I'm ill minded

I have a terrible addiction, and it is to my PC. I use it to do school, chat in IRC, play video games, watch tv shows/anime/movies. Sad but true, it's most of my life. Today my parents threatened to take it away if I did not do something for them (I won't go into that). And then my mind wandered to serious things if they went through with it. Top thing on my mind was arson to the house. Yet what truly scares me is that I would do it, in a heartbeat. Put my entire family homeless over a PC. That is very fucked up. Over a object. My PC has been my source of what's been keeping me sane for the past 3 years. I've built some kind of symbiotic attachment to it, like some weird drug. There is no substitute for it that I can think of. The PC is something I'm using to keep my mind together until I can get out of this house and make a life of my own. I agreed to do what they told me to this time, only because my logical side overtook my idiotic primal emotions. But what happens when they I ask me to do something that I absolutely will not do? If they follow through with their threats, I might just snap.

The mind is a dangerous place for those who are unsure of it's lurking dangers...


16 is that age where you decide who you really are. I remember at that age that i used to literally just stay at my PC. when i hit 17 i just really lost interest in everything, just like Rayder's posts on the first page, losing interest as in like just getting bored i.e. i got sick from the same thing everyday.

Nothing interested me anymore in basically everything . Started going out. Everyday, especially now in summer, im going out. Just doing random things. Once work is up, i go hope, change clothes, check up on 'house things' phone up friends, get together, go out have a great time. Paint balling, carting are just a few things that i've done last week.

My 360 is picking up dust....i don't care anymore

My PS3 is probably moulding now...i don't care.

im thinking about giving them away to my 13 year old brother, his birthday is soon, and he's mad crazy about games.

i only enjoy the odd game here and there. I only really find myself at a PC when im at work these days.

Just try going out and socializing....you'll love it, trust me, you'll have loads of fun.

things will change soon, yet some prefer to keep things as they are.
[quote name='xcalibur' post='2134268' date='Jul 21 2009, 11:20 AM']get a girlfriend
youll forget about your pc in seconds
the mind is fickle like that

Also you're 16 so its probably normal to go through an emo phase. I spent 2 years hating every single person in my college.[/quote]
People who know me will know how much I've reduced my pc time since I met my girl 5/6 months ago.
[quote name='moozxy' post='2134448' date='Jul 21 2009, 02:17 PM'][quote name='xcalibur' post='2134268' date='Jul 21 2009, 11:20 AM']get a girlfriend
youll forget about your pc in seconds
the mind is fickle like that

Also you're 16 so its probably normal to go through an emo phase. I spent 2 years hating every single person in my college.[/quote]
People who know me will know how much I've reduced my pc time since I met my girl 5/6 months ago.
Yeah, I miss you mooz :cry:
Welcome to the computer addiction club! If it wasn't for my girlfriend, I would have NO life outside of the computer. I moved from Henderson, Nevada, to the complete opposite side of the Las Vegas area, right at the north end. I lost ALL my friends in doing so. I'm done with school, so I can't use it to meet people. I've tried again and again, and can't land a job; so I don't have that to introduce me to people, or keep me busy. I have no money, or a car, so I can't go see any of my old friends. And to top it off, we're at the edge of town, in the suburbs. There isn't SHIT to do here, and I'm not exaggerating. So, I spend my days with my girlfriend, glued to the PC, or playing videogames.

About your thoughts of wanting to burn the house down over a PC, though, it's a bit sad. I know I'd sure as hell be furious if my PC died or something, but you gotta be rational when this shit happens. I wont preach for you to get off the comp, and spout the generic, "go outside", but I would be a bit more lively when you still have a chance to meet new people easily, and all that. Or get a girlfriend that's similar to you, with a love of gaming and computers, and you'll be set. ;)
Alright, just wanted to say something. I can't get a girlfriend because I'm homeschooled. The only times I get out of the house are Tuesdays for Civil Air Patrol and Thursdays for guitar lessons. At CAP there are only 2 girls there who might be around my age, so I guess I could kinda try to talk to them. Anyway, I've kinda already come to terms with the fact that I won't really be able to have a girlfriend till I get a car.
Well homeschool changes things quite a bit, but I would go for the 2 CAP girlsm, if once you get to know them, you're compatible with one of them; if not, at least you made 1-2 new friends.
[quote name='Sonicslasher' post='2133580' date='Jul 21 2009, 03:13 AM']I have a terrible addiction, and it is to my PC. I use it to do school, chat in IRC, play video games, watch tv shows/anime/movies. Sad but true, it's most of my life. Today my parents threatened to take it away if I did not do something for them (I won't go into that). And then my mind wandered to serious things if they went through with it. Top thing on my mind was arson to the house. Yet what truly scares me is that I would do it, in a heartbeat. Put my entire family homeless over a PC. That is very fucked up. Over a object. My PC has been my source of what's been keeping me sane for the past 3 years. I've built some kind of symbiotic attachment to it, like some weird drug. There is no substitute for it that I can think of. The PC is something I'm using to keep my mind together until I can get out of this house and make a life of my own. I agreed to do what they told me to this time, only because my logical side overtook my idiotic primal emotions. But what happens when they I ask me to do something that I absolutely will not do? If they follow through with their threats, I might just snap.

The mind is a dangerous place for those who are unsure of it's lurking dangers...[/quote]

We all have those random images that pop into our head at times. It happens to me, sure its insanely fucked up that you would think about harming your own family in that way but shit happens and you just try to remove it from your memory.
Same. I have a horrible PC addiction thanks to depression. I was diagnosed with depression a few years ago. (I turn 17 Sept.) Thanks to CF (Cystic Fibrosis). Went to a psychiatrist and that didn't seem to help. I suppose I needed to talk to someone that actually understood what I was going through.

I was pretty social up until I did homeschool in 6th grade. Once then I had a few friends outside the house and we hung out weekly. I moved about 2-3 years ago. and now I keep to myself and rarely ever leave the house. The kids/people in the neighborhood are way too young, stupid, or jerks.

I have 1 Best friend. (who lives in Georgia) and 1 friend who I see maybe on a monthly basis, other than that I keep to myself.
I spend from about 8am-1am on the computer other then going to get something from the kitchen.
( I do online school, but even then I know I'm on the computer for to long but have nothing to replace it. Maybe when I get a job this summer I'll lose the addiction). My depression is getting a little better though. But I still have a horrible PC addiction

@ Rayder. You should get that checked out, That's how my depression started. I lost interest in almost everything.
I'm personally not really addicted to the computer, but more so 'being connected'. But when I'm with my friends I don't really care about the computer at all. I could go for a long time with just my cellphone and no computer (assuming its not school time, cause I kinda need the PC for school)
[quote name='yuyuyup' post='2134778' date='Jul 21 2009, 08:35 AM']Upgrade yer pc and it will be even better[/quote]
Best fucking advice, thanks for taking the time to post.
[quote name='War' post='2134793' date='Jul 21 2009, 05:44 PM'][quote name='yuyuyup' post='2134778' date='Jul 21 2009, 08:35 AM']Upgrade yer pc and it will be even better[/quote]
Best fucking advice, thanks for taking the time to post.

That will just make you more addicted.
[quote name='ortomedius' post='2134809' date='Jul 21 2009, 06:49 PM'][quote name='War' post='2134793' date='Jul 21 2009, 05:44 PM'][quote name='yuyuyup' post='2134778' date='Jul 21 2009, 08:35 AM']Upgrade yer pc and it will be even better[/quote]
Best fucking advice, thanks for taking the time to post.

That will just make you more addicted.

I'm addicted and ill minded too... and more than just to technology & computers... I think its just part of life. Fuk it I'm 24 graduated highschool in 2003 and didnt goto college worked at and now laid off from the Belividere Chrysler Plant. (UAW member) It seems, these times are pretty depressing, and its not just the economy but all the other shit that's going in the world. Its effecting everyone even if you don't feel it personally. Celebrities dieing, f'ed up war going on in the middle east, ethnic cleansing in some parts of the world still, Gmo crops & bad water, 2012 end time shit on tv, the rise and use prescription anti-depressants & narcotics that really mess around with your ssri and maoi parts of your brain, warrant-less wiretapping ,the usa is becoming more and more like a police/nanny state & no one is caring. Lobbyist trying to take away your due process rights ( riaa + mppa) and So far a shooting a every year on college campus (in America) is changing gun laws rampantly eroding second amendment rights. Buzz word terrorism & fear mongers on tv like nancy grace and old cia operative Anderson Cooper, global warming/cooling lunar cycle what the eff ever. So relax i don't things can get any worse.

Now, I don't know and its hard to explain, but it seems like things are just kind of insane because the world is crying but nobodys listening so please leave a message on my cell phone

I see bullets getting better Biblical weather
And the guy on T.V. is like a total asshole
What are you wearing tonight?
Celebrity fundraiser tight Blackties making wrongs right How's your social bandaid?

I don't know much
I don't know too much
But I know this
Shit is fucked up
La, La, La La, La
I guess it's all about the dream
La, La, La La, La
The ends justify the means
La, La, La La, La La La
I'm telling you
Shit is fucked up

La, La, La La, La
You know it's all about the dream
La, La, La La, La
The ends justify the means
La, La, La La, La La La

Now thank God for the media
For saving the day
Puting it all into perspective in a responsible way
With more celebrity news Typical bullshit views
I think we're losing this fight sponsored by Bud Light

Now we're rockin' the casbah
And taking the flack
The genie's out of the bottle
And we can't put him back (put him back)
All this stuff
It's overwhelming my brain
Can't you see the storm coming
It's coming this way

And I don't know much
I don't know too much
But I know this
Shit is fucked up

La, La, La La, La
I guess it's all about the dream
La, La, La La, La
The ends justify the means
La, La, La La, La La La
I'm telling you
Shit is fucked up

La, La, La La, La
You know it's all about the dream
La, La, La La, La
The ends justify the means
La, La, La La, La La La Justify the means

Shopping Sprees, RPG's
Pimp my ride
Injustice everywhere
I don't care
Climate change

Therapy, I won't tell
Rehab and LOL
Worldwide calamity
TV Reality
Euthanize, supersize
Death squads and boob jobs
VIP infamy
Gratify instantly

I dont know much
I dont know too much
I dont know much
I dont know too much

La, La, La La, La
I guess its all about the dream
La, La, La La, La
The ends justify the means
La, La, La La, La La La
I'm telling you
Shit is fucked up

La, La, La La, La
You know it's all about the dream
La, La, La La, La
The ends justify the means
La, La, La La, La La La
The means, the means

Hmm, I guess I'll join in with the fun also.

Hi, I am NeSchn and I am a PC addict. I spend a lot of my time on the computer, too much time on the computer. I blame it on my environment mostly though. I live in the country so there is absolutely nothing to do at all. We can't even get my pool open this year because we can't get the water clear at all which really pisses me off because one of my favorite things to do is swimming. So, seeing as there is nothing to do, I am usually on the computer. I would hang out with a bunch of my friends but they all have girlfriends so they are always stuck up there asses and never have time to hang out with anyone. When we can my friend and Steph (the girl I like, and the girl I took to Prom) hang out because her bestfriend left her and moved down to North Carolina. When I am around her, I don't even think about the computer and don't even care about the internet or anything else, I just like to have a good time with her. However, I know she isn't interested in me and I think she knows I like her but whatever.

So thats my PC addiction, its due to boredom, I do play my drums a lot but they get boring after a while and I have shows but thats about once every couple weeks or so.
There is nothing wrong with you..
Just have some friends with the same intrests as you have (so, the computer) come over at your place, and play some games together, exchange games, movies and music, and listen to music and drink beer. That's what I'm doing right now. And I am enjoying life so fking much.
The fact that I have a girlfriend that takes me out of this NoLife sometimes may help a bit, but still, without her, I think I will just do fine.

If this post didn't make any sense, it's the beer btw.

O, and if you haven't got a job, get one. And get one at a shop or something, maybe even a computer store, so you'll talk to a lot of people!
[quote name='iPikachu' post='2134276' date='Jul 21 2009, 10:27 AM']xcali how do you even hate everyone?
im quite social out of pc though.[/quote]

i dunno lol
i got past that though
[quote name='Sonicslasher' post='2134645' date='Jul 22 2009, 01:01 AM']Alright, just wanted to say something. I can't get a girlfriend because I'm homeschooled.[/quote]
YEA!!! I'm home schooled 2.....I'm not that addicted to pc though. and guys after thirteen you cant do sports you have to be in public school.

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