gifi4's Blog

Hey all, Some of you may remember a topic about what TV shows I should watch, well, either way, I finally started Breaking Bad, I have to say, it's quite a fine show, only seen two eps atm. I've got season 1 and 2. 3 and 4 are downloading now (Overnight, 2:52AM Sat 3rd atm) I hope it's a good...
Hey all, Just like to give my thoughts on the 3DS. I've had my 3DS for exactly 17 days now. I've used it every day, playing Zelda/Rayman or using it for music or the camera etc. Firstly the main gimmick and selling point of the 3DS - The 3D: * The 3D effect is quite strange, when I first heard...
Hey guys, so here in Aus, Fathers Day was yesterday, apparently that seems to be the only day my father just cracks the shits at me for no goddamn reason, that happened at about 10AM, then he storms of and says this to me "Go live with your cunt of a mother" That pissed me off and I just stormed...
My 3DS is charging atm, got the Aqua Blue version, got OoT and Rayman 3D with it, not to mention 6 AR cards (came with it) It'll be charged in just over 3 hours, any game recommendations? What's this Masterquest in OoT I keep hearing about? OMG OMG OMG, 999 Sequel on 3DS, hopefully Aksys will...
So I just grabbed Gran Turismo 5 for my PS3, cost me $98 AUD, hell of a lot compared to what you Americans pay, I'm assuming... Hanging out to play it but the damn thing is downloading and installing updates. If you have read my last blog, you'll know I put a 3DS on layby, well I think it got...
Hi all, I casually asked my dad if he could get me a 3DS for my birthday in October, and the answer was yes! So I've heard a fair bit of games got cancelled, (Homepage lol) and it's kind of disappointing, either way, I'm looking forward to my 3DS and OoT. I don't plan on using a flashcart atm...
Watched the TV series when it was released and I've just recently gotten around to reading the comic and wow, it's so awesome! It's so much more in depth than the Tv series, I'm currently on issue 31, reading about 5 issues a day lol. Just a quick question: What do you guys think about the tv...
So I made an awesome tomahawk kill from accross the map in Black Ops, remembered seeing somewhere that you could up it to the CallofDuty site and then it would up on to your Youtube account, but you see, I had to make an account on the CallofDuty site. So I tried to make an account, and I see...
God, stupid conflicts between school, family, etc. Made me miss ALL of E3, luckily I have streams for the major press conferences, like Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft, EA, Ubisoft. lol. Trying to stop myself from looking at the Wii U, although I just read that they used Sony's and Microsoft's games...
So I was just looking for a good Pineapple Express torrent (My other torrent doesn't want to play on my ps3 but works fine on my pc) when my power turns off and back on within a second, my computer acted as if it was still on but then it froze so I just waited a bit but no results and then I...
Ok well, I'm only 14 and a half...And yet I weigh 77KG, get incredibly tired from very basic things and want to change this. A few problems, the first being, there is always junk food around my house and I end up eating it plus I have lots of chocolate from Easter. The second, Badly sick atm...
Yesterday, I was browsing GBAtemp and going to watch anime and then the phone rings so obviously I answer it and then this Indian guy (can't remember name) says, " Hi, my name is *Indian guy* and we're informing you that the computer has a deadly virus and we need access to fix this." My friend...
Just tried the singleplayer full version of Minecraft, managed to survive my first day, thanks to a video on the Minecraft site; got rid of all the blocks and made a small "cave", got some torches made from sticks and coal, etc. survived my night by using my sword on the stupid monsters that...
After my parents split up, my mum started smoking AGAIN (She smoked before I was born and until I was about 3) I absolutely hate smokers (not the person, just the fact that they smoke) I hold my breath because I can't handle it, it makes me sick, close to vomiting, and yet my mum claims it all...
Well, I'm happy, I made it to 1000 posts, but I hope my posting continues (hopefully non-spam)...Did I make it here to quick or what? Found a video on youtube by some fucktard, the video was: R.I.P Michael Jackson, Worlds best pedophile. This fucking pissed me off, don't know if it was a joke...
Well first this is in relation to my other blog post:Just Realized, I've lost my best friend. This is a continuation. So I still haven't seen my friend, he had his birthday on the 18th of November, I couldn't access facebook at the time so I just left a happy birthday notice and sent him a...
Ok before I start my actual blog post I'm going to seperate it into groups, Games,Anime,General TV/Movies and Life, they will each have their individual spoilers so if you feel like reading one bit and not another, you can skip straight to it.
I think I've lost my best friend who I've known since I was in kindergarten (I'm 14 years old now). He lives pretty far away and with my parents splitting up, my parents lost contact with my friend's parents, I used to talk to my friend almost every day until my parents split, I hadn't spoken to...
Well, I'm only 13 and I was using my home phone to call my friends mobile, I was only going to be on the phone for 5 mins but I was on for nearly 2 hours, my dads going to lose it at me depending on the price, no cod black ops for me =( Anyway anyone know what the price should be for the call, I...
I downloaded a file of there, all good, no problems here, and then I go to download another and it gives me a 15min wait time, I was a little pissed with that because megaupload I don't get a wait time for some reason, anyway after the 15 min wait, it started again and went to 10 seconds then...

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