List of Stupid NDS Stuff My Friends Do

Most of you know that my friends are NDS stupid by now, so I thought I'd make a thread about it. All of these are rougly paraphrased, but are as close as possible.

Him: "Uh, yeah, this R4 thing don't play no DS games."
He shows me an iPlayer.
Me: "That's an iPlayer flash cart. It doesn't play DS games. You're stuck with games random people made and a small amount of GBA games, and maybe some movies."
Him: "Could you, like, modify that AKAIO stuff for me? That stuff plays DS games."

Her: "How do you play ROMs on the thing?"
Me: "On what?"
Her: "On this thingy. It's little and square."
I realize that she's talking about either a flash cart or an actual game cart for a DS.
Me: "What's it say on it?"
Her: "Animal Crossing."
Me: "You can't play ROMs on that."
Her: "But it's little and square like your thing."
Me: "You still can't--"
Her: "But I don't want this game."
Me: "Then go sell it?"
Her: "Fine, I'll just go ask *Name of another friend of hers who designs websites*."
Me: "Why do you think she can help you?"
Her: "I dunno, she's pretty internet-savvy."

I call a friend of mine after he tells me one day that he has a 3in1.
Me: "Hey *Name of friend*. How do you like your new 3in1?"
Him: "I don't have a spot for this thing."
Me: "Isn't your DS a Lite?"
Him: "Yeah."
Me: "Turn your DS upside down and look at the back of it. Do you see a half-oval?"
Him: "Yeah."
Me: "Push upward on that. That part comes out."
I hear a small click on the other end.
Him: "Hey, it's a GBA slot."

Him: "How do you play this?"
He shoves a The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks cartridge into my face.
Me: "You use the touch screen to mo---"
Him: "I didn't get this piece of shit to use the touch screen!"

Him: "So, uh... I've got a Game Boy Color game. How do I play it?"
Me: "Stick it in your Game Boy Color or Game Boy Advance, then follow the tutorial?"
Him: "I've got a DSi. Can I play it in that?"

Him and Her: "We have a problem. So, this R4 plays ROMs good."
Me: "Okay. What's the problem then?"
Him and Her: "It won't let us use our SD cards from our phones."
Me: "Are they above 2gb?"
Him and Her: "Yes."
Me: "An original R4 like you two have cannot use micro SD cards utilizing over 2gb of storage."
Him and Her: "Okay, now we have another problem."
Me: "Okay, shoot."
Him and Her: "So, uh... Where can we download a PS2 emulator for this thing?"
Me: "You can't."
Him and Her: "Why not?"
Me: "The Nintendo DS is not powerful enough to emulate or play PS2 games."
Him and Her: "But the R4 plays ROMs."
Me: "PS2 ROMs are actually ISOs. They aren't recognized by R4s."
Him and Her: "But the R4 can play ROMs. You probably just don't know how these things work."

Her: "Uh... How do I get this 'meme' (she prounced it as may-may) stuff on my Acekard?"

This is while I'm helping her play Animal Crossing.
Her: "Uh... I don't like this person. How do I look more like those people?"
She points to a purple cat.

Not really a DS derp, but this still counts.
Him: "It won't let me project my DS onto my TV screen."
Me: "What won't?"
Him: "My Wii HD."
Me: "You mean the Wii U?"
Him: "What's the funny noise for?"

A friend of mine recently got a DS Lite because I talked her into it. She called me the day she got it and said this.
Her: "I don't have a menu!"
Me: "Do you boot directly to a game?"
Her: "No, but I think I broke something."
Me: "Okay, what do you see?"
Her: "DS Game, Pictochat, DS Download, GBA, and the little setup button."
Me: "Then you have a menu."
Her: "But the commercials show the DS having some cool little slidey menu and you can download games!"
Me: "You realize you have a DS Lite, right?"
Her: "Yes, the small DS with the GBA slot."
Me: "You can't have the GBA slot AND the 'slidey menu' or the download games."
Her: "Yes I can. The commercials said so!"

Him: "My DS won't turn on."
Me: "Have you charged it any?"
Him: "Yeah, I go on wifi."
Me: "What does Wifi have to do with charging."
Him: "It's a wireless console, so it charges through the Wifi, right?"

My roommate: "Which game involves Zelda, again? That one with the dog?"

This is the one time that one of my friends had a genuine problem with their DS. It happened 20 minutes ago.
Her: "Uh... What does this mean?"
She showed me her DSi at this point, which had an error upon booting.
Me: "Were you downloading the 3DS transfer tool?"
Her: "Yeah, but what does this have to do with my DSi not working?"
Me: "You'll have to call Nintendo about this. The 3DS transfer tool occasionally gives an error 99% into downloading and bricks your DS."
Her: "Bricks it? Like, throws a brick at it?"
Me: "The download for that application occasionally turns the DSi into a functionless paperweight."
Her: "Occasionally? So this will fix if I turn it on enough times?"
Me: "No, I mean occasionally when you attempt to download, you'll get the error that bricks your DSi."
Her: "And how do I fix it?"
Me: ".....send it to Nintendo...?"
Her: "I thought you could fix it."
Me: "Why do you think I could fix a problem like this?"
Her: "You know about those flash card thingies, so I thought you knew how to fix errors, too."
I ended up having to show her where to find Nintendo's support number. Thankfully, she's smart enough not to try to fix the problem herself. Last I heard, she was on the phone with Nintendo's support, getting all the information to send her DS in. Thank the gods her DS is still within warranty or I would've heard no end to "But I want it fixed for free" complaining.

Her: "I heard of this cool game and I want to get it. Should I get it?"
Me: "What's it for?"
Her: "The Dual Screen."
Me: "What's the name of it?"
Her: "I can't remember."
Me: "Do you remember anything about it?"
Her: "The Ring."
Me: "The Nameless Game?"
Her: "Yeah! That's it! Should I get it?"
Me: "I don't think so. It hasn't been brought to the US, so you'll have to import it. Even then, you'll need to know Japanese to play it."
Her: "Why? If I import it, it'll be in English."
I had to explain for two hours why they don't translate a game just because it's going to be sent to the US. It turns out she thought import meant 'translate and sent to the US'.

Him: "My stylus is scratching my screen."
I check it out. No scratches.
Me: "There aren't any scratches on here."
He proceeds to tilt the DS until I see little smudge marks.
Me: "Those are smudges."
Him: "What? Those are scratches."
Me: "They're smudges."
I get a cleaning cloth and wipe the smudges away. He goes back to his house with an embarrassed look.

Him: "I'm looking for a DS game. Can you help?"
Me: "Sure. Tell me about this game."
Him: "It's about a guy."
Me: "Uh huh...."
Him: "And he saves the world."
Me: "More specific?"
Him: "No.."
Me: "I can't help you."
I later found out that the game he was looking for was Picross DS. No matter how much I ask, he still can't tell me how Picross DS is about a guy who saves the world.

On this day, a friend and I went to the local game shop together to find a copy of Guitar Hero: On Tour, WITH the guitar grip. This happened after around 20 minutes of searching for the game by itself (we asked at the counter and they said they didnt have any copies that came with the guitar grip).
Him: "I want this instead."
I go over to where he stood and looked where he was pointing. He was pointing at a copy of Imagine Doctor.
Me: "That game's stupid. If you want a better doctor simulator, go for Trauma Center."
Him: "I don't want any of your weeabo bullshit. This looks real and fun."
I ended up going back with him a day later to trade Imagine Doctor in for Trauma Center.

A friend and I were going to the local game shop to trade in a couple of her unwanted Wii games.
Her (to the guy at the register): "Um... Hey, do you guys sell R4s?"

This was actually MY bad.
Me: "Hey, do you know why *Name of some random game* doesn't work?"
Him: "The fuck? You're the expert, not me."

Him: "My DSi has a virus."
Me: "DSi's don't get viruses"
Him: "I downloaded the new update and now my Acekard doesn't work."
Me: "That's not a virus. Bring your Acekard to my house later and I'll fix it."
He never brought it.

I can't put any more quotes here. ;_;


*sigh* good thing my lappy is always on wifi.. oh... wait... why do i have a charger then? *sigh*

i think your friends are kinda stupid? xDDDDD

but hey! they entertain us!
wow. this surpasses stupidity. i respect you for being so patient with them. i would have punched them in the ovaries by now and just stop helping
Him: "My DS won't turn on."
Me: "Have you charged it any?"
Him: "Yeah, I go on wifi."
Me: "What does Wifi have to do with charging."
Him: "It's a wireless console, so it charges through the Wifi, right?"

this part was awesome loooool
You need some new friends bro.

Preferably ones with brains.

Either that or those girls you deal with must be smokin HAWT.
I find it hard to believe that a human being is able achieve to such a low level of intellect, multiple human beings in this case. Are you sure you are not exaggerating or anything?
[quote name='Raika' post='3722454' date='Jun 17 2011, 06:45 PM']I find it hard to believe that a human being is able achieve to such a low level of intellect, multiple human beings in this case. Are you sure you are not exaggerating or anything?[/quote]
They're usually really smart, but we're living in a small farming community where there aren't very many consoles seen around. Most people don't even have satellite television over here. My friends' knowledge on the Nintendo DS are limited to that which a grandmother would have knowledge of because they weren't exposed to gaming consoles that much as they were growing up.

They're getting better. Most of these stories are from a while back when I first got them to get DS's and flash cards so we could all play games together, though. Today, if they don't end up having a derp in their brain, any of them can at least diagnose their own Nintendo DS problems and relay all the information they can back to me. Hey, one of them even got a job at the local game store the other day because they knew a little bit about DS games.

But anyway, compare my knowledge of the scene today to that when I first joined. Sure, I knew a little bit, having watched E3 at least once and having a roommate who knew about gaming, but I was almost a total noob.
-_- They make me want to facepalm.
Her: "How do you play ROMs on the thing?"
Me: "On what?"
Her: "On this thingy. It's little and square."
I realize that she's talking about either a flash cart or an actual game cart for a DS.
Me: "What's it say on it?"
Her: "Animal Crossing."
Me: "You can't play ROMs on that."
Her: "But it's little and square like your thing."
Me: "You still can't--"
Her: "But I don't want this game."
Me: "Then go sell it?"
Her: "Fine, I'll just go ask *Name of another friend of hers who designs websites*."
Me: "Why do you think she can help you?"
Her: "I dunno, she's pretty internet-savvy."
hahahaha :D
[quote name='Sora de Eclaune' post='3721801' date='Jun 17 2011, 06:36 PM']My friends are those 'LOL I play shooters every once in a while, so I'm a gaming expert' people. Don't expect them to be smart at this stuff.[/quote]

How can you even consider these people friends? They're.... there isn't even a word to describe them. It's like you took the stupidest person on the planet, then found someone 10x more stupid than that person. You need to stop hanging out with these people. They aren't good for your intellect. Hang out with me instead, I at least know what I'm talking about most of the time.
This really isn't fair. As mentioned earlier they haven't been introduced into the DS scene until recently, and some of you are judging them. Yes, they may not know much but they are learning. Imagine trying to learn how to build a car, and you put a wire in the wrong place does that give everyone knowledgeable in that field the right to judge your smartness? No. The best thing right now, is for SdE to teach them how things work in order to have a good time playing.

*Cough* I've got to admit I smirked at a few things, so I'm just as bad as you all. XD
[quote name='Devin' post='3722597' date='Jun 18 2011, 03:09 AM']This really isn't fair. As mentioned earlier they haven't been introduced into the DS scene until recently, and some of you are judging them. Yes, they may not know much but they are learning. Imagine trying to learn how to build a car, and you put a wire in the wrong place does that give everyone knowledgeable in that field the right to judge your smartness? No. The best thing right now, is for SdE to teach them how things work in order to have a good time playing.

*Cough* I've got to admit I smirked at a few things, so I'm just as bad as you all. XD[/quote]
True enough, but stuff like "Can it play PS2 games?" thats just stupid. Or "Why can't my Animal Crossing be another game"? are you kidding me?
Oh my gosh! It's a miracle! I actually convinced one of my friends to buy Chrono Trigger! They actually proved it by getting the guy at the register to confirm he had just sold her a copy of Chrono Trigger.

....Oh, she just got home and popped in the game. She likes it.

GAH! She went stupid and asked about the sequel. Which prompted me to tell her it was on the PS2. And she was like "Why is it on the PS2 if it was outdated by the time the DS came out?"

Sometimes I just want to take a gun and point it at my own face.

[quote name='Fudge' post='3722605' date='Jun 17 2011, 08:18 PM']True enough, but stuff like "Can it play PS2 games?" thats just stupid. Or "Why can't my Animal Crossing be another game"? are you kidding me?[/quote]
Let me fix that. The 'can it play PS2 games' thing stemmed from the fact that you can download a single file for NDS games online, AND you can download a single file for PS2 games online. they were assuming all ROMs were the same, no matter the platform.

And 'why can't my animal crossing be another game'? Well... According to them, an R4 is a DS cartridge and Animal Crossing is a DS cartridge, so they assumed the game on the cartridge could be rewritten.
[quote name='Terminator02' post='3721392' date='Jun 17 2011, 04:18 PM']I beg you to shoot your friend. Being a noob is fine, being an idiot is another thing entirely. These are the people holding back humanity.[/quote]

My god, this.
Him: "How do you play this?"
He shoves a The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks cartridge into my face.
Me: "You use the touch screen to mo---"
Him: "I didn't get this piece of shit to use the touch screen!"
This was my reaction about Phantom Hourglass/Spirit Tracks :|
[quote name='Linkiboy' post='3722695' date='Jun 17 2011, 07:46 PM']
Him: "How do you play this?"
He shoves a The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks cartridge into my face.
Me: "You use the touch screen to mo---"
Him: "I didn't get this piece of shit to use the touch screen!"
This was my reaction about Phantom Hourglass/Spirit Tracks :|

I have to say, the games would have been much, much better off had they utilized button controls too, instead of forcing you to use the touchscreen. It's really what keeps me from going back and playing those games again.

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