Review cover Street Fighter X Tekken (Xbox 360)
Official GBAtemp Review

Product Information:

  • Release Date (NA): March 9, 2012
  • Publisher: Capcom
  • Genres: VS Beat 'Em Up

Game Features:

Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer

Review Approach:

I am a massive fan of fighters. My first real love for fighting games was established with International Karate (IK) on the Atari. I spent hundreds of hours playing that game. Then my favourite and most played game ever became Street Fighter II on the SNES. The game was perfect, I could do every move with every character and most of the time get perfect rounds. I became so good at the game that I could (and still can) beat people with one hand! I am very excited for SFXT. Two of the best fighting games literally fighting each other.
This generation has seen more than its fair share of fighters, some receiving the biggest overhaul in the history of their franchises. The most notable include Street Fighter IV and Mortal Kombat 9. There have been newcomers such as BlazBlue, which is very highly regarded by fans of the genre. We were able to see what happened when two game universes collided with the amazing Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3. So what happens when two already established series with totally different mechanics merge? Street Fighter X Tekken is what!


Whoever decided to mix together both a 2D and 3D fighter must have been thought of as either a madman or a genius. How can it possibly work? How can you merge a 2D fighting game with a 3D one?  Well, Capcom has managed to do exactly that.

The first thought of many fans will be: "How can Street Fighter work in a 3D arena, or how can Tekken work on a 2D plane?" The answer is simple. This is SFXT, not TXSF, so it plays and feels like a Street Fighter game. There is no side step from Tekken and you cannot move 360 degrees around the stage. Any fighting game fan knows you don't buy a fighter for it's story, and SFXT is no different.  The premise revolves around Pandora's Cube, an object of immense power that has crash landed on Earth.  Naturally all the fighters want to get their hands on it to become the true world warrior. The story was created around the game's newest mechanic and is obviously only there to provide thin justification for why everyone is beating each other to a pulp.

Since the game is built using the Street Fighter IV engine, the characters control pretty much the same way as they did in SFIV.  The Tekken characters also use the same 6 button layout as SF -- light, medium and hard punch/kick, with combinations of each used for throws and specials. At first this may seem strange to Tekken fans who are used to the 4 button layout, but you will quickly learn that all the Tekken characters have been Street Fighterized.  Most of the favourite moves and combos are there, but many are not. An example of this is Jin Kazama. He has nearly 100 moves in Tekken 6, but in SFXT he has 24 according to his Command List. The SFIV formula is intact, with Supers and EX Specials making a return. The Super Meter is now called the Cross Gauge, but still has 3 levels and basically does the same thing.  A new addition to the movesets are quick combos.  Each character is able to use 2 quick combos which are great for linking into a tag combo. These are fully customizable and come mapped to L3 and R3 -- which can be a problem in an intense fight as it is so easy to click the sticks in the heat of battle.  Luckily all the controls are remappable so I moved the L3 one to R3 and left L3 blank as it is the main control for movement. The last thing I want to do is spam a combo when I am trying to jump.


Pandora's Box?

The mechanic that the whole story concept is based around is called Pandora Mode. Essentially this is the ultimate comeback technique. When your character reaches 25% health or less, you can activate Pandora Mode. Doing so will instantly kill your character, but buffs your tag partner with a full and infinite Cross Gauge.  Sounds great, but there is a catch; the buff only lasts for about 6 seconds and if you don't win in that time you automatically lose the round.  A very risky move, but one that could potentially win you the round when you are on the verge of defeat.



     Pandora mode Activated

Every fight involves 4 players, 2 each side, all with their own health bar.  To win a round you only need to deplete one character's bar.  This adds a lot of strategy to when to switch in and out. The character not in battle also regains some health while not currently fighting. A first for SF is the Scramble Mode, literally a 2 on 2 fight but without the tag. 4 players on screen duking it out. This can be done 1vs1 with CPU AI for the second player on each team, or 4 player 2vs2 with each player controlling a character.  It is very messy and really hard to keep up with what is going on, because your inputs become reversed as players jump in front and behind you at the same time. It is also very laggy with up to 4 connections in play at once.

There are 11 stages to battle on, some multi-tiered, but you fight on one level and then move to the next level for round 2. They are very bright and colourful, and some are really wacky and out there.  Also the stages feel much wider than on Street Fighter IV. Combined with having double the characters each round, this can lead to a lot of time outs if you have 2 decent fighters battling it out. I have been playing this game a fair bit and I would say that at least 3 of every 10 fights or so end with time outs. This is a real problem as you cannot turn the timer off when fighting online. I think Capcom really needs to take a look at this. Regenerating health on the tagged out character, plus wider stages plus double the fighters in every match makes 99 seconds simply not enough time for a fair win. It is much more satisfying to hear KAAAY OH!

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  Scramble Mode 


The Endless Battle

Endless Battle is a lobby with up to 8 players. The first two players battle, and the winner stays to battle the next person in the lobby, while the loser gets bumped to the bottom. In this mode you can either play 1vs1, 2vs1 or 2vs2, but there are always 4 characters in a battle.  I won a few 2vs1 myself using Ryu and having an AI Sagat.  It felt good! Capcom stated in the game's manual that we can play couch co-op, i.e 2 local players on one 360 can go online and fight 1 or 2 more players in a single fight.  This turns out to not be the case though, and only the PS3 version can currently do this. 360 can only play online co-op. This will possibly be fixed in an update patch. The netcode is also not as good as SFIV.  Whilst fighting online the background music and sound effects regularly cut out completely, and when fighting in a battle with any more than 2 players, whether actually fighting or spectating, the lag really kicks in. If playing against any region other than your own you may as well forget about it as the fight will not be smooth at all.  Hopefully these issues will also be addressed via a title update.

Trials have returned, with 20 stages available for each character.  Starting out easy, they become difficult around number 12 or so. A brand new edition for the series is Mission Mode.  There are also 20 of these and they are HARD.  They come with strict rules of how to win, such as win a round using only normal moves, and then they get really tough; Mission Number 4 "The Four Kings" requires you to defeat Balrog, Vega, Sagat AND Bison all in a row, without losing and without health regen... I am stuck on mission 4 myself!


Gems are the controversial buffs new to the series.  Any combination of up to 3 gems can be equipped to any character and they come as either a boost or assist type. They add effects such as Cross Gauge refills faster, EX moves are 10% more powerful, damage is reduced by 5% etc.  All gems come with prerequisites to activating, such as land 3 special moves or block 3 attacks.  In theory you could make it so that all 3 activate at the same time -- at the start of a battle fire off 3 "hadoukens" and you're buffed to the max! I think Capcom have done well to make it a bit more interesting, but with a bare bones arcade mode online is the only real reason to experiment with the gems. There is no option to fight with gems turned off, on or offline.  This leads to characters flashing different colours within seconds of a fight starting and can be a bit off-putting.

Further customization is available with players being able to change the colour of their character's costume.  There are 8 settings altogether, including the regular stuff like Hair, Skin and Clothes.  Only colour can be altered though so don't expect any wild outfits as seen in the likes of Soul Calibur. Titles also return and we now have the ability to set a message, for example: I was raised on Street Fighter!

The replay channel is back, with players being able to save and upload their favourite fights. You can also download and watch the highest ranked fighters, usually found in the Elite channel.  It is possible to save up to 50 videos at any one time, allowing for plenty of opportunity to showcase your skills, or lack thereof! The game has shipped with a roster of 38 characters, with another 12 (already on the disc!) to be released at a later date when Capcom decides it wants more of your money. This is the largest number of characters for a Street Fighter game at launch.  If your favourite character that you have used for many years isn't in the retail roster, like Blanka, then you can do nothing but wait until Capcom says they are ready for you to pay to unlock him from the disc. Whatever your stance is on on-disc DLC, there is no denying that this feels unfair.


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Character select screen


Street Fighter X Tekken is a dream come true for many fighter fans.  Capcom manages to combine two of the most popular fighting franchises and does it well. The sheer amount of possibilities when it comes to tag combo strings is amazing, and the new additions such as quick combos and Pandora Mode freshen up the SFIV formula.  Capcom have done their best to lighten the learning curve with an online training mode for newcomers, an offline training mode, a 20 stage tutorial mode, and one button press quick combos. Capcom have stated that there will only ever be one disc version of SFXT, so any changes and updates will come from Xbox Live downloads.



What We Liked ...
  • 38 character roster
  • Addition of quick combos
  • Mission Mode
  • Online co-op Training Mode
What We Didn't Like ...
  • On disc DLC
  • Online lag
  • Dodgy BG music and SFX when online
  • Time Outs happen way too often online
Simplified controls are a welcome addition for both the hardcore and newcomers. Now it is much easier to pull off 30 hit combos and the tag aspect makes them visually impressive.
The artwork and menus are stunning with animated VS menus and great orginal stages.
Lasting Appeal
With 38 characters to master (and another 12 to come), various online modes and a ranking system, SFXT has the potential to last until the next SF installment as the fighter of choice.
out of 10


SFXT is an interesting crossover, it plays well but whether or not it takes the crown from SSFIV is yet to be seen. I would have scored it a 9 but the online lag and sound issues, as well as the on disc DLC made me deduct a point.
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Reactions: Stealphie
Just a note about the online couch co-op:

At first Capcom said it was not included: "It's not possible because of the 360 architecture."

Then they said: "It was never supposed to be included in the 360 version. It being in the manual was a mistake."

Now they are saying: "We left it out because of time constraints."

So they have time to create and lock away 12 extra characters but not to add the couch co-op that is on the PS3 version? It has been done on the 360 in games like COD, Gears, MK9 and many others.

I myself am not bothered as no one uses my 360 but me but I can understand why so many people are pissed about it. Also why so many BS responses from Capcom?
It sounds like they are just making transparently poor excuses about the couch co-op to me. It doesn't make sense that this would be included in the PS3 version and not the 360 one, the architecture excuse they used originally is a joke, we are in 2012 now something as simple as couch co-op should be an easy enough thing to implement.

As you said, if it comes to on disc DLC that they can make cash off of there is no stopping them and they can invest development time in that no problems.

They should do 360 owners a favour and just release a free update to the game that gives them co-op online.
Really? Who are the other 2?
Or do you mean the ones that are PS3 exclusives but still on the 360 disc?
In the future there won't be nearly as many time outs as now. Almost noone is maximizing their damage, every character can do 300-500 damage off a single meter and most poeple still don't do everything possible when they are juggling. Also whiffing moves build meter, this is huge you can build meter trying to bait your opponent and then punish big. A lot of poeple aren't doing their alpha counter like move where your in blockstun and you press forward HP+HK, it helps when your fighting characters with long combo strings that pressure you. I see a lot of replays where player A is beating the crap out of player B and then Player B just tags out and lets his character heal from 10% to almost 50% of his life. There is an easy solution for character healing, cross arts. Instead of finishing combos with a super, for 3 meters you can perform a slightly stronger move and this comes with 2 bonuses, A) Your own characters life is added up and divided equally amongst both, if you had one char at 10% and another at 100% they both end up around 55%ish, and B) It completely removes ALL of the healable life from the character who is hit. Everyone right now is too stingy with their meter, meter is so easily gained that noone should refrain from not using it. If you are having trouble with meter intensive characters, there are gems that help build meter faster and are considered by some as the better gems.
Also this game may look like SSF4 but it in no way plays similar to SSF4, if you are playing and treating it like that then you are not going to get far because there are so many more additions to sfxt.
Excellent review, I agree with you on the on disc DLC, very unfair. The game does look amazing though and seems like a definite buy.
I am waiting for the "super" or "ultimate" release, maybe there I won't be forced to buy so many dlc's, I won't support capcom if it continues to produce such things.
I grabbed the Vita version and am loving the extra characters and the new balance patch!
Review cover
Product Information:
  • Release Date (NA): March 9, 2012
  • Publisher: Capcom
  • Genres: VS Beat 'Em Up
Game Features:
Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer


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  • T @ Texasauras:
    ya which one good y'all can y'all he
    p me look, they're everywhere on amazon
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    @Texasauras I personally would not buy either.
  • T @ Texasauras:
    which one are you gonna get
  • T @ Texasauras:
    what why its worth a shot
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Get you raspberry pi5, and you can play gamecube, wii, and ps2 games also. Those won't
  • T @ Texasauras:
    did you see them on google? preloaded rom consoles
  • T @ Texasauras:
    where is that which one is that
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Those preloaded ones are junk. You can Google raspberry Pi and find where they are sold near you, or on amazon.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, i don't think my parents will get me a pi
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    You can get older ones even like the pi 3,4 for cheap, but they don't play gamecube, Wii etc very well. Be warned they use a Linux os, which you need to load onto a micro SD card yourself. You can find pre built images like "retro-pie" online free tho which makes it easy to setup.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, i don't have my own money
  • T @ Texasauras:
    mannn thats insane, mario on n64
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Now you are 15, you can go get a real job, somewhat.
  • T @ Texasauras:
    its like $80 bro lmao
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, i'm too young and stupid and i don't have time to work
  • T @ Texasauras:
    it runs on android os
  • T @ Texasauras:
    it looks dope
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    You get what you pay for. Go ahead and buy one those cheap Chinese units, you will see.
  • T @ Texasauras:
    bro have you seen the gfuel instagram
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    @Texasauras why did you start a thread, ignored all the answers there, then come here to chat and ask the same thing. You gotta be like 12, bro
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Biker Mice from Mars needed a Sequel, Angry Hamsters from Uranus
  • T @ Texasauras:
    uh bro i was just asking have you seen these, help me look
  • T @ Texasauras:
    its on amazon
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Download Batocera make it your own
    Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo: Download Batocera make it your own