The curse gets worse ...

So again, it's been a couple of weeks since I last did an update and again, I wish it was more of a happy one.

So, on 29/6 I got rushed into hospital.

Early Monday morning I was just going about my business before I crawled into bed for the night, I was finishing up watching some YouTube videos while actually working on a script for a YouTube video and I felt fine. I finished up what I was doing checked my blood sugars (6.5 mmol - Perfectly normal) and I crawled into bed and drifted off to sleep about 3:30am.

An hour later I awoke to the most searing gut pain of my life. " oh god what have I eaten " was the first thing that ran through my head.

I knew I was going to throw up but at this point I was just trying to put it off for as long as I could. So, I just lay there for a good 15 minutes just holding everything back. The time came where not only was did I know I was going to throw up but the other end needed some attention too. So, I threw back the bed covers and sat up. Mistake number 1. The room started spinning and sweat started pouring off me. But not the " boy I’m really hot " kind of sweat this was ice cold and flowed off me like a river. So, I stand up and lurch over to the bathroom and sit on the toilet, the world spinning around me and manage to get there completely out of breath just in time to catch all my bodily fluids which at this point were mostly blood.

But not the nice bright red blood this stuff had been a round in my stomach/GI tract for a while and was virtually black. So with blood expelled, still completely out of breath I try and make it back to my bed. I say try to make it to my bed because I didn’t quite make it. Just as I made it into the room before out go the lights and collapse to the side of the bed.

"Uiaad? are you ok" I hear as I start coming around

" Yeah I’m fine, just fallen out of bed I’m fine " I have no idea why I said this even still. Only thing I can think of that I opened my eyes and saw the side of my bed and put 2 and 2 together and got 6. All I remember here is her almost screaming " no you haven’t no you haven’t!!!!"

So, my wife helps me onto the bed and calls an ambulance - We get a rapid responder first who comes in with his kit and checks my blood sugars and they have jumped from 6.5 a couple of hours ago to 27. something and assumes that this is Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA).

Now when I was first diagnosed being diabetic, I did have DKA I had been walking around with blood sugars greater than 20 mmol and when I was admitted to hospital that time the initial measurement was 39.4 mmol - they had absolutely no idea how I was even awake let alone walking and talking. It's not something you forget the feeling of quickly and this was nothing like DKA apart from the high blood sugars. Eventually he takes my temperature (normal) pulse (raised) and blood pressure which is through the floor. You could see the look on his face change from " this is self-inflicted " to "holy shit this guy is on the edge" pillows were taken from behind my head and placed under my feet and a full ambulance called.

So, I get taken though to Accident and Emergency (ER) where I spend the next 6/7 hours having my blood pressure, temp and blood sugars taken. Blood pressure was going up, temperature was staying the same as it wasn't an issue in the first place and sugars are coming down, but none of this was a surprise as I’m bring pumped full of IV liquids and Insulin. I also had the now famous covid test (cotton swab to the back of the nose) which isn’t as uncomfortable as people make it out to be so you know (came back negative). Now all the while I have been in A&E I have been laying, with my head lower than my heart to improve blood pressure. Well it's been a while now and I really need to pee so I find the controls for the bed and slowly tilt myself flat and everything is fine. So, I sit up and there goes the world again, spinning around me like the tea cups ride and I lay back down and things slowly go back to normal.

Now if you know me, if there are one thing you take away very quickly is that if I can do something for myself, I will do it for myself and hate asking for help. So, I end up laying there for a good 15 minutes slowly working out how to take a pee, in the end I just cut my losses and press the call nurse button. She eventually brings me two of those card board bottles to pee in and I filled them both. Even she was a little amazed.

Now since I hadn’t vomited or passed any more blood, I was taken to an isolation ward while they figured out what to do with me. They still weren't sure what was wrong with me at all. Although if they had listened to what medications I was on and connected the dots I probably would have been in and out.

So now it's around 6pm and I’m in a private room on a ward having liquids being pumped in to me but nothing being done towards an actual diagnosis. Now in this room was nothing entertainment wise. Not a TV nor radio and all I had was a phone that was now on 20% battery being used to communicate with my wife when I could actually connect to the 4g or Wi-Fi network. So, I started to do what IT guys do best. I started to google. Bearing in mind that it's now 6 PM had been up since half 4 having gone to bed at half 3 and not having any of my regular pain killers since 10pm the previous night, Mr nice Uiaad is beginning to slowly disappear and be replaced with someone with no patience what so ever.

After about 20 minutes of googling I strike gold. I mean this vain of gold stretches the whole length of the mountain. 2 weeks ago, I had been put on a new drug to go on top of my other pain killers. This drug is known to cause stomach ulcers/bleeding on its own, but when it was paired with the naproxen I was also on it was pretty much a certainty when not using something to also reduce the acidity of the stomach and protect it while you’re on it... which I wasn’t.

So, I call a nurse and ask for some water and but before she leaves ask if I could talk with a Dr and she says that one should be around in a couple of minutes anyway

So, I wait and he comes around

" So whats going on?"

" We think you have a gastro bug "

" But would that really explain all the bleeding? " I turn on my phone and show him a couple of pages on the BNF (British National Formulary) and some docs from the Mayo Clinic

" but you're not on Duloxetine or Naproxen "

I just look at him blank "Ugghhh yes I do " I log in to the app that I use to order my repeat prescription and let him scroll though

The colour starts to drain from his face as realisation comes

" I gave the paramedics a hard copy of what I was on, A&E a hard copy of what I was on as well and telling countless dr's what I’m on and the doses. How the flying fuck is this news to you? "

He was silent for a minute before saying " excuse me " and leaving the room. I was then very quickly given a couple of IV bags that mysteriously started making me feel better not long after that.

At after this point not, a whole lot happened that would be considered interesting. After those two bags had run though and entered my system my blood pressure finally started coming back up and I was able to walk again and I’d arranged for my wife to bring me some clothes a charger and tablet. But she wasn’t allowed in because of covid and no one would take the stuff to me so I had to walk out IV hanger and all. And may whatever deity bless her she brought me vape too, so I hung around for 10 minutes outside before making my way back.

After all of this I was taken to a private room in a geriatric ward, I’m 37 lol but I’m pretty sure they were just hedging their bets and it was the only place they could shove me out the way. I had a camera shoved both up and down me (I’ll let you use your imaginations) which found an ulcer in my stomach which caused the bleed but seemed to be healing pretty well. So now I have been taken off the duloxetine and naproxen and it left a big hole in the pain management strategy that my GP hasn’t been able to fill. oh! and I need to go back to the hospital in about 6 weeks to have another camera down to see how things are healing over.

Anyway, thank you for listening to my TED talk, I have been Uiaad and as always questions and comments are welcome. Hopefully I will do something a little happier next time. I'm thinking perhaps a game review or something ... I have my eye on one or two games ...
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I don't even know what to say, but holy shit that sounds rough man. Ulcers and shit are something I've never experienced, but I feel you on that high blood sugar :/

Mine was up in the really high 20s when I first got tested and it was related to an infection mixed with undiagnosed type 2 diabetes. All of the doctors seemed so surprised that a 15 year old kid (at the time) could even have something like that! Hopefully things get better on your side though
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Reactions: 2 people blood...? I need to wash my mind of that detail...

I'm gonna use this whole story as motivation to wean myself off of soft drinks! While my blood sugar isn't up there last time I did a blood test a year or two ago, just the detail above is something out of a fucking nightmare or something, bro!
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Fun and games with many medical maladies then.

Curious how they fluffed the history though, especially hardcopy stuff and lucid (if you were hypoing or worse and by yourself that would be one thing).

Hope they get a decent combo of meds going on.
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I’ve been wondering about you man , but I’m glad you got it all figured out, I’m hoping it goes well after this :)
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@kikongokiller High blood sugars can be a complete bitch especially if they are left unchecked for a long period. Actually just got a new awesome blood glucose meter yesterday. I think I can say the days of entering my details into a book or manually entering them into a spreadsheet are finally over.

@yuyuyup As much as I would love to sue them, other than a little bit of discomfort and panic. It hasn't been life changing for me. I mean if I had been seriously injured because of this and it had affected me in a way where it changed my everyday life yeah I probably would have sued. but rather than going down this route, im working with my GP and hospital to change the way things work so this never can happen again which is a much better outcome for everyone concerned

@Silent_Gunner Soft drinks are fine. It's a bit like everything in life - everything in moderation. It's a lot better to have a little of what you want every now and then, than to swearing off depriving yourself of something you want and end up a few months later binging on the stuff and skyrocketing your blood sugar level. My blood sugar that day was more of a symptom rather than an actual problem. I know that my blood sugar have been pretty stable and in the normal ranges for a good while now.

@PineappleGod yeah wasn't a fun time haha. But i'm getting better and things are slowly on the mend. Thanks buddy.

@FAST6191 Yeah I have no idea how they managed to bugger things up to the extent they did and dread to think what could have happened if i wasn't at least a little bit with it. The problem is with like most large organizations is that departments don't talk to each other on the level that they should. The NHS is a lumbering, underfunded dinosaur. What was once the envy of the world is now just a shadow of itself at best. It's been used and abused by everyone one and its struggling to cope with everything especially during the current crisis

@Sora Takihawa Thanks buddy

@MicmasH_W Yeah not quite dead buddy. still lingering about here and there. I'm always available through PMs
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You should talk to another doctor, you don't know if you're gonna suffer long-term damage. Suing is what WOULD bring change.
I really don't believe that any long term damage has been done and as i said in reply to Fast, the NHS is already underfunded and abused enough as is, all I would end up doing is causing other patients to suffer. If I was left with a limb missing or having an organ removed then i wouldn't have hesitated.
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First and foremost: Hi Uiaad. I hope you're better now.

It saddens me to hear that you've ran into more health problems. Specially on these awful days where you risk yourself for this covid shit just by attending a hospital to treat yourself.

I've never trusted doctors, and I don't think I ever will. Fucking assholes, they're useless most of the times.

When I was like 16 years old I kind of had the same thing you had, the dizziness, high-low blood pressure and black vomit.
Though, the vomit thing was just for one day, but I do remember the awful feeling, the discomfort and the pain on the stomach and the overall pelvic zone.
I never attended me though, as I thought that It was caused by the food I ate the day before that happened. But reading that I could've had an ulcer worries me a little bit for me and for you.
I didn't knew you were diabetic... or maybe you mentioned it before and I just didn't listened... I tend to do that, sorry.

Well... let's all hope that you can get treated by a decent bunch of doctors / nurses.

When I get my blood pressure going nutz, usually a "tea" of birdseed helps me a lot.
Kidding you not, The way I get it prepared is a cup of water with a fist full of birdseed, let it boil and drink just the water. I can confirm it has helped me a lot with my pressure.
Maybe a little Pepto-Bismol can help your stomach/intestines? I've heard that it improves restoration of damaged tissue caused by ulcers.
And... I don't know if in your country you have the same thin we have in Mexico, but we have something called: "Omeprazol" which are pill that actually dissolves ulcers and heals any possible damaged tissues. Maybe you could buy Omeprazol from the Internet and try it for yourself.

I also happen to have "Home-remedies" and this is something I don't recommend you to do if you're not willing to... but you could try if if you want:

In a blender, mix raw Potatos with Aloe Vera and drink the the whole juice.
Or just blend raw potatos and drink the juice first thing in the morning.

I too agree that you must document everything you're feeling, everything you're taking and everything the fucking doctors are doing to you, just in case you need to prove something.

I realize that Doctors are the same dickheads everywhere and not just in my place.:unsure:

Best regards, please take care, and do try those potato juices... they're natural so they shouldn't present any risk if you do try it.
Hey @JuanMena ! hope everything is good on your side, but yeah i am doing a lot better than i was at least I'm more up and about right now.
I've found that the problem with doctors is that the vast majority of good ones, the ones that actually know what they are doing and actually care about people have actually gone in to higher paying positions in different countries or clinics where regular people will never see them.
Funny you should mention the Omeprazol, that is exactly what i'm on 40mg twice a day for the next 5 weeks until i've had my cameras then if everything is ok dropping to 20 mg twice a day. Thanks for putting me on to the birdseed, i may actually give this a try. Sadly not the potato ... me and raw potatoes have a history that i won't go into here. I would hate to be responsible for everyone reading it vomiting on their devices haha

I really should do a review on the meters i have used over the last couple of years, in fact i have just got a brand new meter. O.M.G it is exactly what i have been after for years. It's the Contour Next One it is absolutely amazing... so far. its a small form factor meter maybe just a little longer than a pack of gum, that uses testing strips it has an in build bluetooth and transmits the results over to the app on your phone after every test, a little light on the end (green yellow and red) that shows you if your BGl are within ranges without actually having to look at the screen on the meter the only drawback i can see is that it runs of 2 x 2032 batteries so with the bluetooth im expecting the battery life to be pretty low - maybe 6 - 9 months if you are lucky, tho thinking about it, it probably runs at 5 volts, switching to AAA batteries would have made it to bulky and Li-op too expensive and wasteful so was the best way to power it :/ I'm gonna shut up now i'm rambling haha

Thanks again buddy !
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