Emulation Massive 'Graphic Pack' for XCX - 13 GFX settings + 5 Shaders + Cemu ResCalc + Mods + ReShade + Perf'


Feb 19, 2017
United States
Greetings all. I've been active over on the r/Cemu subreddit for some time now, but I've just now signed up here (shame on me) to share this with you guys. :)

Download: GITechFX for XCX in Cemu

Thank you to everyone who has waited so long for this to be "done"! Though, as a perfectionist I have to admit that it is not "finished". There are a few lingering things that I'd like to see 'fixed', but they are either over our heads or it's just a matter of Cemu just not having proper support for the feature yet, like FMV's. Just know that getdls and I have been working on it everyday! For example just today I've added 2 more gl_FragCoord shaders (fixes for ending cutscenes) and added an exception for the XCX logo screen that shows at the end of the NLA intro camera pullout. :)

This 'Graphic Pack' allows the adjustment of:

-1. Bloom and brightness level. Via adjusting "bloomFactor" in the "2a706eb8eef36208" Pixel Shader. (AMD peeps rejoice!)

-2. Main Screen resolution

-3. Gamepad Screen resolution

-4. Motion Blur resolution

-5. Sun, Light Sources resolution

-6. Fog (alpha) resolution

-7. Close DOF cutscenes, Light Sources and Reflections, Ambient Occlusion

-8. "God rays" size (not quality), lens reflections

-9. Probe glow

-10. Probe Beacon glow

-11. Shadow resolution

-12. Medium Distance Shadow resolution

-13. Party/Bestiary/Menu Screens & FMV buffer

It will also fix:

-1. Over Bloom on Nvidia & SUPER Bloom on AMD (via adjusting "bloomFactor" in the "2a706eb8eef36208" Pixel Shader)

-2. Data Probe List on the gamepad screen (when Main Res is increased)

-3. The 'Haze/Heat Waves/Refraction/Imagination' (gl_FragCoord shaders when Main Res is increased)

-4. The segmentation of light sources into dots/lines (a compromise has been made here as Close DOF and Light Source Bloom/Trails share the same buffer. Fix one, break the other)

It also includes:

-1. Cemu ResCalc v1.8: Built initially by getdls and 'finished' by me. It is a spreadsheet that allows easy manipulation of all of these values, and then you can multi-copy the columns you want and paste them directly into a 'rules.txt' to create your own custom settings.

-2. Four gl_FragCoord shaders: You can (will have to) change the resolution value in them manually to match the "Main Screen Resolution" if you build a graphic pack with a resolution other than the 1080p, 1440p, and 3840p premade versions included in this set of graphic packs.

-3. My latest Reshade settings: Correction Edit: Do not use my "reshade-shaders/shaders" folder and files. Just have ReShade download the same ones while installing ReShade to your Cemu directory. Also, if you crash, try running Cemu as Administrator. Note: It is important to not have unnecessary .fx reshade shader files in the directory as they can break DOF, even if they are not used/turned on.

-4. My "GITech's 1080p Custom High" settings pack: As an example of a custom setup. (Note: it looks a little more organized than it would as a straight Copy/Paste of columns A, E, and F from Cemu ResCalc. But, that's just because I spent the time to delete the extra "Tab" spacing in order to line it all up 'correctly'. So, don't worry when your copy/pastes don't look organized).

Here are links to my past XCX threads that includes an XCX shader cache, instructions for ReShade, Censorship and Music Mods, a performance guide, and my controller setup:

-1. Follow the link found in this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/cemu/comments/5pd8vd/i_just_created_an_uncensored_usa_version_of_xcx/

-2. Ignore the old SweetFX stuff. The rest still applies: https://www.reddit.com/r/cemu/comments/5cfi2g/first_xenoblade_chronicles_x_mods_for_cemu_help/

-3. Another thread that might interest you with bonuses: https://www.reddit.com/r/cemu/comments/5q6yjw/cemu_170_mk8_4k_careful_reshade_settings_download/

A big THANK YOU goes out to "getdls" for working with me over the last 1.5+ months for a combined total of well over 100 hours (and over 200 messages/posts) of work that we've put into this. He is the best around! Cheers-Cheers!

Simply Austin and REGNR8 will be making videos about this, so go sub to their channels and keep an eye out! ;) :) (I'll post their video links here once their videos are out).

Donations: My paypal address: [email protected] . Thanks so much if you do! :) (I will remove this part in a week or two. I will also offer half of whatever comes in to getdls).

Enjoy! :)

Edit: Oh, almost forgot... Please set "Upscale Filter" to "Bilinear" for XCX. If you don't do this, your gamepad screen can look all fugly. ;)
Last edited by GITech,


Feb 19, 2017
United States
Wow, weeks go by without a single reply... so I stop checking in here...

No 'Thank you' posts. No nothin'.......

THEN someone asks for screenshots. Asking for more work from me. Only.

Then, (only) more requests and a rude demand for screenshots.

Then a request to know what XCX is.

There are plenty of screenshots and info to look through to be able to find out what XCX is in the multiple links provided in the OP.

What kind of people and community do you have here gbatemp?

FYI: Work on this has progressed much further than what I've released here. DOF res can now be increased without segmenting light sources (something Dolphin can't even do). Light source glow now lines up properly all across the screen. I can now turn off pixel shaders at will such as AA, DOF, AO, Motion Blur, God Rays, etc. Green screen over FMV's is fixed. And more.

But I've not released it, here or anywhere. As no one has supported me back for the 100's and 100's of hours I've put into the work I've done for the community on XCX and 'Cemu graphic packs' in general. (Yes, that's 100's of MORE hours, AFTER I spent 100's finishing XCX when the game was ugly as ass and ran like molasses to create the first 'complete shader cache' so other people could play without stutter ASAP).

You've shown that as a community you are ungrateful and dysfunctional.

The pirates here are a truly scurvy/scroungy/scrubby bunch it seems.

No longer will I waist my time FOR you. Be my guest and wait years, to possibly never, for someone else to try to complete and perfect 'Graphic Packs' like I (we've) done.

So much for BOTW as well, Aye?! Congrats, brats. :P

I've got more important things I can spend my time on/with, like playing with my baby girl. I've robbed her to give to you enough already.

PS: Thank you cearp. My specs are: Win7, 4670k 4.4Ghz, 16Gig RAM, Evo 850 SSD, GTX 760 2G 1215Mhz. You should get near perfect performance using my 'GITechFX Custom High' graphics pack if your specs are similar to mine, especially if you follow my performance guide you can find in one of the links in the OP.
Last edited by GITech,


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2017
United States
Wow, weeks go by without a single reply... so I stop checking in here...

No 'Thank you' posts. No nothin'.......

THEN someone asks for screenshots. Asking for more work from me. Only.

Then, (only) more requests and a rude demand for screenshots.

Then a request to know what XCX is. [...] What kind of people and community do you have here gbatemp?

I know this is going to come off as rude. I don't intend it too if that matters to anyone. Dude chill out. You didn't rewrite history/the bible/the quron, or solve world hunger. And this post came over here pretty late in the game. XCX was already running pretty great for a lot of people and the old adage "if it aint broke..." I'm sure plenty of people, like myself, were happy with xcx and simply didn't bother. No offence meant by that but that's why I didn't come thank you for this.

Two guys asked for screenshots. You say they are in the links. Like a typical user wanting immediate gratification I scrolled through your links. No XCX pics to be seen. I'm sure they are there but I wanted to be impatient for illustrative purposes. Pics of XCX using what you describe here are just not immediately noticeable. So you should have expected some requests for some.

Two people asking for screenshots shows that two people are interested in what you have done. Instead of coming in here on your high horse you could have just helped them out and created two fans of your work. Or just ignored them and noone would have ever thought any less of you; just assuming you never came back to the forums.

I'll give you the guy being rude. I almost lit him up myself when I read it but @cearp handled it nicely and the offending post has been removed. So nothing to get up in arms about really.

FYI: Work on this has progressed much further than what I've released here. DOF res can now be increased without segmenting light sources (something Dolphin can't even do). Light source glow now lines up properly all across the screen. I can now turn off pixel shaders at will such as AA, DOF, AO, Motion Blur, God Rays, etc. Green screen over FMV's is fixed. And more.

But I've not released it, here or anywhere. As no one has supported me back for the 100's and 100's of hours I've put into the work I've done for the community on XCX and 'Cemu graphic packs' in general. (Yes, that's 100's of MORE hours, AFTER I spent 100's finishing XCX when the game was ugly as ass and ran like molasses to create the first 'complete shader cache' so other people could play without stutter ASAP).

You've shown that as a community you are ungrateful and dysfunctional.

The pirates here are a truly scurvy/scroungy/scrubby bunch it seems.

No longer will I waist my time FOR you. Be my guest and wait years, to possibly never, for someone else to try to complete and perfect 'Graphic Packs' like I (we've) done.

So much for BOTW as well, Aye?! Congrats, brats. :P

I've got more important things I can spend my time on/with, like playing with my baby girl. I've robbed her to give to you enough already.

I can understand pumping a lot of time into a project. I really can. But you should have done it for the love of it. Here it sounds like you did it for the accolades. And you have no one to blame but yourself for sacrificing family time to increase your epeen. And because One person was rude you have now attacked an entire community and acted like a big baby. "I've fixed even more with XCX but I'll never show you now" "I'm not going to work on BOTW for you because no one said thanks" Come on dude. Grow up. Do it for the love of it or don't do it at all. It makes no difference to me or probably most people who will read this.

Like I said. I appreciate the work you have put into this. It does not benefit me in any way but I can still appreciate the dedication. My personal advice, take it or leave it, don't take on projects to please any community. Take on projects you are passionate about; to hell with what other people think.


Feb 19, 2017
United States
I know this is going to come off as rude. I don't intend it too if that matters to anyone. Dude chill out. You didn't rewrite history/the bible/the quron, or solve world hunger. And this post came over here pretty late in the game. XCX was already running pretty great for a lot of people and the old adage "if it aint broke..." I'm sure plenty of people, like myself, were happy with xcx and simply didn't bother. No offence meant by that but that's why I didn't come thank you for this.

Two guys asked for screenshots. You say they are in the links. Like a typical user wanting immediate gratification I scrolled through your links. No XCX pics to be seen. I'm sure they are there but I wanted to be impatient for illustrative purposes. Pics of XCX using what you describe here are just not immediately noticeable. So you should have expected some requests for some.

Two people asking for screenshots shows that two people are interested in what you have done. Instead of coming in here on your high horse you could have just helped them out and created two fans of your work. Or just ignored them and noone would have ever thought any less of you; just assuming you never came back to the forums.

I'll give you the guy being rude. I almost lit him up myself when I read it but @cearp handled it nicely and the offending post has been removed. So nothing to get up in arms about really.

I can understand pumping a lot of time into a project. I really can. But you should have done it for the love of it. Here it sounds like you did it for the accolades. And you have no one to blame but yourself for sacrificing family time to increase your epeen. And because One person was rude you have now attacked an entire community and acted like a big baby. "I've fixed even more with XCX but I'll never show you now" "I'm not going to work on BOTW for you because no one said thanks" Come on dude. Grow up. Do it for the love of it or don't do it at all. It makes no difference to me or probably most people who will read this.

Like I said. I appreciate the work you have put into this. It does not benefit me in any way but I can still appreciate the dedication. My personal advice, take it or leave it, don't take on projects to please any community. Take on projects you are passionate about; to hell with what other people think.

You're right. I woke up in a hangover and this is the first thing I saw. So a bad reaction from me. I apologize.

I'll release an update when it's truly and completely done.

Until then...


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2016
You're right. I woke up in a hangover and this is the first thing I saw. So a bad reaction from me. I apologize.

I'll release an update when it's truly and completely done.

Until then...

It would have helped, I think, if you'd included instructions on how to install and use Reshade. I personally have never used the thing and didn't really feel like spending time to Google it considering I only get about 18fps in XCX anyway. It's not playable for me at that speed... I imagine quite a few of the people on here have never used it either, and many of them don't seem to know how to use Google. :P

Still, it IS impressive work, just needed a bit more newbie friendly instructions.
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Mar 15, 2017
Hello, thank you for your amazing job. I can't play xcx without it now, but i have a weird problem: Reshade is performing poorly even with the filters off. I can get xcx to run with 30 fps stable. But with reshade is 20-25 fps most of time with my GPU using only 40-50%.

my setup:
I7 6700k 4.4ghz
gtx 1080
32G ram ddr4 3200mhz

any hint to solve my issues? or reshade is really a no go for cemu?


Sep 17, 2015
Shame on you for signing up "only now"? This site is pure cancer. And please don't do nothing for the people here.

This was a nice place like, 10 years ago. Now it's just some tasteless bastards and a couple devs who spent too much time here and got brainwashed and stockholm symdommed by this terrible community.
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Jul 12, 2015
this is unplayable for me. maybe its my cpu?i dunno. 3570k. looks nice..but I will stick to original game for now. hopefully when i get new cpu and ram it will be playable with this mod. good effort.

Deleted User

Man, @OP you're so childish.
It's a damn emulation sub-forum, what did you expect?

Anyways, i wanted to say thank you but i see it's no use now lol.


New Member
Apr 9, 2017
Serbia, Republic of
Thank you for the efforts! Just installed it and it looks really nice. Any advice on how i can fix sounds in the Xenoblade Chronicles X?

Thank you


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2017
United States
Man, @OP you're so childish.
It's a damn emulation sub-forum, what did you expect?

Anyways, i wanted to say thank you but i see it's no use now lol.
Dude, he apologized nearly a month ago. You're doing nothing more than trolling/trying to pick a fight at this point. If you found his initial post helpful thank him for it. Otherwise just drop it and go about your business.
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  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Still don't know why he left unless someone really hurt his feelings
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Don't know why people get so emotional online just get over it ffs
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    He was the ass of gbatemp, everyone knocked on him, I honestly felt bad, even though I was guilty myself, but he egged it all on himself,
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    But he still here, but under dif name, he pm me sometimes still even.
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    It's like they think we'll be in their bed pissing on it the next day
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    I feel like gbatemp should make t-shirts or memorabilia to remember the lost ones. I bet the Polly shirts would sell out quick.
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    Nah that could actually bring lawsuits
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Your correct, Somebody would be guilty and there would be riots, then they storm the gbatemp capitol,
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    Online or not there are still certain rights that judges would have no issue handing out a warrant over
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    Just look at Kim dotcom
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Honestly I'm scared to, from you, but ok, lemme turn on vpn, virtual machine, private browser first
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Remember that Alexa robot I gifted you
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    And that laptop Webcam you never tapped up
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    That robot is here somewhere, I hear it moving around at night, but I haven't seen it for months.
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Oh that laptop I give to ancientboi, so you been watching him for months, and he's been watching you
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Oh good more than enough material for the fbi
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Damn its 5 in morn, I gotta Go wake your mum and send her to work. Check ya later.
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    He could make so much money!!! His arm would never get tired lol
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    How are yall doing
    S @ salazarcosplay: How are yall doing +2