Nintendo expects the Switch to continue strong for the next few years, has "strong lineup" of upcoming games


Doug Bowser, CEO of Nintendo of America, discussed the Nintendo Switch and plans for the future, in an interview with the Associated Press. Even though the Nintendo Switch is seven years old now, Bowser is confident that the console will continue to perform well, with Nintendo "feeling bullish" about sales. According to him, there's also a "very very strong lineup" of games coming soon, teasing that Nintendo will plan on supporting the Switch for years to come. Beyond that, when asked about whether or not Nintendo has a "Switch Pro" in the works, he simply responded with, "One of the things we look at always is how can we surprise and delight. How can we introduce new unique ways of playing. That´s always in front of our mind."

I should be careful about what I personally would like to see (in a new Switch). But what I can share is that one of the reasons that even going into year seven we feel very confident that the Switch can have a strong performance over the next few years is that it is still truly that unique device that you can play in a variety of ways, at home, on the go. One of the things we look at always is how can we surprise and delight. How can we introduce new unique ways of playing. That’s always in front of our mind.

:arrow: Source
Last edited by Costello,


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2019
United States
Nah yeah I like this approach. Nintendo is always behind on hardware strength anyway so it makes sense that they take a slower pace in favour of software focus, IMO. The 3DS has overall been supported for quite a long time so this seems to be consistent (if we ignore the Wii U, I suppose).
Switch is WiiU reincarnated. Don’t you see all the sign that Switch is WiiU?


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2021
United States
Due to the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe DLC and due to Tears Of The 70 bucks, there is no way any mention of a new Nintendo console will be made this year, as that would hurt sales and their goal to sell more Nintendo Switch consoles.

At most they will release a model with more Ram as that wouldn't hurt compatibility.
I'm expecting an announcement by 2024.

MK8 Extra DLC is just to keep fans happy and the new Zelda, that's like BotW2 so... Yay? The trailer didn't really make me excited/hyped up. 🙁


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
nearly every person i know who owns a switch is a grown adult.
the idea that it's a kids console is a foolish one and comes from the same place as insulting adults who enjoy animation.
there's just a lot of people who want a no-nonsense gaming system that doesn't revolve around action, horror and ultra-realistic graphics.
I didn't mention target audiences for the purpose of gatekeeping, only for context. There is certainly appeal in a "simple" family-friendly device, which is part of why Switch has sold as well as it has. That said, Steam Deck doesn't have to compete for Switch's audience for the same reasons gaming PCs never needed to compete with any console: the people looking for more functionality, flexibility, and power will always filter themselves out.

Valve and Nintendo also have completely different business models, and Steam was already sitting on 100+ million active users while Ninty was still fumbling around with the Wii U. Deck is more a side project and loss-leader in that sense, whereas high Switch sales were an absolute necessity to return Nintendo to a state of stability. Time was on their side when they launched in 2017, but maybe not so much now.
Last edited by Xzi,
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2017
United States
Nintendo is scare of releasing a new console because every time a new one launched after a successful one is a flop.

They are a superstitious company, they tried to delay the new console as long as they can.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2019
United States
I didn't mention target audiences for the purpose of gatekeeping, only for context. There is certainly appeal in a "simple" family-friendly device, which is part of why Switch has sold as well as it has. That said, Steam Deck doesn't have to compete for Switch's audience for the same reasons gaming PCs never needed to compete with any console: the people looking for more functionality, flexibility, and power will always filter themselves out.

Valve and Nintendo also have completely different business models, and Steam was already sitting on 100+ million active users while Ninty was still fumbling around with the Wii U. Deck is more a side project and loss-leader in that sense, whereas high Switch sales were an absolute necessity to return Nintendo to a state of stability. Time was on their side when they launched in 2017, but maybe not so much now.
There are people who like to tinker and there are people who don't. I think steam deck is more for the formal and time will tell if it eventually be for both. Switch with CFW works for both kind of people

Steam Deck is an adventure for Valve and Switch is Nintendo. Steam can drop it like they did with other HW adventures with no sweat but Nintendo would be half dead if they do the same

Question: In a bacon-and-egg breakfast, what's the difference between the Chicken and the Pig? Answer: The Chicken is involved, but the Pig commits!
Last edited by TomSwitch,


00000780 00000438
Jan 17, 2017
In the latest Nintendo Direct most of the announcements were ports and remasters, I think their main studios are already developing games for Switch 2, while working in small scale games (ports, remasters) for Switch.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2019
United States
Nintendo is scare of releasing a new console because every time a new one launched after a successful one is a flop.

They are a superstitious company, they tried to delay the new console as long as they can.
It is just good business sense to know something that is good and hold on to it. It's a no-brainer.

GB, GBA, DS, 3DS, Switch I would call them a string of successes if I ran Nintendo
I think WiiU maybe the one that Nintendo need to learn from and IMO they did.
Post automatically merged:

In the latest Nintendo Direct most of the announcements were ports and remasters, I think their main studios are already developing games for Switch 2, while working in small scale games (ports, remasters) for Switch.
They seems to be doing that since day one. @Nincompoopdo if you said they are scared to develop new IP I would totally agree with you. New Switch is probably ready since a long time but don't spoil a good thing is a no-brainer.

I think they just need to address the long load time, really no reason to call it Switch 2. Maybe New Switch as in New 3DS.

Already scared to develop new IP why would they develop something that would need a Switch 2 to run? How many New 3DS exclusive appeared ? Very doubtful about New Switch exclusive.

Everything is mostly a variation of proven game ideas since a very long time already.

"This is the Best Switch we ever made" may be enough.
Last edited by TomSwitch,


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
United States
I dig it. Big N should focus on their frenchises and how to innovate, as they did in the past, instead of milking them with the same old copy&paste content year after year.
Ditch the high-end games market alltogether, make more room for exclusives and (portable) indie games, the torch they got passed on by the PS Vita.
Last, tidy up the Eshop - the way it is littered with crap titles is a disgrace. At least let me filter the crap out somehow, I do not enjoy wading through all the dirt to find the hidden gem here and there.
Innovate, as in cant be arsed and just port all the same old crap from the past consoles?

Milking them as in Mario kart 8, same shit as before but if you want new content, you have to pay for it as DLC.

BOTW a massive empty map with repetitive shrines, actual content, again paid for as DLC and they admitted the fact they had far too many ideas to add to this empty game that it would have been too much DLC.

So they used this as the foundation to milk the clearly paid for over hyped first game, to make another and can bet its given to loyal fanboys that cant say anything bad about nintendo and will all overhype it, or pay for it.

Pokemon is another example. God, arceus litrally felt like BOTW recycled, even its sounds, but threw pokemon into it, then later crap out another game exactly the same, but this time with actual content and shit to do.....

Copy/paste? Open your eyes will ya, nintendo have copy/pasted/recycled the same games since they started way back in the 80s.

And as you are a loyal fanboy, you go ahead and contradict yourself.

Ditch the high end market..... which they intentionally do every time they crap out a cheap inferior console, knowing that third parties move forward not backwards.

So it restricts third parties from releasing its new titles, leaving the market open with next to no competition for nintendos recycled crap to sell more.

Make more room for exclusives, well if nintendo didn't focus on their own games dominating sales and actually supported third parties by not only offering equivalent hardware if not better in order for third parties that move forward as technology advances.

Then they may consider paying a group of designers etc to release AAA titles exclusively to nintendo.

But we all know for a fact that nintendo fail to meet the promised sales target for third parties to actually profit doing so unlike they do with sony/microsoft/other platforms.

Nintendo never support third parties with adverts, all nintendo keep doing is advertising its own recycled titles even years after the game launched.

And another contradiction, make room for more indy titles, then go ahead admitting that they are littered with utter shite indy titles.....

This is what nintendo claim to be better third party support as they keep promising everytime they announce/launch a new console.

Old games we've already played and if you're like me, still own or if you don't, can buy cheaper without having to buy a Nintendo console....

Also, the switch has nothing to do with the vita, sony came along to push portable gaming consoles further.

Nintendo got away for far too long recycling the same crappy GB then GBA, milking the market by recycling cheap hardware while technology had advanced and there was no reason for portable consoles to be kept the way nintendo forced it to be.

Nintendos greed being that they thought they were the only console on the market so it had no competition, yet mobile devices were already surpassing nintendo and providing better portable gaming.

The only reason nintendo then entered the 3D era for portable gaming was because sony came on the scene with the psp.... but what do nintendo do, release cheap hardware yet again, with terrible 3D graphics, but started adding BS gimmicks to make the console seem better than it was.

And they tried it again on the wii, recycled the cube and added BS gimmicks, but got too cock thinking they could repeate it again for the wii u, but copying off the tablet concept.

Thinking because everyone is loving gaming on tablets, they thought if they again released another cheap nasty console and copy off the tablet concept that it would take that slice of the market to come over to the wii u.

But devs again ignored it, because they move on as the times change, nintendo always remain in the past and always behind, because its cheaper.

The wii u failed for that reason, not their BS excuse that we thought it was a wii add on and not a new console.

They revise their idea for a new console by actually releasing a tablet as a console, again cheap hardware so that it can't get the promised third party support so they could release their current titles.

No no no, nintendo won't allow that and I can bet 100% that when they announce its next console, it will be another inferior console with promised better third party support aka all the previous titles they lacked, yet again.

Likely copy off devices such as the steam deck and similar, but hold up, dream on if you think they're going to cough up the money to provide you with decent enough internal storage for you to actually install your games, nope, just like the wii, wii u and switch, it will come with 32GB storage.... be amazing if they offered 64GB, but highly unlikely they'll offer whats required...... that expense gets fucked over to the consumer to pay up.

Theyll choose yet again expensive cart based media format for its games, knowing its recycled shit will easily fit onto a small cheap enough cart for them to increase profits. As its games are pretty much recycled and only look better due to running at higher resolution, god the switch still can't run BOTW without major frame drops and slow down, no improvements at all to fix the game.

Yet homebrew guys release and emulator that runs nintendo games better than nintendos very own hardware..... where is this innovation?

We can emulate switch games on nearly any device these days that like my mobile phone is as portable as you will ever get, this fucker is on me 24/7.

Fact, you find more people on the go, public transport, walking about, on planes with their mobile phone in their hands.

Yet, I have never EVER seen a single person playing a nintendo switch

The only reason nintendo continue is because they have such a large fanbase that are deluded and blind, they always contradict and rush to defend their beloved big N, so they know they can get away with it.

But to put it bluntly, there is no need for nintendo consoles anymore, why the fuck should we have to pay shit loads for another cheap shit last gen revamp console to play the same old recycled nintendo titles and third parties porting past gen console games.....

Another joke is how they actually get away with its shit online subscription service, other consoles/platforms give you access to free games be it retro/indy, but they also give you access to today's current games..... fuck me microsoft now give you access to games as soon as they launch as part of their subscription.

But noooooo, what do nintendo give you, even more old shit, like fuck off everyone can play these for free, again on devices you already own.

So there is actually no need for nintendo other than their greed and its mind warped fanboys that think this shit is innovation and defends them and will buy anything nintendo craps out.

But in regard to this post, whats this so called strong line up, they have fuck all lined up other than, again more recycled shit

Ohh but we have a perfect example again for the fanboys contradiction when they bitch at next gen console game prices increasing.

Yet what do nintendo do for BOTW2..... yup, increase its price, yet your not getting anything better.

Your getting a last gen title (though to be accurate, the current next gen consoles now brings them equal to nintendo, with the wii u failure nintendo releases its next gen console aka the switch) but your paying more for fuck all.

Yet go ahead and say ohh well, I like zelda so I will buy it.

So one second your bitching about the other consoles for having its game prices increase, yet its ok for nintendo to do the same, because you like the game, you'll pay that price and buy the game.

Well, that same logic applies to those on the other consoles then, but at least these games are actually costing more as each next gen console has done.

Your paying more for fuck all, a shitty cart that you'll likely have to download the game, that costs you more to ensure you have enough storage

It will barely run 720p portable and 1080p docked, while fuck me, this was expected back on the PS3/360, nice to see nintendo slowly catching up, we now get to experience 4k-8k UHD/HDR/RT/FHD........ and as these next gen consoles are designed with the future in mind, when nintendo launch its next gen console you'll likely finally get games to run at a steady 1080p 60fps at last, or very lucky 2k at 30fps.

But we will see, but it just proves how devoted the fans are.
Last edited by Spider_Man,


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2019
United States
Just like Apple there are many unhappy customers but not unhappy enough to leave. Having not enough to leave unhappiness means striking a perfect balance. No reason to make you happier. Making any individual happier quite often cost money and made others less happy. Which do you prefer, the best ever made or some thing that make you crazy happy but not for the next person? We know we want crazy happy but there isn’t enough profit for the business and there is a very good chance that what ever make another person crazy happy is something that make you unhappy enough to leave

If you are happy enough to buy every platform Nintendo make we really don’t have anything left that needs done do we?

If you are love sick waiting for Switch 2 you know Nintendo don’t have to do anything for you.

If Nintendo launch something new would I buy? At least part of me want to :)

The other part try to justify
Last edited by TomSwitch,


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2014
Innovate, as in cant be arsed and just port all the same old crap from the past consoles?

Milking them as in Mario kart 8, same shit as before but if you want new content, you have to pay for it as DLC.

BOTW a massive empty map with repetitive shrines, actual content, again paid for as DLC and they admitted the fact they had far too many ideas to add to this empty game that it would have been too much DLC.

So they used this as the foundation to milk the clearly paid for over hyped first game, to make another and can bet its given to loyal fanboys that cant say anything bad about nintendo and will all overhype it, or pay for it.

Pokemon is another example. God, arceus litrally felt like BOTW recycled, even its sounds, but threw pokemon into it, then later crap out another game exactly the same, but this time with actual content and shit to do.....

Copy/paste? Open your eyes will ya, nintendo have copy/pasted/recycled the same games since they started way back in the 80s.

And as you are a loyal fanboy, you go ahead and contradict yourself.

Ditch the high end market..... which they intentionally do every time they crap out a cheap inferior console, knowing that third parties move forward not backwards.

So it restricts third parties from releasing its new titles, leaving the market open with next to no competition for nintendos recycled crap to sell more.

Make more room for exclusives, well if nintendo didn't focus on their own games dominating sales and actually supported third parties by not only offering equivalent hardware if not better in order for third parties that move forward as technology advances.

Then they may consider paying a group of designers etc to release AAA titles exclusively to nintendo.

But we all know for a fact that nintendo fail to meet the promised sales target for third parties to actually profit doing so unlike they do with sony/microsoft/other platforms.

Nintendo never support third parties with adverts, all nintendo keep doing is advertising its own recycled titles even years after the game launched.

And another contradiction, make room for more indy titles, then go ahead admitting that they are littered with utter shite indy titles.....

This is what nintendo claim to be better third party support as they keep promising everytime they announce/launch a new console.

Old games we've already played and if you're like me, still own or if you don't, can buy cheaper without having to buy a Nintendo console....

Also, the switch has nothing to do with the vita, sony came along to push portable gaming consoles further.

Nintendo got away for far too long recycling the same crappy GB then GBA, milking the market by recycling cheap hardware while technology had advanced and there was no reason for portable consoles to be kept the way nintendo forced it to be.

Nintendos greed being that they thought they were the only console on the market so it had no competition, yet mobile devices were already surpassing nintendo and providing better portable gaming.

The only reason nintendo then entered the 3D era for portable gaming was because sony came on the scene with the psp.... but what do nintendo do, release cheap hardware yet again, with terrible 3D graphics, but started adding BS gimmicks to make the console seem better than it was.

And they tried it again on the wii, recycled the cube and added BS gimmicks, but got too cock thinking they could repeate it again for the wii u, but copying off the tablet concept.

Thinking because everyone is loving gaming on tablets, they thought if they again released another cheap nasty console and copy off the tablet concept that it would take that slice of the market to come over to the wii u.

But devs again ignored it, because they move on as the times change, nintendo always remain in the past and always behind, because its cheaper.

The wii u failed for that reason, not their BS excuse that we thought it was a wii add on and not a new console.

They revise their idea for a new console by actually releasing a tablet as a console, again cheap hardware so that it can't get the promised third party support so they could release their current titles.

No no no, nintendo won't allow that and I can bet 100% that when they announce its next console, it will be another inferior console with promised better third party support aka all the previous titles they lacked, yet again.

Likely copy off devices such as the steam deck and similar, but hold up, dream on if you think they're going to cough up the money to provide you with decent enough internal storage for you to actually install your games, nope, just like the wii, wii u and switch, it will come with 32GB storage.... be amazing if they offered 64GB, but highly unlikely they'll offer whats required...... that expense gets fucked over to the consumer to pay up.

Theyll choose yet again expensive cart based media format for its games, knowing its recycled shit will easily fit onto a small cheap enough cart for them to increase profits. As its games are pretty much recycled and only look better due to running at higher resolution, god the switch still can't run BOTW without major frame drops and slow down, no improvements at all to fix the game.

Yet homebrew guys release and emulator that runs nintendo games better than nintendos very own hardware..... where is this innovation?

We can emulate switch games on nearly any device these days that like my mobile phone is as portable as you will ever get, this fucker is on me 24/7.

Fact, you find more people on the go, public transport, walking about, on planes with their mobile phone in their hands.

Yet, I have never EVER seen a single person playing a nintendo switch

The only reason nintendo continue is because they have such a large fanbase that are deluded and blind, they always contradict and rush to defend their beloved big N, so they know they can get away with it.

But to put it bluntly, there is no need for nintendo consoles anymore, why the fuck should we have to pay shit loads for another cheap shit last gen revamp console to play the same old recycled nintendo titles and third parties porting past gen console games.....

Another joke is how they actually get away with its shit online subscription service, other consoles/platforms give you access to free games be it retro/indy, but they also give you access to today's current games..... fuck me microsoft now give you access to games as soon as they launch as part of their subscription.

But noooooo, what do nintendo give you, even more old shit, like fuck off everyone can play these for free, again on devices you already own.

So there is actually no need for nintendo other than their greed and its mind warped fanboys that think this shit is innovation and defends them and will buy anything nintendo craps out.

But in regard to this post, whats this so called strong line up, they have fuck all lined up other than, again more recycled shit

Ohh but we have a perfect example again for the fanboys contradiction when they bitch at next gen console game prices increasing.

Yet what do nintendo do for BOTW2..... yup, increase its price, yet your not getting anything better.

Your getting a last gen title (though to be accurate, the current next gen consoles now brings them equal to nintendo, with the wii u failure nintendo releases its next gen console aka the switch) but your paying more for fuck all.

Yet go ahead and say ohh well, I like zelda so I will buy it.

So one second your bitching about the other consoles for having its game prices increase, yet its ok for nintendo to do the same, because you like the game, you'll pay that price and buy the game.

Well, that same logic applies to those on the other consoles then, but at least these games are actually costing more as each next gen console has done.

Your paying more for fuck all, a shitty cart that you'll likely have to download the game, that costs you more to ensure you have enough storage

It will barely run 720p portable and 1080p docked, while fuck me, this was expected back on the PS3/360, nice to see nintendo slowly catching up, we now get to experience 4k-8k UHD/HDR/RT/FHD........ and as these next gen consoles are designed with the future in mind, when nintendo launch its next gen console you'll likely finally get games to run at a steady 1080p 60fps at last, or very lucky 2k at 30fps.

But we will see, but it just proves how devoted the fans are.
Wow, you must be seething hard to have invested so much time into tipping this post.
But yeah, Nintendo is a garbage company. Somehow they turned out to be the greediest out of all the competitors, while for a long time, I was thinking they are the good guys. Greed eats brain I guess.

Despite that, I'd love to see another pure handheld gaming device from Nintendo. Something as pocketable as the New 3DS is. I know it's never gonna happen because it would make no sense for Nintendo from so many perspectives, but a man can dream.
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playing around in the end of life
Nov 30, 2014
Micronesia, Federated States of
They said this about the 3ds too. To be fair, they did support 3ds with new games until 2019, two years past the 3ds's replacement, but sales were pretty bad mostly, except pokemon.

The Switch does have the advantage of having almost twice the installed base and better attach rate. I think it could have an audience for another 3 years.


Literally the wurst.
Jul 1, 2018
That statement is the same corporate speak they used when the DS got announced and people asked about whether or not the GBA will still be supported, or when the Wii U got announced and people asked about support for the Wii.

This is literally just "please don't stop buying our current thing just because there is something new and shiny on the horizon".


Has a PhD in dueling
Aug 27, 2009
duel acadamia
United States
Yeah but at least release Mario Odyssey 2 or something, I only buy Nintendo consoles to play those games. The rest is not that good.
you mean pirate not play remember peeps a multibillion dollar company is NOT your friend if they keep C&Ding people left and right and abusing YT copyright strike system on fair use content also Sega does what Nintendon't still true today i mean sega does c&D a game made in bad faith but they don't C&D every Sonic Game made


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2010
United States
Of course they can, they're making money hand over fist and this is only inregards to the over price, faulty by design hardware.

They could easily make huge price drops and STILL be making huge profits (more so when lower price brings in more users, at lower price bracket)

Software sales isn't even worth discussing they make so much.

I'm unsure of the context, but it's very strange if this announcement just came out of the blue. Nintendo have a habit of releasing several revisions, even a revision would supports software, which is incompatible with the older revision (they appear to go out of their way to make this unclear too)


fanboys triggered 9k+
Nov 17, 2008
proof right here that nintendo fanboys don't have a fucking clue what they want. they just follow like good little sheep. no we don't want a proper console that's not an 8 year old tablet. no we don't want AAA titles no we don't want to be able to play the latest games we jjust want the same shit and ports remade over and over and drip fed to us! :glare:

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