My parents are afraid of me dating girls that aren't in their brand of Christianity

The title sums up my problem. There's this girl at work who's interested in me, and I in her. She's really nice, and is very easy to get along with. She's even understanding of someone having their Christian beliefs and everything (not that I'm Christian, myself). The problem is that she's said that she herself isn't a Christian anymore. She takes the good things from Christianity without the negatives like my parents do. And this is where the problems come in:

I don't have the means to move out at this point in time yet. Hence, I can't be straight up and honest and tell my parents that, to be frank, I don't care to be a part of church, that I'm not a Christian, and that I want nothing to do with the crap anymore. The reason I'm scared of my parents is that, about 14-15 years ago now, they sent one of my brothers who was having doubts about his faith to a private Christian college to essentially have him be re-educated, for all intents and purposes, though said brother in question would defend this nonsense. I, for one, not only want to avoid that because I disagree with it, but because I want to work this new relationship of mine out with this girl who, as far as I'm concerned, is more real to me than anything they could try and scare or convince yours truly of. I've had it up to here with my parents at this point. I want to save up all of the money I can, and focus on getting out of this house with their BS and finally be free at last of them. I hate being under their thumb more than anything else in my life atm, and hate how they can't let their own blood live his own life that makes him happy because some 2,000 year old book says so.

It's not that I hate Christianity or anything as much as I hate my parents. They are the kinds of people who stereotype anyone who's not a Christian as some body piercing-loving, rock-music worshipping, Satanic-loving monster who's just like Hitler and Stalin because they're a little too far to the left for their tastes and preferences, and use God as some metaphorical riot control for those under their influence that they believe they'll be held responsible for in some coming judgement at the end of time by God. No, I'm not making that up, it's all there in the Bible, or so they tell people to justify their cult-like BS. And I'm not making that up. The conglomeration of churches they're a part of are the Old Independent Fundamental Baptist church. For those who just happen to know who they are, these are the churches that preceded the establishment of the New Independent Fundamental Baptist church spearheaded by Steven Anderson. Yes, that Steven Anderson, except they tend to not be as open or as explicit in their hatred as the NIFB is.

This girl is, from what little I've talked to her anyways, is the sweetest thing I've ever talked to in my life. I know, I know, that's how a lot of early relationships start, but my previous shot at relationships all were based in the IFB in the hopes that maybe some girl would love me and secretly confess to wanting to get out of this nonsense herself. I kind of got those vibes from the previous girl I was dating, but there were other problems in that relationship that made that relationship fall apart that wasn't yours truly's or her fault in any way. This is the first time I've had a relationship with someone who's not had 20+ years of indoctrination in this BS and who's just a good person in general. The only major problem is that she has musical tastes that offend the "God" that my parents have (translation: their pastor in this church and the buddies who support both the church and his sub-organization Reformers Unanimous).

I will admit that what I'm talking about here won't make a lot of sense, especially those who didn't have fundamentalist Christian parents growing up with all of the restrictive BS like I'm describing here. The relationship is still there, but once my parents see one of the girl's posts about making a metal playlist for sleep via Google on Facebook, they'll want me to end the relationship right then and there, no debating outside of yours truly having to pack up his shit and move out!

This is the kind of thing that's leading to Christianity's death as far as I'm concerned. Who the hell wants to deal with parents that hate someone who shares the same interests as yours truly does, but just because this particular cult that's slowly but surely dying off isn't the center of their lives, they're a monster on the same level as Hitler and Stalin because of "being unequally yoked" out of a book with a talking snake.

The IFB is pretty much the kind of church featured in the Estus Pirkle trilogy of films as reviewed by the Cinema Snob in this video (only linking one of them, he reviews the other two if you're really curious):

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Speaking out as a really strong Christian with several controversal views, your parents are not acting in a manner that's appropriate of Christians. Understand that Christianity isn't about rules and regulations as your parents seem to make it.

That being prefaced, try to talk to your parents. Be open and honest. If that's not an option, save up some money, get a roommate, and find a cheap apartment. Move to a cheaper state if necessary.

Also, I know a lot of people who are just REALLY misinformed on what Christianity is so just because I'm curious, what are the "negatives" of Christianity to you?
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For your information, Hell doesn't exist. Many false religion mentioned Hell but bible itself didn't say anything about burn in hell. Hell itself mean according to: In the King James Bible, the Old Testament term Sheol is translated as "Hell" 31 times, and as "the grave" 31 times. Sheol is also translated as "the pit" three times. Modern translations typically render Sheol as "the grave", "the pit", or "death". Hade is also another word for hell. And they translated as the gave, the pit, death. Thats it. My bible class taught us by following the Bible itself. Not their own words speaking out. I was Catholic then Baptist then others. They taught same thing. False. Bible didn't teach God punish people in Hell in fire.. NEVER! God wouldn't do that. There are more in the verses. I will give you some:

Psalm 88:11, Job 28:22 and Proverbs 15:11; Bor (the pit), found in Isaiah 14:15, 24:22, Ezekiel 26:20; and Shakhat (corruption), found in Isaiah 38:17, Ezekiel 28:8. The Tanakh has few references to existence after death.

Your bible since you are Christianity. You gotta think about it. e. Bible is the truth. Just saying.
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The Bible says that those who have not turned to God will be cast in a lake of fire and brimstone. You can call it whatever you want. Sheol, Hell, The Pit, it's still the same thing. A kingdom run by Satan filled with torment. That is in the Bible.

Also, I've never seen hell as a punishment by God but instead, a necessity. God can't be around sin so if a person's body dies without their sins being forgiven through repentance, (Romans 10:9-10) then their soul has to go somewhere away from God. It's not because God is evil but he can't tolerate sin. Especially in his direct precense. Does that make any sense?
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Hey thanks for getting to it, I got busy. Basically what nerdtendo is saying,
do you really want guys like Hitler, Stalin and basically every other pure evil person going unpunished?

Also I didn't mean to make this a discussion about the bible, were all here for Silent_Gunner, right? I'm really sorry if I wasn't clear, I was just trying to demonstrate that his parents are in the wrong, that's all.

And nowhere did I mention hell, nor do I think @Silent_Gunner is some evil person. I just want to help him out, I mean I know I can't do anything about it but I just want to be supportive. I don't care if he's Christian or not, he needs love in his life, and religion isn't the answer. Love is, and I believe this is the true message of the Bible, not "you shan't have fun!"

Silent_Gunner, you know that Paul says it's ok for a believer to marry a non-believer, right? It sounds like your parents go to a church and don't ever pick up a bible to read it, but yes I hope you can forgive them, just try to get out of that situation and get a rest if you can.
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Haven't really had any dealings with Steven Anderson and his ilk/forebears, though I don't suppose it is terribly different in practice to those that I have dealt with (mind control, dress control, outsiders are bad, potential for education -- run the BITE model for it if you want). Will do a bit more learning here on the nature of all this.

I am curious about this actually reading things as metaphors though. Most hardcore literalists I have dealt with in the past don't make such a distinction.

How strict are your parents about their brand? Also how complex is the internal language? Could you coach her on say NIFB if it is dogmatically similar and one is available a few towns over or something, but presumably still isolated enough that feelers can't be sent out?

Failing that head down and make a plan. Or indeed refine a plan to include a lesser thing to allow it to enact sooner -- you say college but if it is going to be too hard to break free for that are there any trade schools that do?

Well, this post blew up while I was away working what has to have been one of the chillest days at my job recently!

First off, an update: I showed my Dad her old profile (not that he knew the difference AFAIK), and he's got off of my back. Which makes this situation seem like a big giant, "why didn't you just do that first before writing this post out?" kind of situation. It's just a stressful living environment that, when I don't have to deal with my parents, feels like home. But, when one of these kinds of issues come up, it's like they become entirely different people all of a sudden. So it's very tiring to be worrying about everything that could go wrong at so many different points throughout all of this while working and taking care of a lot of different things that are going on in life all at once. Hence, why some parts of this post might come off as yours truly trying to rush things. It's not that I don't want to discuss these topics or anything, it's just that it's an hour before I have to go to bed and I just want to lay back in my bed and forget about everything bad or weird that happened today (it started off with a weird-ass dream that I can somehow still recall vividly, it didn't have anything to do with my GF, but it's so rare to have a dream that I could remember so well for yours truly, anyways) for now. I'll probably get back to everyone at some point, but for now, I just wanted to write this update after writing my responses to a few different specific posters. All in all, I just want to say thank you to everyone who's posted to here on this blog of mine. It helps with the feelings of loneliness and solitude when I'm not in her presence atm, ya' know!?

Here goes trying to respond to everyone...

@FAST6191 About the metaphors: I should have somewhat rephrased and been more specific. While there are some passages in the Bible that are meant to be supposed fullfillments of prophecy of world history that supposedly God knew would happen like with some of the stuff in the second half of Daniel, Revelation is where things can get interesting in regards to "the end times," in addition to other passages some think may refer to said doomsday events! All that being said, they generally protest things like people getting microchipped because they think it's the Mark of the Beast.

In regards to their culture, fuck, the internal language? That's where private messages are concerned, man! Not that I wouldn't want to detail it all right here so others who are curious can read it for themselves, but I have to try and respond to everyone here while not making this one of the largest walls of text I could possibly ever make, and I know I tend to go on and on!

@sarkwalvein This isn't necessarily a mainstream conglomeration of churches. Yes, they're "Baptist," but they're the kinds of Baptists that even the other Baptists don't want to have anything to do with! So I don't think you have anything to worry about. But they are as strict as I've either implied or outright stated them to be.

@MicmasH_Wii I appreciate the thoughts. I truly do.

What I really want is essentially the option to not have to play the game here. I don't ever want to be associated with these people if some big scandal on the level of Jack Schaap in today's modern age were to flare up and possibly ruin a job opportunity just because someone took a picture with yours truly in it or because I'm friends with my family in Facebook who post things that companies may consider as grounds for choosing some other more "politically correct" candidate who's less qualified for the job than yours truly just because of my associations. But, because burning said bridges would be a HUGE red flag if I were to do it now, I have no other option other than to play the game until I can move out. Truthfully speaking though, I just don't give a rat's ass about Christianity. To give a glimpse into the IFB's beliefs, they think Once Saved, Always Saved. Essentially, it's Pascal's Wager, except if you truly confessed your sins and believed that Jesus was the only way to Heaven and "really meant it" at one point in your life, you get a scot free card to do whatever you want, but Heaven will suck harder for that kind of person, apparently. Obviously, it's not implying that you should just embrace anarchy or anything, but outside of the culture expecting you to behave and think a certain way, what really is to stop one from doing so?

That question is why I just eventually said, "fuck it," and just started listening to whatever music I wanted, regardless of my parents tell me to do. After all, you only get one life on this Earth for sure. Even my parents will say that, for all they know, there may be no other side at all. But, as Pascal's Wager states, why not believe in God and have the ultimate afterlife insurance card according to Christianity and some sects of Judaism that I'm sure have similar beliefs?

One could have a whole debate on the topic, and it's not something I'm up for at this point in the night, especially when I probably have a rough day ahead of me because that's how the pendulum of the spectrum of how hard work will swing towards difficult after how easy tonight was! Not to mention, texting my girl for the past 3 hours!
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Leave as soon as you are able to. Life is too short to deal with crazy and/or bullshit.
Silent_Gunner said:
In regards to their culture, fuck, the internal language? That's where private messages are concerned, man! Not that I wouldn't want to detail it all right here so others who are curious can read it for themselves, but I have to try and respond to everyone here while not making this one of the largest walls of text I could possibly ever make, and I know I tend to go on and on!

That answered that one then. Cancel what I said. I wasn't particular asking for a dictionary and phrasebook (though certainly I find such things fascinating) but if it was going to be a few choice phrases and conversation starters* you get her to sprinkle in then that is one thing but if it is going to be a serious undercover agent style scenario I wouldn't bother unless she (or you acting as her) are up for the effort -- for giggles ( ) in the past I have learned to speak various cults or religions with serious ingroup-outgroup language before but I am both quite good at that sort of thing and it was still a lot of effort, and often evolves as well.

*is this sect one of those quiver full ones? Get her to drop a line mentioning that (if so and if you are now in your mid 20s and in their minds at least maybe leaving it a bit late) and it can often short circuit other suspicions which rely on more abstract notions and specifics.

Different question. You say financial constraints are holding you back. Are these the general it is 2019 and even if you have skills it is not a sure fire thing that you can get by type scenario or are we seeing elements of financial control here (the most overt and serious are you control nothing, however "enough but not enough to do something with" still counts here)?
honor your mother & father. Respect their thoughts, but it's your life to make decisions on.
RivenMain said:
honor your mother & father. Respect their thoughts

Are respect and honours not accorded to those which find themselves deserving of it?
Unless you mean respect their ability to make things hard, and I think young Silent_Gunner already has that one on lock.
@FAST6191 Yes, it is Quiverfull. It honestly wouldn't surprise me if most of the movement consisted of both flavors of the IFB in this scenario, though pushed more heavily in the New IFB's case. My parents don't follow any of that BS though. Truth be told, I think their opinion of the Duggars is that they're kind of on the freakier side of things for the IFB, especially since a certain member of that family got into two scandals!

As for financial constraints, it's not as bad as you're making it out to be. I don't pay tithes or rent, I just have a student loan on me that I've been paying off slowly up until now. I'm thinking about saving up a lot of money to knock that thing out though, as I want some money as a cushion for accidents and the like, but also so that, when I eventually save up enough money to get all of this debt off of my ass, I can still have some money already saved up for everything else in my life! But otherwise, I have full control of my money at this point in time.

I am aware of the BITE model. If you're curious about the IFB/NIFB, I know Telltale (the atheist YTber channel, not the dead company) has videos about them. Unfortunately, he mostly grew up as a Jehovah's Witness, so I don't think he necessarily knows everything that's going on in these kinds of churches, but he does notice similarities! While he's mostly talking about the NIFB, a lot of what he said can be applied to the worst of the Old IFB as well!
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@FAST6191 If they put up with your ass for 18 years they earned it vice versa lol. Doesn't mean you need their wishes. If my family thinks my girls a hoe, but I'm okay with it because she loves me then whatever. If my dad married a witch doesn't mean I gotta like her either :P don't just copy a portion of what I typed and spin it the family isn't making it hard as much as he is making it to himself. Humans often make the easier choice of doing nothing. He can move from his christian minecraft family and possibly be shunned or not welcomed, but that's every Amish in a nut shell. Doesn't mean it's not easy to do though.

Guilting by recognition of family/ friend is the worst you can do, but nobody realizes it tell their called out on it. It doesn't build relations just breaks them through force.
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@FAST6191 RivenMain quoted 'Honor your Father and Mother' from the Bible, it is one of the Ten Commandments. Maybe your parents suck. It's their job not to. But, as a Christian, who am I to judge that, with the belief that there is an Almighty above?

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