
in light of TDWP's blog I copypasted one of my notes to here

TL;DR? Dont be a lazy cunt

Well we've all had wishes that the world would be peaceful and everyone would be treated as equal.

Guess what, its not going to happen.

I've written about people and global policies and how they suck.
Now its time to bring a solution to one of the biggest issues the modern world has.

Its not about money or war... ok well it might be for now but that's not the essential thing.
The essential thing is in the difference between people. There's a little secret that is only shared by the most enlightened people among us. Only a few understand this truth.
There is no difference between anyone.
It doesn't matter if you're female or male, Muslim or Christian, black or white, Dutch or German, Arab or Jew.

Everyone in this world should be perceived exactly the same, as a human being. Sure, there are differences based on individuals like one person is better at cooking and someone else is better at maths but this doesnt change us being human.

There are of course idiots who disagree and think that everyone who is dumber, slower, blacker or has a different belief is below them (I myself am sometimes guilty when it comes to stupidity)

This is the reason for about 90% of the current conflicts, albeit personal or global, are due to those reasons.
Now the question is, can we stop it and should we?
For all intents and purposes I do think we should stop it. This is my personal belief.
Whether we can? I highly doubt it. The human nature is retarded. We all strive to be as logical as possible and to do that we need to categorize things and put labels on it. If we don't do that we cant grasp it.

This labelling isn't a bad thing per se as long as we can still be indifferent and without judgement about it.

Sadly we as a race, are too dumb to do this. When we label we judge. Some might even say the whole concept of labelling is the same as judging. This is kind of true but that's only because we have given that meaning to the word (yet again, labelling)

What we need to do is be indiscriminate with our labelling. If something needs a label we need someone who has no relation to it to label it. This way is the only way to resolve issues.

So lets look at a big issue in the world.

Israel - Palestine.

First of all, get the fuck over it, all of you.
The way its going right now it will never be resolved. Everyone keeps on struggling and going back on "YEA BUT YOU DID...."
Until you stop blaming each other you will NEVER fix the problem!

So first step is, get people who don't give a shit about either Israel or Palestine to take the reigns.
This would allow both of the people to have a look at all the labels that are present without prejudice.

Next thing is to give these people carte blanche. Without this there will be too much to tiptoe around.

Third step is, acknowledge these people are in charge! Sure, afterwards the 2 leaders of Israel and Palestine can discuss with the negotiators but this should only be about minor things. The major changes should be accepted without a second glance.

This is the only way to put this conflict at ease.The issue is that one party will lose, Israel most likely in this case, and they wont agree. They will claim things like "communism" or "dictatorship" and to be honest, they wouldnt be wrong. For those who are put in their place and feel like being oppressed their country will end up like a dictatorship, at least thats how they will perceive it. Its something that cant be avoided.
As someone once said "My angel is someone else their devil." or in other words "Some call me a hero, others call me villain and in the end I am both."
This is all a matter of perspective.
In that light, United Nations if you are reading this and if you agree, give me a call if you want to talk business.

This brings me to the phrase "Can't we all just get along."
I think at our current point in civilisation we cant.

We need to evolve, not physical but with our way of thinking. We still think within our own borders, personal borders and country borders. Thankfully this keeps fading more and more with the rise of the European Union and the Arab League.
The problem with the Arab League however is that they only 'support' Arabs.

What we need is globalisation. Everyone unite under one flag.

There already is some form of globalisation. Its called the internet.
The Japanese earthquake? Everyone online, regardless of race, religion or gender, united to support the thousands of people in need.
The Arab Spring? A few people started online and around the whole world people let their voice out in rage and discontent with the current affairs.
Of course we also have to include the online hacktivism of Anonymous and more recently LulzSec.
They also showed that when we all unite under one banner we could achieve more then when we are separate.

I think this globalisation is the only way of humankind to evolve and more forward. We need to disregard our financial differences, religious differences and just do it.

All in all I think that a good start of this is Israel/Palestine.
I actually have a suggestion for them. Make them the first example of unity.
Stop going back in time and demand territory that was yours 45 years ago.
Instead disband both countries and unite in a new, stronger form. Imagine that 2 countries, Israel and Palestine, could put away their differences and create a whole new country based on mutual respect and honour.
That would be the most advanced thing we have done since the creation of European Union.

It could set the precedent to global unity. It would show all those people in conflict that if those two can make up and start fresh then why cant we.

We need to advance as a global united front. The time for separate countries is over.
Unite under one banner and we take over the world by default.

So lets all work to treat everyone the same without prejudice, positive or negative, and lets enjoy the world we are given

PS: After some thought I thought of what stops use from achieving the above; Pride.

Can we drop our pride for the benefit? Can we understand the longterm commitments we have to deal with?



There are already a ton of people crying about how our species is stupid, but not seeing the irony in their statements.
There are not enough people doing something to change our world and the people living in it for the better.

Guess which category you fall into.
[quote name='_Chaz_' post='3775947' date='Jul 15 2011, 09:16 PM']TL;DR[/quote]
Lazy cunt ;o

And thank Darmanitan
Over the next few days Ill repost some notes on here :)
It's funny that tv shows actually have globalism (AKA Futurama.)

People will probably never get over the fact that people are of different color/religion/sex etc, some have, but most, from what I've seen where I live, won't.
[quote name='GundamXXX' post='3775948' date='Jul 15 2011, 03:17 PM'][quote name='_Chaz_' post='3775947' date='Jul 15 2011, 09:16 PM']TL;DR[/quote]
Lazy cunt ;o
Learn to summarize thoughts.
[quote name='_Chaz_' post='3775959' date='Jul 15 2011, 09:20 PM'][quote name='GundamXXX' post='3775948' date='Jul 15 2011, 03:17 PM'][quote name='_Chaz_' post='3775947' date='Jul 15 2011, 09:16 PM']TL;DR[/quote]
Lazy cunt ;o
Learn to summarize thoughts.
I tried but it was all very spur of the moment and if I re-adjust it then it wouldnt be the same for me
I do know what you mean though but tbh its clear enough like this
[quote name='_Chaz_' post='3775947' date='Jul 15 2011, 11:16 PM']There are already a ton of people crying about how our species is stupid, but not seeing the irony in their statements.
Guess which category you fall into.[/quote]

What on earth are you talking about?
This Gundam guy.. he wrote his take on how the world's people need to behave so all races/genders/religions,etc. may live peacefully.
He's following the steps, he's behaving the way he should.

And he's sharing it.

Those who care, follow the steps too. Those who don't, well, you're the reason the world's a mess in the first place.
Also, there's no "irony" in the statements, nor is he "crying".
[quote name='_Chaz_' post='3775947' date='Jul 15 2011, 09:16 PM']TL;DR

There are already a ton of people crying about how our species is stupid, but not seeing the irony in their statements.
There are not enough people doing something to change our world and the people living in it for the better.

Guess which category you fall into.[/quote]
Damnit y u go edit after I quoted you...

Of course there is irony in it. Just because I wrote this doesnt mean I am correct. We all learn new things on a day to day basis.

Anyway, I actually did do something about it :)
First of all I posted this publicly so people can read it and perhaps take lessons from it
Second of all I wrote a few letters to several government agencies both local and internationally. I even wrote an email to the UN. And yes even if it might not do anything I did what I felt was right. When I have more time Ill invest it into the local political parties but I simply have no time at this moment with my work schedule

Im not crying about anything. Im reasoning and putting logic there with a solution.
As I said in the blog, I make the mistakes that we shouldnt make if we want this to work but alas I am also one of the people I wrote about
[quote name='Darmanitan' post='3775989' date='Jul 15 2011, 03:34 PM'][quote name='_Chaz_' post='3775947' date='Jul 15 2011, 11:16 PM']There are already a ton of people crying about how our species is stupid, but not seeing the irony in their statements.
Guess which category you fall into.[/quote]

What on earth are you talking about?
This Gundam guy.. he wrote his take on how the world's people need to behave so all races/genders/religions,etc. may live peacefully.
He's following the steps, he's behaving the way he should.

And he's sharing it.

Those who care, follow the steps too. Those who don't, well, you're the reason the world's a mess in the first place.
Also, there's no "irony" in the statements, nor is he "crying".
He wrote about it and posted it to an internet forum where the average age is probably 15.
He's willing to look at the problem and talk about the problem, but aside from that nothing is being done.

Fun fact: 99% of the people on the planet fall into the category that you didn't decide to leave out of the original quote.
[quote name='_Chaz_' post='3776005' date='Jul 15 2011, 11:44 PM'][quote name='Darmanitan' post='3775989' date='Jul 15 2011, 03:34 PM'][quote name='_Chaz_' post='3775947' date='Jul 15 2011, 11:16 PM']There are already a ton of people crying about how our species is stupid, but not seeing the irony in their statements.
Guess which category you fall into.[/quote]

What on earth are you talking about?
This Gundam guy.. he wrote his take on how the world's people need to behave so all races/genders/religions,etc. may live peacefully.
He's following the steps, he's behaving the way he should.

And he's sharing it.

Those who care, follow the steps too. Those who don't, well, you're the reason the world's a mess in the first place.
Also, there's no "irony" in the statements, nor is he "crying".
He wrote about it and posted it to an internet forum where the average age is probably 15.
He's willing to look at the problem and talk about the problem, but aside from that nothing is being done.

Fun fact: 99% of the people on the planet fall into the category that you didn't decide to leave out of the original quote.

1. That's discrimination. (age)
2. He's following his own solution to the problem. If we all followed his as well, we'd be living in peace right now, so his post is actually some good encouragement.
[quote name='_Chaz_' post='3776005' date='Jul 15 2011, 03:44 PM'][quote name='Darmanitan' post='3775989' date='Jul 15 2011, 03:34 PM'][quote name='_Chaz_' post='3775947' date='Jul 15 2011, 11:16 PM']There are already a ton of people crying about how our species is stupid, but not seeing the irony in their statements.
Guess which category you fall into.[/quote]

What on earth are you talking about?
This Gundam guy.. he wrote his take on how the world's people need to behave so all races/genders/religions,etc. may live peacefully.
He's following the steps, he's behaving the way he should.

And he's sharing it.

Those who care, follow the steps too. Those who don't, well, you're the reason the world's a mess in the first place.
Also, there's no "irony" in the statements, nor is he "crying".
He wrote about it and posted it to an internet forum where the average age is probably 15.
He's willing to look at the problem and talk about the problem, but aside from that nothing is being done.

Fun fact: 99% of the people on the planet fall into the category that you didn't decide to leave out of the original quote.
The average age is somewhere in the 20s actually.
[quote name='Pyrmon' post='3776050' date='Jul 15 2011, 09:20 PM']The average age is somewhere in the 20s actually.[/quote]What does the average age have to do with anything here...? :unsure:
You can act 10 and be 18.

It can go the other way around as well.

Actual age doesn't really matter, it's your mental age that matters.
[quote name='Berthenk' post='3776058' date='Jul 15 2011, 10:27 PM'][quote name='Pyrmon' post='3776050' date='Jul 15 2011, 09:20 PM']The average age is somewhere in the 20s actually.[/quote]What does the average age have to do with anything here...? :unsure:

A lot. Whether you like it or not when you are 15 you cant reason as a 20 year old and when youre 20 you cant reason as a 25 year old
As I said last time you linked me this, very insightful. Society will always be plagued by issues, it's down to human nature.
We are by default designed to be pessimistic, think back over history, who's the first person you remember? What did they do?
Chances are they are what can only be described as a "bad person". And you're also predisposed to remember the bad events in your lifetime more easily than the good ones.
And well, some people let this show in their personality, and treat others like shit, and on a larger scale this is why society can never work properly.

As nice as a utopia would be, it is very unlikely that we'll be seeing one very soon.

[quote name='Pyrmon' post='3776050' date='Jul 15 2011, 09:20 PM']The average age is somewhere in the 20s actually.[/quote]
The average age of currently active users, is not.
[quote name='Darmanitan' post='3776022' date='Jul 15 2011, 03:55 PM']1. That's discrimination. (age)
2. He's following his own solution to the problem. If we all followed his as well, we'd be living in peace right now, so his post is actually some good encouragement.[/quote]

1. Cry me a river.
2. Not everyone thinks the same way, you know? If we all followed his "solution" and mailed people of power our opinions, nothing would get done. It'd just be a lot of messages with a few similar themes.
[quote name='_Chaz_' post='3776077' date='Jul 15 2011, 10:35 PM'][quote name='Darmanitan' post='3776022' date='Jul 15 2011, 03:55 PM']1. That's discrimination. (age)
2. He's following his own solution to the problem. If we all followed his as well, we'd be living in peace right now, so his post is actually some good encouragement.[/quote]

1. Cry me a river.
2. Not everyone thinks the same way, you know? If we all followed his "solution" and mailed people of power our opinions, nothing would get done. It'd just be a lot of messages with a few similar themes.

Rather then being a complainer yourself (see the irony in it?) why dont you give me suggestions then. What can I do to change people's mind beside putting my opinion out there? Isnt that what all the politicians do? Isnt that what religious leaders do? They all express their opinion and people take that opinion on work on it

People can take my opinion and work on it just like they would from a Nelson Mandela, Ghandi or various other people

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