High School Experiences from a British victim of Abuse

I thought i'd contribute to this trend of School Blogs I seem to be reading. It might be helpful to somebody. I'm 25, and I have three wonderful daughters and a wife I care for. But things were not always so rosy. I warn you now; this is quite lengthy, so I don't blame you if you don't read on.

I suffered greatly in school. I was the punching bag, no joke. I was forced into thinking suicide was the best choice and it had irreversible damage on both my personality and physical body.

Bullying often has no rhyme or reason, and that's also true in my experience. I was fat, intelligent and had an optimistic outlook, because until I was the age of 12, I'd never had any negative experiences. It started badly when instead of buying me a new pair of shoes for Physical Education, something I never enjoyed to begin with, my brother gave me an old, but only lightly used pair of his own shoes. They were bright yellow. Several of my classmates who were Emo, and although I have nothing against Emos as a trend, those who studied at our school were massive, entitled arseholes. They were the popular kids, not the outcasts. They were the ones getting all the girls and doing drugs and making the trends in school. Those Guys had a new thing, they called gaudy or atrocious things aesthetically "Gory". And so it was "Gory Yellow Shoes" that they called me. It stuck in a big way. The next week most students in my own year were calling me as such, even those I'd considered friends.

Soon after, it escalated from playful teasing into full on abuse. It started with a shove or two in the hallway. A jab in the arm, name calling. Then it got worse. My friends distanced themselves to not get picked on and I began to feel isolated. The bullying escalated further. Beatings from multiple students, others stealing my things. Then it was painful, physical abuse. I was burnt at least a dozen times using a science class bunsen burner. My teachers began to refer to me as "Gory" and I was threatened with knives, several of which held to my throat. I recieved black eyes, and I was shoved down the stairs a few times. I broke my leg once as well. I came in with a cast and a few people smacked it with a bat. No remorse, no empathy. They threatened my life and one teacher even ignored the fact I was in their class. He didn't look at me or call my name in any regard. I took notes and I did tests, but that was it.

I was damaged. By the age of 14, I was beginning to change emotionally. My family was never there for me as they all had their own stuff to deal with. My father worked a lot and my mother prioritised my older brother, the golden child of our family. I began to talk to myself a lot, and I drew a lot. I drew in my room and at school, more and more until I was the highest achiever in the fine arts in our school. It didn't change how popular I was, not one bit. I talked to myself still when I was alone.

Then someone spoke back to me. That's right, I was literally going mad. I saw several doctors on my own concern and it took over a year before I had a genuine diagnosis - Dissociative Identity Disorder. Dissociation is something even I don't understand all that well. It means I look into my life as somewhat of an outsider, like I'm watching a movie with myself as the main character. I developed more symptoms; Chronic Insomnia, weight loss due to an eating disorder, and I began to experience strange things. Then I used to find notes, or I would become conscious in strange places. It came to my attention that I was not the only person residing in my body. You may know DID as a different, more mainstreamed name; Multiple Personality Disorder. One part of DID is the actual manifestation of other 'alters' in one body. They have their own names, mannerisms, ages and personalities all their own. When I take information in, they do as well. I began to change a lot too. I didn't recognise myself in the mirror, I forgot things a lot and I became detached from my own emotions. I felt less and less about anything.

I began to rebel. My madness changed my persona, I was getting agitated by what was happening and I began to lash out. I still had next to no friends, but at least I was well equipped to deal with what would ensue. I no longer cared about the bullying, it was a lesser, annoying matter. As people insulted me, I insulted them back. As people shoved me, I retaliated. People began to talk; I was called into several of my teachers offices. They disrespected me as much as other students, so I didn't think much of their authority. I told them what I thought and walked off.

Then I got into fights. Proper fights and not just little scuffles. I took out all of my frustration on those who had wronged me. I felt the powerful, eye-opening, releasing power of vengeance. I was stronger than I realised too. I kicked and I punched and I acted animal like. No respectful kicking and then jumping back. I pounced on them and unleashed all that I had. I was on top of them and punched their faces, stamped on their kidneys and smirked like a psychopath at the joy I felt. The pain I felt in my fists was glorious. I no longer felt anything like empathy at that point, what was happening to me had ripped that emotion from me.

I was suspended for a month. I deserved it really, but they couldn't expel me after letting other students put me through such raw abuse for years. I finally stood up for myself and they basically obliged. I started to feel empty though. I had my revenge and people had a renewed respect for me - but at what cost? I still had no real friends. MY family didn't pay much attention either. So when I came back to school, the bullying had stopped. People were calling me by my given name and a lot seemed to have changed in my absence. Cliques had changes, groups had grown apart. Apparently some of them were only friends because they enjoyed bullying others, especially me. Of course there were other victims, but I was self-absorbed enough to not care. I began to mess with others. I became cold and calculating, a machine of pure logic, with a cold, bitter shell. I admit that I may have had friends if I had compassion for others - but no one had given me any either, my DID was still preventing me from feeling that compassion. Until school was over, people avoided me and looked at me with a satisfying glint of fear and loathing.

I still came out of school with a full sheet of A* grades. I had nothing else to do but study anyway. I eased down. I became more relaxed when school was over. I didn't need to see those people again. I graduated at an art college nearby with first class Honours and met my soon to be wife. We had kids, I started a business as a graphic designer and life couldn't be better. I own my own house and I'm not in thousands of pounds of debt.

However - the story isn't technically over. I was arrested a little while ago. I met one of the bullies, one of the ringleaders in the street over a year ago. He hadn't changed much, still clinging to that emo persona that had done him so well. He spotted me immediately and started to call me names. He knew I had kids and told me that I had wasted my life. I punched him - It was my first reaction to both a personal insult and a reference to my children as a waste of life. He called the police, tried to get me changed but after hearing the full story - they kind of knew he had it coming. Although they warned me that it's the only time i'd get off for it. I don't get angry or physically abusive for any reason now, but he was kind of special case.

So there ya go, my decent into madness and lift into bliss. I'm still mad, but it's managed. I also only sleep for about 4 hours a day still, but I get a lot done - so there is a pro there somewhere.
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Too bad you got physical abuse on top of mental abuse. But for those who "only" suffer from mental abuse, be aware that these idiots only do that because you're different, and even though they are trying to hurt you making you feel different, you should on the contrary be glad you're not like them.

Physical abuse is another story, because you can't just tell yourself "actually it's a good thing". I honestly don't know if retaliating is the way to go (if you don't they'll keep attacking, and if you do you'll get authority problems) but I'm glad you did without getting too many problems and finally got a great family life after that.

I just have a question though. You said that someone answered back and you saw doctors for that... But to me, something is missing here. If your family was not really there for you as you said, it means that they probably didn't notice your problems, so you had to tell them yourself. How exactly do you tell your parents that someone in your head is talking to you so they can lead you to a doctor ?
Oh I told them, believe me. They're not big on sentiment, and they don't take much into mental illness since no one else in the family suffers from anything. In the end I was able to go to the doctor myself. Although it's recommended to have an adult present, it's perfectly legal for minors to see a doctor on their own in the UK.

Most of what they said was "Pop some pills or something" or "You just need a rest". Thanks mother, that paracetamol really stopped me from being unable to recognise my own image. We have procedures in place that allow any child to find help where possible, even if it means seeing a doctor on their own.
High School Experiences from a British victim of Abuse
> Does it really matter you're British? Rhetorical question.

I'm 25, and I have three wonderful daughters and a wife I care for
> Congrats, dude. I'm same age and wish I had a similar life to yours.

Suicide was the best choice
> It never is.

My teachers began to refer to me as "Gory"
> Moronic professor you had.

As for the rest, you did well to stand for yourself but to avoid all that B.S why not just change schools? From what I read of your post your school was filled with retards so no good would come out of it anyway.
Wow, you're a dick, well done.

MY parents never would've let me change schools, too much effort on their part.
So you're saying I'm a dick for suggesting to change schools? Not surprised even people who would've been nice to you avoided because of that hostile behaviour you have.
Wait so... they literally tormented you and threatened your life and nobody cares, but when you do something back you get suspended for a month? That's totally fair. :huh:

At least in my school when bullies be bullies (Which they do :/) I can tell the teachers and they get suspended.
Well, look on the bright side, you went through all that and now your life is pretty great :D
Cornerpath @ That's true albeit the god stuff could have been left out but if the OP believes it too, then that should make him feel better.

And by the way, what I dick I was to read the entire blog post of the OP and reply with a sensible suggestion. I'm really a dick.
@Jackus Unfortunately, that's how a lot of schools are. The teachers don't notice people picking on you, but as soon as fight back, you get punished.
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I know the pains of being bullied extensively.
Take a guess what the main cause of it was for me...
That sucks dude. People shouldn't judge you just because of a difference in sexual preference.
Unfortunately they did.
Back in elementary, it was mostly me name they where making fun off.
Old bone bag, Fred flintstones dog etc.

Anyway, for OP.
It's good you stood up for yourself.
I never did unfortunately.

If I was the head of your school, I'd knight you.
Hey, man. Im so sorry. Ive only read the 1st three paragraph's of your blog, but so far its heart breaking. I also was bullied, so I can relate. The only difference between your bullying and mine is im too much of a coward to discuss it openly. But hearing stories like yours gives people like me great hope. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks Goatsie. However, if I had never literally gone insane, I would've never fought back. Or at least that's how I feel. My disorder radically changed my personality, so much so that I didn't recognise myself - still don't for the most part. If I was still the person I was back then, I couldn't have mustered up any valiance.

Also, I apologise for being hostile Saiyan, you seemed quite blunt and came across as quite crude in your writing. From my post you could understand what my parents were like. Anything that 'bothered' them was a big no-no. Moving my school would've been a big bother. I also could've gone to a grammar school, but they sent me to the local comprehensive school because it was less bothersome for them. It was one of the reasons I was never challenged academically.
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I'm legit proud of you that you stood up for yourself and gave those low life idiots one hell of a beating. Doesn't matter if it's because you went mad or something. Keep rocking life man.
Read the first half and wondered why you didn't just knife the biggest offender.
And yes, I practice what I preach. It's the only language animals understand, that's my advice for kids getting picked on today.
You don't have to kill 'em, just remind them that it's possible.
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g0r3z, my parents were a lot like yours. The comprehensive school you mentioned, the one they put you in so they wouldnt have to deal with the root of the problem? my folks did very similar things. i call it warehousing children. im going to finish your story tonight! i love reading. thanx for creating this great blog. ive had a bad day and maybe this will help me feel better.
ody81, thats bad advice. if a kid brings a knife to scholl in post-columbine 'merica, they are very likely to get expelled, or worse.
I'm from England and we have extremely strict laws regarding weapons. Offenders are likely to be expelled on the spot, with no discussion, and then reported to the police. However, all of the bullies did their acts with school supplies, like Stanley Knives ( I believe the US calls them Retractable knives or Utility knives) and did so out of view from teachers. Not that the teachers would've done anything - they took a blind eye to bullying.
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Oh, dude, I havent had time to read it all yet, but if thats how you fought back, I DO NOT blame you.

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    Hey a thought occurred to me... If they are unexpected database errors, are there expected database errors?
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    @BigOnYa, that's just a pre-order term to make the product look better it's not sold out
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Never expect a website to last 24/7 it's like section 8
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    good afternoon fellas
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Gotten tag!
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Gutten lol
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Autocorrect isn't always correct
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    however,sad news today, although idk if i can say it bc it relates to a rom site
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Rom or Ram site? Cause there's a big difference
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    rom,like game files
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    know what? to paraphrase sonic: "no GBAtemp rule in the universe is gonna stop me"
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    vimm's lair had to remove a bunch of games because of nintendo, sega, and lego
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Got taken down? Another one bites the dust
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    not taken down, but had to remove a bunch of games
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Sirloin sounds good tonight
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    yeah it does
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    RIP Vimm's Lair (most of the games anyway), you will be missed

    also i think this is a great time and reason to bring back a hashtag previously used about ubisoft
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
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  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Mail you deeze nuts
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    That be cheap, flat rate small envelope. Me- "Hey this envelope is empty, oh that makes since."
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Still fits in your mouth the same way
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I was looking at steaks other day at grocery, can't believe some cuts (angus) are like $25 a pound. Crazyness. Price of good fish is just as bad.
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