
Fuck yeah, another awesome moment with my parents... :glare:
So I told them I was going to get a new PSU for my computah. Dad asked me why, so I replied that I´d need it for a new GPU.
Then my mom asks me how much the PSU´s going to cost, which is around 62 bucks. Then dad asked how much the GPU would cost, which is ´round 150 bucks. Mom then said that it´d almost be a complete new system, to which I said that that one´d be made of crappy components, which is true. Anyway, they ended with some half baked answer that I don´t fucking get. "Yeah well, in a few years/months time you'll get some trouble with your system so oyu'll need a complete new one which will cost money too.". Yeah right, as if I don't know how to avoid problems if I have built my own computer from scratch and have always solved my own problems and those of others too. Let alone that my brother and I are the support poles for if something goes wrong.

TL;DR version: my parents don't want me to buy a new PSU. So, why do they have to decide what I spend my money on!?


They don't know ANYTHING AT ALL about computers.
Like most parents (like mine, parents of friends of mine blablabla)
Just try to get them to trust you in what you're doing.

I've got this 7 year old pc.
Never changed anything myself. (2 years ago? somebody added 512MB ram)
My mom is always skeptical about buying a new one (this one is slow as hell :P)
I download too much stuff.
My computer is overflooded with virusses (these are her words)
Anything faulty on the computer is 100% my fault, because I use internet.
I download stuff o.o
If that would be true, how would it ever be possible that my computer runs 7 years already?
All problems it had, were fixed... by me :/
Even if I get a virus *LASOOOORR @ virus* And I win.
And yet, whenever my pc had a problem, and I fixed it.
My mom says, yeah, but it's filled with virusses, that's what causes those problems.
You download stuff!
And I'm like -.-

Most problems I'll be getting now, will be hardware :/
Not software. And when my computer dies of hardware problems.
She'll say:
Go get a job, buy yourself a new one, you fucked your last one up. It's 100% your fault that a 7 year old overused pc is broken. Pc's are invincible, their only weakness is a virus. You download stuff, so you've got virusses. And that broke your pc.

Seriously, what the... F*CK!?

I know what you're talking about. And I hate it.
But my parents are also more like.
If you want to waste your money on a computer your going to break in a week anyway, go throw your money away. And then come back here wining your pc broke.
Whenever I'll do that, I'll probably be happy with my computer for a few years because it will be new and shiz :P

Parents -.-
They need to learn what they're doing
Don't forbid stuff that's safe, useful, and you don't know anything at all about.

Sorry for the extreme long rant @ your blog :P

(btw, where are you from? What city?)
Well, I guess I'm lucky to have a dad that actually knows shit about PCs since I don't a hassle like you have, other then my mom knows about nothing about them and has to go calling my dad when he's at work because she can't get Media Center to start or something simple like that.
same prob here, although my parents let my buy stuff for my pc. This little beast is not worth upgrading though, it's 8-9 years old and the newest thing in it is the video card, 2006. Be glad that you've got a good pc, mine is almost blowing up when I've got 6 conversations on msn and chrome opened up, like I have right now.

Anyway, buy the PSU, put it in your school bag and you're mom and dad won't know a thing. I don't think they check your school bag anyway.
My dad is in IT, he knows computers. Unfortunately, he also considers video games a waste of electricity. Buying a new GPU was out of the question unless the old one was broken and on fire :P
i know that kinds of problems. my mom never uses a computer so she doesn't care for most things
our internet just sucks. she pays way too much while we can get better internet for the same price and such.. i have like a downloadspeed of 160 kbps right now. and many sites timeout because of some weird error,, but i finally got my mom so far to switch from provider after weeks of complaining :)
I don't have these kind of problems, as my dad and uncles are great with computers! (except for 2 of them)
You should have the freedom to spend YOUR money that YOU earned. You could try to explain to them why it is important, too, maybe exaggerate a bit on the importance.
Well do you go to work and earn money ?
If you are 18+ he cannot control what you buy or not.
If you are younger be happy you get money to use from your parents (well its normaly nowadays but i still know several people who got if lucky 5 "DM" a month)

I am earning my money myself since one year now and i finaly know how much worth it really is.

maybe they just want you to buy something more usefull for what they worked for so hard.

dunno what computer you have and how old it is but if you explain them like you would explain a 6 year old they might understand you "need"
My dad knows shit about computers, and doesn't wanna get me anything decent, my mum's like...'have you got [insert film title here]? no? guess i'll have to t*r*en* it then' :rolleyes: so yeah...she'd get me pretty much whatever, but dad's up tight about it, he's like tijntje's parents; ie 'dling shit is ba~ad, you might as well chainsaw you laptop.'...
You should stop being a pussy and buy whatever the hell you feel like.
thats what I do.
if its your money, go spend it

if it means so much to you, dont talk about it with your parents
[quote name='Berthenk' post='3175561' date='Oct 4 2010, 09:33 PM']Fuck yeah, another awesome moment with my parents... :glare:
So I told them I was going to get a new PSU for my computah. Dad asked me why, so I replied that I´d need it for a new GPU.
Then my mom asks me how much the PSU´s going to cost, which is around 62 bucks. Then dad asked how much the GPU would cost, which is ´round 150 bucks. Mom then said that it´d almost be a complete new system, to which I said that that one´d be made of crappy components, which is true. Anyway, they ended with some half baked answer that I don´t fucking get. "Yeah well, in a few years/months time you'll get some trouble with your system so oyu'll need a complete new one which will cost money too.". Yeah right, as if I don't know how to avoid problems if I have built my own computer from scratch and have always solved my own problems and those of others too. Let alone that my brother and I are the support poles for if something goes wrong.

TL;DR version: my parents don't want me to buy a new PSU. So, why do they have to decide what I spend my money on!?

You're not alone. Most guys I know, their parents buy things for them and give them free money. I have to ask permission to spend my own money. My parents would freak if they heard I had gone and boughten that iPod Touch I wanted. it has an internet browser, and who knows what i could do on there? (I'm not going into this here)

If it's something they won't see like a HW component, buy it anyway.
I know that's some strange thought, but maybe they're just trying to teach you that money is precious and you should maybe save your money for something more vital ?
[quote name='Mesiskope' post='3175710' date='Oct 4 2010, 08:37 PM']You should stop being a pussy and buy whatever the hell you feel like.
thats what I do.[/quote]
Straight disobeying your parents isn't the brightest thing to do. It's better to talk it out with them.
Eh if they don't know what they are talking about then they should keep their mouths shut. My desktop is about 10 years old and dying. My dad said the chipset fan wasn't running and he suspects that to be the problem, but he also said the motherboard could be dying on me, which if it is the case it would be cheaper to buy a new desktop...on top of that my capture card seems to be running extremely slowly when I attempt to record...the sound is muffled, which leads me to believe I should just buy a Dazzle and an external hard drive, back everything up and say goodbye to the desktop. My laptop has twice the ram and twice the hard drive space so yeah, but at least my dad knows what he's talking about. I don't necessarily have to ask permission to spend money, but my dad and step-mom give me looks if I buy something they don't approve of. Also, I'm not allowed to buy bricks (Lego or Mega Blocks) step-mom is afraid of them...but apparently my sister's Bionicle collection is an whatever...I'll buy some Harry Potter or Star Wars things anyway. She hates both of them so maybe that will give her the incentive to kick me out. I can imagine me telling my grandpa why I got kicked out...he would find it amusing :P.

Anyway if it's your money buy what you want. It's not like they said that you can't do it or you'll be in trouble, they would just rather you not do it.
Had another talk with the later that evening, with dem parentz asking some questions which I answered normally.
Something like that the money I've already put in my computer and the money I'm going to put into it totals to a whole new system like the one my mom bought a week (or two) ago, which was 450 bucks. That's at least one thing they're right on... yeah, I'm pretty sure they can do simple maths... 210 (CPU, RAM 'n mobo) + 60 (PSU) + ~150 (future GPU)=450 bucks. Anyway, they allowed me to do it since I "almost never buy something for yourself". Captain obvious. Why would I never buy something for my own if I need to spend bigtime for new hardware? :unsure:

@tijntje_7: I live in a small village near Arnhem. Also, seems like your mom's like mine, although mine's got a better knowledge of computers, although it's still abysmal.

@Arp1: My dad has some simple knowledge of computer's, a lot more than my mom, so he does understand it more... at least, I hope.

@scrtmstr: good computer... mine? Nah, not really... guess why I'm upgrading. ;)

@Veho: I've never heard of someone's father working in the IT, but that kind of job seems to be wanted around here. Also, broken and on fire!? Damn, then your dad's a lot worse than mine. :P

@nico455: my mom does use a computer, and, as I've said already, my brother and I are the helpdesk. Though she and my dad have been wanting to change from ISP since this one's a bit ghey.

@Hikaru: that's what I thought too, but, I guess parents are just there to annoy the hell out of you. :ha:
I keed, I keed, of course.

@Youkai: yes, I do work, but I don't get a lot of money for it. Though I'm combining the money I get from my work, allowance, selling stuff and doing general shit to at least be able to upgrade my computer. Also, buy something useful... what, exactly is useful? In the eyes of my parents or mine?

@shlong: my mom's almost that far as to pirate movies and music on her own, she asked my brother and I to explain it to her once...

@Mesiskope: meh, I'd probably get in trouble for that.

@Clydefrosch: it is my money, indeed, but I don't just want to buy something I know I will get in trouble for if I don't tell them first.

@Midna: where do I leave the extra stuff like the box, extra things like cables/converters? I mean, they'd surely at least once notice that there are more than there were before...

@Ritsuki: I'd do that, but I haven't seen anything more vital than reviving my old computer. :P

@BobTheJoeBob: you're right, if I'd disobey them I get a whole speach of something this and that, and the other stuff... mom tells me to hang up the laundry, and if I don't start doing it in the next 5 minutes, she's speaching me for 5 minutes, which is not really great to experience.

@Aeladya: I'd do that, but if they found out, I'd be in trouble anyway.

Ah well, long post is long...

Edit: Firefox likes to fuck up my post every time I used the full post editor thingie...
My son is very low maintenance :)

He recently bought a new mouse, something of a gamer mouse, spent 70 bucks on it.

I am totally unable to fathom what he might want next. This Christmas he will likely not want anything like usual.

If it wasn't for paying for his WoW account, I don't think the boy would cost me much of anything at all.

Yes I have it lucky :)

Kid is 16, has no interest in a car it appears (and I don't have one as I don't drive ... never have eh), I guess it won't be a problem regarding gas.

Doesn't 'party'.

As long as I maintain a reasonable supply of salsa and Philly in the house I'm covered.

But I have flat out vetoed a couple of purchases in the past. I basically told him 'son that's dumb and I just ain't letting you do dumb'.

Over all though, I don't control his spending (which is really just me not telling him what he can and can't have for the most part).
He's 16 and not working yet, but hey he's still 16 eh. I have no beef with a kid not wanting to work at 16. He's still my responsibility. Granted a few of his friends have asked him why doesn't want a lot better sum of spending potential.

But he has to have something he wants first eh.

Most of what he has wanted in the past, has mostly been me introducing him to it. The boy likely wouldn't have a computer if I had not gotten it for him.
And no, I am not one of the knows nothing type parents :) Everything he knows, I showed him.

But I do know a number of parents and yes they don't truly know much of today's computer world.
[quote name='Veho' post='3175651' date='Oct 4 2010, 09:13 PM']My dad is in IT, he knows computers. Unfortunately, he also considers video games a waste of electricity. Buying a new GPU was out of the question unless the old one was broken and on fire :P[/quote]

But GPUs do all sorts of things above and beyond simple games nowadays Veho

Back on topic I predict a few years from now once you are not around as much you will be debugging their dell machines (or possibly worse HP) they got despite knowing you would have been more than happy to guide them through buying a machine (indeed even building it for them) because the sales droid said so or because the monitor had a nice shell (about 4 pixels resolution or maybe 6 if it is a widescreen but a nice shell). Amusingly though a small ram upgrade appears as though you worked magic which is always nice to see.

On the other hand it makes you great at analogies which is always a good skill to have.
Sigh... about parents blaming problems on you, i know what you mean.

I pretty much solve all the technical problems in my household, and probably saved my family thousands of dollars, plus setting up things such as the surround sound (which was sitting there for months cause they didnt know how to set it up), ps3 media server, a dedicated media PC made from spare parts etc etc.

But yeah, i always get complaints, and here is my most annoying one.

Them: The tv hdd recorder doesn't show the names of programs anymore, it used to work, what did you do to it!?
Me: It's not my fault, I didn't change any settings and I have trawled carefully through every page of the setup menu and instruction manual.

In fact I have come to the conclusion that it is the actual devices fault, or more likely the channel or program's broadcast fault.

The biggest indicator which I have tried to show to them is that some programs are properly named, and some aren't (ie. just the channel name). So it's not an all or none thing. But they are under the impression that it used to work with all programs (which i severely doubt, i suspect that some of the programs they were watching at the time just happened to work lol).

Anyways rant end...
[quote name='Berthenk' post='3177670' date='Oct 5 2010, 09:53 PM']@Veho: I've never heard of someone's father working in the IT, but that kind of job seems to be wanted around here.[/quote]Never? That's weird. Computers have been around for quite some time, it's really not that strange to find fathers working in the field. I mean, Bill Gates is 55 :lol:

[quote name='FAST6191' post='3177795' date='Oct 5 2010, 10:53 PM']But GPUs do all sorts of things above and beyond simple games nowadays Veho[/quote]Well this is now, I was talking about when I was Berthenk's age ^_^ Back then I didn't know what to do with a GPU other than run Quake :lol:
just dnt mention what you plan to do with your OWN money and your good to go ?

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