Apple becomes first publicly traded US company to reach $1 trillion market value

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Love them or hate them, Apple is a huge player in the technology market. On Thursday, the company managed to reach new heights, when they became the first ever American company to hit the trillion dollar threshold. Stock prices for Apple jumped nearly 3% in the previous quarter, pushing the individual share value to $207.39, which let the company make history. The business behind the iMac and iPhone and other array of "iProducts" beat competitors and other titans like Alphabet, Microsoft, and Amazon to be the first of them to get to that goal, though Amazon is close behind, and may reach a similar valuation soon.

Apple was founded in 1976, where Steve Jobs would go on to create computers to compete with Microsoft, and then take part in the smartphone revolution of the late 2000's. Their new CEO, Tim Cook, took over for Steve Jobs after his passing, helping the company's share prices grow to over 2000%.


GBAtemp Supreme Overlord
Dec 1, 2014
Under a rock
United States
Mac OS is nothing but a Unix OS and Macs are just PCs with a different OS. There's nothing a Macbook can do that a normal Windows laptop can't. /thread
I... sort of agree. MacOS is basically the one thing I respect Apple for as a company, though, because it's incredibly intuitive and user-oriented (something their hardware is NOT)

That said, though, it's not the only OS that's targeted to both home and "power" (HEAVY scare quotes there) users, which kind of negates its necessity anyway


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2013
I hate them as much I hate Monsanto, arms manufacturers and other great examples of cancerous capitalism.

Well done for them on their trillion dollar valuation though. What a wonderful world we're living in where psychopathic corporate entities get their psychopathy celebrated with milestones like this one.
What are you talking about? The concept of personal computer is unrelated to UI (even if you will have a hard time with a PC without UI ;)). Apple did not invent the personal computer nor did it invent the modern UI. It straight up stole the UI from Xerox and marketed as there own. WIMP is no invention by Apple. As for the "concept of personal computer" it wasn't invented by Apple either, it's older then the company itself and they not even where the first to sell "larger" quantities. They were early on when it came to a point of interest for tech interested people (and more affordable for the masses). Apple didn't invented the portable disk-less MP3 player and I don't believe it would have been needed to popularize it. I know serveral people who owned a MP3 player back in the day before Apple launched the iPod. What Apple did was making all music cost the same (at least early on) with iTunes, if that's a good thing or not is a personal decision. Also the idea that Apple would be the inventor of the computer mouse is insane, not even close. Looks like a typical case of giving too much credit in an atemp of beeing neutral, never works out. As for the smartphone I totaly give you that point. They did a fantastic job with that.
What Apple is really good at is refining things, just look at there trackpads. Still after years you hardly find any trackpads that match the fantastic Apple ones, not even in high priced notebooks. Well it seems they struggle with that here and there in recent times...

We yes, as I mentioned in my original post, discussions on who invented what first may arise.

It honestly depends how you look at it. Did apple invent the micro-chip? Or alternating current? Then by consequence, apple did not invent their own products either, since they are all based on those technologies that predate them.

Even if it comes down to Apple never inventing a single thing, they still redefined the world, many times over.

I have to give credit, where credit is due.

However, that's the only credit I'll give. The Apple of today is a shameful business practice, and I will have no part in it.


The Temp's official fox whisperer
Apr 29, 2011
Dr. Wahwee's castle
United States
I... sort of agree. MacOS is basically the one thing I respect Apple for as a company, though, because it's incredibly intuitive and user-oriented (something their hardware is NOT)

That said, though, it's not the only OS that's targeted to both home and "power" (HEAVY scare quotes there) users, which kind of negates its necessity anyway

And the fact the recent Core i9 Macbook laptops having absolute shit throttling (and I mean heavy throttling), yeah, no thanks.
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Song of storms

Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2018
I'm going to laugh as their newest blunder his the market.. Face recognition, people using photos to hack into stolen phones lol I can literally see it now....
And comments like these confirm my theory that the majority of people bashing Apple for making products to stupid people are stupid themselves. Go on, try accessing an iPhone X with someone's photo. Do it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2013
United States
I hate apple products, but you can buy an old iPod, and replace the battery, and replace the harddrive with a CF card adapter that takes standard or micro SD cards, and then install RockBox on it. You'll have a no-bullshit music player that's feature-loaded, the quality of Apple, and Drag&Drop music... No iTunes required. Also plays FLAC files with no problem. It's fun for me to do this with iPods.
tell me more
i have an old nearly mint cond 80 gig ipod video that i never really used as a music player because i got it around the time of PS3 jailbreak
i set up rockbox and IPL on it to run payloads and i have not used it since
last week i decided to see if it was still alive and charged it up and it charges fine still
but i can't remember how to switch between the ipod OS and rockbox
also i remember i set it up to used as an external storage device too so it still has about 15 PS3 game on it too
i used it to launch the payload and then switched it to EXT HDD mode and loaded my games from it too
i just remember getting the timing right was a bitch if i didn't use it for awhile
timing was a bitch anyways tho
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2008
Isnt Apple the company that sells outdated cheap hardware for extraordanary high prices ?
Isnt Apple the company that does avoid paying tax as much as possible while making millions of profit ?

Some people think this company is worth something, some other would call em scammers.
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fanboys triggered 9k+
Nov 17, 2008
Isnt Apple the company that sells outdated cheap hardware for extraordanary high prices ?
YES and still the dumbass fucking sheep shell out for it. the only reason their products sell is because of zombie fucking sheep and conformity and NOTHING ELSE. this is how millennias think these days: my mate has an iphone i better get one too or be labeled an outcast by my friends :lol:
Last edited by Bladexdsl,


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2015
The sad thing is, Apple is one of the companies who has contributed the most as far as innovation and technology development.

As far back as the 70's and 80's, inventing the personal computer concept and the UI and UX behind it, to the computer mouse. Even as recent as the 2000's inventing the portable disk-less MP3 player creating an entire market on its own, to the much more recent and much more important smartphone with the iPhone and iPad, both of which were not necessarily "invented by Apple", but were most definitely redesigned and made much better by Apple, which spawned an entire industry worth billions.

All of these are facts, (even if sometimes discussions do surface, regarding who invented what first), we cannot deny and we have to appreciate what this company has created on its own, and how it pushed technology forward when nobody else had the guts to do.

But all of that being said and recognized....this is not the Apple of today. And it is here, at this very specific but crucial point, that so many people have a problem with this company. Myself included. It is not the same company it once was.

The Apple of today, has long given up innovation, and staying ahead of the competition. The apple of today lags in comparison to its competitors, relying instead, on a Fashion Statement business model, where it does not matter whether their products are better or not, what matters is that it is cool to have one. It became the CHANEL of the technology industry. And this, has proven to be a very, very profitable way to market your technological goods.

This model however has 3 problems:

The first problem: While Apple is today one of the most powerful and rich companies in the world, it has done so at the cost of it's most loyal and hardcore costumers/consumers, who purchased their products because they were BETTER. Not prettier or thinner.

The second problem:
As we all know, fashion comes and goes. It is not something that lasts for long. Despite Apple's profits being enormous, they have already shown heavy signs of declining. Their market share of the smartphone industry is a spec of what it once was. This, to my belief, is a clear sign of the Fashion Statement business model....well....falling out of fashion. While a lot of it still remains, it is no longer as cool to have an iPhone or an iMac as it once was.

The third problem: Lastly, the quality of their products. As we have all seen, especially recently, the quality of Apple's products has declined. Severely. From the world famous bend-gate of the infamous iPhone 6 Plus, to the much more recent CPU thermal throttling on their new 2018 Macbook Pro, and everything in between. I can barely imagine paying $5000 for a computer that is slower than a $2000 one from a "crappy" competitor.

Not to mention, the fear based policy they enforce on their workers, subsidiaries and third parties who depend on them. Starving the market of solutions that do not require going through Apple. Going out of their way, to sue small businesses. Not refunding people who purchased defective products. The list goes on...

Love it or hate it, as the OP said himself, Apple has made a clear difference in the world. Personally, while I recognize all of it's achievements, I cannot let go of turning your back on your own costumers, and employing the policies that they do. As such, I do not purchase Apple products anymore.

I would love to love Apple. However I cannot support what they do anymore.

Thank you for reading and I would love to hear your opinions.
What I find really infuriating is how they treat their own customers and their partners.

kevin corms

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2015
Mac OS is nothing but a Unix OS and Macs are just PCs with a different OS. There's nothing a Macbook can do that a normal Windows laptop can't. /thread
Strawman argument, there is still no hardware like a Macbook and anything that comes close costs more. Thats not to say a macbook is a device made for everyone, but they are the best for what they are meant for.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

YES and still the dumbass fucking sheep shell out for it. the only reason their products sell is because of zombie fucking sheep and conformity and NOTHING ELSE. this is how millennias think these days: my mate has an iphone i better get one too or be labeled an outcast by my friends :lol:
you are so edgy repeating what Samsung advertised to you. Go ahead, try to find an equivalent windows machine to a macbook pro for cheaper.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

I'm going to laugh as their newest blunder his the market.. Face recognition, people using photos to hack into stolen phones lol I can literally see it now....
Thats at least partly true, they are the same people who fall for specs that only look good on paper. They would have probably bought fx amd chips vs intel core series for gaming :)

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

What I find really infuriating is how they treat their own customers and their partners.
you mean how they fought the fbi to protect our privacy? Or was it how they upgraded all 1080p movie purchases to 4k for free? Or was it how they wouldnt let cell phone carriers control which updates iphones got, that and no carrier bloat? Or was it how they pay higher royalties than spotify for apple music? Remember they arent google, google has no respect for anyones privacy or property. Im really baffled, apple shows more respect for customers and content creators than any of the other big companies. On top of everything else ive said they support products longer than the competition, their devices are built to last longer, and their advertising campaign isnt nearly 100% focused on attacking the competition and their customers. they also do things like this..

I dont care if Samsung had a bunch of ads showing apple users as sheep, I can think for myself.
Last edited by kevin corms,


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2013
Strawman argument, there is still no hardware like a Macbook and anything that comes close costs more. Thats not to say a macbook is a device made for everyone, but they are the best for what they are meant for.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

you are so edgy repeating what Samsung advertised to you. Go ahead, try to find an equivalent windows machine to a macbook pro for cheaper.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Thats at least partly true, they are the same people who fall for specs that only look good on paper. They would have probably bought fx amd chips vs intel core series for gaming :)

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

you mean how they fought the fbi to protect our privacy? Or was it how they upgraded all 1080p movie purchases to 4k for free? Or was it how they wouldnt let cell phone carriers control which updates iphones got, that and no carrier bloat? Or was it how they pay higher royalties than spotify for apple music? Remember they arent google, google has no respect for anyones privacy or property. Im really baffled, apple shows more respect for customers and content creators than any of the other big companies. On top of everything else ive said they support products longer than the competition, their devices are built to last longer, and their advertising campaign isnt nearly 100% focused on attacking the competition and their customers. they also do things like this..

I dont care if Samsung had a bunch of ads showing apple users as sheep, I can think for myself.

While I understand some of your points, I have to disagree on most of them.

Apple hardware is great with applications specifically made by Apple, inside it's own ecosystem.

As we all know, yes, the software on a MacBook is faster and superior to windows in a multitude of applications. Adobe software is particularly good at this, I'd call it an exception, given they are not owned by Apple.

In practically anything and everything else, other computers are the clear winners, both in versatility and performance even without optimized construction of applications. Especially, if using Windows.

From gaming, to video editing, to 3D rendering, apple hardware cannot keep up with it's competitors. And how could it?

Optimization and stellar coding only take you so far. But a graphics card that has twice the rendering power of the one inside a MacBook, will always win, no matter what software it is using.

And at the end of the day, Apple does not use the most powerful graphics cards, or processors or amount of RAM.

But they certainly price their products as if they did.
Last edited by WhiteMaze,
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GBAtemp Supreme Overlord
Dec 1, 2014
Under a rock
United States
you are so edgy repeating what Samsung advertised to you. Go ahead, try to find an equivalent windows machine to a macbook pro for cheaper.
Which version? That's not even a challenge, unless you're referring to the new Core i9 variant, although that one literally throttles down below the point of the i7 version so really there's not much to be had there either
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Nov 24, 2017
United States
I loathe this shit so much.
Shittons of videos explaining my fury so open at your own risk if you're on a bad connection or low spec hardware.
This company

That outright abuses laws on counterfeiting to prevent competitors from making replacement parts so that they have a monopoly on repairs

That didn't test their devices worth a shit and continued to release them with numerous structural faults and then blamed their users for the issues
(and that also blamed the "death grip" of the iphone 4 on the users before releasing an update only after people had bitched for like a year)

That would brick your phone if you replaced the SCREEN with aftermarket hardware, and only released a warranty for this long after it's life, because they were sued into doing so and would have ignored it otherwise

That blatantly mislead customers in Australia

That did basically everything in this video above, is making one trillion fucking dollars, because their devices have become a fashion statement and because, above all else, they prioritize, and optimize for profits, and I mean absolutely over every single thing else.

I am genuinely angry that a company that makes such genuinely awful products with such awful practices can be so successful.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Which version? That's not even a challenge, unless you're referring to the new Core i9 variant, although that one literally throttles down below the point of the i7 version so really there's not much to be had there either
Well, he has one point at least; you won't find a Microsoft equivalent computer that runs like a Mac. There's no recorded examples of Microsoft making their devices' fans only run once the computer exceeds 80 degrees Celsius, and even then only letting them run slightly to enforce some absurd, fashion-statement founded stance on how loud a computer's fans should be.

Mac hardware is not some super magical proprietary fairy bullshit that just magically makes things run better or more efficiently. In fact, it's the other way around; the software running on it typically holds the hardware back significantly to the point of numerous hardware faults. Tell any apple fanboy who is genuinely interested in debate (which I guess wouldn't be a fanboy by definition but whatever you get the idea) to point you to any line of Microsoft PCs that have integrated GPU faults, where Microsoft would intentionally test it wrong to charge you extra money. Then, get comfy, and wait a long time, because he won't give you an answer until the heat death of the universe. For all of Microsoft's faults regarding practices with Windows 10 and user privacy, you can at least count on one thing: when they make devices, they won't sabotage their own fucking devices just to nickle and dime you into buying a new one.
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Nov 24, 2017
United States
Strawman argument, there is still no hardware like a Macbook and anything that comes close costs more. Thats not to say a macbook is a device made for everyone, but they are the best for what they are meant for.

you are so edgy repeating what Samsung advertised to you. Go ahead, try to find an equivalent windows machine to a macbook pro for cheaper.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------
I dont care if Samsung had a bunch of ads showing apple users as sheep, I can think for myself.
Okay, since you're talking out of your ass, and skyrim keeps crashing I'm going to humor you and explain to anyone who may be reading this why mindsets like this are stupid and incredibly awful.

Barring the fact this take is fucking incredibly uninformed, it's also incredibly disingenuous to act like any of Apple's hardware is unique, or that you're a unique thinker for blindly subscribing to another corporate doctrine. Are you a samsung sheep? No. Clearly not. You're just an Apple sheep.


For the sake of giving you ground to stand on, I'll be looking for two laptops: one for the top, and one for the bottom.

First off, there are only three things here that could be considered "unique" to Apple and their line of devices. The True Tone display, the Apple T2 chip, and the Touch Bar.
Oh. Guess the Touch Bar isn't original. Guess it came out in 2011. Hmm. So much for "Think Different."

Well, what about True Tone? Well, that's not actually all that original either; desktop monitors have had environment based color control for a while now. Hell, my shitty Kindle Fire HD 7 has support for it on CyanogenMod, but I don't use it because the tablet sucks ass. The point remains: this is not original. This is not new. It is not something unique to Apple.

The Apple T2 chip is then finally the only truly unique hardware to the Apple ecosystem, and it's just an extra processor used for security, and minor things like camera exposure and balancing. If this is your trump card that you want to claim Apple as superior with, you're going to get thrown out of the casino, champ.

Let's focus on the actual hardware.


Here's the prices for the Mac models on the top.

Here's a random gaming laptop that's literally $1,000 less than the most expensive model, and nearly $600 less than the cheapest model, and yet it blows all of them out of the water. It's literally better than all of them. You can even buy a SSD that's almost twice the size of those models for, you guessed it, cheaper than the total of the computers.

So, gaming laptop, big SSD, and you get better performance for a far better price.

Well, maybe this is just a meme. I probably just got this cherry picked example from reddi-

Oh. Whoops.

Better performance and still better prices.

Okay, well let's look at their best models. Let's see it go toe to toe with these "overpriced" windows machines.


The laptops I'm after must meet this criteria:
>Similar or better hardware
>Lower price
I could just cheap out and post this, which is nearly half the price of these laptops but is infinitely more powerful, but where's the fun in that?

If the touch bar shit is a necessity,

Razer has you covered and it's STILL cheaper. Granted, not by much, but you said to show you hardware that is similar for the same price. Well, I did you one up in both, by finding shit that's way stronger for cheaper.

TL;DR for those who don't wanna open up my massive dunk:

So, why am I so passionate about this? Yeah, I have a huge hateboner for apple, most people who keep up with tech and corporate amorality do, but my passion transcends that. I'm more angry by people who are raw sheep who believe a company can do no wrong, and should just be totally excused for all their faults because the company keeps them happy with devices or media to consume. Your precious shepherd company's slogan is fucking literally "think different." So why do you not think different at all? Why do you sit and mindlessly consume and regurgitate whatever they tell you? If you were truly not a sheep, you could admit fault in Apple, instead of parrot their stockholders' and fanboys' arguments.
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kevin corms

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2015
Okay, since you're talking out of your ass, and skyrim keeps crashing I'm going to humor you and explain to anyone who may be reading this why mindsets like this are stupid and incredibly awful.

Barring the fact this take is fucking incredibly uninformed, it's also incredibly disingenuous to act like any of Apple's hardware is unique, or that you're a unique thinker for blindly subscribing to another corporate doctrine. Are you a samsung sheep? No. Clearly not. You're just an Apple sheep.

View attachment 138562

For the sake of giving you ground to stand on, I'll be looking for two laptops: one for the top, and one for the bottom.

First off, there are only three things here that could be considered "unique" to Apple and their line of devices. The True Tone display, the Apple T2 chip, and the Touch Bar.
Oh. Guess the Touch Bar isn't original. Guess it came out in 2011. Hmm. So much for "Think Different."

Well, what about True Tone? Well, that's not actually all that original either; desktop monitors have had environment based color control for a while now. Hell, my shitty Kindle Fire HD 7 has support for it on CyanogenMod, but I don't use it because the tablet sucks ass. The point remains: this is not original. This is not new. It is not something unique to Apple.

The Apple T2 chip is then finally the only truly unique hardware to the Apple ecosystem, and it's just an extra processor used for security, and minor things like camera exposure and balancing. If this is your trump card that you want to claim Apple as superior with, you're going to get thrown out of the casino, champ.

Let's focus on the actual hardware.

View attachment 138563

Here's the prices for the Mac models on the top.

Here's a random gaming laptop that's literally $1,000 less than the most expensive model, and nearly $600 less than the cheapest model, and yet it blows all of them out of the water. It's literally better than all of them. You can even buy a SSD that's almost twice the size of those models for, you guessed it, cheaper than the total of the computers.

So, gaming laptop, big SSD, and you get better performance for a far better price.

Well, maybe this is just a meme. I probably just got this cherry picked example from reddi-

Oh. Whoops.

Better performance and still better prices.

Okay, well let's look at their best models. Let's see it go toe to toe with these "overpriced" windows machines.

View attachment 138580

The laptops I'm after must meet this criteria:
>Similar or better hardware
>Lower price
I could just cheap out and post this, which is nearly half the price of these laptops but is infinitely more powerful, but where's the fun in that?

If the touch bar shit is a necessity,
View attachment 138581

Razer has you covered and it's STILL cheaper. Granted, not by much, but you said to show you hardware that is similar for the same price. Well, I did you one up in both, by finding shit that's way stronger for cheaper.

TL;DR for those who don't wanna open up my massive dunk:

So, why am I so passionate about this? Yeah, I have a huge hateboner for apple, most people who keep up with tech and corporate amorality do, but my passion transcends that. I'm more angry by people who are raw sheep who believe a company can do no wrong, and should just be totally excused for all their faults because the company keeps them happy with devices or media to consume. Your precious shepherd company's slogan is fucking literally "think different." So why do you not think different at all? Why do you sit and mindlessly consume and regurgitate whatever they tell you? If you were truly not a sheep, you could admit fault in Apple, instead of parrot their stockholders' and fanboys' arguments.
You’re posting a bunch of much heavier thicker laptops as competition with the MacBook Pro, you don’t even seem to know what you are posting... just stop, you don’t have to like Apple products but they are the best for what they are intended for more times than not. Did you even post a single ultra book genius? Oh wait the razor blade, show me the model with pci express ssd. Oh and that’s a 1080p screen, what is the point of your bs? One could state the razor blade is better suited for gaming, but that doesn’t have anything to do with your shit posting. I see the same pattern over and over again, so brainwashed you can’t even use logic.
Last edited by kevin corms,


GBAtemp Supreme Overlord
Dec 1, 2014
Under a rock
United States
You’re posting a bunch of much heavier thicker laptops as competition with the MacBook Pro, you don’t even seem to know what you are posting... just stop, you don’t have to like Apple products but they are the best for what they are intended for more times than not. Did you even post a single ultra book genius? Oh wait the razor blade, show me the model with pci express ssd. Oh and that’s a 1080p screen, what is the point of your bs? One could state the razor blade is better suited for gaming, but that doesn’t have anything to do with your shit posting. I see the same pattern over and over again, so brainwashed you can’t even use logic.
I'm not sure what shit you're smoking, but the Razer Blade Stealth has up to a 1tb NVMe SSD and a 3200x1800 screen, which I believe is equivalent to 2K

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