Well...Another One of These..Let's See

Well i wanted to make a post on why i don't celebrate hallows eve, - you must already know that i am christian, anyway i wanted to warn those on here on why it isn't a great holiday at all.
if you are a fanatic of hallows eve want to ignore the facts history of this satanic holiday, please do not leave a hate comment because that shiet is just pitty at that point xD, however, if you want to disagree make your opinion on why, - could care less, **but** if you want to be a 'one of those' people, satanist, going to be blunt, then please do not respond to this blog, i don't want you - as they say it now these days; on my 'safe space' it makes me concerned about my well being...

....*ahem* no pun intended..okay, um if you want to know fully without me dragging it on, a more informative way - please watch this video made by a fellow sister <3.

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Never celebrated Halloween....and I will not do it in the Future.It is NO Celebration Day/Event for Austria.
We have our "Allerheiligen/Allerseelen on these 2 Days to "honor and remember" our Deceased,in Peace,Calm and Devotion and Respect.:)
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So...you want us to just parrot your opinions on Halloween, which you use a video (and one of those totes-not-clickbait-title conspiracy videos) to go and state?

Why not do some research into the holiday itself? I could make the argument that Christmas was never meant to be a celebration of Christ's birth (for which there's no evidence of it landing on December 25th for sure), as a lot of what comprises what we understand about the holiday is actually derived from the ancient Roman festival known as Saturnalia that Constantine, in his effort to unify the Roman empire and create what is now the Catholic church, then went and syncretized Saturnalia into what we now know as Christmas.

Just expecting people to just go along with an opinion isn't changing minds.
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What the fuck are you on about Halloween has fuck all to do with satin.

The tradition originated with the ancient Gaelic/Celtic (Scottish and Irish) festival of Samhain when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts. In the eighth century, Pope Gregory III designated November 1 as a time to honor all saints. Soon, All Saints Day incorporated some of the traditions of Samhain. The evening before was known as All Hallows Eve, and later Halloween. Over time, Halloween evolved into a day of activities like trick-or-treating, carving jack-o-lanterns, festive gatherings, donning costumes and eating treats.

Ancient Origins of Halloween

Halloween’s origins date back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain (pronounced sow-in). The Celts, who lived 2,000 years ago, celebrated their new year on November 1.

This day marked the end of summer and the harvest and the beginning of the dark, cold winter, a time of year that was often associated with human death. Celts believed that on the night before the new year, the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead became blurred. On the night of October 31 they celebrated Samhain, when it was believed that the ghosts of the dead returned to earth.

In addition to causing trouble and damaging crops, Celts thought that the presence of the otherworldly spirits made it easier for the Druids, or Celtic priests, to make predictions about the future. For a people entirely dependent on the volatile natural world, these prophecies were an important source of comfort during the long, dark winter.

To commemorate the event, Druids built huge sacred bonfires, where the people gathered to burn crops and animals as sacrifices to the Celtic deities. During the celebration, the Celts wore costumes, typically consisting of animal heads and skins, and attempted to tell each other’s fortunes.

When the celebration was over, they re-lit their hearth fires, which they had extinguished earlier that evening, from the sacred bonfire to help protect them during the coming winter.
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@AmandaRose: As Christianity became more popular throughout Europe the older polytheistic religions became associated with devil worship and such. This is the link between Halloween and Satan.

@OP: I advise you to delete this blog entry because posting Christian content on gaming websites doesn't end well, as shown in the link below. If you want a safe space for Christian discussions you should stick to your Church's social media groups.


I didn't watch the video.

If I remember correctly, Easter began as a pagan festival celebrating fertility which was repurposed to celebrating the death and resurrection of Jesus.
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@Silent_Gunner well nice opinion, but i disagree with it.

and...really noticed how triggered you are when you stated something that i never did imply at all on my post but rather a strawman argument you made there buddy: "Just expecting people to just go along with an opinion isn't changing minds." - lol also you legit broke your entire argument mate..- seriously you didn't even bother to watch the video itself, but you want me to view yours...riiiight

edit; one of the moderators that aren't right mentally in the head got triggered because i was disagreeing with people's opinions on here, that were some rude, ignorant and just blantly trying to force down **their** opinion towards me.
so the triggered mod took down the comment section of my blog, and tired to act like the ""bigger" person by making a strawman argument - like she has done before in the past ._."

so i apologize if you cannot reply to this post at all.
@koohiiwonomimasu69 thank's for the warning, seriously, i understand what will happen but this is my blog entry, if people want to get offended by this like a bunch of snowflakes that are just proving my point here.

thank's for telling me that you didn't watch the video lol xD.

oh no easter has always been pagan it's the worship of isis so no it's not celebrating the resurrection of jesus -that's just catholic made up crap at that point.
@koohiiwonomimasu69 also uh you took the sentence "safe space" too serious xD i didn't mean it that way, i made it quite clear by mentioning lol 'how the kids say it these days' - quote or however you phrase it. it was a joke that's all.
And you proved my point about the video; just say it in your words!

Your statements about who should and shouldn't leave a comment here are pretty much what Jordan Peterson was talking about; if you have something to say about something that actually matters and not just something trivial like your preferences for Pepsi, Coke, Dr. Pepper, Sam's Off-brand Colas, or no soft drinks at all, and you're trying not to offend anyone, you may as well be taping your mouth shut and not even say anything, and my point was that you want to make a statement that people are not going to agree with. I'm talking, of course, about a healthy disagreement, not shit like a bunch of miscreants shutting people down on college campuses, which doesn't help the conversation in anyway at all, and if anything, gives ammo to the other side. If you're familiar with VenomFangX and what he tried to do to Thunderf00t years ago by trying to get his channel taken down via abusing YT's copyright claim system, that statement is really no different.

As for your responses to other detractors:

You being all like, "I used the term "safe space" as a joke" is like Joe Biden trying to act like he was denying him putting an end to fracking; you said it, and didn't exactly put in any hints to imply that you're being sarcastic, so it's being interpreted as such. Welcome to Internet Forum Club!

And last, but not least, you can take up the label of "Christian" all you want, but you would be considered a faker amongst the fundamentalist family and culture I grew up in. Your swearing goes against the principle of Ephesians 4:29 - "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers."
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lmao hold up is this the same guy that said i was triggered because i said "ok boomer"?

this journal is straight up a troll post, just like the other one
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Well atleast this year everyone will wear similar masks lol.

Assholes still running around with Fireworks all the way from end off August up until now instead off waiting for Halloween.

No Weapon Forged Against You Will Prosper Aslong as You Have Christ so let Devils be Devils Halloween or not because a lot of places in the World look like Halloween everyday now.
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Who the fuck cares what the origins of a holiday were? It's about what the traditions of the holiday are today that matters. Having fun, dressing up, going to parties, eating candy, and overall just having a good time is what the holiday is all about, that's all that anyone celebrating the day in these modern times is looking for. If you can't allow that because of the origins of the date, whatever those may be, well that is truly pitiful.
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Well I'm catholic so I should defend the statement at 3:33, well i don't agree, Catholic church didn't mix here anything, but tried to crystalize it. We live only once, but not's the end, idology of purgatory is reasonable process and a way to watch God. Wouldn't you like to save a soul that need rescue if you could it, but the time has ended? We alone can't but we want to belive that God is able to so we have a hope for those who are on the other side. So we pray to God for the souls that needs to be pure. For God's sake please don't forget them. Soul is on the way in this life and afterlife (even if is saved).
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What are your thoughts on Indigenous People Day OP? The origin of the day was to originally celebrate Columbus when it was still known as Columbus Day, a man and his crew that raped and murdered many of those indigenous people. It's the same day and the spirit remains the same: a holiday for the "discovery" of America, but we've changed who the focus is on to the original discoverers of this country. I'm guessing you happily take the day off if you work at one of the many places that recognize it and give employees the holiday.

Thing is, in this modern age, I too happily take the day off, and when I reflect on why we have the holiday, my thoughts don't go to how terrible Columbus was, but instead I now think of all the great things Native Americans have done, and how they found this great land long before the Europeans.

So you see, it's not about what the origins of the holiday originally were, it's about why we celebrate the day today. Many Christmas traditions are rooted in Paganism, but now those traditions have instead been adapted and have taken on new meaning for a day to celebrate Christ's birth (even though it's believed he was likely actually born around June or July). These holidays really are just what you make them today, and the majority of people celebrating Halloween aren't doing so with a shred of malintent or actual desire to celebrate Satan or the like.
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I never formed the habit of celebrating halloween, father said i couldn't do it because "it was an American holiday" (he hates America, i love it), now im too old for trick or treating, and i dont really like parties so i dont really see the point of going to one (that and i dont even know if people do halloween parties here)
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Can't tell if this is satire but idk it's halloween, nowadays it's the celebration of everything spooky and there's no ulterior motives behind the folks that celebrate it. Literally all the holidays we celebrate today are usually based off of some weird or messed up stuff that our ancestors did, but nobody celebrates them with negative intent. I'm gonna be honest though I have literally no counter-argument to what you're saying since it's so far out there
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W.r.t. Halloween - In most branches of Christianity, "All Hallows Eve" is generally celebrated as a vigil (day of fasting and prayer) before the feast of "All Saints Day." So, not really all that Satanic.

I understand the concern here, but if you go back far enough, many Christian traditions (as mentioned by other posters here) have their roots in existing, non-Christian traditions/observations. In fact, the Roman Catholic church is quite open about the fact that the religion has changed significantly over the years, usually following large, ecumenical meetings/debates - e.g. Council of Nicea.

If you ever want to get good insight as to the background of many modern Christian traditions, I recommend sitting down and chatting with some Jehovah's Witnesses. They are usually very kind people and have studied this kind of thing extensively.

For reference, I was a CCD teacher for a number of years. I taught 4th grade, mostly.
@plasturion i would strongly disagree with that false ideology, plus the fact that catholicism is very satanic.
so i highly do advice to research it up before believing it to be this great thing and source to counter the video itself...

the rest ...i...it's all fake, sorry to say but all of those statements they've told you are lies.
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Is not! If i said one lie is the fact that is not ideology but reality as for me. Sorry. That's my believes i faced in my life, i can doubt many things of existince but not that one.
Hey how about shutting up and letting people enjoy what they want? No one cares about your Christian (massive cult) views.
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