A little about me and about my political beliefs... Warning: May be tl:dr

My username is Morvoran, and I've been a member on this site since Dec 2010.
For the few on this site that may peruse the World News, Current Events & Politics section on this site, you might recognize me as the right-wing Trump supporter who has no issue expressing my views. For the rest, I may not even exist as I don't post on threads that do not interest me much. I enjoy playing games and hacking consoles, buy only for my personal enjoyment. I don't care to share if I liked a game, if an unfinished game that is not out yet seems good or not, or how much I like or dislike a company that charges for their Switch hacking software. I may assist somebody with an issue here and there, but mainly, I am just a lurker on most of this site reading the opinions of others instead of sharing my own.

When I became a member of this site, I was not political at all. I didn't care who the president was, had no clue who the governor of my state was nor the mayor of my city. I would have been considered a Democrat due to my beliefs then, but I never voted in elections, never expressed my personal views to others, or never had a discussion with someone if I had an issue with their view.

This lasted until Bush, Jr. I would make jokes about him in ways such as how he pronounced "nuclear", or "nucular" as he would say, or his classic sayings like, "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, I won't be fooled again". I thought, "who let this fool in office?"

Then Obama came along, and I started expressing my left leaning ideas to my friends, family, and co-workers. I've never been for affirmative action as I always thought that was a racist policy and felt that as long as the best person got the job, that's what mattered (as long as they were a Democrat). I thought it was great for a change I could believe with somebody different from the status quo of old white men.

Even right before Obama left office and the primaries for both dems of repubs were going on, I was pushing for Bernie as I thought universal healthcare would be great to have along with his other policies and thought Hillary was crooked. Turns out I was kinda right when the DNC stole the nomination from Bernie to give to Hillary. I couldn't stand Trump mainly because I hated "The Apprentice" and thought he was just a dumb reality tv star who bankrupted his businesses. The other republicans were weak in their stances and policies.

This lasted up until after Trump was elected and I started noticing the media constantly attacking him. It got so bad that I couldn't stand watching Colbert, The Daily Show, or Late Night with Seth Meyers anymore because everyday, it was "Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, etc" show after show after show. If Trump was so bad, even so, why talk about him so much? Even though I didn't like Bush, Jr, I stood by him as the president as he was the one in charge, and I wanted the country to succeed. I just couldn't understand why he, as president, was being attacked as this isn't good for the US. It makes us look bad to other countries. I had to look into this myself.

That's when I learned that all these shows were ignoring and/or just refusing to bring up the good things he was doing for the country and it's citizens. The left leaning shows were calling him a racist, sexist, xenophobic, he was ruining the country, he was a criminal, etc., but the evidence, data, and statistics I was finding were showing the opposite. I wondered what else I was being lied to about.

I started looking into the Democrat party vs the Republican party even more. What I found was outstanding figuring that the public schools I went to told me a different story. I felt like my whole life was a lie.

I won't go into all the details, but I'll just say you should look into the Democrat Party yourself and see what they and their policies have done to the black community, our recent border and illegal alien issues, and how our biggest cities are failing under their control. If you really look at the big picture including identity politics, you'll see how they are the ones promoting racism, segregation, xenophobia,etc instead of the republicans.

After waking up to the truths on both sides of the political divide, I have become a Trump supporter. After he leaves office in Jan 2025, I may go back to being non-political again as I fear our country will just fall back into the old status quo.

Seeing people bash the president with their untruths in a thread made me express my views in the politics subsection. I never reply to anybody to attack them or to "piss them off". I only want to discuss the situation we are dealing with in the thread. Nothing more and nothing less. If you don't want to discuss the matter with me or like my viewpoints, just ignore me. I never have or will force anybody to read what I say on here. Don't blame me if you can't control yourself and show some personal responsibility. Don't go crying to the mods just because you don't agree with me.

It amazed me (even though it shouldn't have) when I posted a couple of threads about some crazy things people were suggesting, such as using cannibalization to fight climate change or the NRA being a terrorist org and having discussions with people with different views, that people (most likely liberals, I would guess) started attacking me and asking why I was posting these threads.
Somebody accused me of shit-posting and asking Mods why I was being allowed to express my views on this site accusing them of being conservatives. This also blows my mind because they had no issue with the ones expressing their views either against me or otherwise. Hmm, I wonder why...?

My jaw dropped when I found out that the politics subsections are barely moderated due to any action done could cause the mods to be labeled "nazis". I can believe this as this situation is prevalent in the media when the police are called nazi sympathizers when they prevent right wing folks from being attacked.

To end this, I will just say that, even though I have right wing values, I will respect your right to express your views and will attempt to have a discussion with you, so please respect mine.
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"My jaw dropped when I found out that the politics subsections are barely moderated due to any action done could cause the mods to be labeled "nazis"."
The sections are moderated in line with the forum rules but beyond that people are generally expected to be able to conduct their own conversations. If a mod can't handle a bit of saltiness I believe the kids would call it from a user that got told to wind their neck in then that is probably a failure in the selection process -- to that end it is not worries about being called names as much as a lack of need.

That said the media do have a lot to answer for and constantly inventing things, especially when there is good stuff to go after, is quite tedious.

As far as people asking why then you do you here. You will get that with most things. If you want to take the time to try to justify things then so much the better.
Not gonna lie, you come off a little strong there :3

I hate politics, I've just become complacent because if I worry about it all the time I will get riled up and full of hatred, when I already have met some people I really do care about that I don't agree with politically.

I'm not super self controlled, but come off strong or not you have been fair.

Just realize that people get turned off very quickly when it comes to this, it's easier if you don't use catchphases people hear everywhere but it's also easier to realize that there are good people and bad people on both sides.

You probably already know that, just saying.
Welcome to the temp. Where we all have different views, but the unfortunate truth is that the ones you want to debate with don't do it here. For a good reason, I might add.
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@VinsCool Thanks for the kind words, but don't worry. I live in a nice city that the dems haven't destroyed, yet. Food taxes are a little high, but I manage.

@MicmasH_W A little strong? I washed my armpits this morning. Sorry about that. :P

@Memoir This isn't the only place I debate people. A certain person here (xzi) just happened to keep me pulled in with their banter. I can't say I haven't enjoyed the back and forth. I decided that while I'm here, I might as well add some content to the site. Thanks for the belated welcome (been here since 2010) B-)

@SG854 I can't help it. I like what I like :grog:
I only reply to people to have a debate/discussion. If they get "pissed off" by a phrase under my avatar, maybe they have bigger issues that need attention and should not go into the politics section of a gaming related website where they can be triggered more. Also, they could just ignore me, and they won't see my posts. It's a free website though, they can do what they want. I respect their freedom to do as they please.

Thanks to you all for visiting my blog post. I appreciate it.
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the progressives have been sneaking their ideals in since the 1920s. They took over the schools so they can control the next generation by teaching bias. No political party should be controlling school, But because the government controls the schools there you go. People really think banning plastic straws will save the planet lol. Yeah their is a large plastic mat in the ocean. Why dont these jackass libs/dems/rebs pick the shit up. I never heard anyone of them say "Lets get a bunch of ships and collect it all" Banning the internal combustion engine really, we gonna go there? and replace it with what? an electric car that pulls its power from a power grid generated 60% by fossil fuels? Remember if you dont do what the democrats say the world will end in 10 years dont you know. We gonna replace planes with rails? lol lets take the train to Hawaii. those clowns are a fucking joke.

I dont understand how anyone believes their shit. and if your thinking i believe the republicans shit, well i dont. The left is the worst i have ever seen. Just watch their so called climate summit on cnn. what a joke. These jack asses think 100 years of climate data and they know the climate lol.
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@Captain_N I agree with you 100%. The things you said is why I'm so dumbfounded by how blind some people are.
I, myself, have conservative values and support Trump, but I'm not a blind sheep following my party to the slaughter house as some may be on the other side.
For today, I'm more of a "Trump-ican" because I support him as he is, truly, making the country better and because he is the president. Why would anyone want OUR president to fail? Why spend all their efforts to impeach him instead of helping improve this country? Why complain about our growing economy to the point they actually cause a recession? Even Jim Cramer of Mad Money said it's the media's fault for the fear of a recession.
It's all nonsense that, instead of coming up with working solutions that make sense, the other side only wants to attack.
I smell a lot of nonsense, loads of lib baiting, lots of contradictory logic.

If democrats disillusioned you, how could you possibly not be by Republicans as well? And how could all that translate into support for the guy who can't stop blatantly lying every single day?
His greatest accomplishment is that he hasn't messed up as bad as he technically could. That he only let's the markets crash every other week.

'evidence, data and statistics' yeah right. Like you ever looked at a graph not drawn by some redhat on thedonald or fox News.
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Blablabla I want to sound reasonable but I can't talk about blacks without calling certain policy in their favor racist Blablabla I pretend I was left but saw the light in Form of a bloated liar that still doesn't know how tariffs work Blablabla some vague libbaiting blabla overall vague 'facts' bla im not racist cause I pretend to be black.

Something along those lines.

Endlessly transparent, probably has a right wings guide to debate liberals open in another tab.
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@Clydefrosch That's my point. Instead of bringing credible debate to a conversation, you only attack with nonsense. Oh, look guys, Clydefrosch opened my eyes to the left and its glory. I'm on my way to get an abortion now!!

@The Real Jdbye Left - destroys, repubs - freedom, Trump - Let's make and keep America Great.
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I'm not engaging in good faith debate with you, just as you're not engaging in good faith debate with anyone. And I'm telling everyone not to do so either. You're not here to debate or be convinced and not even here to convince anyone.

You're hear to spread a couple lies and half truths and gut feeling and self-victimization logic to whomever in this on average 15 year old user base is receptive for it.

Its basic right wing recruitment manual stuff. And the sooner people point that out, the better.
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Boy, people really out here attacking this guy. Don't feel bad about yourself man. Other people are gonna attack you no matter what. Right or left, you're still a human either way so you're good in my books. At least you have beliefs. Some people are so apathetic these days.
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@Nerdtendo Thanks for the kind words. I understand what you're saying completely as this isn't my first political rodeo with crazy clowns. :)

@Clydefrosch Um, why would you want to debate me on a blogpost? Of course, I'm not here to debate, this is a blog where I'm just letting people, who care enough to read it, know a little background about me and my politics, not to "get political", to change my mind or the minds of others. Don't get your panties in a wad over me sharing my thoughts. If you don't like what my thoughts are, then why do you care enough to get angry at it? Doesn't make much sense to me.
If you want to debate "in good faith", create a thread with a decent topic in the politics section, and I'll be there in due time. If you don't want to debate me as well as "others you tell not to", then 1. you're a fascist, 2. whoop di do da, I don't really give a :shit:. Oh, was that not in "good faith"? I'm so sorry, here's some ointment for your butthurt self. :ha:
I won't even get into all that other mess you were talking about. Maybe, you can go create your own blogpost and tell others how angry I made you feel today and calm down?:rolleyes:
@The Real Jdbye
Basically, OP never cared about politics until he noticed how the country (America) was being "handled". He noticed how Democrats and Republicans do "business".

Later, OP realized a gaming website doesn't "moderate" their politics section. He also learned the world is fucking crazy and people are assholes.

Finally, he made a blog and doesn't care what you think.

(Too Long; Didn't Read the Too Long: Didn't Read)
business as usual.
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@matthi321 A quick Google search would have given you the answer. He has done a lot of good for all citizens.

For you and others that really want to know, click here.

I know some may think, oh whitehouse.gov is a right wing site, blah, blah, blah, but it doesn't make these things false. If they were, you know the leftist media would tear into these facts.

@H1B1Esquire you summarized that well. One point that was a little off mark was the one about moderation. My focus wasn't that I "realized" that section wasn't moderated, but rather "why it wasn't".

I just felt it was a shame that the people whom are meant to keep the peace on this site have been attacked for doing their job and accused of taking sides (of the right).
I would point out the posts I witnessed that made me aware of this, but I don't want to bring too much unneeded attention to those involved.
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