Rock Band/Guitar Hero DLC wad install help


New Member
Oct 9, 2022
United States

I've been having difficulty getting DLC to work with Rock Band and Guitar Hero. I've followed the instructions on WiiGuide to mod my Wii using LetterBomb. I've also installed the RiiConnect wads. I have a 2TB HDD and a 16GB micro SD, formatted to FAT32. I'm using USB Loader GX to launch the games, which has been working just fine. I dumped the NAND to the SD card and running all the games with an emuNAND. All DLC has been obtained from the Repository.

Using the instructions for wad2bin (0.7), I am able to install the DLC for Beatles Rock Band, except for Abbey Road (anyone ever get that working?). When I follow the same procedure for any other game, DLC doesn't work. Here's what I've experienced so far:

Guitar Hero World Tour - Installing the Big wad gives me an in-game message saying I've exceeded the 140 song limit. Installing Split wads results in a 'corrupt content' message.
Rock Band 2 - Installing any wads results in a 'corrupt content' message.
Rock Band 3 - Installing the Big wad gives me an in-game message saying the songs are outdated. Installing Split wads results in a 'corrupt content' message.

I just want a few dozen songs, so Split wads would be my preferred method, if possible. If I'm not mistaken, the DLC for RB2 should work with RB3, so I really only need to get RB3 working.

I started reading through HarvHouHacker's posts and it seems pretty involved. Before I head down that route, I was hoping someone could point out anything obvious that I'm doing wrong. I've been going through the forums quite a bit and seems that many of you have gotten this to work, so I know it's possible. I've spent hours with this so far, and I'm out of ideas.


Here is my system log:

SysCheck HDE v2.4.0 HacksDen Edition by JoostinOnline
...runs on IOS58 (rev 6176).
Region: NTSC-U
System Menu 4.3U (v513)
Priiloader installed
Drive date: 02.13.2007
Homebrew Channel 1.1.2 running on IOS58
Hollywood v0x11
Console ID: 116288908
Console Type: Wii
Shop Channel Country: United States (49)
Boot2 v4
Found 106 titles.
Found 47 IOS on this console. 15 of them are stubs.
IOS4 (rev 65280): Stub
IOS9 (rev 1034): No Patches
IOS10 (rev 768): Stub
IOS11 (rev 256): Stub
IOS12 (rev 526): No Patches
IOS13 (rev 1032): No Patches
IOS14 (rev 1032): No Patches
IOS15 (rev 1032): No Patches
IOS16 (rev 512): Stub
IOS17 (rev 1032): No Patches
IOS20 (rev 256): Stub
IOS21 (rev 1039): No Patches
IOS22 (rev 1294): No Patches
IOS28 (rev 1807): No Patches
IOS30 (rev 2816): Stub
IOS31 (rev 3608): Trucha Bug
IOS33 (rev 3608): No Patches
IOS34 (rev 3608): No Patches
IOS35 (rev 3608): No Patches
IOS36 (rev 3608): No Patches
IOS37 (rev 5663): No Patches
IOS38 (rev 4124): No Patches
IOS40 (rev 3072): Stub
IOS41 (rev 3607): No Patches
IOS43 (rev 3607): No Patches
IOS45 (rev 3607): No Patches
IOS46 (rev 3607): No Patches
IOS48 (rev 4124): No Patches
IOS50 (rev 5120): Stub
IOS51 (rev 4864): Stub
IOS52 (rev 5888): Stub
IOS53 (rev 5663): No Patches
IOS55 (rev 5663): No Patches
IOS56 (rev 5662): No Patches
IOS57 (rev 5919): No Patches
IOS58 (rev 6176): USB 2.0
IOS60 (rev 6400): Stub
IOS61 (rev 5662): No Patches
IOS62 (rev 6430): No Patches
IOS70 (rev 6912): Stub
IOS80 (rev 6944): Trucha Bug
IOS222 (rev 65280): Stub
IOS223 (rev 65280): Stub
IOS249[57] (rev 65535
IOS250[56] (rev 65535
IOS251[38] (rev 65535
IOS254 (rev 65280): Stub
BC v6
MIOS v10
Report generated on 10/09/2022.
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Active Member
Oct 17, 2012
United States
I used riiconnect24 patcher and split wads and get the same "out of date" issue.
I'm guessing I'm going to run into the same problem when trying to run wad2bin independently.
--edit: seems that 367 of the 601 did load into rock band 3. I'm guessing I'll have to manually do the rock band 2 songs. For your issue I would suggest trying riiconnect24 patcher for the wad installs and see if that helps?
I also got mine from the repository. It appears that the patcher did succeed at the RB3 repository files. My "out dated" error seems to only apply to RB2 files. Gonna try running wad2bin as you have but just for those files with the null check box or whatever it says.
edit: tried running wad2bin manually and notice it doesn't like the checksums. I'm under the impression that it has something to do with the rock band 2 repository files.
And no I don't fully understand what I'm saying I'm sorry.
I just see your issue and hope to find your solution as I need it too

edit again:
So I started all over, used RiiConnect24 patcher to install the dlc wads exactly step by step as the program directed.
WiiModLite obviously froze at the end of install, but I just turned it off and knew it did what it needed to do and moved on to the next steps:
This worked for installing ALL the songs, but only allowed me to use the non-rock band 2 repository. (same expired error on the RB2 dlcs)
I then ran xyzz to get my keys again, and ran wad2bin to install ONLY the rock band 2 files that didn't unlock but were installed.
It proceeded to run and had tons of error messages about bad checksum etc.
I let it finish, then removed the sdcard and put it back into the wii. I did NOT install its bogus wads as directed by wad2bin, and suddenly those songs were unlocked too.
So now I have everything working that I wanted from both repositories.
I am hoping Guitar Hero, Band Hero, and DJ Hero aren't going to be this challenging. I am not very smart and have no clue what I'm actually doing lol. But what I am sharing with you worked for me.
I can post a syscheck I just haven't been on here in years I gotta re-add it.
Last edited by Ripto,


New Member
Oct 9, 2022
United States
I think you're smarter than you give yourself credit for!

I was able to install Rock Band 2 DLC into Rock Band 3 using your method. Here's what I did:

1. Using RiiConnect, put all the RB2 and RB3 songs in the 'wad2bin' folder and run the bat file.
2. Follow the instructions to install wads to the SD card. Move the SD card to the Wii.
3. On the Wii, run Wii Mod Lite, uninstall all the wads, then install them. (sounds silly, but just do it.)
4. Run Rock Band 3, let the songs import. You will see a message about out of date songs.
5. Close Rock Band 3, run XYZZY and get your keys (I erase mine prior to step 1)
6. Move the SD card back to the computer.
7. Run wad2bin, use the parent ID for Rock Band 2, select ONLY the RB2 DLC wads. Check 'nullkey'.
8. Move the SD card back to the Wii, DO NOT install the wads this time.
9. Open up Rock Band 3 and the songs should install.

I know I'm basically repeating what Ripto said, but I wanted to add a little clarification to his steps.

I had a few songs that didn't work, but they may have been bad copies. I don't know if it's necessary to combine the RB2 and RB3 DLC for step 1, but that's how I did it. Also, I'm not sure you need to delete and reacquire the keys each time, but again, that's what worked for me.

I was also able to get RB3 DLC to install using wad2bin and the Rock Band 3 parent ID, no 'nullkey (I'm not sure what I was doing wrong the first time). I may try this for Guitar Hero, but I'm pretty set with songs now.

I hope this helps someone else!
Last edited by Vern1980,


Active Member
Oct 17, 2012
United States
I think you're smarter than you give yourself credit for!

I was able to install Rock Band 2 DLC into Rock Band 3 using your method. Here's what I did:

1. Using RiiConnect, put all the RB2 and RB3 songs in the 'wad2bin' folder and run the bat file.
2. Follow the instructions to install wads to the SD card. Move the SD card to the Wii.
3. On the Wii, run Wii Mod Lite, uninstall all the wads, then install them. (sounds silly, but just do it.)
4. Run Rock Band 3, let the songs import. You will see a message about out of date songs.
5. Close Rock Band 3, run XYZZY and get your keys (I erase mine prior to step 1)
6. Move the SD card back to the computer.
7. Run wad2bin, use the parent ID for Rock Band 2, select ONLY the RB2 DLC wads. Check 'nullkey'.
8. Move the SD card back to the Wii, DO NOT install the wads this time.
9. Open up Rock Band 3 and the songs should install.

I know I'm basically repeating what Ripto said, but I wanted to add a little clarification to his steps.

I had a few songs that didn't work, but they may have been bad copies. I don't know if it's necessary to combine the RB2 and RB3 DLC for step 1, but that's how I did it. Also, I'm not sure you need to delete and reacquire the keys each time, but again, that's what worked for me.

I was also able to get RB3 DLC to install using wad2bin and the Rock Band 3 parent ID, no 'nullkey (I'm not sure what I was doing wrong the first time). I may try this for Guitar Hero, but I'm pretty set with songs now.

I hope this helps someone else!
Sorry I hadn't logged back in to re-check this. I wanted to say thank you for saying what I could not!
I feel this information is actually super relevant to anyone who has had problems considering we were able to solve our issues with the exact same solve method. :)
Thank you again!


New Member
Dec 2, 2022
United States
I think you're smarter than you give yourself credit for!

I was able to install Rock Band 2 DLC into Rock Band 3 using your method. Here's what I did:

1. Using RiiConnect, put all the RB2 and RB3 songs in the 'wad2bin' folder and run the bat file.
2. Follow the instructions to install wads to the SD card. Move the SD card to the Wii.
3. On the Wii, run Wii Mod Lite, uninstall all the wads, then install them. (sounds silly, but just do it.)
4. Run Rock Band 3, let the songs import. You will see a message about out of date songs.
5. Close Rock Band 3, run XYZZY and get your keys (I erase mine prior to step 1)
6. Move the SD card back to the computer.
7. Run wad2bin, use the parent ID for Rock Band 2, select ONLY the RB2 DLC wads. Check 'nullkey'.
8. Move the SD card back to the Wii, DO NOT install the wads this time.
9. Open up Rock Band 3 and the songs should install.

I know I'm basically repeating what Ripto said, but I wanted to add a little clarification to his steps.

I had a few songs that didn't work, but they may have been bad copies. I don't know if it's necessary to combine the RB2 and RB3 DLC for step 1, but that's how I did it. Also, I'm not sure you need to delete and reacquire the keys each time, but again, that's what worked for me.

I was also able to get RB3 DLC to install using wad2bin and the Rock Band 3 parent ID, no 'nullkey (I'm not sure what I was doing wrong the first time). I may try this for Guitar Hero, but I'm pretty set with songs now.

I hope this helps someone else!
I have a question about the wads you used. Did you use the split wads from the mariocube repository or the split wads? I'm currently using the big wads
Post automatically merged:

I think you're smarter than you give yourself credit for!

I was able to install Rock Band 2 DLC into Rock Band 3 using your method. Here's what I did:

1. Using RiiConnect, put all the RB2 and RB3 songs in the 'wad2bin' folder and run the bat file.
2. Follow the instructions to install wads to the SD card. Move the SD card to the Wii.
3. On the Wii, run Wii Mod Lite, uninstall all the wads, then install them. (sounds silly, but just do it.)
4. Run Rock Band 3, let the songs import. You will see a message about out of date songs.
5. Close Rock Band 3, run XYZZY and get your keys (I erase mine prior to step 1)
6. Move the SD card back to the computer.
7. Run wad2bin, use the parent ID for Rock Band 2, select ONLY the RB2 DLC wads. Check 'nullkey'.
8. Move the SD card back to the Wii, DO NOT install the wads this time.
9. Open up Rock Band 3 and the songs should install.

I know I'm basically repeating what Ripto said, but I wanted to add a little clarification to his steps.

I had a few songs that didn't work, but they may have been bad copies. I don't know if it's necessary to combine the RB2 and RB3 DLC for step 1, but that's how I did it. Also, I'm not sure you need to delete and reacquire the keys each time, but again, that's what worked for me.

I was also able to get RB3 DLC to install using wad2bin and the Rock Band 3 parent ID, no 'nullkey (I'm not sure what I was doing wrong the first time). I may try this for Guitar Hero, but I'm pretty set with songs now.

I hope this helps someone else!
I have a question. Which wads did you use? Did you use the big wads from the mariocube repository or the split wads? I'm currently using big wads.


Jan 31, 2023
United Kingdom
Sorry to jump in but ive tried various ways for rock band 3 and they all say an error occurred with sd when i try to load it any ideas ?


Jan 31, 2023
United Kingdom
Same here, and could I get some explanation of the benefit of using Riiconnect rather than just wad2bin?
I tried riiconnect and wad2bin and had no difference either way. Strange thing is the beatles dlc works straight away but i cant get any guitar hero or rock band ones to work
Post automatically merged:

I got my rock band 3 dlc working. It was all due to me not opening the shop before. So I updated the wii shop and opened it. Then when I went to rock band 3 all dlc 1000 + songs were added I had to install RB3 deluxe in the end to fit all the songs on.
Last edited by doc1984,


New Member
Feb 2, 2023
United States
Thank you so much for the steps. I've been struggling for weeks with out of date issues and not being able to load RB2 into RB3 at all. This fixed it.

My last issue is every time I open RB3, it has to refresh the 400+ songs which takes a long time. Does this happen to everyone or am I missing something? I'm using the disc channel to launch from SD card.

Edit: After a few reboots, got message that data needed to be transferred to the SD Card. That must have been song indexing or something. It no longer refreshes all DLC every time.
Last edited by olsondv,


Active Member
Oct 17, 2012
United States
I'm back with another Wii, and it appears to me that RiiConnect and wad2bin are not working for me.
I'm lookin' for a fresh step by step if any of you have one.
I will continue to fiddle with it, but I almost think it has something to do with python. wad2bin refuses my "directory" lengths of characters or something. Not sure whats going wrong there.
Riiconnected the Guitar Hero DLC via its WAD to SD feature but no luck on anything appearing in game. Haven't checked for a rock band song yet.
Also notice that now Wii Mod Lite wad manager has a couple quick flashing error messages on boot now which it didn't before the bogus wads.

Everything about this wii is better than the one I have and played with prior, but it needs the DLC I have on the other one to truly shine above the rest.


Jul 28, 2013
São Paulo
I tried riiconnect and wad2bin and had no difference either way. Strange thing is the beatles dlc works straight away but i cant get any guitar hero or rock band ones to work
Post automatically merged:

I got my rock band 3 dlc working. It was all due to me not opening the shop before. So I updated the wii shop and opened it. Then when I went to rock band 3 all dlc 1000 + songs were added I had to install RB3 deluxe in the end to fit all the songs on.
@doc1984, what shop are you talking about? I was able to get one RB2 DLC song and one RB3 DLC song to get recognized on RB3, but was just curious about shop.
You mean Wii Shop channel, or the Music Store on RB3 (which I can't even access anymore)?
Post automatically merged:

I will continue to fiddle with it, but I almost think it has something to do with python. wad2bin refuses my "directory" lengths of characters or something. Not sure whats going wrong there.
@Ripto, did you manage to get it working?
Although I only use wad2bin directly on command line, maybe I can try to help you with those Python problems - if you didn't solve it already, of course. Although I also only had success with Rock Band (Beatles, 2 and 3) so far.


New Member
Jan 25, 2024
United States
I think you're smarter than you give yourself credit for!

I was able to install Rock Band 2 DLC into Rock Band 3 using your method. Here's what I did:

1. Using RiiConnect, put all the RB2 and RB3 songs in the 'wad2bin' folder and run the bat file.
2. Follow the instructions to install wads to the SD card. Move the SD card to the Wii.
3. On the Wii, run Wii Mod Lite, uninstall all the wads, then install them. (sounds silly, but just do it.)
4. Run Rock Band 3, let the songs import. You will see a message about out of date songs.
5. Close Rock Band 3, run XYZZY and get your keys (I erase mine prior to step 1)
6. Move the SD card back to the computer.
7. Run wad2bin, use the parent ID for Rock Band 2, select ONLY the RB2 DLC wads. Check 'nullkey'.
8. Move the SD card back to the Wii, DO NOT install the wads this time.
9. Open up Rock Band 3 and the songs should install.

I know I'm basically repeating what Ripto said, but I wanted to add a little clarification to his steps.

I had a few songs that didn't work, but they may have been bad copies. I don't know if it's necessary to combine the RB2 and RB3 DLC for step 1, but that's how I did it. Also, I'm not sure you need to delete and reacquire the keys each time, but again, that's what worked for me.

I was also able to get RB3 DLC to install using wad2bin and the Rock Band 3 parent ID, no 'nullkey (I'm not sure what I was doing wrong the first time). I may try this for Guitar Hero, but I'm pretty set with songs now.

I hope this helps someone else!
To get RB2 wads to work on RB3, For me all I had to do was;
  • Follow the instructions to install wads to the SD card.
  • Run wad2bin, use the parent ID for "RB3", select ONLY the RB2 DLC wads. Check 'nullkey'.
  • Move the WAD file(s) starting with “00010000” and ending with “bogus.wad” to a folder called “wad” in your SD Card.
  • Move the SD card to the Wii.
  • On the Wii, run Wii Mod Lite, uninstall all the wads, then install them. (sounds silly, but just do it.)
  • Run Rock Band 3, let the songs import.
All songs we added successfully, no "Out of Date" error.


New Member
Mar 11, 2024
United States
To get RB2 wads to work on RB3, For me all I had to do was;
  • Follow the instructions to install wads to the SD card.
  • Run wad2bin, use the parent ID for "RB3", select ONLY the RB2 DLC wads. Check 'nullkey'.
  • Move the WAD file(s) starting with “00010000” and ending with “bogus.wad” to a folder called “wad” in your SD Card.
  • Move the SD card to the Wii.
  • On the Wii, run Wii Mod Lite, uninstall all the wads, then install them. (sounds silly, but just do it.)
  • Run Rock Band 3, let the songs import.
All songs we added successfully, no "Out of Date" error.
I tried this myself and I finally got the songs to show up but it's still giving me the out-of-date issue. I loaded one RB2 song onto RB3 by using wad2bin ,SD card as root, I made a new keys file, putting in the certification, I use nullky and use the parent ID of rock band 3 and then uninstalling then installing, once it installs it says It has an issue with the hash but whenever I load into rock band 3 it loads in just fine but when I try to play it it says it's out of date and needs to be redownloaded? Any clue what to do?
Post automatically merged:

To get RB2 wads to work on RB3, For me all I had to do was;
  • Follow the instructions to install wads to the SD card.
  • Run wad2bin, use the parent ID for "RB3", select ONLY the RB2 DLC wads. Check 'nullkey'.
  • Move the WAD file(s) starting with “00010000” and ending with “bogus.wad” to a folder called “wad” in your SD Card.
  • Move the SD card to the Wii.
  • On the Wii, run Wii Mod Lite, uninstall all the wads, then install them. (sounds silly, but just do it.)
  • Run Rock Band 3, let the songs import.
All songs we added successfully, no "Out of Date" error.
I tried this myself and I finally got the songs to show up but it's still giving me the out-of-date issue. I loaded one RB2 song onto RB3 by using wad2bin ,SD card as root, I made a new keys file, putting in the certification, I use nolky and use the parent ID of rock band 3 and then uninstalling then installing, want it installs it says It has an issue with the hash but whenever I load into rock band 3 it loads in just fine but when I try to play it it says it's out of date and needs to be redownloaded? Any clue what to do?

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