In depth look on why i hate pc gaming


I know that i am gonna make a lot of people angry but i just have to talk about it.

First the controls:
oh my god! It's horrible playing with mouse and keyboard!
So when super Mario 64 ds realised the most common criticism of that game was that you Play the game with a dpad and not a stick but most of people don't realise that using the keyboard is like using a dpad! Using a controler is much better for almost every game. the only games that control better are those that use heavyly mouse like rts games and things like SimCity and other city builders those games actually Play badly with controller. Actually the only thing that saves keyboard and mouse is... Mouse. If we were stuck in reality were we only use keyboard (like in dos era) then i am sure that there would be much less people that talk like that. Also it's minor issue but when i use keyboard sometimes i acidentally press wrong button when on controler this problem is almost non-existing. It's all because keyboard and mouse were not created for games first when controlers are made for games.

Another thing that i hate is that on pc there's no physical games! I remember the day when i decided to go to store i buyed the game i came back home only to realise that the disc is only for instalation and i have to use some stupid launcher called steam. I hate steam because it killed physical distribution on pc. I know that at the end copy protection was getting really intrusive to normal users but if the point was to stop piracy then why did they started using digital distribution!? I find that it's much easier to pirate a game that is digital i don't have too much expierience but when i tried to download saya no uta before steam realise you had to do a few things things with virtual drives and stuff like that (eventually i gave up and decided to Play vnds version) but now you just download a intallator and you are done. Also every fucking time i turn the steam it has to update, sometimes even twice a day. I never Bought a single game on this piece of shit because one game is the one that i Bought in store i got other one as a present ( and it was Another half disc game!) I got once a present card and i got a few games with that and i found a few freebies. And other things like uplay are not better. Also you can't resell you're games.

Another thing that i hate is that nothing works on pc. Sometimes a human just wants to Play a video game instead of dealing with computer mayhem. You have to deal with errors, stupid launchers, incompatibality with you're you're parts and more. When on consoles you just place the disc inside and you're done (if it's not scratched). sure now you may have to do something extra but it doesn't even come close to stuff you have to deal with on pc.

Another thing that i hate is the fact that everyone keeps talking about graphics! They are not much better than on consoles. Also everyone keeps saying that pc has 60 fps and consoles have 30 fps but i see no fucking diffrence between 60 fps and 30 fps maybe my eyes are broken but i find just stupid.
Also pc can have better graphics but graphics don't mean shit if there no good games most of good games are realised on consoles if i were to name 20 of my favorite games only around 4 are on pc and only 2 are only on pc.
Also pc has long history of having bad ports.

Also the prices are brutal for pc parts i could buy a few copies of Michigan: report from hell and resell it for more money (see much better) for the money for decent pc.

The only pluses for me are:
1. Indies do they stuff there but it's more of they limitation then anything else
2. It's the only invarioment where real 18+ stuff can exist but with exceptions like saya no uta and a few others It brought more harm than good.

In conclusion i just find pc gaming to be overrated. It's just a way to show who has a bigger dick because you can't do it with consoles. Computers should stay as tools for Excel and browsing web.

Thanks for reading this i just was really pissed at some people. I am sorry for my terrible english. I am courios to see the shitstorm that i am gonna uncover but for now So Long.
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Definitely agree about bad ports and overrated graphics.

I play retro games on my desktop and found that ps3 fight stick and (usb) xbox 360 controller worked without any additional setup from me.
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The most vocal part of PC gaming is a graphics and FPS circlejerk which can go fuck right off in 144FPS. Then there's the majority who have a brain and their rig is a 1050ti shoved into a PC from 2012. Those guys are cool.
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I'm just going to refute your points with a few basic statements:

  • The controls take some getting used to at first, but honestly, Steam will allow you to use pretty much anything you could connect to a PC and can map correctly if you really want to invest some time into getting it to work just how you like it. And honestly, if you can get your hands on a Steam Controller, it can make playing those KB/M only games (which include FPS if you add in stuff like gyro controls and the like into the equation) actually possible with some configuration! It's all in the Steam Overlay and BPM settings. Speaking of Steam and digital distribution.
  • Digital distribution is here to stay on PC, and it's going to become the standard for consoles unless if the streaming concept takes off with people. The physical copy argument doesn't even really work anymore anyways because a lot of games need Day 1 patches to even be functional, which means that, say, 15 years down the line, if you want to play your Assassin's Creed Unity disc on your old PS4 whose servers have been shut down to support the PS7/upcoming PS8, you're gonna end up being unable to play the game with how much of a glitchfest that POS was!
  • Sure, you won't have as many technical problems with consoles, but as the situation with the Tokyo Drift of the Joy-Cons has demonstrated, if something goes wrong, unless if you're someone like JerryRigEverything or Ben Heck, you're fucked. With a PC, if a physical part goes wrong or if something is loose, it's usually easier to replace that individual part(s) and get it working again, especially if you have a warranty from a reliable store. As for software, I'd say that reviews and forums like these will help you in determining whether a piece of software has any significant bugs or not. Speaking of "software..."
  • PC having bad ports is honestly not even as big of a deal as it used to be. Sure, you have nightmare stories like with Arkham Knight, but honestly, shit like that is rare from big companies these days compared to 15-20 years ago where games would launch that wouldn't be configured to run with every part or software standard that people were using on the market before things became more centralized around the late 00's/early 2010's. This was the era of multiple standards like AGP, PS/2 connectors transitioning to USB, VGA to DVI, and then eventually moving up to HDMI. And it was also the era of games using shit like GFWL that ended up requiring a fan-made patch to make Fallout 3 and maybe New Vegas playable on modern machines not because of the hardware required to play the game, but because of some outdated service from the Xbox 360 era that ended up getting discontinued like a lot of services do (goodbye, PlayStation Vue!), and where Bethesda games being praised by everyone in spite of the many technical bugs all of the games have even to this day because it was just kind of understood that if one was playing a Bethesda game on PC, you were downloading the fanmade patches and using the mod managers to "experience" the game better than those who were playing Skyrim on the 360.
  • Even if PC ports are bad, in this era of even fucking PS3 games being playable with limited to no bugs (Hello, Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown!), even the games with shittiest console-PC ports like Saints Row 2 will become better than their PC versions, assuming people didn't figure out a way to break into the game's code and reverse-engineer it to actually become somewhat functional like they did with GTA4 back in the day, and I have no idea if that game is even playable with all of the effort I've heard about that one.
  • Graphics? Just go to any Digital Foundry video and have a look for yourself.
  • Prices for PC parts? Maybe for right now due to a certain virus, but the market isn't exactly in a typical situation atm. And besides, you're doing more than just playing games if you're buying certain parts for PC's. If you're getting a CPU good enough to run RPCS3, you're probably also going to be using it for streaming, video editing/rendering, Photoshop, Blender, and other pieces of software that actually use the multithreaded nature of most modern desktop CPU's used in what you envision as the typical "PC gamer" setup. For the video card, you can certainly do more with an RTX 2080 Ti than a GTX 1080, but honestly, if you're playing most of today's games and you want to achieve 60FPS with no care for how good/bad/passable/*insert adjective here* the graphics look? A GTX 960/970/1060 (6GB, especially) would probably be just fine for most people. It may not meet the recommended specs of Yakuza Kiwami 2 or Doom Eternal, but it'll play those games fine until the games that are made for the PS5 and the XBSEX start coming out!

Honestly, if you want a pushback, keep making controversial topics like these. But if you want everyone to agree with you, let me show you the way to an echo chamber:

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I honestly just don't like most PC gamers, not gonna lie. Most of them are just smug assholes who take up every opportunity to bring up PC gaming at even the slightest moment. New video game console announced? Don't worry, smug PC gamers are going to be there to remind you that PC gaming is a thing and how amazing it is and how much of a waste money consoling gaming is. It's not endearing, it's fucking annoying and often not welcomed.
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stopped reading when talking about controls sucking. you can use pretty much any and all controllers on PC.
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Oh my. Yeah, those of us who vocalize and provide condescending views can go find a cliff. However, your points are all subjective. Not even that, some are just... Well... Wrong. Graphics are objectively better and more consistent on PC. Sharper images, better details and the option to turn off that nasty motion blur used to hide the choppy feeling of 30fps. Yeah, you're used to it. Fine, but you denying it being worse is just as bad as the PCMR circlejerks.

Physical games, okay. Yeah, you got that. However, not everyone wants physical titles. It just feels redundant. Especially when even on consoles you're still downloading massive updates and relying on what could be a slower install time than just downloading the title. It's more convenient for those that are afraid of a digital shutdown, or those with CenturyLink and their "blistering fast" 1.5mbps download. No, I'm not joking. They said this.

Controls? You do realize that you have freedom of peripheral choice on most (if not ALL) modern titles? I'm not going to waste time on this point.

What's funny about you bringing up issues with PC is that I've experienced more crashes on my Xbox One and even the PS4 when I owned one than I ever have on PC. Also, I actually have the power to fix said issues unlike consoles. Especially with the software side.

All I'm getting out of this is half troll, and half ignorance. You're entitled to your opinion, and I won't belittle that. However, get some more valid points. Please.

You like console? Cool. You like PC? Great. One is convenient and the other has more options. Just shut the fuck up and enjoy what you want. Jesus christ.
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I know its not gonna happen because there's zero demand for it but a *NEW universal standard for physical PC games would be really cool. Perhaps a derivative of something like SATA or PCIe.
@grey72 there is and was a standard. CD/DVD ROMS for installing your games. Digital is king and will remain king.
I meant a new distribution format that's suitable for today's games. Optical media is more or less dead. Nothing against digital or people who prefer it but I gotta have my games be physical.
@grey72 Welcome to modern gaming. I sure hope you plan on getting everything on LimitedRunGames while supplies last of the digital stuff that you want, and that you have a big enough library for when the PS5 and the XBSEX get rid of the optical drive to cut down on price, power usage, and other factors that can increase the cost and weight of a device!
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@Silent_Gunner Sigh, """Progress"""" is inevitable no matter how painful.
Eventually gaming's gonna have its own (probably shittier) version of Netflix.
oh my god! It's horrible playing with mouse and keyboard!
no it'[s not YOU just suck at it
You have to deal with errors, stupid launchers, incompatibality with you're you're parts and more.
i don't have any of them problems every game i run runs perfect including doom. that's because i know how to build a good gaming machine and not use cheap parts. for starters stop using intel they are garbage. AMD cards also suck.
Also the prices are brutal for pc parts
there's some good deals if you know where to look you obviously don't :P
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My main problem with it is, being poor, I rely on birthdays/Christmas to get any big gaming stuff, and it's much easier to ask less tech-savvy relatives for an Xbox or Nintendo console than a 750 Watt PSU, full-ATX sized case, etc, etc. Not to mention it's easier for them to justify the price of it and more likely for them to actually.. get it for me.

And my internet sucks, rural areas are funky with that sorta thing, so downloading any game bigger than 15 gigs or so is gonna be a day-long process, when in most cases I can buy a Switch game card at Walmart and play it right when I get home, save for an update which I can usually just skip until I've spent a few hours with it.

Another thing is when you're poor, you can't really have separate computers for separate things, so if I dropped my whole nut on a gaming PC, that would also be my music composing and recording PC, my anime watching PC, my GBATemp-checking PC, my dubious downloading PC, and if one of those downloads happens to be too dubious, or one of my friends passes me a thumb drive with some nasty shit on it, or something fails in it, not only would I potentially lose my computer, but also my main source of gaming.

Not to mention, I play guitar, I'm very prone to repetitive strain injuries such as carpal tunnel, and there's nothing that fucks with my wrists quite like using a keyboard and mouse to play a game. Controllers are much more ergonomic to me, in most cases.

Most of this stuff is just personal, situational, and really specific, but it's just the right concoction that I stray away (GET IT?!) from PC gaming.
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Ok here is my response to most common point's:

About digital distribution- it's just an excuse for developers to not finish their games because "we patch it later" before the days of patches if the game was decent then there would no glitches and that was it.

Keyboard and mouse- i know that i can connect a controler but i am talking about idiots that say that using keyboard and mouse is better than using controller which is clearly a lie.

graphics- are not that good especially if you compare them with price that you have to pay.

It's not only for games- and it's the problem because stupid kids can say to their parents this argument or "it's for education" and it's much easier for them to convince their parents to buy them a pc then a console. That's why nowdays you have so much stupid and toxic kids. So i find that pc is more for kiddies.

As always thanks for reading but for now So Long.
@Nobody_Important4u Uh...on that last point...nani!?



I'm not gonna even bother refuting the rest of your statements as you're just desperate for attention you wish you got from girls you could be talking to as opposed to talking what are a bunch of randoms here on this forum. To sum up what I think about what you said:

Here's a safe space for you:
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You again? Is this planned to be a regular thing where you whine about PC gaming every 2-3 weeks?
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OP needs to mature and get a real job. If he can't afford to buy a real pc and relied on his parents for all of his gaming needs up to now I can understand he's a console only person. "Keyboard and mouse- i know that i can connect a controler but i am talking about idiots that say that using keyboard and mouse is better than using controller which is clearly a lie."

What the fuck are you talking about ? Different games have different input method. I would never use KB/M to play fighting games , but I would also never use a console's controller either. Fighting games are best played with fight sticks. FPS are best played with KB/M (and if you want to argue that , I'd love to see you complete with a controller against anybody who's a decent player. Sure most games are played with a controller. That's actually the best point of PC gaming.. You are not tied in to a single control scheme..

If OP had half a brain , he'd shut up about all that and just accept the fact that whatever is good for him , doesn't apply to anyone else but him. "PC gaming is full of kiddies." You're 20 years old.. Before you turned 16 you probably didn't even decide what clothes you were going to wear to go to school. You're the kid .. crying on a blog about PC gaming..
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