Guild's Suggested Games: PSP


PSP - DS - Wii

I've decided to begin a personal project to just make a list of awesome games per console. I decided to start with the PSP because it's fucking awesome.

I'll be adding more as I play more, so check this list frequently if you want PSP games to play. There's also a few PSX games that I thought worked great on the system (in terms of emulation, controls, etc).

If you're wondering why Game X is missing, it's because I either didn't like it or didn't play it yet. Hence why every Ys game is missing (haven't played them yet), for example

If something has *NEW* next to it, it means I added it recently, NOT that it's new.

The [] after each game is the category, if it says [PSX] after that it means it's available/on the PSX.


  • The 3rd Birthday: Storyline is a big time traveling mess but the gameplay is pretty addictive. Third person shooter/ARPG mix with some interesting mechanics (mainly Overdive). Best graphics for the system and pretty good music/voice acting as well. [TPS/RPG]


  • Ape Escape: On the Loose: Pretty good remake of the PSX original. Not the best platformer on the system but it's decently fun. [Platformer]
  • Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines: It's not that bad. The focus on combat over stealth and PARKOUR is a bit of a bummer but it still has its stealthy moments as well as amazing visuals and a pretty good transition of the original AC gameplay to a portable. [Action]


  • BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger/Continuum Shift II Portable: Great port of the console fighting classic. Still has the same issues as the original but keeps all the content and the visuals still look sweet. No analog nub support (to my knowledge) though if you wanted it (although everyone would probably stick to the D-Pad).
  • Brave Story: New Traveler: Decent RPG if you're really craving a standard type of turn-based RPG and there's nothing else. [RPG]
  • Burnout Legends/Dominator: Probably the best racers on the PSP. Dominator is more racing focused while Legends has those fun events like Crash and stuff. Both are great though and have great graphics, controls, and lots of stuff to do. [Racing]


  • Capcom Classics Reloaded/Remixed: Capcom compilations, both with slightly different content. Worth playing for retro goodness. [Compilation]
  • Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles/Symphony of the Night: I wasn't a fan of Rondo of Blood but Symphony of the Night is worth it. Most likely the best 2D game ever made and it just works perfectly on the PSP. [Platformer] [PSX]
  • Coded Arms/Contagion: FPS series on the PSP that actually works surprisingly well. Pretty fun shooter romp, also includes multiplayer if you have a friend or two. [FPS]
  • Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII: Shitty storyline, shitty characters, repetitive hack and slash gameplay, and it seems way too luck based instead of strategy based. But it's somehow highly addictive too. FFVII fanboys will piss themselves over it, others may be in the same boat as me. [ARPG]
  • Crush: Inventive puzzle/platformer that is quite a mind twister. Definitely worth playing, or you can wait for the 3DS port if you want. [Puzzle]


  • Dante's Inferno: Straight-up God of War clone but it's actually a lot of fun. Surprisingly good port of the console versions with really nothing lost (outside of DLC and some graphical downgrades). [Action]
  • Disgaea/2: SRPG goodness if you're into SRPGs. A lot of shit to do in both games, so SRPG fans should be up to their balls in grids. [SRPG]
  • Dissidia/012: No point playing the first game since the second game features the original campaign, just better done. Best portable fighting game ever made, pretty much blurs the line between ARPGs and fighting. Even non-Final Fantasy fans can enjoy it. Soundtrack is an amazing compilation/remixes of Final Fantasy music, voice actors are pretty much identical to all their Final Fantasy games (ie: Jecht has the same voice actor in Dissidia as he did in FFX, I do believe), and the gameplay is amazingly fun. Also more content then you can believe. Have fun wasting the next 200 hours of your life in Labyrinth Mode. [Fighting/ARPG]
  • Dynasty Warriors/Vol. 2: Pretty early PSP games and they show it. Shitty visuals by today's standards, framerate issues, limited field of view, and relatively low enemy counts for the series. But it's still standard hacking and slashing and the grid map is actually a really good addition. Check out Warriors Orochi for something a bit more advanced/close to the series. [Action]
  • Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce: Monster Hunter clone with Dynasty Warriors combined. Not the best Monster Hunter-like on the system but still pretty fun. Data install is a must unless you enjoy boring load times constantly. [Monster Hunter!]



  • Final Fantasy I/II: Good remakes of the classics. Still dated as hell but playable here. [RPG]
  • Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection: Best version of FFIV ever made. Awesome new sprites, music is amazing, and the classic game is intact. Also features its sequel, The After Years, and a storyline to bridge the original and TAY. PLAY THIS. [RPG]
  • Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions: It's a Final Fantasy Tactics remake so SRPG fans can love it to death. If you're not a fan of the remake, just get the original one. [SRPG]


  • God(s) Eater Burst: Monster Hunter-type game but a lot more action-y and a lot more anime-y. Still a lot of fun and it has enough new/unique mechanics to set it apart from Monster Hunter. [Monster Hunter!]
  • God of War: Chains of Olympus/Ghost of Sparta: God of War on the go. Awesome visuals and the splattery gore and over-the-top combat you'd expect from the series. Still kinda skimp on content but they're worth playing. [Action]
  • Grand Theft Auto: Vice/Liberty City Stories: GTA III-style GTA games. Has the same flaws as GTA games (boring missions and the combat is pretty meh) but it's still a nice open world game. Make sure your ISO is uncompressed though or it'll lag like a bitch. [Action]
  • Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars: Top-down style GTA and a port of the DS game. Better visuals and it runs smoother but it lacks the touchscreen mini-game type sequences (which is kinda a bummer). [Action]
  • GripShift: Platformer/racing hybrid. Controls are a bit wonky but still surprisingly fun. [Racing/Platforming]
  • Gun Showdown: Good port of the PS2 game. Controls are a bit crappy but if you're still on a western high from Red Dead Redemption, this should do you fine. [TPS]
  • Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure: Basically sorta like Zelda but with some RPG aspects (Zelda's not an RPG, stop saying it is), more platforming, an actual jump function, and drills (unfortunately not related to TTGL). So basically Zelda but better. [Platformer/Action-Adventure]



  • Infected: Basic type of zombie shooter. Lacks diversity but it's some mindless fun. Also has a lot of shitty emo death metal music but you can play as Slipknot members, so that's fucking awesome. [TPS]




  • Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky: Great narrative, fun gameplay, and kick ass music. One of the best RPGs for the system. [RPG]
  • LittleBigPlanet: Decent platformer although the physics can be annoying for just straight-up platforming. Has a huge emphasis on level creation so you can make/download other levels. [Platformer]


  • Marvel Ultimate Alliance: Probably one of the best superhero games made in my opinion. Addictive hack 'n' slash dungeon crawlers but with Marvel characters. Deadpool's in it and has good commentary so that's a win. Good port from the console version, too. [ARPG]
  • Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel: If you want to have the full plot of the first MGS game but don't feel like playing it (it's kinda dated anyway) then this is where you should go. Fucking amazingly well drawn animations and great voice acting. Awesome way to represent the first Metal Gear Solid. [Adventure]
  • Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker: Arguably what I consider one of the masterpieces in portable gaming. Combines elements from pretty much every Metal Gear Solid game over the years and adds a bunch of new stuff. Really fun and also includes some multiplayer. [Stealth/Action]
  • Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops: Not as bad as I thought. Much more stealth based than Peace Walker and the team building is a bit less refined than it is in Peace Walker, but it's still a lot of fun and makes for some classic MGS goodness. [Stealth/Action]
  • *NEW* ModNation Racers: First try of the game I didn't like it at all, second try I found it very enjoyable. Solid kart racing (some may find it a bit "slow" at first) paired with highly impressive creation options. [Racing]
  • Monster Hunter Freedom Unite: The definitive Monster Hunter game. Highly addictive with a lot of stuff to do. Also has ad-hoc for multiplayer and can be played online via Ad-hoc Party on the PS3 or Xlink Kai. [Monster Hunter!]


  • N+: Based off the awesome flash game. Great platformer with short-but-sweet levels for some awesome portable gaming. It can also be balls challenging at times. [Platformer]



  • Phantasy Star Portable/2: Another Monster Hunter-type game (although Phantasy Star's hack 'n' slash type gameplay was around before Monster Hunter) but, like God Eater, has enough different about it to make it worth playing. [Monster Hunter!]
  • Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords: Probably one of the greatest RPGs this generation. Addictive as fuck with some great gameplay ideas. PSP version is probably the best too (better visuals than the DS/iPhone versions with the same portability). The AI though can get rage-inducing cheap and downright broken at times though. [RPG]


  • Resistance: Retribution: Solid third person shooter for the system, although there's not much to do once you finish the campaign outside of multiplayer. [TPS]
  • Rock Band Unplugged: Amplitude-style gameplay but with Rock Band license (so music that's not shitty vocaloids/J-Pop/J-Rock). Pretty fun for doing the career mode or just for a quick play. Also has some DLC music. [Rhythm]


  • Samurai Warriors: State of War: Has a bit more strategy aspects than Dynasty Warriors/Vol. 2 and a bit of variety in objectives. Pretty much for Dynasty/Samurai Warrior fans only. [Action]
  • Sega Genesis Collection: Best retro compilation game ever made. Features tons of games, most of them good. Most notably has all three Sonic games, Vectorman, Comix Zone, and all four Phantasy Stars. Also has a fair share of unlockables and the emulation is pretty much spotless on the PSP. Save states also make it perfect for portable gaming. [Compilation]
  • Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable: Awesome RPG, combination of turn-based RPG aspects and dating/social sims. Tons of depth with a lot of stuff to do. There's also the original Persona for the system and Persona 2 is getting localized later this year. [RPG]
  • Sid Meier's Pirates!: Remake of Sid Meier's classic. It's as open world as you get. It's pretty much love-it or hate-it but it's a lot of fun if you enjoy it. [ARRRRR!]
  • Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny: Really great pseudo-port Soul Calibur IV. Features two new characters (Dampierre, whose completely new, and Kratos from God of War) instead of Star Wars ones. Only real issues is that it's skimp on content. [Fighting]
  • Split/Second: Good port of the console version, probably still not the best racer on the system though. [Racing]
  • Spyro the Dragon 1/2/3: They were amazing platformers back then and they still are. They put Super Mario 64 to shame. They control surprisingly great on the PSP. Spyro 3 is personally one of my favorite games ever, so get that shit. [Platformer] [PSX]
  • Street Fighter Alpha Max 3: It's Street Fighter with a lot of characters and modes. Avoid if you're not good at Street Fighter, as you'll just get fucking slaughtered. [Fighting]


  • Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together: What some people consider the greatest SRPG ever. Remake is pretty awesome with some new visuals and what not. [SRPG]
  • Tales of Eternia: It's a pretty straight-up port of Tales of Eternia from the PSX. Classic Tales gameplay that still holds up well today. [RPG]
  • *NEW* Tekken 6/Dark Resurrection: Both are good Tekken games if you enjoy Tekken. Awesome graphics, Dark Resurrection is a bit better with content. It'll probably stay with most any Tekken fan. [Fighting]
  • Tokobot: Unique and interesting 3D platformer. Fun, but the camera is really annoying and causes a lot of depth issues. [Platformer]
  • *NEW* Tomb Raider Anniversary: It's the first Tomb Raider, remade, and on-the-go. Plays just as well as the console versions. [Action/Platformer]



  • Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth: Remake of the PSX classic. Combines some 2D platforming with some turn-based RPG gameplay. Forewarning though, it'll take like a good 30 minutes to an hour until you get to the ACTUAL gameplay, so if you want something immediately fun, save this game for later. [RPG/Platformer]
  • Valkyria Chronicles II: Best strategy game for the system. It has a unique blend of turn-based strategy some third person shooting. Characters are a bit annoying but overall it's fun as hell and has tons of gameplay time. [Strategy]


  • The Warriors: Beat 'em up based on the movie. Good port of the PS2 game but the camera can be a bit annoying. [Action]
  • Warriors Orochi/2: More faithful to the original Dynasty Warriors type of gameplay. Has good graphics, no slowdown, and plenty of enemies on screen. Still, non-Dynasty/Samurai Warriors fans should go elsewhere. [Action]
  • *NEW* White Knight Chronicles: Origins: Plays a bit like some MMORPGs in terms of gameplay. It's got some decent depth although it doesn't stand out particularly well in the PSP library. Graphics aren't bad but aren't spectacular for this late in the PSP's lifespan. [ARPG]





This is really good, I'll probably take a look when I need a game to play on the PSP. Just a suggestion though, maybe categorising them in genres would be easier. Anyway, keep it updated!
[quote name='WiiBricker' post='3680718' date='Jun 2 2011, 01:00 AM']Are there any Hotel Dusk/Ace Attorney/Time Hollow/999-like adventures availabe for PSP?[/quote]

I'm not really a big adventure game fan (like the games you described) so I can't really say.

There's a Harvey Birdman game for the system that's made by Capcom and is supposed to be a lot like Ace Attorney though. I guess I can suggest that.

MGS: Digital Graphic Novel can also count, sorta.
I find it mind boggling you can say bad things about Crysis Core's characters or story and still like a steaming pile of horseshit like RDR's paper thin characters and amateur, cliche, hollow story.


Didn't know Tales of Eternia was a PSP PSX title though. Will have to pick that up.
[quote name='Hells Malice' post='3680728' date='Jun 2 2011, 01:06 AM']I find it mind boggling you can say bad things about Crysis Core's characters or story and still like a steaming pile of horseshit like RDR's paper thin characters and amateur, cliche, hollow story.


Didn't know Tales of Eternia was a PSP PSX title though. Will have to pick that up.[/quote]

Zack is just an annoying bitch with spiky hair, Sephiroth is Sephiroth, Genesis is some poetry spewing retard, and who gives a fuck about Angeal and his oversized chin.

And Tales of Eternia's an actual PSP game, not a PSOne classic though. They basically just made it widescreen and adjusted the controls a bit. It's also Europe/Japan only so you're probably gonna have to pirate it or bust your balls importing it.
[quote name='WiiBricker' post='3680718' date='Jun 1 2011, 08:00 PM']Are there any Hotel Dusk/Ace Attorney/Time Hollow/999-like adventures availabe for PSP?[/quote]
WHY YES THERE IS. In fact, there's one called Shadow of Memories (Or Shadow of Destiny depending on the region) made by the same people who made Time Hollow! It's a wonderful little game out for PSP... and Xbox, PS2 and PC.
Also, the list needs more Jeanne D'Arc and Wild Arms XF.
[quote name='Goli' post='3680739' date='Jun 2 2011, 01:10 AM']Also, the list needs more Jeanne D'Arc and Wild Arms XF.[/quote]

I haven't really played either since I'm not a big SRPG fanatic. I've played the SRPGs that are on the list but most of my recommendation of them is based off other peoples' (*cough* your *cough*) recommendations.
[quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='3680732' date='Jun 2 2011, 09:09 AM'][quote name='Hells Malice' post='3680728' date='Jun 2 2011, 01:06 AM']I find it mind boggling you can say bad things about Crysis Core's characters or story and still like a steaming pile of horseshit like RDR's paper thin characters and amateur, cliche, hollow story.


Didn't know Tales of Eternia was a PSP PSX title though. Will have to pick that up.[/quote]

Zack is just an annoying bitch with spiky hair, Sephiroth is Sephiroth, Genesis is some poetry spewing retard, and who gives a fuck about Angeal and his oversized chin.

And Tales of Eternia's an actual PSP game, not a PSOne classic though. They basically just made it widescreen and adjusted the controls a bit. It's also Europe/Japan only so you're probably gonna have to pirate it or bust your balls importing it.
Quoted for truth. FF7 and it's sequels/prequels/whatever the fuck uses the FF7 name are just over rated pieces of shit.

On topic, could you maybe state what's a PSX-on-PSP title? I'm confused about Spyro. It sounds like they're the PSX games, though.

And MGS1 still holds up well today. Metal Gear, not so much. Metal Gear 2 however...

Anyway, good list Guild. I'll look into/pirate some of these later today. :D

And when I saw the title, I thought it was Guile's Suggested Game: PSP
Great list. I personally didn't like Dissidia - I just couldn't get into the game play, but I can't argue that it's not a great love letter to Final Fantasy fans. I personally think Street Fighter Alpha 3 is the best portable fighting game, but I haven't played Dimensions or the newer BlazBlue titles. Missing a few of my favorite PSP titles, but that's what opinions are for, right?

Though, I didn't like Gurumin. It felt a bit....bleh. But again, opinions. Have you played Cladun? I'd suggest that to any old school adventure fan.

Also, SoTN is a PSX title, right? Did they re-release it for PSP? Because if so, I've been missing out :(
[quote name='8BitWalugi' post='3680757' date='Jun 1 2011, 08:15 PM'][quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='3680732' date='Jun 2 2011, 09:09 AM'][quote name='Hells Malice' post='3680728' date='Jun 2 2011, 01:06 AM']I find it mind boggling you can say bad things about Crysis Core's characters or story and still like a steaming pile of horseshit like RDR's paper thin characters and amateur, cliche, hollow story.


Didn't know Tales of Eternia was a PSP PSX title though. Will have to pick that up.[/quote]

Zack is just an annoying bitch with spiky hair, Sephiroth is Sephiroth, Genesis is some poetry spewing retard, and who gives a fuck about Angeal and his oversized chin.

And Tales of Eternia's an actual PSP game, not a PSOne classic though. They basically just made it widescreen and adjusted the controls a bit. It's also Europe/Japan only so you're probably gonna have to pirate it or bust your balls importing it.
Quoted for truth. FF7 and it's sequels/prequels/whatever the fuck uses the FF7 name are just over rated pieces of shit.

On topic, could you maybe state what's a PSX-on-PSP title? I'm confused about Spyro. It sounds like they're the PSX games, though.

And MGS1 still holds up well today. Metal Gear, not so much. Metal Gear 2 however...

Anyway, good list Guild. I'll look into/pirate some of these later today. :D

And when I saw the title, I thought it was Guile's Suggested Game: PSP
I know you didn't ask me but I'll answer anyway. Tales of Eternia got actually PORTED to PSP. Like, actually sold in retail as a PSP game, and like Guild said, is in widescreen. Most other PS1 games that you see people playing on their PSP (like Spyro for instance) are simply copies of the game that run on an emulator made by Sony and are sold on PSN for use in PSP/PS3 and in the future, PlayStation certified Android devices. They aren't enhanced or modified in any way, unlike Tales of Eternia.
[quote name='8BitWalugi' post='3680757' date='Jun 2 2011, 12:15 AM']Quoted for truth. FF7 and it's sequels/prequels/whatever the fuck uses the FF7 name are just over rated pieces of shit.

On topic, could you maybe state what's a PSX-on-PSP title? I'm confused about Spyro. It sounds like they're the PSX games, though.

And MGS1 still holds up well today. Metal Gear, not so much. Metal Gear 2 however...

Anyway, good list Guild. I'll look into/pirate some of these later today. :D

And when I saw the title, I thought it was Guile's Suggested Game: PSP[/quote]

The original FFVII isn't that bad, it's just not the best Final Fantasy game out there. It's just kinda dated nowadays as the visuals look like absolute garbage (and for an RPG, the visuals do actually help quite a bit) and it could use an update.

The original MGS just seems pretty primitive to its successors, especially when you see how far the series has come in Peace Walker. The original is honestly kinda meh nowadays in my opinion.

EDIT: Also added some categories and stuff.

[quote name='Windaga' post='3680771' date='Jun 2 2011, 12:24 AM']Though, I didn't like Gurumin. It felt a bit....bleh. But again, opinions. Have you played Cladun? I'd suggest that to any old school adventure fan.

Also, SoTN is a PSX title, right? Did they re-release it for PSP? Because if so, I've been missing out :([/quote]

I thought Gurumin was just awesome. Very charming with a good bit of humor, great soundtrack, and some good platforming/action-adventure elements. As for ClaDun, I tried playing it but accidentally skipped to the end of the game and didn't feel like going through the whole intro again. So not really.

And SotN is a PSX title but it's also unlockable in The Dracula X Chronicles (which has Rondo of Blood).
[quote name='darkbuster412' post='3680810' date='Jun 2 2011, 12:47 AM']You Forgot P3P...... :yaypsp:[/quote]

It's under Shim Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable.
Great list. If I had anything to add, it would be the Dept. Heaven ports (Riviera, Yggdra, KitN), Half Minute Hero, and the Star Ocean games (remake of 1, port of 2).
[quote name='Tanveer' post='3681650' date='Jun 2 2011, 06:26 AM']No Fifa/PES on the go :D?[/quote]
If you want to play soccer/football on the go, get a DS and buy Inazuma Eleven.
Nice list, though I've already played (played, not completed :P) most of the games on the list before, except for the PSX ones and some others.
Also, why isn't YS Seven on that list?
[quote name='machomuu' post='3681658' date='Jun 2 2011, 10:31 AM'][quote name='Tanveer' post='3681650' date='Jun 2 2011, 06:26 AM']No Fifa/PES on the go :D?[/quote]
If you want to play soccer/football on the go, get a DS and buy Inazuma Eleven.

Fifa/PES are sims. Inazuma Eleven is an RTS RPG.

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