Blog entries by Rock Raiyu

So I got back from the midnight launch for the 3DS. (There just so happened to be one at a Gamestop by my university.) This was my very first midnight launch event and I got there about 10PM, two hours before they were about to sell it. I didn't know what to expect to be honest, I was kind of...
It's been a while since I posted here. Life has been busy and I haven't had a lot of time to get on. I'd thought I'd update everyone with whats happening with my life right now. For those that don't know, I had to go to court for traveling wrong way on a one way. I had to plead guilty even...
Today is the day I go to court. Hopefully I have a solid argument and they drop the charges...if not then oh well, it's a learning experience. For those that want to know why I'm going to court, this blog post pretty much sums up what happened. Wish me luck.
So some of you may know, I will have to go to court next month. Today I went back to the scene to take some pics and I got some interesting results. I guess playing those Phoenix Wright games really paid off cause I noticed some things that I probably wouldn't of noticed. Sad thing is, there...
It's really stupid and really isn't my fault.. So some friends and I were leaving a club and we turned onto a street. What we didn't know was that it was a ONE way street. There wasn't a sign or anything indicating that it was a one way street. We realized it a little too late, just when I was...
I moved into my dorm today. Classes start for me on Monday and things are ok so far. I already knew my roommate from a few months ago so it makes it all the more easier. The room looks pretty good so far. I've seen a lot of people looking like they brought in their whole room to the dorm, a...
Today was just a horrible day. I got scammed twice today. First time, some guy tried to trick me into sending him my phone for $300. I didn't think anything at first till today after I sent it in at the post office. The paypal message was really suspicious so I asked some people on the channel...
So, if anyone doesn't know, my car battery died last night while my friends and I were getting ready to leave the city from the fireworks. We thought it just needed some juice so what we did hooked it up. Come to find out, the battery was dead and I had to buy a new one. So we went to the...
Put together a DS from some spare parts. Took me some of last night and some of today to get it together. It far as I can see. I haven't tried any games for it yet. I bought Mega Man Zero Collection though!! Only problem I'm having with it though is I can't put the battery cover on lol...
It's been a ride for us but we made it! We finally made it through our senior year! It seems just like yesterday I was in Kindergarten hitting on older girls lol. I wish you luck on your graduation and life after high school. I graduate later today at 7PM...less than 4 hours away. I'm excited...
Todays the fucking day. Today is definitely the day, I'm going to her house after school today and I'm going to tell her how I feel about her. For those that don't know what I'm talking about, last week I invited a girl I like, no scratch that, a woman I like to my house and I was going to...
So tonight I have a friend coming over....but this friend happens to be a woman. A woman I happen to like. :shy: We've been talking a lot and we hung out a few times. I invited her over to my house so we can watch Iron Man. (She wanted to see it, we went to the movies last weekend and saw Iron...
Today I got into a small argument over something that happened on Sunday. It doesn't quite seem fair to me since I held up my part of the deal but this is what happened: On Sunday, my friend A texted me to come pick him up. His 360, for some odd reason, can't/won't sync up with wireless...
I fucked up one of my side view mirrors of my car. Not only is the glass completely cracked, it is also off its hinge so now its falling off. What's even worse is that I have to drive this car to prom tomorrow night. Ain't that some shit? Anyone know a way I could make it look in anyway...
"Don't Be Scared"...these words were the last words my friend and classmate Rajaan Bennett would post on his facebook. Yesterday morning, he was shot and killed in his own home at 2:30AM. I can't believe it happened to him, of all people. I don't want anyone else to die or take his place...
I'm just kind of confused right now about this girl I think I may like but I'm not sure. I say the term "think" because I'm having mixed feelings about her. She seems like my ideal girl, she has morals, she knows what she wants to do with her life, doesn't act or talk like a damn slut not to...
I finally got my driver's license, in less then a year. I feel so free now! But now my mom has me doing her errands for her....that' is not going to be fun lol
Being a senior this year, in 5 months I'm about to graduate from High School and make that leap into the real world. College, jobs, cars, etc all that is a big factor in that and it's becoming a difficult time for me. Some of you know, I got accepted into SCAD last month and I'm really happy...
Got alot of games today at Gamestop and BestBuy and still have money left over. So what shall I play first guys? :creep:
XOa09K_7oaU Not really a Pokemon film fan but the teaser trailer sort of caught my eye. Especially at the end where you see a "Dark Ash" with an evil grin. I wonder what person or being that is "Z". If it's hinting at Pokemon Generation 5 or if its a new identity in entirety sort of like...
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