50 dead in Orlando nightclub mass shooting, worst in US history


GBAtemp Supreme Overlord
Dec 1, 2014
Under a rock
United States
They were debunked, he made no such call. Officers responded to the scene after a security patrol for the bar discovered a few bodies appearently. The shooters father reports that the shooter wasn't strongly religious but very homophobic. This was a hate crime, pushed only by the shooters hatred of gay men.

Please, if you live in Orlando, they need blood and plasma donations. O and AB especially. Please donate if you are able. There is a rumor being spread that they have lifted the anti-gay ban on donors, but they have not. So please help us

Before anyone jumps in to say homophobia is rooted in the shooters religion, it isnt. Homophobia can exist alongside ANY religion, but NO religion is expressly homophobic.
Is there a source on that? I listened to FOX news on the radio on the way home (shh it's the only station my car radio gets) and the anchors were all saying he shouted ALLAH AKBAR prior to pulling the trigger. I didn't believe it (mostly because of FOX's reputation), and if that's true it will kind of put my uncertainty to rest


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
United States
This is just sad and irrational that someone who is a citizen of the United States of America who shot over 100 People and killed 50. It make me feel more comfortable to stay inside my own house. This is a real wake up call to ban Semi Auto Assault Rifles since they're a Military Weapon and the NRA & other groups profit off of tragedy they're enablers for encouraging the discrimination against Gun Owners who defend the Second Amendment & Muslims who just want to live in peace without discrimination. Bernie Sanders wants real change this is why I'll vote for Bernie. I hate corrupted politicians profiting off of tragedy & suffering. This is a Hate Crime against humanity it needs to fucking stop! My thoughts go out to those families who were affected by such a hateful act towards the LGBT community.


Gay twink catboy
Global Moderator
Oct 11, 2011
This is just sad and irrational that someone who is a citizen of the United States of America who shot over 100 People and killed 50. It make me feel more comfortable to stay inside my own house. This is a real wake up call to ban Semi Auto Assault Rifles since they're a Military Weapon and the NRA & other groups profit off of tragedy they're enablers for encouraging the discrimination against Gun Owners who defend the Second Amendment & Muslims who just want to live in peace without discrimination. Bernie Sanders wants real change this is why I'll vote for Bernie. I hate corrupted politicians profiting off of tragedy & suffering. This is a Hate Crime against humanity it needs to fucking stop! My thoughts go out to those families who were affected by such a hateful act towards the LGBT community.

Just ban ownership of firearms throughout the US.
Citizens of Europe don't own firearms (except for hunting rifles) and we're doing fine.
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Touko White

Jan 12, 2016
United Kingdom
From a friend's Facebook:

"Just saw about the shooting at an LGBT nightclub in Orlando, it's horrible that someone would just shoot innocent people because of their sexuality, and also not everyone there could've been LGBT, they could've been straight but like the club, ignorant and homophobic, such a horrible combination."

I absolutely agree.


Texture Modder
Jul 8, 2009
United States
Lol this thread is still on the first page and Islam apologetics are already chiming in. There is many passages in the Quran that state homesexual acts are a punishable act and sin. Hence why ISIS throws LBTQ of roofs etc. Judging by the assailants name, this man is Muslim and he was just following the instructions of the violent scripture called the Quran.

Wonder how long until the mods hode this post. *Cough* Liberal Censorship *cough*

Alright, I didn't think I'd have to, but here we go.

It's also arguable that homosexuality is condemmed by christianity. You can't blame a religion for the acts of its followers. And you can't blame all of its followers for the acts of few. Especially when (the book of swords) isn't something usually studied in depth by anyone other than extremists.

So lets look at some politically unbiased facts. It's Ramadan. If he was actually extremely devoted to his religion (when we have sources stating otherwise) he wouldn't have done this during ramadan. Commiting a violent act during this holy period goes entirely against their religion and essentially is the same as a Christain saying "you know, Jesus wasn't real probably" its not something that someone EXTREMELY devoted to their religion would do.

Next, you seem to think that ALL muslims are exactly the same and follow the exact same teachings. Its also quite ironic then that there are so many lgbt muslims. Something that should theoretically be impossible acording to your racist bigoted statement.

And finally, there was no ISIS 911 call. This man was not "following his religion" do not use the death of 51 people in a hate crime to fuel your racist islamophobic agenda. This was a crime against gay men, very specifically at a gay bar on a night that said bar would be full of latin@ people. If this was really a "hate-for-america" fueled attack, he would have targeted a more white venue wouldn't you think? Not to mention that ISIS's primary targets so far have been muslim people and there hasn't been any direct ISIS attacks in our country so far, so your hateful retoric goes right out the door, where it belongs.

If he was really an extremist, this wouldn't have happened today. Period. If you're just going to outright say that ALL muslims are like this, then this would have happened a long time ago. There are millions of muslims in the world, more than almost every other religion. If they were all just "following their religion" you would be living in a fucking war zone. Your hateful assumtions of a culture that you know absolutely nothing about are worthless and only spread more hate.

Also, shut the fuck up about ~Libral Censorship~ For one, libral doesn't even mean what it was originally coined to mean anymore. Its just a throwaway word that people use to make their weak arguments sound stronger. And for two, telling people not to be hateful and racist of completely innocent people isn't a bad thing. Censorship isn't always a bad thing. Censorship can be defensive, censorship can be constructive. Censorship is how we started the fight against terrible, hateful people like the Nazis, ISIS and the KKK. Censorship is how we end hate. If you have a problem with that, you are a part of the problem.

I'm not going to be apologetic, and I'm not going to stand around while you sling your baseless opinions around like some kind of grade school bully. Take a minute to actually think about what you're assuming and you'll quickly see how fucking ignorant it is.


Texture Modder
Jul 8, 2009
United States
Is there a source on that? I listened to FOX news on the radio on the way home (shh it's the only station my car radio gets) and the anchors were all saying he shouted ALLAH AKBAR prior to pulling the trigger. I didn't believe it (mostly because of FOX's reputation), and if that's true it will kind of put my uncertainty to rest

Fox's reputation is certainly questionable. There are no sources other than fox, and the few sites that sourced them, that he actually said that. What I'm seeing is updated articles adding that bit of information, when it wasn't there before. Re-reading older articles dont mention it at all until the news that he was under investigation 3 years ago appeared. Eyewitness statements no various news sites dont ention it n the timeline of events at all. However, there are sources that this attack was unrelated to his faith, and were solely his own homophobia. Im on mobile, so I'm having trouble linking multiple sources. Heres one: http://www.towleroad.com/2016/06/omar-mateen/

Even if he was acting with religious cause, that doesn't give people any reason to suspect ALL muslims of being radical ISIS members, just as we don't suspect ALL Christians of being in the KKK. (Because neither statement is true)

Update: Connections to ISIS have been partially confirmed, a trustworthy sourcable link should be coming soon. Please remember that just because this one attack was perpetrated by a hateful extremist muslim, not all muslims are hateful or extremists (hint, most of them aren't) there were over 170 other shooting attacks this year alone, only two were caused by people of the Muslim faith. we can't push all the blame on an innocent group of people because of the acts of a few.
Last edited by deishido, , Reason: New information regarding isis connections added


all the world needs is me
Apr 22, 2011
The Fourth Dimension
United Kingdom
Lol this thread is still on the first page and Islam apologetics are already chiming in. There is many passages in the Quran that state homesexual acts are a punishable act and sin. Hence why ISIS throws LBTQ of roofs etc. Judging by the assailants name, this man is Muslim and he was just following the instructions of the violent scripture called the Quran.

Wonder how long until the mods hode this post. *Cough* Liberal Censorship *cough*
Yes, Islamic extremism and fundamentalism is a problem, but Muslims as a whole are not

Both the Quran and the Bible explicitly define homosexual activity as being worthy of the death sentence. You see a lot of bigots from both religions as well as many others. Fact of the matter is the way to go about life isn't by condemning religion itself but by ensuring that religion is practised in a way that is commensurate with modern beliefs and expectations

Don't use a tragedy to spew further hatred


Persona Secretiva Felineus
Global Moderator
Jan 7, 2014
Another World
It will end when people have the courage to blame radical Islam and stop importing these scumbags over here. Trump #2016
Wow. So much bias.


GBAtemp Supreme Overlord
Dec 1, 2014
Under a rock
United States
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Texture Modder
Jul 8, 2009
United States
got a source? BBC news is still saying he made the call. i tend to trust BBC news.
(Im leaving this here for reference, please see my update at the bottom)
Actually, I can' find a real source. That why I'm not believing it. All the sites claiming he did don't have any sources for the call itself. And unfortunately, even the better sites like BBC have been prone to misinformation recently. Journalists have been especially lax the last year and have been snagging info from other unsouced news articles in a vicious cycle to be the most "up-to-date"

911 calls are kept on record and can be sourced immediately after events unfold. The allegations that he made any isis claims don't have this source. I'm also seeing different sites making different claims of what exactly he said. Some claiming he said "allah akbar" "praise allah" and "this is for isis" to name a few. If he did, I would really like to see a source link. But until then, the only source we have is his family saying he wasn't particularly religious, but was extremely angry when he saw a gay couple kissing prior to the attack. It sounds like plain old homophobia to me.

Even if this was religious, (update, it was at least partially) lets not forget that islamic extremists are a vast minority of muslim people. They exist, they are dangerous, but they do not define all muslims. Just as the KKK does not define all Christians. And even if this attack was spurred by religion, it was a very specific attack on the LGBT community. Its also fair to mention that of the over 170 mass shooting events this year, only 2 were caused by muslim affiliated people.

On a related note. The FDA has NOT lifted the anti-gay ban on gay men donating blood if they have had same-sex relationships in the last year (and this actually includes trans women too) Many donation centers in Orlando are also reporting that they are at stock. They can't hold any more at this time and they recommend returning later this evening or early tomorrow if you can.

Please offer any assistance you can during this tragedy, even if its donating in your own city. Its pride month, so there are many lgbt events going on around the country. This could happen again, please be cautious at any lgbt events. There has already been a reported would-be shooter at a parade in California (link posted by someone else a few post back) I doubt this will be the last of the attacks.

Update: ISIS connections have been confirmed by a special agent on the scene at the time, 911 recording should be floating around soon. Please remember that one ISIS affiliated muslim doesn't mean all muslims are ISIS. Blaming non-radical muslims and pushing them away only helps ISIS spread their agenda.
Last edited by deishido, , Reason: New information regarding isis connections added
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