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Tennessee poised to ban public drag shows, hormone therapy for children

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Well-Known Member
May 14, 2020
Define, "Woman."
"An Adult human person who identifies as the Female gender"
Do you see what this is, it's a definition, you keep saying people can't define what a woman is, well there it is whether you like it or not is a different matter, but it's still a definition.

Also, I find it despicable that there are adults here defending pedophilia.
I didn't see anyone here defending pedophilia, unless you're trying to say that the rights of trans people is pedophilia or that the freedom of people to break gender stereotypes is sexual.

What upsets you that other adults are trying to defend children, from physically being present, and looking at adults performing provocative dances, and almost in the nude at most cases? You all need mental health evaluations because this is a pre-indicative cursor for fetishizing children. Seek help immediately.
Got it, so because someone did something bad to children it should be illegal for trans people to exist and also for men to wear "feminine" clothing of any kind and also preventing women from wearing "masculine" clothing of any kind (unless you think they should be excluded from that for some reason). That's how laws like this will be used.
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Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
Not in America and not yet. Let’s hope it stays that way.
It will, that's what the first amendment is all about. Society is plenty capable on its own of ostracizing people who are total dickweeds twenty-four seven.

Who’s “them”?
Descendants of slaves, duh. We can do this song and dance all day, but we both know that the past doesn't stay in the past, and it wasn't as long ago as everybody would like to pretend it was, certainly here in America if not elsewhere.

So we’re cool with racism *and* theft then, that’s cool. I didn’t know you were that kind of guy.
RACISM?! C'MON MAN, I know you're not playing the "corporations are people" card on me. Jesus Henry Christ. This stuff happened, it's not racist to acknowledge the facts or attempt to make amends.

So killing someone because they’re black is worse than killing someone because of any other reason by a number of years you can quantify on a chart, I understand.
Or a black person killing someone solely because they're white, but we all know that's considerably rarer here which is why you immediately chose the opposite example. Yes I'd put such an act on the same level as premeditated murder at least, being that the hatred and biases are preexisting. It makes sense logically, and it's a universal rule, not preferential treatment.

Can we not say “woke” anymore? Just say ultraprogressive or something, and yes you are, you’ve just demonstrated that.
I thought we had discussed my beliefs and policy platforms at length enough that I didn't need to get back into them again. Give me a New New Deal, sure. Declare housing, food, medicine, clean air, and clean water human rights. UNIVERSAL human rights. You wanna keep capitalism, then just run it like an RPG. Start at level 1 with a basic bitch apartment and the worst cosmetics, the more you work to earn, the more luxuries and entertainment you can buy, eventually buying a car and upgrading to a house, etc. As long as that level 1 safety net is there for people who would've just sat around on the streets all day anyway, everyone is happier, safer, healthier, we don't destroy the planet, AND corporations still rake in trillions.

Of course I acknowledge that this is most likely just the bargaining phase of loss, capitalism has never given a rat's nutsack about any nation's people, and the cards have been stacked against my generation and younger generations from the get-go. Do I think I could run this shit better than Trump and Biden? Absolutely, but that's a fairly low bar, and at the end of the day I still believe in democracy as a democratic Socialist. Not to suggest I consider a two-party system democratic enough.
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Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
It will, that's what the first amendment is all about. Society is plenty capable on its own of ostracizing people who are total dickweeds twenty-four seven.
Here’s for hoping.
Descendants of slaves, duh. We can do this song and dance all day, but we both know that the past doesn't stay in the past, and it wasn't as long ago as everybody would like to pretend it was, certainly here in America if not elsewhere.
Right, right - logically consistent (if discriminatory) so far. But you know me - all I care about is money. In order to maintain logical consistency, you must necessarily introduce some limitations here. This is supposed to be restitution for slavery paid out of the supposed generational wealth of former slave owners, yes? As such, affirmative action shouldn’t negatively affect people whose families migrated to America after 1895 and can only positively benefit people whose families arrived prior to that date - the year the emancipation proclamation went into effect. Moreover, it can only benefit people who have slave ancestors and can only negatively affect those who do not. Makes sense so far? Of course you have your own plan, which is to play Robin Hood, but these are just *some* of the ways affirmative action harms people who had nothing to do with the plight of slaves.
RACISM?! C'MON MAN, I know you're not playing the "corporations are people" card on me. Jesus Henry Christ. This stuff happened, it's not racist to acknowledge the facts or attempt to make amends.
You’re judging people by the colour of their skin, so it’s racism. You’re judging people by their sex, so it’s sexism. I don’t know what’s so outrageous.
Or a black person killing someone solely because they're white, but we all know that's considerably rarer
Do we know that? How so? Because there’s less convictions that leverage hate crime legislature against minorities, or because the incidence is lower? Is this where we start talking about statistics, the thread gets real heated and subsequently locked? Let’s not.
which is why you immediately chose the opposite example. Yes I'd put such an act on the same level as premeditated murder at least, being that the hatred and biases are preexisting. It makes sense logically, and it's a universal rule, not preferential treatment.
It doesn’t make any logical sense if both murders are premeditated. There was a correct answer, and you didn’t come up with it. The reason why the racist should have a (slightly) longer sentence is because in that circumstance the likelyhood of reoffending on the same basis is higher - there’s a lot of black people out there, so if this isn’t the guy’s first rodeo in the justice system, odds are it will happen again. In the latter case there’s a very obvious difference of circumstance - the likelyhood of reoffending is low because the deed is already done. It’s those considerations that should determine the length of the sentence, not “hate crime laws”.
I thought we had discussed my beliefs and policy platforms at length enough that I didn't need to get back into again. Give me a New New Deal, sure. Declare housing, food, medicine, clean air, and clean water human rights. UNIVERSAL human rights.
I only have so many buckets.
You wanna keep capitalism, then just run it like an RPG. Start at level 1 with a basic bitch apartment and the worst cosmetics, the more you work to earn, the more luxuries and entertainment you can buy, eventually buying a car and upgrading to a house, etc. As long as that level 1 safety net is there for people who would've just sat around on the streets all day anyway, everyone is happier, safer, healthier, we don't destroy the planet, AND corporations still rake in trillions.
I want to run the world like one of those YouTube ads for Mafia City, actually.
Of course I acknowledge that this is most likely just the bargaining phase of loss, capitalism has never given a rat's nutsack about any nation's people, and the cards have been stacked against my generation and younger generations from the get-go. Do I think I could run this shit better than Trump and Biden? Absolutely, but that's a fairly low bar, and at the end of the day I still believe in democracy as a democratic Socialist. Not to suggest I consider a two-party system democratic enough.
I totally believe that you could run the country better than Biden because I am not convinced the lights are on up there. I don’t know about any other president, I think this is one of those “it looks easier than it actually is” kinds of jobs.

Stimulating conversation, to be fair, but we’re straying far from drag shows and transgender therapy now, well into other civil rights movement issues. I think we’ve reached a point where the conversation is getting circular. To summarise, I reject discrimination by the state because I don’t think two wrongs can ever make a right - I let people “discriminate” however they please in their private life because I believe in freedom of association. You make concessions for discrimination by the state because you hold the belief that minority populations are “owed” some degree of preferential treatment to make up for the abhorrent treatment they’ve experienced in the past. Sounds accurate?

From where I’m sitting, it’s been well over a century since slavery was abolished (1863) and near enough a century of affirmative action (Lyndon B. Johnson, 1965) to make up for the slack. I hope there’s a scheduled end date for this experiment, because the excuse will only get more flimsy over time.


Sep 13, 2009
United States
Lol "Either accept "financial conservatives" that only care about corporations or get full on fascism." How about no, to both of those.

The bathroom discussion pales in comparison to people who think caring about the children means increasing their chances of getting shot and taking their meals away. Not to mention, ignoring all the politicians they picked, getting caught actually messing with minors.
Last edited by KingVamp,
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Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
This is supposed to be restitution for slavery paid out of the supposed generational wealth of former slave owners, yes? As such, affirmative action shouldn’t negatively affect people whose families migrated to America after 1895 and can only positively benefit people whose families arrived prior to that date - the year the emancipation proclamation went into effect. Moreover, it can only benefit people who have slave ancestors and can only negatively affect those who do not.
Fine with me, I'm just glad you're willing to recognize the need for reparations at all. Of course, the profits from slavery also went on to fund the founding of certain companies and corporations, which should also be taken into account, proportionally speaking.

You’re judging people by the colour of their skin, so it’s racism.
CEO isn't a race, neither is five-star General. It's perfectly fine to discriminate against overbloated corporate and military budgets that just get lost into the ether anyway.

Do we know that?
Absolutely, if we're including cops killing citizens then it's by an even wider margin.

The reason why the racist should have a (slightly) longer sentence is because in that circumstance the likelyhood of reoffending on the same basis is higher - there’s a lot of black people out there, so if this isn’t the guy’s first rodeo in the justice system, odds are it will happen again.
No objections here.

I want to run the world like one of those YouTube ads for Mafia City, actually.
Over my head since I haven't seen a YouTube ad in decades.

You make concessions for discrimination by the state because you hold the belief that minority populations are “owed” some degree of preferential treatment to make up for the abhorrent treatment they’ve experienced in the past. Sounds accurate?
Reparations aren't meant to be written into law as a long-term, slow-drip type of thing, no. Just give them out as one big lump sum to all those affected and be done with it, they're made whole and everybody stays equal under law. I understand there are some delicate snowflakes out there which feel like something is being taken from them when it's given to someone else, but they would survive somehow I'm sure.


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
Lol "Either accept "financial conservatives" that only care about corporations or get full on fascism." How about no, to both of those.

The bathroom discussion pales in comparison to people who think caring about the children means increasing their chances of getting shot and taking their meals away. Not to mention, ignoring all the politicians they picked, getting caught actually messing with minors.
I don’t know where you’re getting the idea that fiscal conservatives are only caring about corporations - corporations are having it nice and cozy under Democrat rule, I assure you. In any case, those are the two trajectories that stand before the Republican party the way I see it, you don’t have to “choose” anything - they will go one way or the other in response to your rhetoric. That’s how pendulums swing, I’m just stating the obvious. The only way to get a more moderate right is to be more moderate on the left, populism on one side breeds populism on the other, it’s always been this way.


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
The only way to get a more moderate right is to be more moderate on the left, populism on one side breeds populism on the other, it’s always been this way.
If Obama wasn't a centrist then maybe you'd be on to something. Hell, he stopped just short of actually fixing our healthcare system in order to profit corporations more. The right should be naming highways after him. Biden is even further right.
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Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
Fine with me, I'm just glad you're willing to recognize the need for reparations at all. Of course, the profits from slavery also went on to fund the founding of certain companies and corporations, which should also be taken into account, proportionally speaking.
Me? Oh, I don’t - I think that ship has sailed long ago. I’m simply following your logic here. If you wanted affirmative action to actually be fair, you would need to introduce a quadrillion caveats, but that’s not how it works - it works on colour, so it’s racist, by definition. It’s just discrimination you like, which is fine so long as you recognise it’s discrimination.
CEO isn't a race, neither is five-star General. It's perfectly fine to discriminate against overbloated corporate and military budgets that just get lost into the ether anyway.
Your proposal of an envy-based economy would no doubt work swimmingly. With that being said, I do like your suggestion of cutting government soending though, anything that gives people their money back.
Absolutely, if we're including cops killing citizens then it's by an even wider margin.
Ah, that myth again. Another thing we’ve discussed in the past, did the math and disagreed still. More crime equals more interactions equals more probability of getting shot. Once you account for all the relevant controls, black people are statistically *less* likely to be shot by the police. On the flip side, they’re more likely to get roughed up, which tracks perfectly given the racial tensions in the country.
No objections here.
Sure, but for the wrong reasons, in my opinion.
Over my head since I haven't seen a YouTube ad in decades.
Oh, they’re priceless - just Google one.
Reparations aren't meant to be written into law as a long-term, slow-drip type of thing, no. Just give them out as one big lump sum to all those affected and be done with it, they're made whole and everybody stays equal under law. I understand there are some delicate snowflakes out there which feel like something is being taken from them when it's given to someone else, but they would survive somehow I'm sure.
Ah, that’ll work brilliantly. 70% of lottery winners go bankrupt, statistically speaking. When 70% of reparations recipients go bankrupt, I’m sure we’ll blame systemic racism for that. At some point the rubber needs to meet the road - some people are poor because they don’t understand money, not because they can’t make any, and no cheque is going to fix that. Not only that, you’re taking money from people who have never owned slaves and giving it to people who have never been slaves. The concept is asinine, but knock yourself out - it’s not like I was going to convince you anyway.
If Obama wasn't a centrist then maybe you'd be on to something. Hell, he stopped just short of actually fixing our healthcare system in order to profit corporations more. The right should be naming highways after him. Biden is even further right.
Your healthcare system was broken by a Democrat and continues to get progressively more broken by subsequent administrations because you’ve made it impossible to fix without tearing its foundations down. It’s been broken since the advent of WWII and it will continue to be broken until employer-based insurance is outlawed *at a bare minimum*. You’re not the customer in this equation, nobody’s competing for your custom. ACA was *not* a step in the right direction, but now we’re straying even further from the topic.


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
If you wanted affirmative action to actually be fair, you would need to introduce a quadrillion caveats, but that’s not how it works - it works on colour, so it’s racist, by definition. It’s just discrimination you like, which is fine so long as you recognise it’s discrimination.
As I said I'm not a fan of affirmative action, it doesn't help near as many people as you would want it to, and the right just uses it as a political cudgel. No point in continuing to kick the can down the road when we could just make people whole instantly.

Your proposal of an envy-based economy would no doubt work swimmingly.
It did in fact, throughout all the decades in which the top tax bracket sat at a much higher rate. We actually had a middle class back then, can you imagine.

More crime equals more interactions equals more probability of getting shot.
Absolute authority in public and having near-immunity to prosecution equals more probability of shooting someone just for funzies.

Ah, that’ll work brilliantly. 70% of lottery winners go bankrupt, statistically speaking. When 70% of reparations recipients go bankrupt, I’m sure we’ll blame systemic racism for that.
My brother in Ifrit, most of them are likely in poverty already. Just a couple thousand bucks could be life-changing, and I'm willing to let each individual take responsibility for themselves beyond that. Of course I'd love to implement more basic social safety nets to prevent them to crashing back down too hard if they do blow it all on drugs, but that too is something you disagree with. There's no way to both acknowledge the human condition and treat people like the machines capitalism wants them to be at the same time.


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
As I said I'm not a fan of affirmative action, it doesn't help near as many people as you would want it to, and the right just uses it as a political cudgel. No point in continuing to kick the can down the road when we could just make people whole instantly.
Wouldn’t work for the same reason why almost nobody who suddenly comes across wealth manages to hold on to it.
It did in fact, throughout all the decades in which the top tax bracket sat at a much higher rate. We actually had a middle class back then, can you imagine.
Complete myth. The tax brackets were much higher, but so were the myriads of deductions and exemptions. Statistically speaking, ”the rich” haven’t paid much more in taxes than they do today for the last 70-odd years. The reason why the middle class in America diminished and continues to diminish was the off-shoring of heavy industry and a switch to a more consumerist lifestyle. That’s not necessarily a bad thing depending on how you slice that cake since that’s also tied with an increased overall standard of living, but if we’re playing the finger pointing game, those industries left the continental U.S. because it became unsustainable to run them, in no small part due to rising cost of labour. Capitalists didn’t do that - if they could manufacture right in their own backyard without having to pay through the nose for the logistical nightmare of making everything in China, they would.


Tl;dr The rich didn’t pay much more in the 50’s than they do right now. The *effective* tax rate was around 42%, and it’s been hovering around the 30-40% mark ever since. The reason why the tax brackets went down drastically is because those deductions and exemptions were eradicated in an effort to simplify the tax code, and it was done successfully since the effective rate hasn’t changed much overall. That was the goal.
Absolute authority in public and having near-immunity to prosecution equals more probability of shooting someone just for funzies.
You can think that, but that’s not what the statistics bear out.
My brother in Ifrit, most of them are likely in poverty already. Just a couple thousand bucks could be life-changing, and I'm willing to let each individual take responsibility for themselves beyond that. Of course I'd love to implement more basic social safety nets to prevent them to crashing back down too hard if they do blow it all on drugs, but that too is something you disagree with. There's no way to both acknowledge the human condition and treat people like the machines capitalism wants them to be at the same time.
Ever heard of the story of Icarus? See, the moment I point out that the gross majority of recipients are going to blow all that cash on hookers and, well, blow, you’re selling me on another safety net. What else am I paying for? Your “one lump sum” is quickly changing into a long-term support structure. I’m not looking to adopt right now, but if I did, I wouldn’t be looking for a temporarily inconvenienced millionaire with a new-found taste for cocaine. I get it, it’s a nice idea, it would be nice if everyone could just get the bag. I, more than anyone, want the government to “give me my fuckin’ money”, you know that very well. I just know who’s going to foot the bill for it too. Not only do I not see it as a moral imperative, I don’t see the financial sense in it either, and I still find it inherently contrary to equality under law, so you’re losing me on three fronts now, not just one.


Conform comrades
Mar 19, 2014
United Kingdom
"An Adult human person who identifies as the Female gender"
Do you see what this is, it's a definition, you keep saying people can't define what a woman is, well there it is whether you like it or not is a different matter, but it's still a definition.
I keep getting told sex and gender are not the same thing (even though they are) I'm old enough to remember when transexuals were a thing before libs decided to make gender a thing, add 80 of them, and then claim you can be anything you want.

A woman isn't an adult human who identifies as female. It's somebody who is female. I suspect you already know this and you're just being facetious. You can play make-believe all you like, you don't get to change words and meanings and distort truth to suit your narrative though.

It always makes me wonder why it's always people from the USA having these conversations. (Unfortunately the toxic conversation has spread to Canada, UK). Whenever I go online, like Tiktok and youtube etc and see these conversations, It's 99% of the time a bored middle-class white American, sometimes brit, with nothing better to do with their lives or their time. You never see people from Asia, eastern Europe, Africa, middle east etc having these conversations. Because they would absolutely laugh at you, the world mocks you. You sit in your own gender bubble, It's laughable.
Last edited by Doran754,


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
Tl;dr The rich didn’t pay much more in the 50’s than they do right now. The *effective* tax rate was around 42%, and it’s been hovering around the 30-40% mark ever since. The reason why the tax brackets went down drastically is because those deductions and exemptions were eradicated in an effort to simplify the tax code, and it was done successfully since the effective rate hasn’t changed much overall. That was the goal.
You can tell yourself whatever you want, the government was able to fund better social safety nets, and one salary could comfortably support a family of four. There's no denying that companies were better at acknowledging the human element of both the worker and customer back then.

You can think that, but that’s not what the statistics bear out.
You're fucking with me, right? Police kill over a thousand Americans a year, disproportionately black and latino, though hundreds of white people as well. They're the ones who unilaterally decide what is and isn't a crime, and if body cam footage doesn't support that, it gets lost. This is by no means anecdotal, but rather a pattern of corruption that reaches all the way to the top of police unions in America.

What else am I paying for? Your “one lump sum” is quickly changing into a long-term support structure.
Gee, it's almost like running a country the right way is expensive. Yet every other first-world nation somehow gets by. It's not your money anyway, that whole euphemism drives me fucking nuts, like sports fans that pretend they're on the team. If you ever make your first billion, congratulations, you won the "game." I'm not going to feel sorry for you no matter how much is taken in taxes, because it's ultimately not gonna change your lifestyle in the slightest. And if we're just reaching parity with the rest of the world, you'd have nowhere to run.
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The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
So glad this bill got shot down. How idiotic of Tennessee.
I hope all bills like these get shot down, along with all of the trans bills too. The government shouldn't be violating people's constitutional rights

Deleted member 559230

Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
I keep getting told sex and gender are not the same thing (even though they are) I'm old enough to remember when transexuals were a thing before libs decided to make gender a thing, add 80 of them, and then claim you can be anything you want.

A woman isn't an adult human who identifies as female. It's somebody who is female. I suspect you already know this and you're just being facetious. You can play make-believe all you like, you don't get to change words and meanings and distort truth to suit your narrative though.

It always makes me wonder why it's always people from the USA having these conversations. (Unfortunately the toxic conversation has spread to Canada, UK). Whenever I go online, like Tiktok and youtube etc and see these conversations, It's 99% of the time a bored middle-class white American, sometimes brit, with nothing better to do with their lives or their time. You never see people from Asia, eastern Europe, Africa, middle east etc having these conversations. Because they would absolutely laugh at you, the world mocks you. You sit in your own gender bubble, It's laughable.

It's delusional to believe that you are the sex you weren't born. I don't care how many people come along and try to pressure me into believing otherwise. I'm not budging. Although, I do wonder why you see it everywhere you go? Trannsexuals are a minority, a major minority, yet they're getting all this attention. Makes you wonder what the Liberals are up to.

The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
It's delusional to believe that you are the sex you weren't born. I don't care how many people come along and try to pressure me into believing otherwise. I'm not budging. Although, I do wonder why you see it everywhere you go? Trannsexuals are a minority, a major minority, yet they're getting all this attention. Makes you wonder what the Liberals are up to.
No one needs you to believe them to go on with their lives


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2020
I keep getting told sex and gender are not the same thing (even though they are) I'm old enough to remember when transexuals were a thing before libs decided to make gender a thing, add 80 of them, and then claim you can be anything you want.
Seems like you disagree, that's okay you can disagree. I'm still going to present information that you might disagree with so buckle up kiddo.

I'll put it this way since I know a lot of people probably don't explain it right.

Gender refers to the social and mental aspects of how a person identifies, it is an innate part of their mind and identity and cannot be changed externally.

Sex refers to the Biological aspect of an individual and how they are differentiated in development by their sex organs, chromosomes, and hormones.

Typically people tend to use Sex and Gender interchangeably which can cause confusion here.
and then claim you can be anything you want.
Ah The "Can I identify as rich if I'm poor argument?"
Important thing to understand is the difference between internal reality vs. external reality. As an example your bank account is based in external reality, which is why you cannot identify as rich if you don't have money.

Gender on the other hand is based in internal reality, on an individual's sense of self and identity. It is an intrinsic part of a person's identity and how they perceive themselves.

A woman isn't an adult human who identifies as female. It's somebody who is female.
News Flash: Dorian754 disagrees with something so therefore it must not be true all because he doesn't like it. In reality this is not an opinion it is backed by scientific fact, though I bet you don't believe in science either, if that's the case we're done here, I don't do discussions with Flat Earthers or Evangelicalists, as they are not conducive to a logical explanation and are based purely on opinion and fantasy.

Here are some scientific articles that describe the phenomenon in case you aren't though:

Structural connections in the brain in relation to gender identity and sexual orientation

Adult development and quality of life of transgender and gender nonconforming people

What has sex got to do with it? The role of hormones in the transgender brain

I suspect you already know this and you're just being facetious. You can play make-believe all you like, you don't get to change words and meanings and distort truth to suit your narrative though.
Yes I know that you disagree.

It always makes me wonder why it's always people from the USA having these conversations. (Unfortunately the toxic conversation has spread to Canada, UK). Whenever I go online, like Tiktok and youtube etc and see these conversations, It's 99% of the time a bored middle-class white American, sometimes brit, with nothing better to do with their lives or their time. You never see people from Asia, eastern Europe, Africa, middle east etc having these conversations. Because they would absolutely laugh at you, the world mocks you. You sit in your own gender bubble, It's laughable.
Congratulations, you just saw an Asian talking about it for the first time ever, glad I could offer you a new experience. Now I don't know about the rest of the world but in Japan I didn't particularly experience any major challenges that people in the US don't also face, except maybe the Gender Identity Disorder act which made it a pain to change my name legally. I should note that I'm Intersex which is way different than trans but I bet you don't believe in that either, thankfully you don't have to since intersex is an external condition based in external reality and I unlike most people still have my 'abnormal' genitals and no desire to get them removed.

It's delusional to believe that you are the sex you weren't born. I don't care how many people come along and try to pressure me into believing otherwise. I'm not budging.
It's a very well known and painfully accepted fact to trans people that it is impossible to change your sex. No one is arguing otherwise, gender affirming treatments are done to alleviate gender dysphoria and/or to make the person appear as and feel more like their ideal self. They're not designed to change your sex. This is a straw-man argument.

Although, I do wonder why you see it everywhere you go? Trannsexuals are a minority, a major minority, yet they're getting all this attention. Makes you wonder what the Liberals are up to.
It's probably something to do with the amount of hate and violence they're getting. So in a way it's literally because of people like you bud. If you don't like them getting so much attention I suggest
Last edited by Dragon91Nippon,


MediCat USB Dev
Jul 23, 2012
WA State
United States
It's delusional to believe that you are the sex you weren't born. I don't care how many people come along and try to pressure me into believing otherwise. I'm not budging. Although, I do wonder why you see it everywhere you go? Trannsexuals are a minority, a major minority, yet they're getting all this attention. Makes you wonder what the Liberals are up to.
What they're 'up to' is trying to exist without pricks like you trying to destroy their validation. It's not your life, so why do you even care? Their life and inclusion doesn't affect you whatsoever. Them having equal rights to you doesn't somehow take rights away from you, so again... why do you care?

Deleted member 559230

Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
What they're 'up to' is trying to exist without pricks like you trying to destroy their validation. It's not your life, so why do you even care? Their life and inclusion doesn't affect you whatsoever. Them having equal rights to you doesn't somehow take rights away from you, so again... why do you care?

I didn't start the topic, I'm replying to conversation that has been going on without me. I'm also not the one who brings up trans shit on all sorts of forums. One can exist without trying to make me believe in their fantasies, but that's not enough for control freaks. Tough shit. You can't change your gender/biological sex.
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It's a very well known and painfully accepted fact to trans people that it is impossible to change your sex. No one is arguing otherwise, gender affirming treatments are done to alleviate gender dysphoria and/or to make the person appear as and feel more like their ideal self. They're not designed to change your sex. This is a straw-man argument.

Tell that to Twitter, who says its completely possible to change your biological birth sex.

It's probably something to do with the amount of hate and violence they're getting. So in a way it's literally because of people like you bud. If you don't like them getting so much attention I suggest

I don't care how much attention one seeks as long as it doesn't bother me. That's the thing though - there's hoards of people going around manipulating others due to this issue or in my case they are trying to manipulate me, but that's not going to work. You got people all over pushing this issue on others.
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