfunctioning hardware. Unless you're ready to go deep and tinker with your Game Boy's hardware, I'd say that it'd be best to just accept your machine for what it is.
  11. Arfiol

    Gaming National Geographic Challenge save file crash

    I don't think you're going to find much help regarding "National Geographic Challenge" on the internet... The only thing I can think of is to try all general solutions. Changing the loader software, trying another ISO...
  12. Arfiol

    Dragon Cliff update

    If any of the very few people who knew about Dragon Cliff still remember it, deserve a gold medal. In any case: If you want to read about Dragon Cliff, view my previous blog entries. Due to several reasons (laziness), I've been putting off the production of Dragon Cliff for a long...
  13. Arfiol

    Dragon Cliff update

    If any of the very few people who knew about Dragon Cliff still remember it, deserve a gold medal. In any case: If you want to read about Dragon Cliff, view my previous blog entries. Due to several reasons (laziness), I've been putting off the production of Dragon Cliff for a long...
  14. Arfiol

    Best way to play NES, SNES, GBA/C games?

    I've been emulating SNES on the PSP for ages and everything works fine for me, with the exception of occasional lag.
  15. Arfiol

    I need suggestions..

    I agree. You're setting the bar WAY too high here... You might want to check out Guardian Heroes, though. It's on the Saturn, but I don't really know what else to say...
  16. Arfiol

    Notch adds new mob to Minecraft!

    I second that. The Minecraft audio is indeed...disturbing.
  17. Arfiol

    Homebrew Ds Homebrew Project *Terraria LIKE Game* 2D

    Look, there's an extremely simple reason why this game can never be: Every time someone tries to rally people for something that is still an "idea", nobody will join the project. You can't start off with such detailed design and in-depth description; you have to start out small. You may have...
  18. Arfiol

    Gaming Wii U ‘Changes The Way We Play First-Person Shooters’

    FPS on the Wii U sounds like an awful idea. To me, FPS games must be played with a mouse/keyboard; otherwise one cannot play to his full abilities.
  19. Arfiol

    Gaming The Zelda HD Wii U Tech Demo Wouldn’t Be Possible

    I would rather not have Skyward Sword on the Wii U. Though I loathe having to use the Wii remote for a Zelda game, I would feel even worse using the Wii U controller (unless the game will be played mostly with the classic controller, in which case the Wii U is preferable). To me, Zelda needs to...
  20. Arfiol

    [Essentials] N64

    Wow, looking at the previous posts, it's even clearer how big of a factor nostalgia is here. Zelda OOT/MM Donkey Kong 64 Super Mario 64 Super Smash Bros Starfox 64
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