Well shit.

Thats a great way describe how I feel.

Hmm, whats top of my list? Ahh, School. 4th circle of hell if im up on my scripture. Blah blah, the usual generic problems of most high schoolers, girls, grades and all those other problems. Now, i I might as well get this fact known about me, I love fucking around with people. I dont know if its because of my "dont give a damn" mindset or habitiually insurgent behavior (I spelt some word wrong there...) but I like doing it. Its by doing this I effectively kept myself out of inter-school politics, out of the grape vine, and away from quite a few pointless fights. However, now im facing a problem. I want a girl friend. Not a "girl friend" but hell, just a good female friend would be nice. Not to say I dont talk to girls and all, or that I cant call any of them accquantaces at the least, but im sick of that. All it ends up is that I start to like them and then they just walk away or we dont talk much anymore or something else stupid. Hell, even a lanky hispanic (not that it has much bearing, I just felt I needed to throw in another adjective) friend of mine get cookies, hugs and other shit from girls. I dont know...I have a feeling it has to do with my apperence (im mean, 6 foot 1 black guy doesnt exactly scream teddy bear now does it?) but I cant change that now can I?

In other news, religion has been pissing on my life again. See, its not that im not some athesist who thinks everything is made by large chemical explosions that somehow kickstart time in the process (no offense to any of you who do, its your ideals not mine) its just I also have problems with this whole "Willing slave" mentaility that christianity seems to carry. Ofcourse, thats more static within my family. My mother in particular whos extremely dense (yeah, like EVERY 15 year olds parents, its my blog dammit). I mean, she loves her religion so much my first and middle name is based on the bible, my first name is Mathew but my middle name is a bit too unusual to yeild a few thousand results if you search it, to make it worse shes going though this whole Metapause thing which makes something as insignifigant as picking up a plate, turn into a fucking mini cherobyl (ok, I KNOW I spelt that wrong). So if I so much as show any resistance towards going to church its like like Dantes Inferno in the living room. The ironic thing though is that shes so into the faith in the first place because of how the church (and god for that matter, YES I do think he exsists) helped her so much when she was pregant with me (story for another blog). Cant talk to her about anything that opposes her opinion on things either, it always ends with how I havent been alive long enough to form an opinon on anything. Nevermind the fact I read up on these things and look more into the opinions of others and form my own thoughts, nope. Too young and stupid.

Oh, also ive started playing a few games and im thinking of giving a shot at a real review later on this week, probably when I submit my entry into the compy. I think im going to do it on something like an indie game or fossil so the local douchebaggery cant swing the amount of stupid shit you find in games when most of the community has played it, may be bold and do Monster Hunter Tri and piss alot of people off.

Speaking of pissing people off, I installed Linux as a dualboot with Windows. I gotta say, its not that big of a change, really, it reminds me of the older OSes but with a GUI instead of just some lines of CMD text. Its going to be fun messing around with SSH on my phone since I can use it now (as soon as I figure out even more fucking commands T-T). Might even compress a few simple programs to mess around with at school.

Anway, its late amd my blog is getting deep into TL;DR territory. Night mates.


just showing an interest in them and willing to be there for someone else will help to get them interested in you in return.
I am not entirely sure that you are trying to cover up a bad case of shyness with an attitude of not caring.

as to your mother its not that she is dense its that she has found stuff that works for her and she wants you to learn form her experience. But what she sees is you willing to try it another way. For you its because you have already had her share her experience with you. you might think you have heard it all from her but there is a small chance you haven't.

My mother responded real well when I was 15 by my just sitting down and talking to her about whats going on. I stated right off to her that I just want someone to listen. That I could just as easily talk to someone else. Now if she is like most parents, just having you talk at all is a treasure. If she interrupts you remind her that you can just as easily talk to a guidance counselor at your high school. but do remember that what she is interrupting you for seems to her to be important (to her) enough too interrupt you. so take the time to listen as she takes the time to listen to you.

oh and by and i am over 6 feet two. Didn't stop me from having friends (even girl friends). You just have to keep trying.
As far as women, whether it's a girlfriend or a friend who's a girl, I often just try to stick with the idea that it'll happen when it happens. I'm typically pretty introverted, stick to myself except for a few close friends. It sounds like while the means are different, you and I get to the same place more or less attitude wise. Anyway, I'm as bad as it gets when legit talking to girls, so at work, after my ex had broken up with me, after a few days I tried to loosen up a bit more and try to talk to some of the girls there who I found interesting and/or attractive. I even started getting subtly flirty with a few of them.

And nothing happened. No major conversations, no "hey what's your number, we should hang some time", nothing. Nothing changed at all. And then one day like 3 months later a girl from another department was working in mine out of the blue, she needed training for it that day so management asked me to show her the ropes. And boom, we hit it off like that, and she's been my girlfriend for the past year. You can't predict shit like this, sometimes you just gotta let it happen as it happens. But a starting point might be to try loosening up like I did, because although it didn't really work for me, your mileage may vary.

The religion/mom thing - I have no experience with that, to be honest. My mom and brother (and I) are raised Catholic, think my dad is Protestant, but none of us are really religious, and I don't follow Catholicism at all - frankly I don't really know what my beliefs are called, I just believe a higher power exists in one way or another (and that we're probably not supposed to fully comprehend it) (agnosticism?). I think my parents know I don't really follow what they do (again though none of us are really religious), and they've never really said anything about it.

(For the record, 6'2"-6'3" white guy, a little bit over weight, subtly a nerd. Doesn't scream teddybear either so much as just "awkward computer nerd" rofl)
yeah I agree with plasma dragoon, it'll happen when it happens. recently out of the blue a girl i liked from high school messaged me on facebook and invited me over to watch a movie and we kinda hit it off immediately. but i'm very passive when it comes to life, i usually let stuff happen instead of making stuff happen.
I always feel really bad when people talk about girl problems because, in all honesty, I just got lucky (been dating my girlfriend for nearly five years, now). But if it makes you feel any better, I didn't get my first girlfriend till I was 17, and only had 2 that ever seriously liked me. And both were girls that I was really good friends with, with no "subtext" for a while beforehand.

I can relate to the parenting stuff, too. I'm a bit more religious than you seem to say you are (not saying that's a good or bad thing, just pointing it out), but I had a lot of issues with dogmatic, hyper-conservative parents who were so convinced that I knew nothing and that they had every right to shit on me no matter what, with no apologies. Heck, I'm 22 and they STILL act like that (so glad I finally moved out).

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