[PSA] About RiiConnect24 and wii.guide..

TLDR: RiiConnect24, a WiiConnect replacement service, is refusing to address its blatant, simple security issues, some since the start of the project, including issues that could expose personal information. Wii.guide is entirely authored by two developers of RC24, KcrPL and Larsenv; the guide is insistent on the use of RC24 to the point where they will not allow an alternate, non-competitive service to appear on the guide.

My name is TheMrIron2. I am a developer of Disconnect24, a new WiiConnect24 revival service founded in January focused on security and efficiency. I haven't been on GBAtemp much since I joined about 8 months ago, around the time of the Pokeacer incident. However, recent experiences with RiiConnect24 and wii.guide have made me come here to talk about them.

I joined RiiConnect24's Discord server around December 2016. I was mildly interested in the idea and there were one or two cool people, so I stuck around. I was gaining an interest in programming at the time. There was no real issue with anyone there, nor did I take an issue with RC24's code and workings. I became interested in working on RiiConnect24 after a while. I became friends with a developer at the time, Spotlight. I was banned once or twice for different, stupid reasons - one time, Larsen took it as a sign of hostility and banned me when I asked whether Pokeacer was a script kiddie, as I was told - but I returned. Skip forward to around August 2017, and a user called "fluffy" discovered that the developers had unprotected access to Wii Mail. Fluffy was banned for mentioning this in public. It was so easy to get that even fluffy got his hands on the mail. He later deleted it -and was subsequently unbanned - but it was actually never fully fixed.

Skip forward to the excitement of the Everybody Votes Channel release! Everyone was excited that EVC was being revived and was being worked on. But it was not ready. It worked, but it wasn't ready. Just a day before the release of Everybody Votes Channel, Spotlight and a user called Diema publicized an elementary issue with the system - as per most of the rest of the project, nothing was really verified. Spotlight tried to get Larsen and co. to remedy this but was ignored. Diema talked about it publicly, saying that a script kiddie could overflow the server, and Larsen reluctantly patched the issue shortly before release. But even after release, it wasn't ready - months afterwards, EVC was spammed with votes from a few users on computers. The servers didn't even check if it was a Wii sending the requests, so it accepted whatever vote was given. Needless to say, it was a landslide victory to one side.

If this wasn't enough to frustrate many people, there was a lot of discrimination - largely from developers, ironically. A member by the name of Seriel came out as transgender, and even after a few weeks Larsen was calling Seriel "he", even when people were using "she" or "her" or other female pronouns to refer to her he would (intentionally?) say "he" - this got so out of hand that Billy revoked Larsen's VPS access until he apologised to her and used the correct pronoun from that point on. Another member, MCNX, came out as transgender. She was in contact with Larsen in DMs one day, and Larsen said "We need more girls in the server tbh". MCNX replied "I'm a girl" - then Larsen replied, "BIOLOGICAL girls" - which he deleted later, and a small group almost wrote a whole "Damn Larsen" GBAtemp call-out post as a result of that and his sometimes questionable attitude.

After many disagreements, Spotlight decided to make his own WiiConnect24 service at the start of 2018, called Disconnect24. I was finally settling into some programming, and I joined the development team, hoping to make the "Disconnect24 Channel" - a hub for everything DC24-related with the ability to install it without any PC patching. As it says on their first blog post on the DC24 website, they did not want competition with RiiConnect24 and wanted a peaceful relationship:
Seems like you disagree with what they do… do you hate them?
No! In a sense, we are them. Many active members use or have used RiiConnect24 in the past, and know a bit on how it works. We’d like to keep relationships friendly between their dev team and server.

Furthermore, we agree with their OSS license choice. Our dev is entirely controlled/decided by normal members via our Discord server and in the future potentially other methods. We want to keep everything OSS so that people could clone us if needed. A fork of a fork – take that!

Unfortunately, this didn't go down so well with RiiConnect24. To this day, Larsenv and one or two others in the RiiConnect server treat Disconnect as competition. Wanting to continue without any issues, I worked on the channel and Spotlight made a stable, working Mail system! It was great, since it was secure (unlike RiiConnect's - more on that below) and was a great example of what we could do. RiiConnect still denied that this meant anything; Larsenv, again, stated that this didn't mean anything as the service wasn't finished. This isn't a big issue when you're not being hostile towards them, but Larsen's attitude became a big issue.

You see, wii.guide is the biggest, most complete and up-to-date Wii hacking guide there is. It's the go-to resource for new Wii homebrewers and hackers. But there's one catch; it's written entirely by two RC24 members, KcrPL and Larsenv. One look at the website could tell you that it was written by RiiConnect24; it was suggested right from the homepage, and is one of the first things mentioned on the guide after successfully installing the Homebrew Channel. (This has since been partially rectified with "RiiConnect24 is optional" on the homepage)

I wanted to clean up some of the blatant bias on the guide, as well as make Disconnect24 an option. I didn't want to remove RC24 from the scene, but I wanted users to be able to choose between the developing, secure DC24 or the complete but insecure RC24. I made a pull request cleaning up a few pages and adding a basic Disconnect24 page. Larsen rejected the pull request because of a nitpick with the DNS I mentioned, then later told me in DMs that - surprise - he wasn't happy with Disconnect24's inclusion on the site. After about an hour of discussion he eventually allowed the pull request to go through with Disconnect24's page - it wasn't even mentioned or accessible from the homepage yet, it was a placeholder if anything, though I later found out that it was to make me "stop bitching" about the bias. I tried to talk to him about making it so that both RiiConnect24 and Disconnect24 are optional add-ons for your Wii experience, but his only response was "But I already accepted the pull request". He blocked me after a bit of this discussion as well as a conversation about rewriting the guide to be more user-friendly and allow both services to live in harmony. He talked to Spotlight about how I was bothering him:
[10:52] Larsenv: So basically Iron has been bothering me to accept this incomplete DC24 guide to wii.guide, I did to shut him up (don’t say this), and I finally did against my will, and now he’s talking about rewriting it even though I plan to make a deal with Plailect
[10:53] Snoot : W-wha I thought Iron was just rewriting it to include all services? Didn't he add Varonfi?
[10:53] Larsenv: No
[10:54] Larsenv: I got so annoyed I blocked him
[10:54] Larsenv: Because he was making me uncomfortable
(and, the most ironic message from the lot)
[10:54] Larsenv: He kept saying I had a bias, blahblahblah

So I told Spotlight that I was going to mention this, and RiiConnect24's security issues (more of which I will document in a second), on GBAtemp - and he said:
[11:40] Larsenv: I'm pissed at him
[11:40] Larsenv: fuck iron
[11:41] Larsenv: He's probably gonna diss wii.guide
He proceeded to unblock me, then apologise repeatedly. And here we are. I wasn't going to accept an apology and let it all slide that easily after hearing what he was saying to Spotlight around the same time.

Now, any large-scale callout needs proof.

Security has long been an issue with RiiConnect24. An issue that has been turned a blind eye to entirely. So to prove what an issue this is, I'm going to demonstrate, with one line of code, what you can do:

curl -X POST https://mtw.rc24.xyz/cgi-bin/receive.cgi --data-urlencode "passwd=passwords_are_ignored_by_rc24" --data-urlencode "mlid=w<16 digit friend code>" --data-urlencode "maxsize=1000000000000000000"
(Edit: maxsize was too long, had to remove 2 zeroes)

This line of code will allow you to access anyone's Mail inbox when you insert their friend code where <16 digit friend code> is. This isn't "not very secure" - this is outrageous, and it's about time attention has been shone on it. I hate to do it the hard way, but the easy way didn't work. In fact, this line of code has been pointed out to the team several times, but all they said was they would promise to add authentication later. This code still works, and authentication development has actually all but stopped since Pokeacer left the team.

You can find proof of what the guide is (or was, if reading at a later date) at the site itself - or if you want to see what it looked like before changes were made, or if you want to see my pull requests to change things, you can check Pull Requests and Commit History on the github repository.

Finally, Spotlight wrote his own blog post about RiiConnect in September 2017, and as a second source with screenshots of some of this information [ie. the discrimination] correlates with this post (and much more information that hasn't been expanded upon here) with what has been said here - you can find that here.

I didn't write this with the intention of one massive hate letter to the team. I do hope they can fix their act. Security holes can be fixed, and guides can be rewritten. But they need to pull themselves together, because if they continue to act as they do - well, they won't get away with it after this post, hopefully. I just hope this post has made people aware of the bare reality of the Wii scene's situation. Thanks for reading, and I'm sorry this is a bit of a long post, but I did my best to summarise about a year of this.

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Writing a few lines of authentication is cool but have you tried writing a 10,000 character essay for GBAtemp?
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Someone linked me to this post and I've read the whole thing + all the comments. I saw some people were receptive to the idea of me becoming involved in the Wii guide project, which I do have a tentative interest in, but I do have some reservations and general point to make about that (and gauge people's reaction to).

Given the information I've seen here (and the history of RC24 in general), I would have absolutely no interest in exclusively promoting one side or the other (if only to avoid wading into a no-win shitstorm), so if the RC24 team is serious in their proposal to have a neutral third party in this (be it me or someone else) manage the guide they would need to make their peace with having multiple listed options. Additionally, I had long maintained that a Wii guide was unnecessary as many great options already exist, but I do see now that one will exist anyway so I may as well become involved to make sure it is done the right way.

Of course, no decisions have to be made any time soon. I have many projects which need work (including a DSi and unified Vita guide, the upcoming summer Switch CFW release, and needed work on the WiiU guide) as well, and I will not be able to concentrate solely on getting all this work under way until after finals (in 2-3 weeks). In the mean time, I'd like to hear everyone's opinion on how this should be handled (if it should be done by me at all), as writing something the community has no interest in would just be a waste of time.
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Thanks for taking the time to read this Plailect - I know you've been busy recently. The bias painted in favour of RiiConnect24 got out of hand when it started deliberately refusing to mention an alternative service, but I would hope that can be resolved eventually.
Wew laddy, have to avoid this sorta stuff when I get a Wii. Thanks for the heads up.
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why can't we just live in a community not full of drama. seriously, reverse/foxverse got in this same shit >.>
Also whats wrong with them not mentioning DC24? If RC24 owns the domain and hosting, they own it. You cannot dictate what they should do with the domain or hosting period.
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Larsen does own the domain, yes; this is not challenging that. As a dev of DC24, the last thing I'd want is forced recognition of the service. It was how the guide is turned so hard against RC24 they absolutely refused to make RC24 seem optional until shortly before post creation, and then went insane when DC24 was mentioned. Along with other things like a lack of security, the post was born.

7 hours later from posting date, mail authentication is being worked out as Larsen mentioned at last, and wii.guide appears to have been more neutralized with talks of neutral ownership as well.

Crisis averted of sorts, I guess, heh.
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Spotlight, wii.guide is a big RC24 advertisement because it's supposed to be. We bought that domain to teach people what's the best way to mod their console and install RiiConnect24. I don't have a big ego and I'm not a dick. That's just why we bought wii.guide. Please buy your own page and make a tutorial to mod and how to install Disconnect24.
Right KcrPL, you didn't at all try to "cash in" on Plailects work with the 3DS guide. It's somewhat of a massive double standard here from your guys side. I'm more than willing to buy the domain of you guys if you don't wish to be neutral since I rather work for the community than one single side. And I don't even have interest in the Wii anymore.
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Instead of the two services clashing with each other, everyone should work together to create one service; if we have two different services altogether it would severely tear apart the already small custom wiiconnect24 community.
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DC24 has been interested in merged services for a while (including Spot) as far as I have seen in my time of being there.
@Wizardkoer I don't really see this as a hate post, but more of a point out towards security flaws that *may* have not been fixed if this post was not made, the comments on the other hand is just pointless arguing and bitching about wii-guide IMO.

If RC24 is interested in merged services, DM me over Discord and we can try and help put it somewhere.
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We are interrested in merging two services. If we could invite Spotlight and it's team back into RiiConnect24, we could be secure and we would stop arguing about things like these.
Unlikely, seeing as the two projects have different approaches.

Besides, as someone said, buying up a neutral homebrew guide to use as a launchpad to advertise your service is a massive no-no - it's basically encouraging a homebrew environment where the developers who have money win, and that goes against many homebrew principals as well as community principals and... well, decent moral obligation to give a non-competitive alternate service a fair playing field, if nothing else.
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Merging services can help fix issues that both groups have, making it more beneficial for the users.
I don't know if I should involve OSC, but having people from DC24 and RC24 working on it so far has shown improvements.
Yeah a bunch of dicks, I guess if I ever want to reinstate Wii online functions, I have to go with Disconnect24. Seems like they don't do egos as much and care about safety.
We're not dicks. We are a nice and normal community. If we said that we won't post the guide on wii.guide - that means that we won't do it and stop forcing us to do it. If we buy google.com - it doesn't mean that it will be search engine, right?

If I'm gonna be honest, this entire post is meant to fuck up RiiConnect24 and it's owners. We're not dicks, we're friendly but creator of this blog shows us as "bad people" who only do bad things. We would never create a post like that. If you guys could meet us closer you would understand that we're not doing anything wrong. Iron posted here few quotes about Larsen. This happened only few times a long time ago. At this point, Larsen don't care about this post anymore and just lives with his normal life. But believe me or not, I feel very bad about what happens where and I keep thinking about it. I also could stop responding but... but. If you still don't think that we're a good comunity, come to our Discord server and talk with us.

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