Ipod is the worst mp3 player of all time!!

This is the fifth time that my ipod got completely destroyed. Itunes got forzen and the ipod will not respond. Itunes is a slow ass and terrible software to begin with, I have no clue why so many people like this software, SonicStage from Sony was bad, but it was a million times better than that PIECE OF SHIT itunes. :hateit: I rather eat a piece of horse shit rather than dealing with this f*cked up shit. F*ck you steve jobs, you dirty nazi!!! How is he making so much off such shitty hardware and software?????? I only have this ipod to show off in front of my friends, it dies within months because of hard disk failure. This is my FIFTH TIME!!!! Don't they have quality control???!!?!?! :hateit:


I think the iPod series, especially the shuffle, is ridiculous, in that you pay more for less features. I had a €10 MP3 player once and when it broke down, it still did more than the iPod shuffle.
I have several friends with iPods and they've had nothing but trouble.
I've had one of the 120G Zunes since they first came out and it's flawless so far.
The Zune software can be tricky (accidentally deleted a gig or so of music off my player once) but free and frequent upgrades are showing improvement.

If only it'd let me use it as a storage device...

Well, iTunes isn't that great on a PC, but it works well enough (no 11 seconds load up times here, sync goes fast as well)
After all I think using iTunes is way better than the drag and drop shit...you don't have to worry about a logical folder structure or which song to replace with a reworked (ID3Tag changed) version etc.
Just getting songs from an iPod is a little bit meh...but after all the iTunes + iPod concept works very well

And about comparing a iPod with a cheap DX MP3...I don't think you get such a good display or a good menu with genius, coverflow, etc from this cheap one...I had cheap ones and they were crap
I completely agree with some of the people here.

iTunes is fucking horrible. It is a sorry excuse for a piece of shit.

iPods on the other hand have not really disappointed me that much. They have frozen and completely erased all my music and shit like that but I have noticed that only happens when I was connecting it to the PC and iTunes was starting up thus I blame all of it on iTunes, that fucking piece of shit.
I never had a problem with an iPod or iTunes, ever.

You sir have bad luck. Or maybe Apple is becoming the new Microsoft.
iTunes is the worst software of all time.
WHY can't they make it drag-and-drop?!?!? :wtf:

Half the time I plug in my iPod Classic into iTunes, it says its mac formatted and needs to be reformatted.
Whoa whoa whoa, iTunes may be over-sized, sluggish and buggy... but it certainly isn't... umm. Oh right, it's horrible. However, I do enjoy my iPod Touch.
I have an iPod nano, somethings are a pain, like average format support, lack of expandable memory, and proprietary cables, but other than that, I'm enjoying it.

Also, iTunes is a piece of shit, don't use it, use Mediamonkey or something instead.

[quote name='agentgamma' post='1790394' date='Feb 21 2009, 10:49 PM']iTunes is the worst software of all time.
WHY can't they make it drag-and-drop?!?!? :wtf:

Half the time I plug in my iPod Classic into iTunes, it says its mac formatted and needs to be reformatted.

For all you know, maybe it's cheating on your PC.

[quote name='hankchill' post='1789770' date='Feb 21 2009, 05:01 PM']I never had a problem with an iPod or iTunes, ever.

You sir have bad luck. Or maybe Apple is becoming the new Microsoft.[/quote]

iTunes for Mac - Great
iTunes for Windows - Seriously, who the fuck ported this shit?
The iPod Touch and iPhone are indeed nice pieces of hardware. The iPod Classics and Nanos suck hard though IMO. In addition to poor codec support, they sound like garbage. No matter what headphones I've used on iPods, including Sennheisers, the sound is flat and lifeless. Couple that with a poor screen, very small feature set (No FM, no Wi-Fi, etc) and you basically have a very poor MP3 player. The build quality is usually pretty good though.

If you don't care about iTunes, don't use an iPod. Get a Zune, Samsung, Cowon, or an iRiver. Your ears will thank you :P
[quote name='Praetor192' post='1785871' date='Feb 19 2009, 11:18 PM'][quote name='Beware' post='1785810' date='Feb 19 2009, 08:41 PM']The $1 a year thing made me laugh. Hard. I seriously hope you are joking.[/quote]
Nope, not joking. Look it up, instead of a large salary he gets stock options.

[quote name='Beware' post='1785810' date='Feb 19 2009, 08:41 PM']Also, you run Mac, so you are used to the kind of bullshit that Mac applications spew (as the OS is built around it). Also, the Windows version of iTunes is basically a port of a hack, so it's obviously going to run much worse. And to say "You are wrong" to the OP is just plain rude and ignorant. "Independent review sources" do NOT make an MP3 player better than another.[/quote]
I run a mac, and have used Windows probably more than you have. I have been a computer junkie my whole life, I spend my time playing around with them, doing minor coding experiments and physically taking them apart and rebuilding them (including an old Toshiba laptop). You are obviously one of the retarded biased failures who has either 1) never used a mac 2) bought in to the whole "internet peer pressure" thing, or 3) used it for a small period of time under restricted access settings (ex. school, a friend's, or work). Macs are clearly much better, but that would literally turn into a topic that is dozens (if not hundreds) of pages long (trust me, I have done of those debates before on a site called maplantis.org, now supplanted by staredit.net). Did I say that iPods were better? No, I said the customer satisfaction for the reliability of the product as well as the resolution of problems was greater.

[quote name='Beware' post='1785810' date='Feb 19 2009, 08:41 PM']How's this for why the iPod sucks compared to most other available products: VERY low codec support (about 5 audio [MP3, WAV, AIF, M4A, and AAC] and 2 or 3 video codecs), awful file organization, over-zealous encryption, DRM riddled, mediocre interface, and absolutely terrible way of transferring music.[/quote]
Many mp3 players have low codec support, and iPods handle the most common filetypes. If you wish to play music that is in another format, you can change it or you can install third party programs on your iPod. The file organization is excellent, allowing you to sort by a variety of different criteria as well as create playlists on the fly. Encryption and DRM? Nope, my iPod has neither of those. Only songs bought through online stores and from some CDs have DRM, and it is easily circumvented. Most of my music is either from torrents or CDs and not online stores, so my music is DRM-free. I can use simple drag-and-drop programs to move my music from my iPod to my computer, and iTunes from my computer to my iPod. The interface started out simplistic and manageable, and has since evolved to being a very intuitive management system that is very clean and easy to use. Terrible way of transferring music? By that you mean plugging it in to your computer and dragging files over, as you have to do with every other mp3 player? Or do you mean the iPod Touch's ability to download music on the go? Both seem fine for me.

[quote name='Beware' post='1785810' date='Feb 19 2009, 08:41 PM']Who the fuck are you to tell the OP HE is wrong for being unhappy with a PMP that has now broken on him FIVE times???[/quote]
Nobody I know has had their iPod break more than 3 times, and that person was often neglecting the well-being of his device (he accidentally dropped one, lifted up the leg of the chair he was sitting on to get up to look for it, and that put the leg directly on top of the screen. When he sat down after not seeing it, it got crushed. Another one of his he dropped and one corner of the screen cracked. A third the harddrive gave out, and 1 month out of warranty apple still replaced it for free.) The OP obviously neglects his iPod in order for it to have broken 5 times, and even if it had for reasons out of his control, apple would still likely replace it for free. Thus, I can clearly and objectively say that he is wrong.

1. As I stated about the Steve Jobs bit, his salary is completely meaningless since he is still worth BILLIONS. He doesn't need any salary.

2. Now you are just making assumptions about me. If you bothered to find out a damn thing about me instead of jumping to ignorant conclusions when someone's opinion doesn't agree with yours, you would know that I am a HUGE tech junky. I, too, rebuild, do some minor coding, and fuck around with them all the time. You are just making ignorant assumptions that are WAY off base.

3. I HAVE used Mac. I've used it quite a bit. I gave into the huge hype when Apple was making it's comeback. I ran Hack-intoshes and my GF has a Mac (she needed it for school). I used it for a while and realized how awful of an OS it is. I could go into detail, but that's not what this is about.

4. I was trying to illustrate a point that it is all OPINIONS. Just because YOU like the organization and can deal with the DRMs and the software doesn't mean other people can. You are the the Alpha nor the Omega.

5. Once again, you are making blatant assumptions. Do you know the OP? Do you know he abused it?? Just because YOU don't know people who this kind of thing has happened to does NOT mean it doesn't happen.

There was no reason to attack me like that. I didn't make assumptions about your character based on a stupid forum post and I did NOT insult the character of someone who I don't even know their name. That was unnecessary and rude.
[quote name='DarkMatt' post='1790436' date='Feb 21 2009, 11:10 PM']The iPod Touch and iPhone are indeed nice pieces of hardware. The iPod Classics and Nanos suck hard though IMO. In addition to poor codec support, they sound like garbage. No matter what headphones I've used on iPods, including Sennheisers, the sound is flat and lifeless. Couple that with a poor screen, very small feature set (No FM, no Wi-Fi, etc) and you basically have a very poor MP3 player. The build quality is usually pretty good though.

If you don't care about iTunes, don't use an iPod. Get a Zune, Samsung, Cowon, or an iRiver. Your ears will thank you :P[/quote]
Weird, I find it decent, I have a pair or Shure E3cs and have my music is encoded in M4A at an average bitrate of 160kb/s.

My friend has a Zune 120, and I can't tell the difference, he has most of his music in MP3 320 kb/s.

Probably just my ears.
No doubt the ipod sucks...ASS
And it's a proven fact that the DS Moonshell plays music better than the ipod...
And it's a lot easier to store music too!
But people get ipods anyways because of two things...
1) The build quality is... ... better than the competition
2) Even IF the music that shits out sounds like trash...at least it plays music...

But the itunes....Oh crap don't get me started...
[quote name='yikkyon' post='1790463' date='Feb 21 2009, 11:36 PM']And it's a proven fact that the DS Moonshell plays music better than the ipod...[/quote]
Jesus Christ, what is wrong with you?
[quote name='Ferrariman' post='1790475' date='Feb 22 2009, 04:40 PM'][quote name='yikkyon' post='1790463' date='Feb 21 2009, 11:36 PM']And it's a proven fact that the DS Moonshell plays music better than the ipod...[/quote]
Jesus Christ, what is wrong with you?

Got to agree there lol. :wtf:
[quote name='Ferrariman' post='1790475' date='Feb 22 2009, 06:40 AM'][quote name='yikkyon' post='1790463' date='Feb 21 2009, 11:36 PM']And it's a proven fact that the DS Moonshell plays music better than the ipod...[/quote]
Jesus Christ, what is wrong with you?


@ OP, just because you suck with electronics, that doesn't mean that iPods suck. I, for one, love my 1gb iPod shuffle 3rd gen. There's nothing difficult about using itunes either.
[quote name='Ferrariman' post='1790445' date='Feb 22 2009, 06:15 AM'][quote name='DarkMatt' post='1790436' date='Feb 21 2009, 11:10 PM']The iPod Touch and iPhone are indeed nice pieces of hardware. The iPod Classics and Nanos suck hard though IMO. In addition to poor codec support, they sound like garbage. No matter what headphones I've used on iPods, including Sennheisers, the sound is flat and lifeless. Couple that with a poor screen, very small feature set (No FM, no Wi-Fi, etc) and you basically have a very poor MP3 player. The build quality is usually pretty good though.

If you don't care about iTunes, don't use an iPod. Get a Zune, Samsung, Cowon, or an iRiver. Your ears will thank you :P[/quote]
Weird, I find it decent, I have a pair or Shure E3cs and have my music is encoded in M4A at an average bitrate of 160kb/s.

My friend has a Zune 120, and I can't tell the difference, he has most of his music in MP3 320 kb/s.

Probably just my ears.

Actually, the problem is with the shures. The E3Cs and the E2Cs sound exactly the same. Why is it more expensive with a different model name? Marketing, of course.

And since it's sound signature isn't very "cold", it doesn't really bring out the detail in bitrates. It'd be surprising for me to hear that someone can hear the difference.
C'mon now guys, iTunes is wonderful. It starts up all nice and quick, runs super smooth, and does a great job of...

HAW, oh man, sorry... sorry, I couldn't keep that up much longer. Whoooo boy. Seriously.


I can start Firefox, Photoshop, WoW, and play through the first quest of The Legend of Zelda before iTunes finally starts, and decides my iPod is there. I've not seen many programs as bloated as iTunes has become. It started out fairly nice. but years/features later, it's a damn hog. And yet, there are so many basic things missing. Plus, I've long since lost count of how many people have asked me "How do I copy my music from my iPod to my computer?" or some variation of that. Well, you -could- hit consolidate library, but you'd have a better chance of splitting an atom with your foot.

I've been a yamipod whore for years now. It's like having iTunes lite. Hey, wait, there's an idea, Apple... iTunes lite! No god damned Genius, album art fetching, gapless playback determining (it has to think of how to play things right after another?), cover flow, whiskey distilling, apple store, burning, ripping, podcasts, or any other crap I can't bother to think of. Just "hey, I downloaded an album, and I'd like to copy it to my iPod. That's it."

Oh, but iPods are mostly ok. Had 2 so far, and even my 3rd gen is still working to this day. And I'm fairly rough on them. OP must have played racquetball with his.
[quote name='Westside' post='1785686' date='Feb 20 2009, 04:35 AM']This is the fifth time that my ipod got completely destroyed. Itunes got forzen and the ipod will not respond. Itunes is a slow ass and terrible software to begin with, I have no clue why so many people like this software, SonicStage from Sony was bad, but it was a million times better than that PIECE OF SHIT itunes. :hateit: I rather eat a piece of horse shit rather than dealing with this f*cked up shit. F*ck you steve jobs, you dirty nazi!!! How is he making so much off such shitty hardware and software?????? I only have this ipod to show off in front of my friends, it dies within months because of hard disk failure. This is my FIFTH TIME!!!! Don't they have quality control???!!?!?! :hateit:[/quote]
I have some possible explinations to your problems, in order of likelihood:

-You have dementia and also believe your iPod can double as a tennis ball.

-The curse I put on your computer using my powers of wizardry is kicking in.

-You're running a 500mhz computer with 64mb of RAM. And you uploaded a virus intentionally to your ipod.

-You bought an ipod clone.

-You are very impatient and very quick to jump to conclusions about a new thing if you have any bad luck with it.

-You were fool enough to install Hackintosh and are having problems. (Nah, he would never understand it.)

The mac line of software and hardware is the best I have ever used. iTunes is one of, if not the best application of it's kind. The iPod excels in it's field. Those six up top are my best explanations. Particularly the top and bottom. By the way, I assume horse shit is your favorite food. One more thing. iTunes sucks for windows. It pwns for mac. As for the supposed horrible startup times, Mine starts up instead of 10 seconds. Not bad considering the complexity of the program.

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