The world today as we know it (Part 2)

Well this is a while overdue. I have wanted to do a second one of these for a while now. Since I am engineering student, you can probably tell I don’t get much time to myself.

For those of you who don’t know what this is, a while ago I did a post called “The world today as we know it.” In that blog, my goal was to get some discussion and some back and forth with you Tempers about some sensitive and current topics. I really liked what y’all had to say about those topics, even though I may not have agreed with all of it. But you know what? That is okay! As people, is great that we are all different. As much as I would like for everyone to think the same way I think, I thinks it is more important for everyone to exercise their right to think and act however they would like. Before I get started, quick disclaimer. I may say some things you may not agree with or might get you Triggered! I just ask from you wonderful people that we remain civil and polite. I have no intentions to piss people off, I just heavily value discussion amongst a diverse group of people. With that out of the way, let’s get into part 2!

[4] Sexism and Feminism

Do you want to hear a joke? Women’s rights. Do you want to hear another joke? Feminism. Okay, okay, I’m just kidding. Well… only about the first joke. I will get to feminism in a moment but I want to talk about why I made that first joke. Like most people, I believe that women should be/are equal to men in many ways, but not all. WAIT, HOLD ON! Let me explain. I grew up with 3 sisters and I love them to death. They are smart, funny, and try their hardest at everything they do. They are all in college pursuing degrees that will financially provide for them for the rest of their lives. I talk about social issues and politics a lot with them and not once did they ever think they were put down or looked down upon because they are women. For the most part, they and I have been on the same playing field our whole life. So why do they feel like they are equal to men, but other women today don’t? I genuinely don’t know! I have been trying to figure out this whole patriarchy thing for years now. Let’s discuss some of the view points.

I would be lying if I said that women do get the short end of the stick in a few ways. The first thing that comes to mind is harassment and pursuit. For me, this hits a little close to home. For those of you who don’t know, I have a twin sister. When it comes to guys, she hasn’t been so lucky. She gets cat-called often and constantly has men trying to pursue her. I had lunch with her a few weeks ago and she was telling me about these guys. She told me that they are always trying to talk to her and do “sweet” things for her that make her very uncomfortable. She doesn’t like how guys always try to “get to know her.” She told me all she does is try to be nice to people but men always interpret it as, “SHE WANTS ME!.” This truly does suck but I can’t really blame most guys. We are all looking for someone special. It just sucks that sometimes it requires a bit of awkwardness and trying and failing.

Above I made a joke about women. Where you offended by it? I really hope you weren’t. Many see comedy in terms of roasting a good thing or a destructive thing. We are all different and take things differently. But comedy only works in a few ways. It’s based on pain and timing. Someone has to be on the butt-end of a joke. As someone who believes in the value of women, I still don’t think they are safe from scrutiny. I believe in something called “Prejudice Equality,” where everyone is subject to humiliation and ridicule. Is it mean to make fun of women’s driving skills or mannerisms? Not really, it is a joke. It’s a joke in the same way as saying men are forgetful simpletons. Is it wrong to sign up my friend Tavion to because he is black and make his preference male? Of course it’s not! It’s a joke. When my buddies told him we did this, he thought it was funny! I have quite a diverse group of friends in my major and we give each other s*** all the time. I give my girlfriend and sisters hard times as well because it’s a joke. I make fun of them, and they make fun of me. We grow from this, we bond from this. I do know that people (women) are not as strong willed as others. At that point it comes down to appropriateness. Should I tell a women joke to a rape survivor? Absolutely not! That would just be mean. There is a time and place for everything, you just have to know when

[5] Feminism (continued)

I rambled on a bit above because I felt like I had a lot to say. With Feminism, there is nothing that I can say that hasn’t been said already. A long time ago, women were not treated equally and in some places, still aren’t. For the west, we gave equality for women in the 60’s. Yes it took a bit of time for them to get on the same playing field but they got there….. or so we thought. While I think and believe women have reached equality with men, there are so many others who think there is soooooooooooooooo much more work needed to be done. The still believe they are being oppressed, payed a lot less, won’t get jobs over men, ect, ect, ect. It doesn’t end with these people. Let’s try to dissect some points and look at it from a nonbiased point of view.

The wage gap is a fun place to start. On both sides of the coin, there seems to be evidence for women getting payed less vs those statistics being misleading. I feel like I am going to upset someone here if I bring up evidence against the wage gap. I can show statistics but I am not going to. Here is why. We are all biased towards studies that show this or studies that show that, so let’s just think critically…. If a company was paying women less and there was hard evidence, what do you think would happen to that company? If women are payed less, then why do men still work there if they can be replaced with someone who will work for less pay? If a women and a man apply for the same job, are equally skilled, and both are married, but the man gets chosen, would you think that happened because maybe the women has kids to pick up from school or maybe wants to become a mom? I’m not trying to sway people, but rather get them to think as critically as possible.

So what about that other side of Feminism? You know the one. The feminists that paint with their period blood, wear “p***y hats”, call all men scum despite never meeting every man, and demand men to pay extra tax at their restaurant (look this up, its mind blowing). Am I crazy? This is ridiculous, right? How many women actually believe in this nonsense. It may just be because I live in the south but I have not talked to a single women who is a feminist. To a lot of my guy and girl friends, they are a joke; trying to get free handouts and push men down to be nothing more than cattle. I have heard feminists say some crazy things, but I’ve come to the conclusion that men are not the sexist ones, it’s feminists.

Okay, I want to wrap up the Women and Feminist topics with what I said at the beginning of this. (“Like most people, I believe that women should be/are equal to men in many ways, but not all”) That my friends is what you call a hook. Since you read this far, you took the bait. I don’t think men and women are equal, they are just… different. Both type of people are biologically different and unique. I would go as far as to say that both exhibit characteristics that the other cannot show as well most of the time. When we are talking about working, payment, ect, women should most definitely be treated the same. When talking about day to day life, I think women should be treated the same as men if not better. Growing up, my dad always made me open the door for women, be the last to get food, do the harder work in the yard, ect. He taught me these things because he values women very highly as something that should be honored and cherished. The same goes in reverse. I believe women should be the most loyal companion to men and do whatever they can do to assist. This view might seem controversial to some but please understand that these views I come from the idea that men and women NEED each other. In no way I am implying that women should and should not do certain things. They can do whatever the heck they want. All I’m trying to say is men and women are not equal, just different and that is okay

[6] Unity

OKAY!!!!! Time for something quick and different. This kind of ties in two the topics I covered last time. We currently live in a word where everything is so opposite to the point where we are killing each other over different opinions. This is not okay as most of us can agree. It seems to every good proposition, there is always a backlash. This is inevitable but should backlash really be this big and violent. This is why I want to touch on the concept of unity real quickly. 16 years ago, on September 11, a plane crashed into the world trade center here in the United States. This is one of the most tragic events in U.S. history and is remembered as a day of infamy. But…. There was one good thing that came out of that day. No matter who you were, where you were from, what side of the political spectrum you were one, we all became one. We all were Americans that day. As one nation, we all reflected on the event and mourned over the events that happened. People came together to help those who were affected that day, whether it had been with their time, their money, their labor, and even prayers, we helped our fellow man in a time of great tragedy. With the events of the hurricanes and the earthquakes in Mexico, I once again see people gathered together in solidarity, helping one another not because they have to, but because they want to. To quote Psalms 30:5, “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” These painful events we are having are terrible, but from them comes joy when it’s over. Joy from the people who have helped, joy from seeing people come together, and Joy from seeing what man kind is in times of crises. It is truly a beautiful thing.

What about when its over? What happens after the Cities are rebuilt, the water drained, and people’s home’s restored? Will we go back to how we were before? Yes. These events bring so much unity for people but when they are over, people descend back to how they were before. Why do we do this? Why after the storm do we go back into the sea? We were people then and we are people now. We were Americans then and we are Americans now. We were Europeans/Latinos then and we are Europeans/Latinos now.

I know it seems I’m preaching to a wall but what I want people to understand is that despite what we believe in or practice, we are all people on this big rock called Earth. I don’t want wars and I don’t want other nations to parish. Please as man, don’t hate purely off of what someone believes because they have their own reasons as to why they are the way they are. Don’t try to change people. Prove them wrong and let them change their selves.

Well that is it everyone. Sorry that I got a bit dramatic and ranted a bit more than last time. I hope that we can get some discussions started with each other. If some of the above points seems scrambled, it is because I wrote all of this REALLY FAST!!!!!

Thanks for reading!!!
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@Hells Malice
Very interesting. I think i acted a bit rash in replying. While i do not have the gift of speech, there is importance with humbling one's self down to another person's level. I won't talk about microprocessors in detail to a 3rd grader. What i am trying to say is the best way to talk to someone is to bring yourself down to their level; to a point of equal understanding. When i converse with him, it is difficult for me becasue i'm a math nerd, not a writer.
That being said @FAST6191 has a wonderful gift of writing which he should be proud of. I just hope that since that i am unable to converse with you in a way that is common to you, that you may converse in a way that is common to me.
@HavengulZenith Don't worry, you're no bad guy! I've seen the same statistics that you have and I also agree the "wage gap" is about 5-6%. But given the uncertainty, it is impossible to know what makes up that 5-6% difference. It's likely a confluence of factors and there's no "golden ticket" to a perfect 0% difference. Discrimination is *probably* one of those factors.

As for what you say on the patriarchy, not quite. Patriarchy also means the legal dependence of women on men, and as I understand it, a conscious effort to keep it that way, not just a general observation of the way things currently are. There was once a patriarchy, long ago, that I can't deny, but today it doesn't exist. The overabundance of males in leading roles is more or less a vestige of how things were distributed in the past. The state or society isn't purposefully trying to keep it this way, so whatever we have right now is not a patriarchy.
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Trust me i'm not saying FAST's posts are difficult on an English level. I'm saying despite them looking like proper English they never make any fucking sense. It's truly baffling and has been true for years.
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@TotalInsanity4 I think the "feminism" moniker should just be dropped for "egalitarianism" altogether. It's either become too tarnished or by virtue of its name seems to imply a preference towards women's rights rather than equal rights for all, even if that's the end goal anyways. But whatever, it's just a label, and I hate labels.

As for disadvantage being oppression, I don't agree. Oppression is purposeful, done by someone against another. Disadvantage in society is a result of the way things once were or still are, and is not a purposeful act. If someone is purposefully disadvantaging others, that's oppression. But that's not what happens in the US. Therefore, I say disadvantage is not at all oppression.
Very interesting article. Why i only had a short time to skim through it, i can see a good portion of it is about "dividing men and women" into different fields. That is a very interesting perspective that i've never heard brought up. Although i still have one question. (an answer may very well exist in this article) If a man and a women perform the same job, are on the same team of people, work the same hours, ect and there was still a pay gap, wouldn't that be public news?

While you have shown a very interesting article from a reputable site, (one that i use) there are still some things that i feel would still need to be factored in. However the "dividing" issue i find a very interesting topic and i will be researching soon.

Thank you for your input.
I know Women and Feminism takes up 2/3 of this blog but COME ON PEOPLE! There is still one more section that no one has touched upon yet. :(
@HavengulZenith We're all subconsciously biased towards something or another, so yeah, you're right. I think Ben Shapiro makes a good point on this, though. Subconscious bias is very hard to quantify, so most of the time you're chasing shadows. Thus, it's very hard to locate and do anything about, because you just don't know. See what I said earlier about the wage gap in my really big response, I mention a lot of uncertainty and when I say that, I'm talking about subconscious bias.
Woah! That is a L O T of text!

In my opinion, feminism is totally ok, but not the way it is today.
Now that women have a dominance in their rights, they want to start invading some of men's liberties.
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"it is difficult for me becasue i'm a math nerd, not a writer."
Maths is more of a tool to me, a way to describe the world, but it would be my primary tool also
Or if you prefer 3,2,1 book collection showdown

"Glory days of teen years? Boi, you are talking to someone who was bullied all the way up to the beginning of 11th grade for having Autism."
But I am sure you have seen a film.

"Then i grew up and learned that this is normal."

"You know we Americans think similarly about your countries as well"
Yes but it ruffles no feathers anywhere else. Also you assume much about me.

"If so then wow"
No, I was heading there. Most of the rest of the world gets a bomb to the face every so often, sucks but 5 years on "oh yeah I remember that, sucked, people that did it were found and nailed to the wall though".
That's like saying that there are some women today that don't believe in reproductive rights, therefore anyone who thinks they should exist are invalid

Are you implying that I said women shouldn't get voting rights, because I never said that. I giving reasons why it took long for women to get voting rights. And that men aren't the only ones for delaying voting rights for women, both were equally responsible. Pay attention to what I wrote.

The two of you bring up very different points about the past, both equally as convincing. While i may not be able to argue with your facts, @SG854 , there is still the fact that at one point in time women were treated differently than men were.

Yes you know who else was treated differently, MEN.

Men had strict gender roles placed on them to provide. Women were treated as sex objects, men are treated as success objects. Studies have show that rich men have more sexual partners than poor men.

Women were treated as property and men were treated as less than property. Even if this is how they didn't see it in the past, thats how men were treated. It was a man that was expected to die to protect his property, wife and kids. A women life was considered more important than a mans life. It was the man obligation to to fight in wars, work dangerous jobs and fight off animals. (working in the coal mines risking lung cancer, working in diamond mines, working as lumber jack, all dangerous jobs). It was expected of him to sacrifice his own life to protect and provide for his family and wife. Ancient Aztecs didn't have horses so it was the man that had to run in the hot sun to deliver messages.

The feminist narrative is very stupid that men supposedly oppressed women through history. Humans were in survival mode throughout most of history. Gender roles in the past was divided based on common sense. Men got hard physical labor and women got the less physically taxing jobs because of difference in biology. In economics, dividing labor to the persons best abilities increases productivity and survivability in a society.

Men chopped trees and women milked cows. Each roles were equally important for the survival of our species. Women weren't forced domestic roles because of limiting gender roles like feminist are obsessed with, they got those roles because of common sense. Its all about survival.

Womens roles were not secondary like feminists claim. Its stupid to think that milking a cow and making cheese is less important than chopping down trees for firewood. They were both needed for the survival of the family. But feminist like to frame everything as oppression of women. You know because a man working in the hot sun lifting heavy objects is oppressing women./s

Most of human history was lived in hunter gatherer and Agrarian societies. Humans didn't have the modern technologies we had today. Women's roles were 14+ hour days. Making and doing everything from scratch food, bread, materials, washing clothing, raising kids, etc.

Many of the modern jobs that exist today didn't exist in the past. People were mostly farmers in agrarian societies. Then the creation of new technologies like refrigerators, microwaves, microwavable foods, diapers, washing machines, cars, roads. Creation of new types of jobs like secretary, nursing, cashiers, secretary, baby siters, etc. And making a living by switching from a labor based society to a knowledge based society is what freed women from their past gender roles. Women's jobs were no longer 14+ hour days hard domestic jobs. Women had more time and freedom to pursue the labor force men were getting into.
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@HavengulZenith Its shit for both, it has always been shit for both sexes.

Women and Political Representation

There’s the complaint’s that woman aren’t represented in politics. That woman only have 1/5th representation in politics because sexism. When you look at college class’s people take, not that many woman take Political Methodology classes. 1/5 of the people that attend are women, so this reflects the amount of seats taken in politics.

Also when you look at data of the types of people that attend colleges, more women attending colleges then men, with the gap only getting bigger favoring woman.

Since women are prioritized for college spaces, it can’t be an issue of woman being disadvantaged in representation in college spaces. How can colleges be sexist if woman take up more spaces than men. If more women want political representation, then more should take Polmeth classes.

Also there is about a 50/50 split in female and male population. Woman has just as much of voting representation as men. Women actually vote more than men do, so women have more political representation then men. Power is not in the male majority politicians. Power is in the people that vote, which in this case are women being the majority voters. Women have more influence in politics than men. Politicians are like taxi drivers, they may be in charge of driving, but they go to wherever you tell them to go.

If we aren’t having more female politicians, then that could also mean that woman are not voting for more female politicians. If women want more females, than vote them in. And we shouldn’t vote based on gender. We should vote based on the policies the person has, and whether or not we think would be a good politician. Gender should not be a reason for voting a person.

Politicians Don't Represent Women?​

And to say that politics don't represent women's needs like feminist say is plain stupid. Politicians have been doing nothing but representing women at the expense of men. Each politician is competing with each other for whoever is the most women friendly. Sexist discrimination laws, WIC (Women Infants and Children), child support all were made originally for women.

The United States has The White House Council on Women and Girls and The Office on Violence against Women, but nothing for men and boys. Even though Men and Boys suffer from higher rates of victimization than women. More likely to be physical assaulted, more likely to be robbed, and more likely to be a victim of homicide.

Women health has been a National priority at the expense of mens. Men die 5 years sooner than women. In 1920 it was 1 year. Men die of diseases at higher rates then women, but politicians pay more attentions to women's health. We pay more attention to breast cancer than prostate cancer. Prostate cancer gets $394 million while breast cancer gets $710 million. 8 of the 10 causes of leads of death affects men more. But The US has an Office of Women's Health but no Office of Mens Health. The medical funding for tests men do get more of then women, is the type of test they use on rats.

I the UK the main parties pays more attention to women's issues and mens are ignored. Politicians are trying to appeal to the female voters because they know more women vote then men. So they are appealing to women to get more support and to win elections.

In Canada they started an official investigation to find missing and murdered indigenous women, ignoring men, despite that men are murdered at 2-and-a-half times more then women. In Ontario they are 4 to 5 times more likely to go missing.

When it comes to getting education world wide boys issues are ignores. Look at this from Steven Colbert's official youtube channel. When you Expand his information bar it says 58 million girls are denied an education. Thats a lie! This Unesco report says that 31 million out of school are girls and 27 million are boys. They deliberately took the boys, counted them as girls, and added them to inflate girls numbers, making seem like they are twice as oppressed, while ignoring that boys are also denied an education, and turning it to a single gendered oppression issue. The reason why there is less boys then girls is because boys are more likely to die before they reach education age.

In Afganistan 95% of child laborers are boys. You have boys that are 6 to 11 years working on the streets to support their sisters and mothers after their fathers die. 60% rape victims are boys. Forces labor, forced drug trafficking, forced marriages and forced rape victims are 82% boys. And the UN ignores the boys, and say that men are the oppressors and women are the victims, without realizing that its also shit for boys in the middle east.

So how the fuck are women not represented in politics? How do men hold power around the world?

Heres More Stuff about Men in the West
78% of suicide victims are male. And 60% of homeless are men. Your less likely to be homeless if your born a female. Men make up 93% of work related deaths.

24 of the 25 of the worst jobs in the Untied States are mostly taken by men. So if women are segregated into the worst jobs, like some claim, then why are the majority of the worst jobs taken by men? People are always talking about the fortune 500 that men in society keep the best jobs for themselves to oppress women, by they completely ignore that the worst jobs in the country are highly over represented by men. There are more men at the bottom of the worst jobs, than at the top CEO's positions that are held only by a very few.

Women are not the main targets of online harassment, insults, threats of violence, etc,. Its mostly men. Women are mainly the targets for sexual harassment, but men are mostly the primary target for threats. So anyone that says online harassment targets women more is not true. You’re actually less likely to be harassed if you’re a women.

Woman on average get less severe prison sentences than men for the same crimes. Men get 63% longer prison sentences then women for the same crimes. People always talks about black and white prison sentence gap discrimnation, but the male and female prison sentence gap is way, way bigger. Also 93% of federal inmates are male.

And it just goes on and on. I have another post about the wage gap you wrote because thats also bullshit.
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"Are you implying that I said women shouldn't get voting rights"
Don't think anybody read it that way. It more seemed you were going off on an interesting but largely irrelevant tangent. Similarly cool stuff on the rest but I don't think anybody here has bought into the "all oppressed, all the time, always shit, still totally are in almost all regards" narrative, though I will say you might have fallen for something there/be starting from the wrong foot if you go back to the 1800s as in some ways that was a shittier time for women than some of what came before.

"both were equally responsible"
That is a bigger claim however.

"prostate cancer"
A tricky one as it also depends upon where you want to look at it as well -- I often saw it in the healthcare debates where it was a poor example and definitely not an apples for apples comparison between the sexes. Or if you prefer prostate cancer is usually very slow growing, does not tend to spread, the effects of it are fairly minimal and the effects of removing it do play into the resulting quality of life equation. Breast cancer (in both sexes but we will stick to women for now) is aggressive in both grow speed and effects, tends to spread (or at least the variation that spreads or is not benign is common enough that you make sure to check). This is also before we consider how the sexes tend to approach healthcare.
Re: the wage gap
Pay at a non-union workplace has many determining factors, including experience, seniority, work performance, how well they negotiated pay during the interview process, and the list goes on. It is not based on gender, as that would violate the Equal Opportunity act. If anyone finds this happening, it needs to be reported to the appropriate government agency for investigation.

Re: extremist feminism
I'm all for equal rights for everybody, it's when these groups seem to want more rights than another is when it's wrong. For instance, the portrayal of women in the media, especially video games, which seem to take the most heat on this subject: if a woman is portrayed in revealing clothing or has large breasts or a very defined butt, it's automatically sexist, misogynistic, and degrading to women, turning them into sex objects, however a double standard comes into play when shit like Magic Mike is perfectly fine. Fact is, men are biologically hardwired to enjoy looking at attractive women, the same way a woman will not look twice at a man unless he's like 6'5" or driving a new sports car or something.
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we are talking Feminism in a gaming forum where 98% of members are males...mmm

While a lot of us are indeed male, we still come from very diverse walks of life. While we may not be able to argue for/against from a perspective of a women, we can still talk about how Feminism have affected men as a whole. If a man has been negatively affected from the feminist movement, show he right to talk about it?
We come from different places with different perspectives and ideologies, that should be enough to garner a interesting discussion. :)
Different walks of life with different cultures. People are naturally different. While you say women you know avoid such people, there certainly are people in different areas that look for such luxuries. That's why i'm enjoying what everyone has to say. We get different perspectives no subjects that make us all think very critically. The goal here is not to change others, but for people to question what they believe or at least learn how to approach apposing view points.
Thank you again for contributing Totalnsanity4, we may not agree on many things, but it sure does say alot about who you are by you replying in very productive ways.
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@TotalInsanity4 "It doesn't matter if you're actually female or not, the idea of feminism about "the patriarchy" is that men/boys should be taught from a young age to respect other people and their right not to feel violated, verbally or physically."

And that’s exactly the problem with feminists, the assumption that males are born predators and needs to be trained to not be violent and hurtful. Basically blame men for everything with words like "patriarchy."

It’s not males that needs to be trained not to be violent against the other sex, its women that needs to be trained. Seriously where do you get your information from, your ass?

Males are already trained from youth never to hit girls because they are the weaker sex. It’s girls that don’t get this. Even little girls knows that boys can’t hit them, so they take advantage of this and bully boys, pushing them and say you can’t hit me back because I’m a girl. We do a better job at socializing boys then we do girls and it shows in the data.

Intimate Partner Violence
This is the biggest Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) research done with over 1,700 peer-reviewed studies and this is a video on it. This is research spanning over years and decades, so this is based on solid evidence. So I’ll summarize the video, if your not gunna watch it.

Both men and women are perpetrators and victims at about the same rates, and across different types and severities of IPV. So men are victims at comparable rates to women. Both men and women suffer IPV.

Even when you look at different countries, measure in different ways, whether you ask about the past year of their life, ask about multiple relationships across their entire life span or the past year, or look at different samples (with only 1 exception in South Africa), in every instance women reported higher rates of perpetration than men. So its women that are more likely to be perpetrators, not men. Even though men are at pretty close at rates of perpetration.

Uni-directional and Bi-directional Abuse​

Reciprocal abuse is the most common form, which is both sexes attacking each other and its about 50% of abuse. When you look at uni-directional IPV, Husbands are less common than the wife at being the perpetrator.

Women most of the time, are not initiating violence for self defense like people claim. Women are just as likely to hit first, and more likely to do it not in self-defense. Self-defense is uncommon. And when it happens self-defense rates are similar in men and women.

Women are more likely to perpetrate severe aggression against non-violent male partners, then men are against non-violent females. And women are more likely to hit back in retaliation than men. Men more likely to not to hit back if they are being beat. Men are compelled to not injure the smaller weaker sex, they are more worried about injuring.

Sexual violence and stalking affects women more. Physical violence and psychological abuse affect males more.

When women perpetrate serious violence they wait until the partner is intoxicated, sleeping (pouring hot water on the man while sleeping), incapacitated, or use a weapon to even the playing field (since they are the physically weaker sex). Men injure higher because of difference in physical strength. Men 62% and women at 38%. Women are more likely to be seriously injured or killed, again because of differences in physical strength. This doesn’t mean women violence that is enough to cause injury on men is negligible.

Reasons for IPV
Motivations are similar for both sexes. Coercion, anger, punishing misbehavior are reasons both sexes use violence.

90% of women were furious, frustrated, or jealous which is why they used aggression.

Patriarchy Not to Blame​

Patriarchal oppression is not a big reason for violence against women. This is proven in bisexual relationships. Women in both lesbian and hetero relationships, say that there is more violence in their lesbian than in their hetero relationships. This takes patriarchy out of the question, that men are more violent on the opposite sex.

Intimate partner violence is definitely not because of gender roles or patriarchy for the huge majority of cases. Only 2% men say is acceptable to hit their wife to keep her in line. 10% North American marriages are male dominant, based on a 1986 research. You can imagine that number is actually lower than 10% now in 2017. North American societies are one of the most egalitarian. Patriarchy is not a strong explanation. And wife-battering patterns are not common.

The problem with feminists is that they blame the patriarchy and male domination over women for female IPV, and that we need to train men to not hate women. We tried this with batterer intervention programs like the Duluth Model and they don’t work, they’ve been complete failures. This is because we’ve going about it wrong, and the feminist narrative doesn’t help. There is little evidence for the widespread approval of wife abuse.

When we use battering intervention programs, treated and untreated perpetrators assault at the same rate. So we are not targeting the right issues using feminist logic.

It’s not that men hate, disrespect or don’t love women. Violence is due to the same reasons people get in trouble with the law. Reasons like poor coping skills, poor anger management, child hood maltreatment, family dysfunction, anti social behaviors, anger dysfunction, mental health problems, childhood abuse, alcohol abuse problems, substance use problems, poor interpersonal skills, etc.

If we want to help IPV perpetrators and victims than we have to target these issues or else we won’t go anywhere or get any progress done blaming this imaginary boogie man called Patriarchy.

Women Violent only after Entering Abusive Relationship?​

Women do not engaging in violence after entering an abusive relationship. This is what feminist say that violence is because women are trying to defend themselves. Not true. We can’t blame male abuse for female use of aggression. People who killed partners are likely to have criminal records preceding this.

Not all Violence Escalates​

Male IPV doesn’t always escalate. Not all abuse escalates, actually most violence deescalates and they hardly escalate. Not all abuse is ones fault or others. Most common IPV’s are mild to moderate IPV’s. These IPV’s usually happen on situations that don’t happen all the time, like an argument over bills, a relative that doesn’t come often, some other type of argument, etc. They usually happen in a once in a while frustration. We shouldn’t treat these people like criminals, instead we should teach them to cope under stress better.

Mild to moderate types of aggression (like shoving, pushing, slapping), men and women suffer at similar rates of injury. This is the most common type. Severe aggressions are punching, kicking, and using a weapon (women more likely to suffer injury).

Women’s batter shelters aren’t particularly helpful. They say don’t blame yourself (even if the women perpetrated), you’re the victim, you need to leave him. Majority of people don’t want to end their relationship, they just want the violence end. Not all relationships that had episode or multiple episodes needs to end even if they are physical.

Violence Against Women Acceptable?​

A man being abused is considered funny, while a woman is serious. Watch any sitcom, if a man is hit by a women then its comedy, if a man hit’s a women he’s a predator. Look at these social experiments, there this video and this one is even worse. We take violence against women seriously, while against men it’s a joke.

Where’s the Help for Men?​

So many are just as much of victims as women in IPV. Also men suffer more than women when it comes to violence in general. Who fights wars? Men. Men are attacked, robbed and killed in higher numbers than women.

In England and Wales there is 7,500 abuse shelters for women, and only 60 for men.

In the United States there is 2,000 domestic abuse shelters, and only 1 of them is for men. Though they are starting to open up more, theres still a very small amount.

So no one gives a shit about male victims. It just proves that men aren't this crazy violent people in relationships, because women are just as violent. And violence against women is not social acceptable obviously, but feminist think we need to train boys from a young age not to be violent, because males are natural born predators. Their anti male policies are ridiculous.

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  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    hunter x hunter
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    he has not allowed anyone to continue it for him for example
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @salazarcosplay, theres a dragon ball af mod for budokai 3
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    updated ship of harkinian, gonna install some hd texture pack
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    I might download rayman revolution for my ps3
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    I may try the new ram site, and download more RAM to my Switch. Not sure if ddr3 is the right ram
    for it tho. Edit- no it uses floppy Ram, just like @AncientBoi
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    And sometimes Z
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @K3Nv2, MAGA supporters be wearing tin foil hats lol.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @SylverReZ, whats maga?
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    It stands for Maniacs Against General Acceptance
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, people rejecting general consensus about stuff?
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Yup, nuh its really just Trump followers
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, im not american so i dont care about trump
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    or us elections
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Me niether, us north Koreans don't care
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    good night
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    i don't care either, even if i'm american
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    truth be told, i agree with psi, i dislike both candidates, but i'd probably vote trump simply because the economy was better during his presidency
  • AngryCinnabon @ AngryCinnabon:
    Just be careful, if trump ends up winning and using project 2025 America might really change...for the worse.
  • AngryCinnabon @ AngryCinnabon:
    I'm not american and even that sends shivers down my spine.
  • AngryCinnabon @ AngryCinnabon:
    anything that offers trump an opportunity to become an actual dictator
    is bad in my book, i could care less if it wasn't for that...
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Canada: America's Russia
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    people are so dramatic that I can't even tell if they are being serious
    NinStar @ NinStar: people are so dramatic that I can't even tell if they are being serious