Reggie Fils-Aime talks about Metroid Federation Force and fan backlash


After the dismayed outcry of Metroid fans during E3, Nintendo of America's president, Reggie Fils-Amie stepped up to discuss the criticism of the new "Metroid" game. He likened the problems of "Metroid Prime: Federation Force", to what happened when "Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker" was announced, back in the day.

Here's what I would state: we know what our fans want. We will also push the envelope in developing something that we know is high-quality and that we know will deliver in the marketplace. The best example I can give you of this, and I think you will appreciate it, is Legend of Zelda Wind Waker. Remember when that art style was first shown. The uproar from the Zelda community was intensely negative. If there had been social media then, there probably would have been a petition to make that game go away.

...So, the game is developed, becomes one of the most beloved games of all time, one of the most highly-rated games of all time, so I use that example to say: 'We know what we're doing, trust us, play the game and then we can have a conversation.

Look, we know that the fans want a straight Samus Aran game. We also know that the best way to launch a game like that is to surprise and delight them, to give them a launch date, in an environment like this let them play it vs. what other companies do which is to announce a project that you may not see for five, six years. It's just not the way we do things. We know the community wants to see a straight-up Metroid game. We know it.

:arrow: SOURCE

He states that Nintendo knows that fans want a new Metroid game. Maybe there's still a little hope for a new fully-fledged entry to the franchise.


Instructional Designer
Global Moderator
Nov 20, 2009
Silent Hill
United States
Why you dont like samus emotions to show?

It's more about how those emotions were portrayed. Everyone deals with emotions differently. How you express and deal with those emotions is an expression of who you are.

When writing a character, how you choose to portray their grappling with difficult emotions is the interesting part. What kind of person are they? How do they choose to express those emotions? how do they deal with them? How do they overcome them? Or are they overcome?

As a general rule of thumb, when writing characters, it's best to show, rather than tell. A short clip of someone looking miserable is going to make you care about their emotional state far more than if they said "I'm saaaaad". Show, don't tell. A strongly written character tends to show their emotions rather than tell you everything they're feeling. If you're experiencing the event with them, then the character generally doesn't have to say anything. If their emotions are due to a previous experience that we don't know about, then it'll have to be shown through flash-back or through conversation. Monologues talking directly to the audience (in movies/games) tend to be the absolute worst way of doing this. It comes across as lazy and boring. Just "show" every time it's possible, and "tell" as little as needed. It's how you do things if you want to do them right.

It's perfectly fine that Samus has PSTD, and that she's grappling with some really difficult emotions. That's good, that has some really amazing potential. It's human. Ripley went through very similar emotions during the alien movies (which is why they probably went this direction with Samus' character) and it was brilliant how they handled it. But the way in which they wrote Samus grappling with those emotions is just pathetic. She whines, she complains, she doesn't actually deal with anything. She just acts like an idiot for most of the time and the rest of the time just tells us in a monotonous voice what she's feeling and thinking. Just so disappointing, the potential squandered.

There's also the part that it only happens when you don't have control over her. Meaning it feels like the character you're playing is different from the one who whines and complains.

I could go on and on and on, but I think that's the gist of it.
Last edited by osaka35,


Gaming keeps me sane
Jul 14, 2009
The Magic School Bus
United States
Here's the thing. It's one thing for Samus to have PTSD about the fact that Ridley basically killed everyone she knew when she was but a toddler, and seeing Ridley kill her parents before her eyes when she couldn't do a damn thing about it.

But that would have been appropriate around her Zero Mission. Her first encounter since getting the power armor and the like.

Other M happens between the events of Super Metroid and Fusion. That means, she's faced and defeated Ridley six times already. There's no reason for it anymore.
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Samus Aran
Nov 2, 2012
Unknown region of space
Here's the thing. It's one thing for Samus to have PTSD about the fact that Ridley basically killed everyone she knew when she was but a toddler, and seeing Ridley kill her parents before her eyes when she couldn't do a damn thing about it.

But that would have been appropriate around her Zero Mission. Her first encounter since getting the power armor and the like.

Other M happens between the events of Super Metroid and Fusion. That means, she's faced and defeated Ridley six times already. There's no reason for it anymore.
There is reason, because i never saw her having brake down, she kept it inside and that 7th time she breaks finally and becomes owerwhelmed as it is shown... Also, thats the first time she see adam after long time.
You can act strong all you like but she is human being after all, and this time she shows that wide open.

I just thought someting...maybe meeting adam made her softer again and opened her woond, ridley just aded oil on fire bringing her back to her childhood mentally, making her confused and mixed up in her mind. No one has been kind to her as adam was. He might be little harsh but he loves her like her child and she knows it..and thats what they wanted to show in this metroid along side regular story...idk, again, i like it...i newer needed so much deep analysis so i can enjoy a metroid. But only thing i was annoyed is her voice, but its not bad. I just hope link stays quiet.
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It's more about how those emotions were portrayed. Everyone deals with emotions differently. How you express and deal with those emotions is an expression of who you are.

When writing a character, how you choose to portray their grappling with difficult emotions is the interesting part. What kind of person are they? How do they choose to express those emotions? how do they deal with them? How do they overcome them? Or are they overcome?

As a general rule of thumb, when writing characters, it's best to show, rather than tell. A short clip of someone looking miserable is going to make you care about their emotional state far more than if they said "I'm saaaaad". Show, don't tell. A strongly written character tends to show their emotions rather than tell you everything they're feeling. If you're experiencing the event with them, then the character generally doesn't have to say anything. If their emotions are due to a previous experience that we don't know about, then it'll have to be shown through flash-back or through conversation. Monologues talking directly to the audience (in movies/games) tend to be the absolute worst way of doing this. It comes across as lazy and boring. Just "show" every time it's possible, and "tell" as little as needed. It's how you do things if you want to do them right.

It's perfectly fine that Samus has PSTD, and that she's grappling with some really difficult emotions. That's good, that has some really amazing potential. It's human. Ripley went through very similar emotions during the alien movies (which is why they probably went this direction with Samus' character) and it was brilliant how they handled it. But the way in which they wrote Samus grappling with those emotions is just pathetic. She whines, she complains, she doesn't actually deal with anything. She just acts like an idiot for most of the time and the rest of the time just tells us in a monotonous voice what she's feeling and thinking. Just so disappointing, the potential squandered.

There's also the part that it only happens when you don't have control over her. Meaning it feels like the character you're playing is different from the one who whines and complains.

I could go on and on and on, but I think that's the gist of it.
Well samus is nintendo character and they can make her whatever they like after all :3 maybe im not the best guy to talk about scrypt but samus is not ripley..pathetic or not that is samus now I guess...

Personally i had no problems with that it felt more alive that way..maybe that was the point. also they didi not wanted to make alien movie because its not.

Also..maybe, you dont know samus that much as you thought you did, heh.. ;)
Last edited by Metoroid0,


Instructional Designer
Global Moderator
Nov 20, 2009
Silent Hill
United States
Well, you're having to guess what happened and why it happened with an integral part of the plot and motivation of the characters, with no way of really knowing. That's usually a pretty bad sign that something went wrong with the script.

maybe, you dont know samus that much as you thought you did, heh.. ;)

Hmm..I guess you didn't understand what I was saying. :\ Let me put it a different way. Samus's story up till now has been told more like an action movie hero or hero's journey. Other M's samus was more like having to listen to a really bad fanfic.

It is very similar to episode 1 of star wars (other m) vs episode 4 of star wars (super metroid). Sure, you're welcome to like whatever you like, but from a structure, consistency, making-sense, and character sense, there's no doubt which one fails terribly and which one is done well on a technical and human way. It's cool that you like it, but I have very strong literary and logical reasons for disliking it.

Other M happens between the events of Super Metroid and Fusion. That means, she's faced and defeated Ridley six times already. There's no reason for it anymore.

Yeah, it feels like Other M wanted to happen before any of the other metroids, before even zero mission. But nope, it just had to be a sequel to super metroid. If it had been a prequel, a lot of things would have made a bit more sense. It still would have been pants-on-head bad writing, but at least slightly more internally consistent. I just keep shaking my head, thinking about all this lost potential.
Last edited by osaka35,


Whistles a familiar tune
Nov 21, 2014
United States
also i couldn't help but laugh at the line "We know what we're doing, trust us" in the article yea if they knew what they were doing why did E3 for Nintendo seem a bit underwhelming this year? Hell i got more excited for the new Pokemon Mystery Dungeon game announcement then i did for most of what i saw on nintendo's E3 stream.

E3 was underwhelming because Nintendo does not care about E3. They have several Nintendo Directs a year, and had a huge one right before the week of E3 with the Smash updates. I don't see MS or Sony making announcements like Nintendo does throughout the year via webcasts.


Dec 2, 2007
United States
I mean if you look around the web you can find videos of nintendo execs wondering why people would want another F-Zero title. So that should be pretty telling of nintendos general assessment of the gaming industry.
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Samus Aran
Nov 2, 2012
Unknown region of space
I have very strong literary and logical reasons for disliking it.
well, for me, logic has nothing to do with liking the game and everything in it, especially samus (only voice i dont want, but its ok...)
Althought, i DO understand what are you saying from technical and logical perspective, but i tont..i cant think nintendo will release story or anything game related that is not logical or feels unfinished. They must have their reason, and what is that reason nobody knows. Its ilogical for me to think (but it could be) that nintendo did not know what they where doing while writing the scrypt, making models, animations, story...whatever...they are not stupid, they are professionals...

But again, for me, there was nothing wrong with the game, i do like it, logical or not, and i dont understand why people base their llikeing of something based on logic "its not good written, game is bad" thats just silly. or "game has no sense, its bad...I dont like it"

But again, i do get what you are saying, but it doesnt make game bad at all, just imperfect (or is it)

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Game cube games where good!


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2011
I mean if you look around the web you can find videos of nintendo execs wondering why people would want another F-Zero title. So that should be pretty telling of nintendos general assessment of the gaming industry.
I know F-Zero has its fanbase, but I actually do wonder if a new F-Zero game would sell well. It's not a spetacular racing game, I think people looking for racing games wouldn't think of F-Zero as their first, second or even third option. Nintendo likes to sell games that are either one of the best of their genres and/or that caters to a large audience and I don't think they will release a new F-Zero game until they have a good idea pf what to do with the franchise.

well, for me, logic has nothing to do with liking the game and everything in it, especially samus (only voice i dont want, but its ok...)
Althought, i DO understand what are you saying from technical and logical perspective, but i tont..i cant think nintendo will release story or anything game related that is not logical or feels unfinished. They must have their reason, and what is that reason nobody knows. Its ilogical for me to think (but it could be) that nintendo did not know what they where doing while writing the scrypt, making models, animations, story...whatever...they are not stupid, they are professionals...

But again, for me, there was nothing wrong with the game, i do like it, logical or not, and i dont understand why people base their llikeing of something based on logic "its not good written, game is bad" thats just silly. or "game has no sense, its bad...I dont like it"

But again, i do get what you are saying, but it doesnt make game bad at all, just imperfect (or is it)
I think the problem with Other M isn't the story itself, but the fact that the story doesn't match with the character. In every Metroid game, we see Samus acting alone, thinking for herself and bravely fighting dangerous situations. In Other M we see a Samus that is just too eager to follow orders and too vulnerable. Could you imagine a movie where Wolverine spent the entire time following orders and feeling helpless? Metroid is a game first, so the story should be based and make sense with the gameplay not the contrary. Super Metroid tells an amazing story without barely using text, because it uses the gameplay to show the story.
To make things worst, there's the oversexualization of Samus. I'm sorry to say that since you're japanese, but it disgust me how some japanese artists love to sexualize every female character, just because they're female.
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Instructional Designer
Global Moderator
Nov 20, 2009
Silent Hill
United States
"its not good written, game is bad" thats just silly. or "game has no sense, its bad...I dont like it"

It's not like you can't like the game or the actual gameplay if you like it. But Other M is trying to be a movie game, as its obviously built around a narrative, way way more so than any other metroid game. The actual playing part seems to be geared around getting you from story part A to story part B. Let me put it a different way. If they cut out all the story, and all you had was the gameplay, would you feel satisfied? Would that be a satisfying or fun experience for you?

I have my theories on how nintendo let this stinker pass through the nintendo filters, but that's a different discussion.


Aug 24, 2005
United States
Once again, I'll state that I haven't played it yet. That video made perfect sense with the Link argument. I enjoyed the show as a kid (along with Captain N and SMB Show) but I was just intrigued because it was about video games. The characters really weren't represented too well in any of the shows. Simon Belmont was portrayed as a self-sbsorbed bumbling idiot which was far from the video game character we came to love. Imagine if he took out his mirror every few minutes while walking around in the game or repeatedly screwed things up and fell down, etc. Also look at the SMB movie. It is unbearable for me to watch as an adult. I guess the lesson that should be learned from this is that video game characters shouldn't be humanized later on if they never were in the first place and when they are it is like finding out a secret past of your significant other that you will try to forget but it will haunt your memories if you invest yourself in them too much.

They probably felt the need to tell Samus' story because of the adults that grew up with the games now enjoy cutscenes in many current games and wanted to jump on the bandwagon. This might not be a bad thing as long as the creators don't outsource the IP and treat it as their baby and not ditch it like a crack-whore at an abusive grandparent's house.


Samus Aran
Nov 2, 2012
Unknown region of space
It's not like you can't like the game or the actual gameplay if you like it. But Other M is trying to be a movie game, as its obviously built around a narrative, way way more so than any other metroid game. The actual playing part seems to be geared around getting you from story part A to story part B. Let me put it a different way. If they cut out all the story, and all you had was the gameplay, would you feel satisfied? Would that be a satisfying or fun experience for you?

I have my theories on how nintendo let this stinker pass through the nintendo filters, but that's a different discussion.
i never saw the story, it was cut for me, because i played DVD-5 version i downloaded, so no movie...but i would very much like to see it while playing the game again along with the video. Metroid movie sounds awesome. :D mean its not like other metroid games where you revisit locations explore, power up, scan etc etc...?

P.S. but still, i liked the game while playing it, even though it need more polishing, unlike prime games..those where just perfect, especially Prime 2!


Instructional Designer
Global Moderator
Nov 20, 2009
Silent Hill
United States mean its not like other metroid games where you revisit locations explore, power up, scan etc etc...?

That was one of the annoying things about the gameplay. Doors would randomly lock behind you, and you only could get powerups along the way. There was no backtracking or exploring, not until after the story proper. spoilers if I go too much into detail. Suffice it to say that it's pretty much the end of the game before you can do any exploring.

And prime 2 was my favorite of the prime series :D


Samus Aran
Nov 2, 2012
Unknown region of space
That was one of the annoying things about the gameplay. Doors would randomly lock behind you, and you only could get powerups along the way. There was no backtracking or exploring, not until after the story proper. spoilers if I go too much into detail. Suffice it to say that it's pretty much the end of the game before you can do any exploring.

And prime 2 was my favorite of the prime series :D
I still like Other M regardless, but Yeah, i think we can both agree on that...that is the core of Metroid for me. But Other M still has that Metroid feeling to it but in different light, i like different things, but yeah, that was the only thing i (i wont say not like but i dont know other word) do not like about Other M, all that you said. But still, a good game, it does not deserve all the hate!

Hey, what other Metroid games you like? :)


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2011
Super Metroid is my favorite game of all time. The second best Metroid for me is Zero Mission, Metroid Fusion is great but I am not sure if I like its linearity. I didn't play the Prime series, except for the beginning of the first Prime, it seems cool, but I guess I prefer the side-scrolling over the first-person perspective, but I need to give the Prime series a try again.

I definetely don't like the original Metroid, the core of the Metroid series is there, but it's unnecessarily hard and it reuses the same desing for different locations hurting exploration in the process (and seriously... making you farm for health is not something that requires ability, it's just wasting your time) Metroid II is weird, but I think there is a good game there, but certainly not as good as the later games.


Samus Aran
Nov 2, 2012
Unknown region of space
I think fusion is great, but zero mission felt little faster in gamelpay (like other M) and more exciting in music and happenings. fusion was more calmer, i like those games.
and i like zero suit ending, i never saw that coming that was cool!

You should definitely play prime even though you dont like 1st person! dont play prime 1 its not that interesting IMO, play Prime 2, its great game! :)
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Aug 24, 2005
United States
Super Metroid is my favorite game of all time. The second best Metroid for me is Zero Mission, Metroid Fusion is great but I am not sure if I like its linearity. I didn't play the Prime series, except for the beginning of the first Prime, it seems cool, but I guess I prefer the side-scrolling over the first-person perspective, but I need to give the Prime series a try again.

I definetely don't like the original Metroid, the core of the Metroid series is there, but it's unnecessarily hard and it reuses the same desing for different locations hurting exploration in the process (and seriously... making you farm for health is not something that requires ability, it's just wasting your time) Metroid II is weird, but I think there is a good game there, but certainly not as good as the later games.

SM is my favorite too. The grappling hook was my favorite upgrade. All Metroid games afterward should have used it! Metroid 2 was a strange addition to the series. The hardest part was trying to remember where exactly you were at. It should have had an in-game map. BTW, I got it with Kool-Aid points back in the day. Oh, the memories...
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