I really like anime.

Like, I started watching Code Geass, and I think it's just, like, the best series I've ever watched. The story was just so deep. I mean, better than any American show I've ever watched.

Shakraka told me to try Boku no Pico, and some of my other friends told me to watch Legend of the Blue Wolves.

Is there anything else I should watch?


Seeing your posts, i assume you don't like gore all that much.
If you don't mind gore though, i would recommend Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni and Umineko no Naku Koro Ni.
For action oriented series, try Soul Eater. Its shonen.

Also, shonen and shoujo is a genre with anime geared towards people till the age of 18 if i am correct.
Shounen for male, shoujo or women
Everything after that is seinen and josei if i am right.

@Rubedo Its a matter of opinion, you know that, right? No need to force your opinion unto others. If they like it, they like it, if you hate it, you hate it. Doesn't matter in the end.
I've heard from a friend that Reborn was really good, haven't watched it myself though.
I don't know if you'll like it but there's Kai cho was maid sama, I found it really good but it depends on taste.
[quote name='Rubedo' post='2905255' date='Jun 11 2010, 01:20 PM']JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and Black Cat manga.[/quote]If you didn't have such a sharp tongue born out of frustration you'd probably be one of my favorite people regarding anime/manga, haha.
You probably missed my initial post here, but I recommend Mushishi to you if you haven't seen it already given that you liked Kino's Journey.


About GaoGaiGar, here's a flowchart of how good the series is with minor (you'd have to see it in the show to know) spoilers.
[quote name='Rubedo' post='2905255' date='Jun 11 2010, 07:20 PM']Maybe when you're older you'll realize that Naruto is bottom of the barrel shounen shit.
Hell, if you want to watch generic shounen, at least watch GOOD generic shounen like One Piece or read the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and Black Cat manga.[/quote]

I've been watching anime for 5 years, don't come to me with that bull crap, I also don't like One Peice it bored me, but again I wouldn't say it's crap because I don't like it as alot of people do like so that would make me wrong. Simply put your wrong and your trying to find a way to justify your reasoning through age :rofl2: it's laughable really.
If you don't like something simply say "I didn't like this because......" and not "Naruto? lolololol it's shit worst anime ever if you watch it you know nothing about anime" because that makes you very wrong and an arrogant/ignorant moron. Also take the time to read someones post properly I clearly stated I don't lke reading manga.
[quote name='Rubedo' post='2905255' date='Jun 11 2010, 08:20 PM']Maybe when you're older you'll realize that Naruto is bottom of the barrel shounen shit.[/quote]Maybe I'm not old enough, I like naruto... Oh, wait, I'm 30+ years old, and I'm watching anime since I'm 3 years old.
I like the "friend" side of the show, and current episodes are keeping me in alert, maybe you don't like it but I do. doesn't mean it's crap.

Let people make their own opinion.
You said on your anime listing post that people listed only crap before you, but your list looks like mine, so yours is crap too ?

Give your opinion, give your list, let people enjoy rare gems by giving unpopular anime you know instead.
For example, I really enjoyed watching the short-film "Kigeki"
If I can let people know about it too, I'll be happy.

Edit :
@Zarcon : Mushishi is like Kino Journey ?
I liked mushishi, it was just too short.
I might take a look at Kino then. It looks like old anime graphics. I'm nostalgic so it's ok :P
[quote name='Cyan' post='2905326' date='Jun 11 2010, 02:53 PM'][quote name='Rubedo' post='2905255' date='Jun 11 2010, 08:20 PM']Maybe when you're older you'll realize that Naruto is bottom of the barrel shounen shit.[/quote]Maybe I'm not old enough, I like naruto... Oh, wait, I'm 30+ years old.
I like the "friend" side of the show, and current episodes are getting me in alert, maybe you don't like it but I do. doesn't mean it's crap.

Let people make their own opinion.
You said on your anime listing post that people listed only crap before you, but your list looks like mine, so yours is crap too ?

Give your opinion, give your list, let people enjoy rare gems by giving unpopular anime you know instead.
For example, I really enjoyed watching the short-film "Kigeki"
If I can let people know about it too, I'll be happy.

I wish I was 30+ years old :( I'm only 19+ years old
[quote name='Rubedo' post='2904934' date='Jun 11 2010, 05:16 PM'][quote name='PoopaTroopa' post='2904892' date='Jun 11 2010, 12:00 PM'][quote name='luke_c' post='2904852' date='Jun 11 2010, 04:41 PM']Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood you definitely need to watch this sometime, I would advise watching this before the original show as this one is much better[/quote]

This is the original show.

How is Naruto overrated?

I wouldn't recommend watching the anime, as it detracts a lot from the writing techniques Masashi Kishimoto uses in the manga, such as alliteration, symbolism, fore-shadowing, etc.

I hate how people diss out Naruto without even looking into everything. As a standalone literary piece it is probably one of the finest I've read in awhile.

*looks at above list*

FLCL...highly overrated.

You have to watch FMA before FMA:B because FMA:B fails to explain a lot of things that were present at the beginning of the manga. Really, the best way to experience FMA is to just read the manga,

And yes, Naruto is overrated. People like yourself seem to think that it's amazing, but no, it's shit, just flat out shit. I'm not even talking about the anime or the manga specifically, the whole world, the characters, the plot, the fights, every single fuckin' part of it is just BAD. Hell, even Bleach is better than Naruto and that sucks too. But it's understandable that you can't see this, you clearly have no knowledge of anime at all. I can't really fault you for being ignorant when you simply haven't seen anything good. Why not check out that list I posted? Surely you can find something well-written in there that will make you realize your error in thinking Naruto is anything more than shit :)

Just like the fellow American you are, you fail to explain why Naruto is shit. You just say "what is shit" about it. LOL, so no thanks, shove your list up someone else's face. =)

FMA:B doesn't fail to explain anything...and you don't have to watch the gaiden series either, as it was merely a cash in of the manga. If you want to watch FMA, watch Brotherhood. If you need supplementary information, that's what the internet is for.

Anyways how do I have no knowledge of anime? Unlike you I'm not going to flail my e-penis around because you clearly have no idea who I am LOL. Let's just say I've studied Japanese Animation (from Tezuka to Miyazaki and Sunrise to Fuji TV) for awhile, and I have good taste. But hey, to each his own.

The fact that you ignored FLCL as being an overrated anime clearly states that it is so. Thanks for re-iterating my point.

Also half of the stuff you posted is mediocre or stuff that people should have already watched. (E.G The works of Watanabe).

Looking through that list again I see another fail-anime: Eden of East.

Anyways, I recommend another anime, Ergo Proxy. It might suit your tastes. =)
[quote name='ojsinnerz.' post='2904178' date='Jun 11 2010, 02:46 AM'][quote name='bnwchbammer' post='2904168' date='Jun 10 2010, 10:41 PM']Elfen Lied.
Coyboy Bebop.
Plenty more out there, but if you're looking for story, watch these.
(You may not get FLCL, but it's still awesome)[/quote]

So, I searched Elfan Lied, and theres pictures of this girl and blood and everything. Theres also a lot of half naked shots too. I hate those. I hated that in the original season of Code Geass.

I couldn't find anything about coyboy bebop

FLCL looks like its a story about some energetic pink haired girl, I am guessing?


Well, if you don't like seeing half-naked girls I don't recommend watching anime then. Half-naked girls, big breasts and ass are common anime... I don't wanna say cliches... but they're very common. =P It's just the way the Japanese culture works.

Anyway, if you like Code Geass, I recommend Death Note. There aren't really many anime like Code Geass and Death Note, they're two of a kind. If you're into romantic/comedy, I recommend Clannad, another personal favorite of mine. Fate/Stay Night is another good one, Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex is good if you're into heavy politics (Which I'm totally not, but I still love that anime).

Click here and just look around on here for different anime that you think look interesting. You can also make your own list and keep track of all the anime you've seen and what not.
Hm well if you want another show that is better than any American show out there in America you should watch Ikkitousen. It's a literary re-imagination of a Chinese classic, and shouldn't be missed by any self-respecting anime fan. Most people in this site probably haven't heard of it, but that's only because they'd rather fall back on their One Peace, Naruto, Durarara, and all that other flashy all-style-no-substance shit.
Hate American shows all you want.
But no cartoon (Japanese nor not) can beat this image:


On that note.
Watch some Megas XLR.
Story is as deep as a puddle, but it's darn good. My favorite cartoon ever.
[quote name='War' post='2906392' date='Jun 11 2010, 10:59 PM']Hm well if you want another show that is better than any American show out there in America you should watch Ikkitousen. It's a literary re-imagination of a Chinese classic, and shouldn't be missed by any self-respecting anime fan. Most people in this site probably haven't heard of it, but that's only because they'd rather fall back on their One Peace, Naruto, Durarara, and all that other flashy all-style-no-substance shit.[/quote]

So wait, you're telling people not to watch flashy all-style-no-substance shit... and you recommend them Ikkitousen?
[quote name='Trulen' post='2906403' date='Jun 11 2010, 11:07 PM']Hate American shows all you want.
But no cartoon (Japanese nor not) can beat this image:


On that note.
Watch some Megas XLR.
Story is as deep as a puddle, but it's darn good. My favorite cartoon ever.[/quote]


Edit: Crap, meant to merge the two posts and screwed up. Sorry about that...
[quote name='Rubedo' post='2904934' date='Jun 11 2010, 12:16 PM'][quote name='PoopaTroopa' post='2904892' date='Jun 11 2010, 12:00 PM'][quote name='luke_c' post='2904852' date='Jun 11 2010, 04:41 PM']Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood you definitely need to watch this sometime, I would advise watching this before the original show as this one is much better[/quote]

This is the original show.

How is Naruto overrated?

I wouldn't recommend watching the anime, as it detracts a lot from the writing techniques Masashi Kishimoto uses in the manga, such as alliteration, symbolism, fore-shadowing, etc.

I hate how people diss out Naruto without even looking into everything. As a standalone literary piece it is probably one of the finest I've read in awhile.

*looks at above list*

FLCL...highly overrated.

You have to watch FMA before FMA:B because FMA:B fails to explain a lot of things that were present at the beginning of the manga. Really, the best way to experience FMA is to just read the manga,

And yes, Naruto is overrated. People like yourself seem to think that it's amazing, but no, it's shit, just flat out shit. I'm not even talking about the anime or the manga specifically, the whole world, the characters, the plot, the fights, every single fuckin' part of it is just BAD. Hell, even Bleach is better than Naruto and that sucks too. But it's understandable that you can't see this, you clearly have no knowledge of anime at all. I can't really fault you for being ignorant when you simply haven't seen anything good. Why not check out that list I posted? Surely you can find something well-written in there that will make you realize your error in thinking Naruto is anything more than shit :)


Honestly, this is the second time I've had to deal with your ignorance today. I agree with you, Naruto is overrated and it's nothing short of bad. Saying someone has no knowledge of anime is just ignorant. You're not them, you don't know what they know. And lol @ how you called him ignorant when you're the spitting definition of ignorant. Honestly, you come on here thinking you're the shit, trying to force your opinions on us when all he's asking for is some anime to watch. You're honestly just the most arrogant person I've met in my time here on GBATemp.

You're not the biggest anime buff in the world, so stop thinking you are. Honestly, your douchebag behavior is ruining everyone's mood and time here on GBATemp severely. Stop being an arrogant piece of trash or leave.
[quote name='Sephi' post='2906449' date='Jun 12 2010, 01:40 PM']srs blog, definitely not trolling[/quote]

right on! okra juice is only asking for an entry into anime!
Ok, I just watched the first episode of that durarara show. It's really good so far. I think the blonde hair guy is really awesome, an the bike rider guy is cool.

And is there an English dub for this? Well, I can read the subtitles, but I would rather listen to it in a language I can understand, you know? If there isn't, I can just continue on watching it in Japanese, but it would make things a lot easier for me.
[quote name='ojsinnerz.' post='2906609' date='Jun 12 2010, 08:48 AM']Ok, I just watched the first episode of that durarara show. It's really good so far. I think the blonde hair guy is really awesome, an the bike rider guy is cool.

And is there an English dub for this? Well, I can read the subtitles, but I would rather listen to it in a language I can understand, you know? If there isn't, I can just continue on watching it in Japanese, but it would make things a lot easier for me.[/quote]
nope there isn t a english dub for it. DRRR is awesome try to watch it with subs ^^
[quote name='ojsinnerz.' post='2906609' date='Jun 12 2010, 06:48 AM']Ok, I just watched the first episode of that durarara show. It's really good so far. I think the blonde hair guy is really awesome, an the bike rider guy is cool.

And is there an English dub for this? Well, I can read the subtitles, but I would rather listen to it in a language I can understand, you know? If there isn't, I can just continue on watching it in Japanese, but it would make things a lot easier for me.[/quote]
If you liked Durarara, you should try watching Baccano! sometime, i hear its just as good, and its by the same author.

Also, if you like comedy shows, then try watching Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu, its funny as hell.
However, its possible you won't understand some jokes since they reference other anime, such as Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.

Also, you should try reading manga sometime, there quite a few gems in there which have not been made into anime yet, such as Psyren, Bakuman, Mahou Sensei Negima (Well, actually there is an anime, but it branches off the manga around episode 22, at which point its...just bad, well at least IMO. However, the new OVA's such as Mo Hitotsu no Sekai and Ala Alba are pretty good. Anyways, if you do read the manga, be warned that it shows naked gals, though it doesn't show any 'parts' in full detail, just thought i would mention this since you don 't seem to like fanservice too much...)
It got drowned in my other post, but people assume i'm some kind of 12 year old kid who jerks off to Shonen Jump anime.

So I'm going to once again, recommend Ergo Proxy .

Because I love flashy, shonen-esque anime.

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