I actually bought a console

I haven't owned a console since 1989.

But today I own a PS3.

No I ain't a PS3 fanboy, I couldn't give a shit what games are out for it. Not like I am planning to rush out and get any.

Bought it because I wanted a blueray drive and something that can send my computer files to my 40 inch Sony Bravia 1080P HD TV (again, I ain't a Sony fan, it was just the right TV at the time).

I suspect the son will want FF13 and the upcoming Kingdom Hearts though. Assuming I can pry him away from WoW.

The PS3 IS the better machine though. The X-Box 360 and it's fucking worthless hardware that can be relied on to malfunction is an idiots choice. I don't care if the games are great, I don't buy worthless machines.

The Wii is of course 'neat' but it doesn't do anything else other than offer 'neat'. And neat gets old eventually.

Soooo I own a console for the first time since 1989. Quite a change from playing 1942 to death and pissing off my then new bride of 3 years :)
Those girls smashing consoles on Youtube might be fake guys, but word of advice, girls respond harshly to being ignored.

My console will be spending most of it's time relaying fan sub anime and tv show downloads to my much nicer 'monitor' wannabe from my computer.
Fanservice on a 40inch HD TV should look plenty nice :)


Personally, I'm a portable girl. I'm usually not at home. Fall/Winter is spent at school in dorms. (Meaning no television - I do have cable in my room, but I don't see the neccessity of bringing a television into residence...) Summer is spent working, and mostly commuting to different places in the world.

So, yeah, I haven't owned a console since the NES days. I eventually did graduate to the SNES, although.

I agree with the XBOX360 thing. The hardware seems just too unreliable. My ex, however, bought both the Wii/XBOX360 and a PS3. So, she's not really a fanboy, I guess what I'm trying to say is "buy whatever you'd like to play" - but I will avoid the 360's like the plague - just because hardware failures are so common.
[quote name='Prophet' post='2459106' date='Dec 14 2009, 01:03 PM']I am having trouble digesting this... are you telling me you haven't played 20 years worth of classic-timeless-awe-inspiring console games? Ocarina of time? FF7? Wait, are you saying you've never even played the greatest system ever, SNES? I'm feeling a bit woozy, I need to step away from the computer.[/quote]

No I really am NOT a fanboy as Prophet has highlighted nicely :)

PS3 = expensive machine and few interesting games.
X=Box 360 = machine with a dreadful reliability issue but games good enough that fan boys seem unwilling to crucify Microsoft over it.
Nintendo = haha we own your children now give us money dad. The Wii likely was a fluke of good timing.

I do really like my Nintendo DS. I also really like my R4DS Revolution, my way of telling Nintendo 'would it hurt you so much to require game makers provide games worth buying?'.
Hey I've bought I think at least 20 actual DS games, and most of them even though I own an R4DS Revolution. And I bought them new full price with only 2 exceptions.
But I have seen the games that get released that just scream out 'you're fucking kidding right? you want 40 bucks for that? I don't think so.'

I've had access to quite a few game systems over the years. But so many RPG classics are fundamentally flawed in thinking as I see it. A role game is something you play with funny shaped dice with 5 or so other persons around a table. World of Warcraft has nothing on D&D 4th edition although so many think 4th looks like WoW (correction, WoW looks like 4th edition eh, get it right :)).

I have a handful of the popular must have DS titles of the RPG sort, just never gotten the urge to play them.
I think you should know, you are making baby Jesus Mario cry.

I can understand someone not being a big gamer, but I wouldn't think that they'd frequent GBATEMP. For the love of god man, do you at least game on your PC?
[quote name='Prophet' post='2461985' date='Dec 15 2009, 02:20 PM']I think you should know, you are making baby Jesus Mario cry.

I can understand someone not being a big gamer, but I wouldn't think that they'd frequent GBATEMP. For the love of god man, do you at least game on your PC?[/quote]

Lol, there's millions of people who haven't owned a console in years. why are you so worked up all of a sudden?
[quote name='Prophet' post='2461985' date='Dec 15 2009, 08:20 PM']I can understand someone not being a big gamer, but I wouldn't think that they'd frequent GBATEMP. For the love of god man, do you at least game on your PC?[/quote]This is a handheld community, so really isn't that surprising ;)
[quote name='Prophet' post='2461985' date='Dec 15 2009, 03:20 PM']I think you should know, you are making baby Jesus Mario cry.

I can understand someone not being a big gamer, but I wouldn't think that they'd frequent GBATEMP. For the love of god man, do you at least game on your PC?[/quote]

Yeah makes ya wonder I guess:) But I have owned the Nintendo DS since 2006 and you guys usually have the news if there's any news worth getting.

As for PC gaming, yeah been active in that realm since 2000. I actually have my name in the credits of one game. But PC wargaming has always been sort of a lame replacement for the real thing (that being pushing card board for me).

Been a long time fan of Heroes of Might and Magic and Civilization over the years.
[quote name='Panzer Tacticer' post='2462461' date='Dec 15 2009, 07:00 PM']I actually have my name in the credits of one game.[/quote]
Proof? :teach:
[quote name='playallday' post='2459130' date='Dec 14 2009, 02:20 PM'][quote name='Supersonicmonk' post='2459108' date='Dec 14 2009, 01:03 PM']The 360 is by no means underpowered[/quote]
You think a system with a 500 MHz video card (it's like a X1800XL!) "powered"? I don't see how that works.

That 500Mhz video card is more powerful than the RSX.
[quote name='ZeWarrior' post='2462479' date='Dec 15 2009, 07:03 PM'][quote name='playallday' post='2459130' date='Dec 14 2009, 02:20 PM'][quote name='Supersonicmonk' post='2459108' date='Dec 14 2009, 01:03 PM']The 360 is by no means underpowered[/quote]
You think a system with a 500 MHz video card (it's like a X1800XL!) "powered"? I don't see how that works.

That 500Mhz video card is more powerful than the RSX.
RSX and Xenos are actually pretty similar.
[quote name='playallday' post='2462469' date='Dec 15 2009, 07:02 PM'][quote name='Panzer Tacticer' post='2462461' date='Dec 15 2009, 07:00 PM']I actually have my name in the credits of one game.[/quote]
Proof? :teach:

Steel Panthers World at War Mega Campaign Screaming Eagles.

You do realize I don't have Panzer Tacticer on my birth certificate correct?
[quote name='ZeWarrior' post='2462479' date='Dec 16 2009, 12:03 AM'][quote name='playallday' post='2459130' date='Dec 14 2009, 02:20 PM'][quote name='Supersonicmonk' post='2459108' date='Dec 14 2009, 01:03 PM']The 360 is by no means underpowered[/quote]
You think a system with a 500 MHz video card (it's like a X1800XL!) "powered"? I don't see how that works.

That 500Mhz video card is more powerful than the RSX.

However, the 8-core cell CPU on the PS3 is far more powerful than the 3-core 360 xenon CPU, hence the PS3 is more powerful overall.
The PS3 IS the better machine though. The X-Box 360 and it's fucking worthless hardware that can be relied on to malfunction is an idiots choice. I don't care if the games are great, I don't buy worthless machines.

Wow, married and you can still insult other things? Damn, that wasn't expected. So, with your logic, those who buy an Xbox 360 are idiots? That's pretty rude, but you're forgiven. (What I mean is what I expected was that when you grew up, things like insulting things or saying things just as bad disappeared. Don't take it too personally, I'm just stating my reaction.)
[quote name='Panzer Tacticer' post='2464619' date='Dec 16 2009, 09:26 PM'][quote name='playallday' post='2462469' date='Dec 15 2009, 07:02 PM'][quote name='Panzer Tacticer' post='2462461' date='Dec 15 2009, 07:00 PM']I actually have my name in the credits of one game.[/quote]
Proof? :teach:

Steel Panthers World at War Mega Campaign Screaming Eagles.

You do realize I don't have Panzer Tacticer on my birth certificate correct?

comedy gold !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
[quote name='bmaster154' post='2464662' date='Dec 16 2009, 04:43 PM']The PS3 IS the better machine though. The X-Box 360 and it's fucking worthless hardware that can be relied on to malfunction is an idiots choice. I don't care if the games are great, I don't buy worthless machines.

Wow, married and you can still insult other things? Damn, that wasn't expected. So, with your logic, those who buy an Xbox 360 are idiots? That's pretty rude, but you're forgiven. (What I mean is what I expected was that when you grew up, things like insulting things or saying things just as bad disappeared. Don't take it too personally, I'm just stating my reaction.)[/quote]

No, young man, we adults are still able to sling around the harsh critiques, we just refrain from telling people we don't like, that they're gay, fags, homos and other rather grade school sounding put downs.

Usually the best way to realize you're being slagged off by an adult, is you are required to read a minimum of 5000 words accompanied by charts tables and other supportive dialogue accompanied with links that will send you to supportive evidence. But I understand the attention span of most young people is fairly brief, which is likely why 'you're gay' is normally preferred :)

Now as for 'idiots' choice, I meant it. Spending a few hundred bucks on a machine, that EVERYONE knows has a 54% break down rate (likely when you are at a critical moment in your game), and is so unreliable that even Microsoft is willing to accept it's worthless by extending a supposedly great warrantee all so they can say 'no problem we'll fix it for you'. That doesn't cut it in the world of proper merchandise. I wouldn't buy a TV under those conditions, nor a stove, or a power tool. I find it alarming that X-Box fans so willingly let MS get away with this all for the love of a few titles made to play on it.

If the PS3 had this reputation, I wouldn't have bought it either.

If you want to see how we adults normally converse though, check out any popular wargaming forums out there, and start talking about Obama or Global Warming :)
Make sure you have on your thickest hide though. We don't settle for 'you're gay' and leave it at that.
[quote name='Panzer Tacticer' post='2461965' date='Dec 16 2009, 06:10 AM']PS3 = expensive machine and few interesting games.
X=Box 360 = machine with a dreadful reliability issue but games good enough that fan boys seem unwilling to crucify Microsoft over it.
Nintendo = haha we own your children now give us money dad. The Wii likely was a fluke of good timing.[/quote]

more like
PS3 = expensive machine and few interesting games.
X=Box 360 = the only "Hi-def" console capable of piracy
Nintendo = haha we own your children now give us money dad. The Wii likely was a fluke of good timing.
[quote name='Sephi' post='2462527' date='Dec 15 2009, 08:20 PM'][quote name='ZeWarrior' post='2462479' date='Dec 15 2009, 07:03 PM'][quote name='playallday' post='2459130' date='Dec 14 2009, 02:20 PM'][quote name='Supersonicmonk' post='2459108' date='Dec 14 2009, 01:03 PM']The 360 is by no means underpowered[/quote]
You think a system with a 500 MHz video card (it's like a X1800XL!) "powered"? I don't see how that works.

That 500Mhz video card is more powerful than the RSX.
RSX and Xenos are actually pretty similar.

Similar yes, but the Xenos is better. It has a more flexible architecture (unified, all modern Graphics Cards today have a unified architecture) and better all around specs.

[quote name='Thoob' post='2464653' date='Dec 16 2009, 05:39 PM']However, the 8-core cell CPU on the PS3 is far more powerful than the 3-core 360 xenon CPU, hence the PS3 is more powerful overall.[/quote]

They aren't cores. SPEs. And its not 8, its 6 thats usable by the developers. 1 is separated for the OS and another is disabled all together. Yes the Cell Broadband Engine is more powerful than the Xenon, but for most games, that is irrelevant.

See multiplatform games. I doubt more than 1% of multiplatform games this gen will be a lot better ( or better at all ) on the PS3 vs the 360.

Watch and get informed.
[quote name='Panzer Tacticer' post='2466099' date='Dec 17 2009, 09:12 AM']No, young man, we adults are still able to sling around the harsh critiques, we just refrain from telling people we don't like, that they're gay, fags, homos and other rather grade school sounding put downs.

Usually the best way to realize you're being slagged off by an adult, is you are required to read a minimum of 5000 words accompanied by charts tables and other supportive dialogue accompanied with links that will send you to supportive evidence. But I understand the attention span of most young people is fairly brief, which is likely why 'you're gay' is normally preferred :)

Now as for 'idiots' choice, I meant it. Spending a few hundred bucks on a machine, that EVERYONE knows has a 54% break down rate (likely when you are at a critical moment in your game), and is so unreliable that even Microsoft is willing to accept it's worthless by extending a supposedly great warrantee all so they can say 'no problem we'll fix it for you'. That doesn't cut it in the world of proper merchandise. I wouldn't buy a TV under those conditions, nor a stove, or a power tool. I find it alarming that X-Box fans so willingly let MS get away with this all for the love of a few titles made to play on it.

If the PS3 had this reputation, I wouldn't have bought it either.

If you want to see how we adults normally converse though, check out any popular wargaming forums out there, and start talking about Obama or Global Warming :)
Make sure you have on your thickest hide though. We don't settle for 'you're gay' and leave it at that.[/quote]

The only thing missing from this entire post is: :teach:

I applaud you.
[quote name='Panzer Tacticer' post='2466099' date='Dec 17 2009, 10:12 AM']Now as for 'idiots' choice, I meant it. Spending a few hundred bucks on a machine, that EVERYONE knows has a 54% break down rate (likely when you are at a critical moment in your game), and is so unreliable that even Microsoft is willing to accept it's worthless by extending a supposedly great warrantee all so they can say 'no problem we'll fix it for you'. That doesn't cut it in the world of proper merchandise. I wouldn't buy a TV under those conditions, nor a stove, or a power tool. I find it alarming that X-Box fans so willingly let MS get away with this all for the love of a few titles made to play on it.

If the PS3 had this reputation, I wouldn't have bought it either.[/quote]

The PS3's failure rate isn't that far off as you want to believe. I've had a PS3 die on me, my friend's PS3 died on him as well, and on top of that, I had to pay $150 to repair mine, while my friend just bought a new one entirely.

The PS3 has at least a 10-15% failure rate, and Sony doesn't accept your warranty if you don't have a receipt, even if the console ITSELF still has a manufacturing date thats states its less than a year old. Absolutely absurd.

I don't want to get into a console war, but stop generalizing and assuming Xbox owners are 'morons and idiots'. At least if my 360 breaks, I'll get a free replacement. Can't say the same about my PS3, now can I?
[quote name='Panzer Tacticer' post='2464619' date='Dec 16 2009, 04:26 PM'][quote name='playallday' post='2462469' date='Dec 15 2009, 07:02 PM'][quote name='Panzer Tacticer' post='2462461' date='Dec 15 2009, 07:00 PM']I actually have my name in the credits of one game.[/quote]
Proof? :teach:

Steel Panthers World at War Mega Campaign Screaming Eagles.

You do realize I don't have Panzer Tacticer on my birth certificate correct?
More proof? :P

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