I want to be a NEET

Just in a few days, I will be a neet again. Needless to say, I'm excited. I will have all the time in the world, can do everything I want and never have to sleep early or wake up for work. I'm already planning what do to first when I'm a neet again. I plan to play Pokemon BW and read some mangas. Watching animes will also be nice. I will never have to worry about work, school or anything like that.

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And that's the standard simple job here.

Now I need to survive with 22 dollars a week. Anyway, just saying. It's my fault for not having a plan B. :)
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Dumpster diving? If I saw a man going through yesterday's trashed macaroni and cheese, I'd freak right out.
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Welp, I've been employed for the first time in my life for two months now, after slacking off for I don't know how many years. At first it's fun and all, but sooner than later you're going to regret your decision. Not because you've dumped countless hours into games and animu (latter of which is probably the best thing I've ever done). But because it makes you feel like shit after some time.
Again, not because of the things you're doing in your (arguably very awesome) "free"time, but because at some point you're going to be all alone with yourself.

Also: If you're running on welfare, your life will be more or less dictated. Like you can't really choose your food - want to get something nice to put into your facehole? You're probably shit outta luck, mate, it's the 84th pack of ramen in a row. [NEW RECORD-Sign here]

"They hate life"
Tbqh, that's probably because your view isn't fixated on "work, consume, sleep, work, consume, sleep, ..." anymore. Life is indeed shit, no matter how you look at it - it's just that different people have different approaches to handling that pos.
Life story/wall of text incoming

Back in 2012 I enrolled off into college. Quickly found out it was just not for me. I ended up skipping literally every class for as long as I could because I couldn't get the courage to tell my parents about my situation. This went on until late 2013 when the university suspended me for a semester or two for poor performance. I didn't go back. The worst part about it was my dad paying my tuition for the time that I was there for doing literally nothing. It wasn't cheap

There I was at 18 years old with no continuing education and no desire for a job. No motivation for anything. I'm extremely fortunate I got a girlfriend right as I graduated high school and she was understanding and supportive. I lived 3 years completely doing nothing and it was such a low point in my life. I'd wake up and feel regret. Why don't I have a job? Why don't I get a license and a car? I wish I could buy things for other people instead of them buying for me. Wish I could get some money and move out with my girlfriend, etc.

It was pretty crummy. I had a lot of time to relax and it honestly was pretty nice, seeing as I still lived under the roof of my parents. Shelter, food, girlfriend stuff and the occasional friends made it not too bad. I didn't necessarily feel bad about myself, but more of the fact that I wasn't "contributing" to society. Felt like I was mooching all the time and wanted to do something to contribute back

10 months ago I got my first job at 21 years old. I got a license and then a car handed down to me literally within the first week of my job. I can buy food when I'm hungry. I can go places and buy things. I can give actual gifts to my girlfriend without asking family for money. I have the freedom of driving to places too far to walk. I still live with my parents but the independence I have apart from that is just simply amazing

I don't work much, only 4.5 hours/5-6 times a week. Easy tasks. I could easily work full time at the same job for more money if I wanted to and get paid almost double what I'm getting now, but I'm pretty comfortable as is. I probably get around $550-$600 a month, which isn't much in my eyes, but it is definitely better than nothing. If things go right, before I'm 22 I'll be moving out with my lady and we'll be truly independent and I'm excited for that

The point is, I get it. I can't say I've completely been in your shoes, but I've lived a similar lifestyle in the past. Your life is your life, and I don't even know you, but I genuinely hope everything works out for you. I hope you change your mind eventually, and that you can get some positive influences in your life via a partner, a girlfriend, a whatever. I pretty much owe my life to mine, and I couldn't even imagine what a piece of trash I'd be right now if life didn't turn out the way it did for me. I'm happy, I'm not bored, I have friends and parents who are very proud of me. Sex and a long-lasting healthy relationship is a bonus too. Do whatever you'd like to do now I guess. Just know that long-term it's just not healthy and there are better ways to live your life

Peace yo ლ( ° ͜ʖ °ლ)
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Anthonyplep, you seem to be a normie, I'm not. I never had a gf in my life, so you can't compare your situation with mine.
I'm not part of the society.

And I don't want to drive a car, I don't want to buy things, there's no one I can give gifts to. So why should I work my ass off?

Vayanui8, I watched the first episode of the anime you recommended, and this anime makes the society look so easy. There's no girl you never saw before that will visit and save you, if you act embarassing, people will be creeped out and not come back to you. :(
I recommend watching it all the way through. Theres more to it than that and I think it can help your outlook on life. At the very least you'll see how hard it can be to escape that kind of lifestyle. I really hope you reconsider becoming a NEET because it won't turn out well. It never does.
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Alright, I can't take this post seriously anymore. Between this and the "euphoric" blog post, I refuse to believe anyone can fit the stereotype as perfectly as this. Snowflake syndrome claims another one.
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The "euphoric" blog post was just a joke, this one is serious. In the last months, I thought a lot about how I want to live, and came to the conclusion that this lifestyle is the right one for me. At this moment I'm reading some articles about this topic. For example: http://www.vernuenftig-leben.de/warum-weniger-geld-das-leben-leichter-macht/

Vayanui8, I don't plan to permanently stay a neet. Just until I get a job, then I want to live a "neetlike" life.
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Well in some countries like Germany, Sweden or Denmark .... it really is not worth to Work at all as you get more than enough money thrown at you -.-V
But than again I still want a little bit more so I can go different places and see the World.

You know the saying:
When you are young you have time and energy but no money
When you are older you have energy and money but no time
When you are really old you have time and money but no energy

So either you are a rich bastard who lets others work for you so that you can have all the free time plus the money and energy life is awesome,
or you are like everyone else just some poor working pig that gets slaughtered when done.

I have been sitting at home for 2 1/2 years as I could not get a job and I was really depressed and thought I am completely useless :(
Now I am working since 5 Years (being a trainee for the second time -.-) and I earn less than anyone not working at all .... still this feels better than not doing anything.
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Hory shet, I'd like to clarify my NEET position since many people give it a long series of negative connotations which have nothing to do with being a NEET itself.

1) No I don't intend on being a NEET forever. This is just an extended vacation for me
2) I go out almost every day, I'm not an Hikikomori, I just like to not work and enjoy doing stuff I like while I should _technically_ be in an office somewhere
3) I had an awesome job, my career was going very well and I'm actually pretty excited at the idea of resuming it. Just not now
4) My parents were (and are!) actually happy of getting me back, I was living alone outside this country and they didn't like it very much
5) I'm spending the money I've saved during the last few months I was working, so I'm not a drain on anyone
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I feel kind of sorry for people in the US on low incomes when it comes to food. It is actually considerably cheaper here to cook.
Have a video

I tried doing similar when stateside and salty, sugar laden processed crap is so much cheaper. The same guy from the video series above did one for iceland (the equivalent that sells processed stuff here).

On natural disasters and repairs to houses isn't that why you rent so someone else gets to take care of it? Though with the whole UK thing as long as I don't get a house in a flood area (they have nice maps and rivers are also known, or you can just get one on top of the hill) nothing is probably going to happen. It was marginally annoying trying to get that overlayed on top of a broadband speed map though.

On fishing things out of bins and the like it is plenty doable and things are cast out for silly reasons, can't say I care for it myself though. There is plenty of nice food growing wild though, not so much for hunting (rabbit and pigeon mainly) though I am looking into deer.
On the other hand I am a scavenger without shame - people throw out loads of cool stuff that is trivial to fix or repurpose.
@raulpica that is alright, nothing wrong with taking an extended vacation when you actually have plans for later and a social life. the problem here is not that, it is somewhat more serious (if not troll actually).

Regarding the link anyway, I don't think it applies to PantsEyes, first because it talks about being obsessed with making the most money VS making enough money and living a rich social life. It actually is talking about making enough money to REALIZE yourself (Schlüsselwort: ZIEL), but avoiding getting obsessed with money.
1. Geld bringt schlechtes Gesellschaft: You actually seem to have a Gesellschaft problem, so if Geld brought you any kind of Gesellschaft I think that would be an improvement.
2. Geld macht asozial: Well, you seem to be there already without money. (and this is not true, the point they make in the article is pure BS)
The thing that can make you through against big money problems is to have a rich social life, to have friends, family, and to be (even in emergency) a part of your (micro) society. But it doesn't seem to be your case.
4. Geld macht gierig: You get greedy only if you obsess with money, again the topic of the article is against money obsession, not against working, realizing yourself and making money to live, different things.
5. Geld macht unfrei: ganz falsch. Being obsessed with money takes your freedom away, but also having no resources to realize your goals also takes your freedom away. GELDNOT MACHT UNFREI.
6. Geld kann dich in Gefahr bringen: Das Leben eines Penners ist noch gefährlicher. Obdachloser bedeutet genau ohne Dach zu leben, gutes Glück mit dem deutschen Wetter.

And I got tired at the sixth point, but the whole article is on the one hand not applicable to your case, and in the other hand full of crap.
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