To my dearest Obamabots

Ew McCain. He’s another Bush. Who the fuck wants another Bush?

We should all vote for Obama. Amazing Fuckalicious Obama. Why? Because he’s a fantastic speaker. That’s what all presidential candidates should be: English majors.

We’re going to bash the GOP without even knowing what the GOP is. We’re going to call Sarah Palin “too inexperienced to be a Washington elite” without even knowing her track record. We’re going to attack Lieberman for participating in the RNC (oh wait who is Lieberman? A street artist?) But most importantly, we’re going to vote for Obama. Why? Because he’s eloquent. Because he’s for change.

And the same people haven’t even taken a look into his track record. You’d rather be influenced by his sporadic speeches, yet overlook how Obama has avoided raising one policy during his entire campaign. When Russia invaded Georgia, Obama first claimed for a peaceful moral equivalency, then claimed for the UN Security Council to provide a solution and THEN agreed with McCain to deploy soldiers. Obama has neglected to provide an energy policy, has neglected his insights about missile defence, and has neglected to provide a plan for counter-terrorism. But you still vote for him, and think you’re the fucking smartest person in the world because you say “There’s No One Worse Than Bush!” I sure do wish we had Clinton back! My God Was He Fucking Spectacular! Let’s forget what happened during the Waco Tragedy or the billions of dollars given through energy aid to North Korea. Clinton’s My Fucking Idol!

And for those of you voting for Obama because he’s black, you’re even worse than the above. During the RNC, I lauded the black people who cheered for McCain because they can put aside their racial differences and vote for someone based on his credentials. But you fucking Obamabots are too indifferent. You think aesthetics is what makes a president responsible, you think someone is opinionated because he’s “eloquent”, you think someone is stupid because he’s from the same party as Bush. What’s destroying America, more than the Iraq war, more than Health care, more than the color of skin of your president, is your own fucking stupidity.


I was a Biden supporter in the Iowa caucuses.
And now I support Obama, even though hate his guts.
It ultimately comes down to our personal beliefs, man.
I am Pro-choice, pro-gay, pro-liberal, stances that differ from McCain by far.
Why should I vote for someone who won't represent my views when I can vote for someone who, although he isn't as experienced, has an excellent VP and staff team who can help him through the tough decisions?
Please enlighten me.
lawdy, your rage is building to levels beyond that of which I can count o.o;


is not shrubbery o.o;
[quote name='shadowboy' post='1383102' date='Sep 5 2008, 10:07 PM']Lol.
I was a Biden supporter in the Iowa caucuses.
And now I support Obama, even though hate his guts.
It ultimately comes down to our personal beliefs, man.
I am Pro-choice, pro-gay, pro-liberal, stances that differ from McCain by far.
Why should I vote for someone who won't represent my views when I can vote for someone who, although he isn't as experienced, has an excellent VP and staff team who can help him through the tough decisions?
Please enlighten me.[/quote]

I completely respect that you are voting for Obama for like-principles. What I have a problem with, is the people who buy into Hollywood propaganda, and vote for Obama because he's a good orator. Majority of Democrats don't even know what Obama stands for, and they think his eloquent speeches are proof enough that he's credible. This whole issue of "I'm voting for Obama because he's for change!" is the most ignorant fallacy I've seen. Jumping out of the frying pan into the fire is also change.
I think that if Obama gets in office that things are gonna get so turned upside-down that we are really, REALLY all gonna be screwed in ways that most people won't even realize.

When I think of McCain, I think of a gangster.
But we have to remember, they're party members and they have to go along with party ideals before they even get nominated.

All this means is that whoever gets elected, government will continue to stumble along just like it always has, screwing the poor people and serving their own agendas and telling us that they're doing it for our own good.

When was the last time a poor man got elected president? How can a rich man possibly understand (or care) about a poor person's needs or wants?

This is not a government that is, "Of the People, By the People, For the People" anymore....for a VERY long time now it hasn't been that. It is a government that is "Of the Rich, By the Rich, For the Rich."

I have no confidence that any of these party's nominees are going to do anything but serve their own interests.

None of these candidates care about white, black, brown or yellow, the only color they care about is green. You don't have lots of green, they can't hear you.

Why do you think all the other countries hate America? This is why:
[quote name='Rayder' post='1383153' date='Sep 5 2008, 11:06 PM']None of these candidates care about white, black, brown or yellow, the only color they care about is green.[/quote]
I dunno, I'm pretty sure The Man wants to put down the Hulk too. :P

*casts Apathy*
[quote name='A4NoOb' post='1383111' date='Sep 5 2008, 06:17 PM']This whole issue of "I'm voting for Obama because he's for change!" is the most ignorant fallacy I've seen. [/size][/quote]

Face it, people are dumb. There's nothing you can do about it except maybe exploit it if you are lucky (what Obama is doing). There's no use railing against the stupidity of the masses.

That being said McCain supporters are almost equally vapid.
Who cares, we're all doomed anyway. You can either sit around and bitch and act like your vote actually matters or you can start hoarding gasoline and LCD and embrace the unavoidable, post-apocalyptic Mad Max future that lies ahead of us.
Stop voting on who is the lesser of 2 evils. They are both going to be bad for the country.

*Does the doomsday dance*
[quote name='SkankyYankee' post='1383208' date='Sep 5 2008, 11:48 PM']Obama 08, but McCain 08 in the testing area! :lol:

Im hoarding LCDs as we speak. :ph34r:[/quote]

LULZ! I meant LSD. I'm not going to change it either. You know, for posterity.
[quote name='A4NoOb' post='1383111' date='Sep 6 2008, 02:17 PM']I completely respect that you are voting for Obama for like-principles. What I have a problem with, is the people who buy into Hollywood propaganda, and vote for Obama because he's a good orator. Majority of Democrats don't even know what Obama stands for, and they think his eloquent speeches are proof enough that he's credible. This whole issue of "I'm voting for Obama because he's for change!" is the most ignorant fallacy I've seen. Jumping out of the frying pan into the fire is also change.[/quote]
It sounds more like you're the one who's bought into the republican belief that all democrats like obama 'coz he's a 'celebrity lolz'
[quote name='Rayder' post='1383279' date='Sep 5 2008, 08:50 PM']There is only one confidence. Write it in.[/quote]

[quote name='A4NoOb' post='1383080' date='Sep 6 2008, 02:53 AM']Ew McCain. He’s another Bush. Who the fuck wants another Bush?

We should all vote for Obama. Amazing Fuckalicious Obama. Why? Because he’s a fantastic speaker. That’s what all presidential candidates should be: English majors.

We’re going to bash the GOP without even knowing what the GOP is. We’re going to call Sarah Palin “too inexperienced to be a Washington elite” without even knowing her track record. We’re going to attack Lieberman for participating in the RNC (oh wait who is Lieberman? A street artist?) But most importantly, we’re going to vote for Obama. Why? Because he’s eloquent. Because he’s for change.

And the same people haven’t even taken a look into his track record. You’d rather be influenced by his sporadic speeches, yet overlook how Obama has avoided raising one policy during his entire campaign. When Russia invaded Georgia, Obama first claimed for a peaceful moral equivalency, then claimed for the UN Security Council to provide a solution and THEN agreed with McCain to deploy soldiers. Obama has neglected to provide an energy policy, has neglected his insights about missile defence, and has neglected to provide a plan for counter-terrorism. But you still vote for him, and think you’re the fucking smartest person in the world because you say “There’s No One Worse Than Bush!” I sure do wish we had Clinton back! My God Was He Fucking Spectacular! Let’s forget what happened during the Waco Tragedy or the billions of dollars given through energy aid to North Korea. Clinton’s My Fucking Idol!

And for those of you voting for Obama because he’s black, you’re even worse than the above. During the RNC, I lauded the black people who cheered for McCain because they can put aside their racial differences and vote for someone based on his credentials. But you fucking Obamabots are too indifferent. You think aesthetics is what makes a president responsible, you think someone is opinionated because he’s “eloquent”, you think someone is stupid because he’s from the same party as Bush. What’s destroying America, more than the Iraq war, more than Health care, more than the color of skin of your president, is your own fucking stupidity.

A4NoOb, you my friend are a very confused person. You always make a valid point and then proceed to bury it with backwater ideals and overtly discriminatory word choice. Exhibit A: your Islamaphobia thread

I'm going to try not to devote as much time to your latest "look at me, I'm riled up!" outing, but there are some things you have said that I can not in good conscious stay silent on.

Firstly, yes you are right Obama does not take a hard stance on almost anything. And yes he seems to always be pandering. I say he "seems" because there is an alternative explanation. You see there are people who actually do this thing called "thinking" and when a person is thinking about something they rarely take a hard stance. You see these magical "thinking" creatures are more apt to see the world in shades of gray rather than clear cut monotones. Where as it would be a good sound bite to say "We are all Georgians", the "thinking" man has reservations. He might very well see merits to both sides of an argument, I know its a shocker but it's true; some people actually consider both sides of an issue. Furthermore, they may very well favor one side but rarely does the thinking man align himself totally with a pat answer. I consider Obama to be an intellectual. Is that good for the country? I don't know maybe we need a simpler leader. "DRILL DRILL DRILL" Doesn't get much simpler than that does it? All I'm saying is this, don't fault someone because they refuse to hand feed you what you want to hear. I wish Obama would take a hard stance on some things, but I respect the fact that he is cautious. Maybe that is a good quality in a leader.

Now secondly, I am a black man. Hi. Let me put this as bluntly as possible. Don't tell my people how they should or should not vote; after slavery, after Jim Crow, after the lynching of our fathers, after the rape of our mothers, after desegregation, after being 3/5s of a man, after the death of our leaders, after the FBI wire taps, after poor schools and housing, after all this at the hands of the white ruling class... Do not tell me or my people not to vote based on race. We have been murdered and oppressed for our race and now you would cry foul if we thought to vote based on the color of our skin?

How dare you.

/deep breath

Let me be perfectly clear. I am not advocating or implying that voting based on race is the informed or responsible thing to do, all I am saying is this: I will be damned if any black man in this country should have to pause, to explain or justify their vote.

Also, all that you have just said about Obama's response to Georgia was said at the RNC. Word for word, you have repeated what aired a few nights ago. Are you sure you're not the true lemming?
[quote name='.TakaM' post='1383275' date='Sep 6 2008, 05:43 AM']It sounds more like you're the one who's bought into the republican belief that all democrats like obama 'coz he's a 'celebrity lolz'[/quote]

I have to completely agree with this guy.

I mean, what about all the people voting for McCain because their parents are republican. I don't know who you are talking to but anyone I know that is voting for Obama is voting for him based entirely off issues, not this "celebrity" status you speak of(Not saying all of us do). But I know many a people who say they are voting for McCain simply because it's what their parents do (They all get bitched at fyi, not for voting McCain but for their reasoning).

I totally agree with you that people shouldn't vote based on celebrity qualities, or anything that doesn't factor into what makes a good president. But to say that its only Obama voters, is well, just fucking ignorant.
I believe a summary of what the OP is trying to say is, most people are completely ignorant of what happens in politics yet still want to pretend that they actually have a say and care.

Well Captain Obvious, those of us who do actually know something about politics are already completely aware of this, while those of us who don't really don't give a shit because we're on the way to our minimum wage job.

aka this thread is useless and only exists because the OP wants to bawwwww

Also, Rayder gets a Captain Obvious Jr award for his mini-speech on how rich people run the government. REALLY NOW? THANKS FOR THE TIP.
[quote name='Prophet' post='1383287' date='Sep 6 2008, 12:56 AM']A4NoOb, you my friend are a very confused person. You always make a valid point and then proceed to bury it with backwater ideals and overtly discriminatory word choice. Exhibit A: your Islamaphobia thread[/quote]

Is this your misconception of proving a relevant point? Isolate where my "word choice" is overtly discriminatory.

Firstly, yes you are right Obama does not take a hard stance on almost anything. And yes he seems to always be pandering. I say he "seems" because there is an alternative explanation. You see there are people who actually do this thing called "thinking" and when a person is thinking about something they rarely take a hard stance. You see these magical "thinking" creatures are more apt to see the world in shades of gray rather than clear cut monotones. Where as it would be a good sound bite to say "We are all Georgians", the "thinking" man has reservations. He might very well see merits to both sides of an argument, I know its a shocker but it's true; some people actually consider both sides of an issue. Furthermore, they may very well favor one side but rarely does the thinking man align himself totally with a pat answer. I consider Obama to be an intellectual. Is that good for the country? I don't know maybe we need a simpler leader. "DRILL DRILL DRILL" Doesn't get much simpler than that does it? All I'm saying is this, don't fault someone because they refuse to hand feed you what you want to hear. I wish Obama would take a hard stance on some things, but I respect the fact that he is cautious. Maybe that is a good quality in a leader.

An intellectual. I should add that to the list of comments Obama gets extolled for his two memoirs. Only an intellectual could wrongly respond to Georgia twice before reaching the same conclusion as McCain. Only an intellectual could bandwagon with the presumption of The Surge when it turned out successful. Opposite to how John McCain showed his record of leadership in standing up for this controversial issue. Only an intellectual would discredit rural communities as “clinging to their guns or religion or antipathy” and not even apologize. The conflict between McCain and Obama reminds us the conflict between Churchill and “intellectual, cautious” Chamberlain. Millions of people perished due to his cautiousness. If anyone could claim the title intellectual, then it should be no other than George Orwell, who despised the type of intellectuals like Obama.

Now secondly, I am a black man. Hi. Let me put this as bluntly as possible. Don't tell my people how they should or should not vote; after slavery, after Jim Crow, after the lynching of our fathers, after the rape of our mothers, after desegregation, after being 3/5s of a man, after the death of our leaders, after the FBI wire taps, after poor schools and housing, after all this at the hands of the white ruling class... Do not tell me or my people not to vote based on race. We have been murdered and oppressed for our race and now you would cry foul if we thought to vote based on the color of our skin?

How dare you. /deep breath

Let me be perfectly clear. I am not advocating or implying that voting based on race is the informed or responsible thing to do, all I am saying is this: I will be damned if any black man in this country should have to pause, to explain or justify their vote.

Why don’t you forward your concerns to the Arab population since they are more responsible for slavery and mass genocide of Africans than the Caucasian ethnicity has even touched. EVERY group has been oppressed, should Jews abuse their privilege of voting because of Auschwitz? What contributions are you giving America when your logistics are clouded with racial bias, and you could care less if your vote results in a bad economy, increased terrorism, higher taxes etc. For FUCK’s sake, this is the President of the fucking United States who is going to change the future of international relationships and direction. I have every right to criticize those who vote without in depth knowledge and lack comprehension of their candidate’s capabilities.

Also, all that you have just said about Obama's response to Georgia was said at the RNC. Word for word, you have repeated what aired a few nights ago. Are you sure you're not the true lemming?

Word for word? I have no hesitation to say this was a part of Guiliani’s speech. My intention had nothing to do with his copying his diction but with referencing the facts.
Ok well I didn't bother to read your post but I'm going to type in really large font for no reason.

Haha oh wow the internet is pretty cool.

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