Learing I have Aspergers thanks to metal gear solid 2

So ive been having this internal conflict for the last few days. Its frustrating due to stigmas, but talking about it is the first step to help. If help is possible idk really.

So i am a gear head. I love/d the mgs franchises. So i watched a youtube video about "the most profound moment in video game history".

Loved it but didnt subscribe to the channel that made it. I then have gotten really deep into alex gray art and from that deeper into the band tool whome ive always considered my top favorite band of all time behind pink floyde led zep jimmy hendrix and experimential acid rock. So the same youtuber that made the mgs video made some really good analysis videos on tool songs...

Thats when i looked up his other channel uploads and saw this one...

It opened my eyes to my life i never understood. It explained so much. And ive learned i have high function aspergers. I when i google symptoms i though wow i have excatly all those and more, and brought a form relief that i am not normal and it is a mental illness and im not just bat shit crazy for no real reason. Looking at my genetic history dad mom grand parents, aunts n uncles, cousins ect. And yep all bat shit crazy and undiagnosed aspergers.

Now i reallllly want to talk to a doctor and seek help yet feel stigmatized by talking about this openly with anyone be it family or the few friends i have. Id like to talk about this to others who have this and have learned how to live with it.


Learning something like that about yourself at any age is a major life changer, and can explain and help with a lot of things you may have been struggling with, however please don't self-diagnose; if you have reason to believe you may have Asperger's, or recognize yourself in the videos, please consult an expert and get a professional evaluation.
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I did score a 32 out of 50 on the spectrum test. Im going to seek a doctor to see if i really do proven have it
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I might catch some shit for this one but do think carefully about how you get tested (could even be going in under Joe Bloggs). I agree completely that self diagnosis is a path that is hard to tread (or if you prefer they don't let medics self treat/self diagnose and they are supposed to know what they are doing), and in some cases being an "aspie" is considered cool or desirable so be aware of that one when self confirming.

If you are generally high functioning and school did not bother to pick it up (assuming accurate profile you are of an age where they were generally primed to notice it, however it might have skipped them and you might not have had ones that care) it can be easier to not have it there rather than it being on records, noted in schools, noted in job interviews and whatever else.

Even if you don't and just have some traits and want to learn to handle/recognise/mitigate some of the annoyances then great*. You can do that on your own time, and most of them/the exercises usually given are generally good habits or knowledge anyway. If you have traits that make life a lot harder, though what that means varies and will also have to be what you consider harder (bear in mind being normal is overrated, or the quote attributed to Einstein "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."), then that is a different matter.

*if you have trouble with eye contact you might well also have trouble reading emotions and social situations, fortunately most people broadcast that plainly if you know how to look though at the same time also be careful with that one as it is almost a superpower. Look up microexpressions on your own time though.
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Check out my youtube channel. Kevint creations. My ocd is small 2 stroke engine porting. I am considered a non conformist outsider in that i prefer to be alone and not care about other peoples lives. I will eat at a restaurant alone and be happier than going with friends. I dont like to read peoples emotions and im very blunt with 0 fucks about if i say something offensive. Im not a team player, i dont like to even hang out with friends casually if i means sitting in a house and just talking or watching tv. Like i just dont care. I find myself constantly being misunderstood becuase i see things in a bigger whole picture. I lack empathy when i think of like 80 year old people dying of covid. Like fuck em they are past the point of life anyways. Ive worked at 2kvegas on borderlands 3 and a paid console modder and repair tech at video game stores, i dont like hearing people talk about personal problems and see most people in a state of PTSD due to brainwashing that every person is supposed to be a brain surgen, nasa scientist, lawyer, rock star, movie star youtube star dank meme god and if you fall short at all your a failure.
I have ADHD (found out later than most) as well as OCD, I do have to say see a doctor and get diagnosed, then after a few pills and a few months (hopefully you have insurance), things are better than ever.
Aspergers is something you want.

I have come to know Aspergers as one of the keys to unlocking the morphogenetic field
Look through history and you will find the smartest minds and the greatest inventors all had Aspergers
I'm on the spectrum, I generally can diagnose if someone is autistic by their interest in pokemon
I dont like to brag as it always feels narcissistic but i actually am one of the best engine tuners for small 2 stroke engines, it was ME who figured out a method to install debug fw updates onto a retail /cex ps3 in 2008 that lead to many "debug" ps3s being sold for thousands of dollars before the methods were public. I paint 3d florecent glow in the dark trip art i play guitar and i mod consoles for friends for the plain fun and robin hood feeling watching the nestoliga roll over them.
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This may be unrelated and sound crazy as fuck but i once had a accident at a skatepark where i had to avoide slamming into a small kid and sent me on a wild ride endind with a 20+ foot fall to my brain stem resulting in a semi unconcious seizure and the white light tunnel in a black emptyness. I metaphysicaly flew my spirit into the white hole and once on the other side fond myself in a library of infinity. What ive now learned is the akashic records. My dead father was not there, and the reason i went into the light. A deep voice said you are not ready it is not your time yet. It felt kinda like the big door in full metal alchimest. I keep this to myself due to not wanting to weird people out, but a few weeks ago i was in a deep talk about spirituality and i leeked ive been to the other side and rember everything vivdly. It looks alot like alex grays tool 10'000 days cover art. When i started talking about my native american heritage i started seeing purple/indigo orbs of light fly around my house. Ive been praticing self hypnosis and meditation to channel the memorys of this event to the point i can asteial project myself back there but i cant access the knowledge. Like a forcefeild blocks me idk how else to explain. In my first vision i put a hand on a white roman looking marble bookcase and it felt like lightning jolted through my body ( i was unconcious for about 10 minutes without a pulse before i woke up and stood up to the amazment of everyone around me.

Fast forward to about 5 years ago, another health scare where i whited out from blood loss. Found myself back at the akashic records and was like ok wtf. Was told things i dont fully understand and feel compelled to paint my visions
You have already tapped into the field Joker


However you should look to use your gift for more than just fun
I would start researching guys like Issac Newton and Nikola Tesla both of who have shown the ability to tap into the field.

Tesla related in his autobiography that he experienced detailed moments of inspiration. During his early life, Tesla was repeatedly stricken with illness. He suffered a peculiar affliction in which blinding flashes of light appeared before his eyes, often accompanied by visions.[235] Often, the visions were linked to a word or idea he might have come across; at other times they provided the solution to a particular problem he had encountered. Just by hearing the name of an item, he could envision it in realistic detail.[235] Tesla visualized an invention in his mind with extreme precision, including all dimensions, before moving to the construction stage, a technique sometimes known as picture thinking. He typically did not make drawings by hand but worked from memory. Beginning in his childhood, Tesla had frequent flashbacks to events that had happened previously in his life.[235]



if you suspect this might be true I suggest taking an assessment tool online and if it shows the possibility then get n appointment for a proper diagnosis. leaving the diagnosis upto yourself isn't recommended
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Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow it the fuck down there. You don't have anything until you are diagnosed with it in my books. There's plenty of boys (and girls as well, but the spike in the statistic is more significant in boys) who've been "diagnosed" with ADHD, given meds, and then they grow dependent upon the medicine, when they may have just been active. Even back when I was in kindergarten, they let us go outside and play in recess, so them eliminating recess and having kids sit down and be expected to stay quiet is considered the "norm" nowadays when, while we sure have gotten better at detecting and diagnosing ADHD and other ASD, sometimes I have to wonder if it crosses the line into overdiagnosis at times in the case of the former!

I have Asperger's as well, for what it's worth, albeit on the higher functioning end of the spectrum, and I am truly grateful to the medical community for being there when it could in supporting people like yours truly so they could grow up to be able to function as "normal" as possible!

Just remember that we live in a https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZWKOFtymPw ;)
If by ADHD meds you mean Adderall, if you have been prescribed it and need it, your not really "dependent" on it, it just makes life more calm (at least in the sense that life is "calm" to a regular person)

As an adult you can live without it just fine, but you might annoy the shit out of those around you, and your only hurting yourself in the long run.
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