Temtem roadmap details new islands, additional creatures, and upcoming features


Temtem originally released into early access on January 21st, bringing a mix of Pokemon and MMO formulas to the PC platform. The game is far from finished, and developer Crema appears to have big plans for it, offering a short-term roadmap that details upcoming features to be rolled out throughout 2020.

Planned for spring of 2020 are five new features: ranked matchmaking, a spectator mode, an in-game chat, chat bubbles, and club management. There will be patches released to try to keep all the Temtem balanced, though the developer intends to focus on balancing moreso after all the Temtem have been put into the game, later on. There will be multiple battle modes, some of which will scale your Temtem to have perfect stats, and one where you'll have to raise them to be the best they can, yourself.

  • Balance
While we plan to do balance patches frequently during early access, our plan is to not be obsessed about reaching a perfect balance until the Temtem roster is complete (in the full final release). Due to having only a limited set of Tems and techniques, it is impossible to balance everything perfectly so we will mostly balance extra overpowered stuff that can break the current meta.

Even with a not so perfect balance, we’ve seen several team compositions and strategies already, so don’t be afraid of trying new things and step into Temtem’s competitive scene.

  • Matchmaking V1
The first iteration of the matchmaking will include a player rating system based on ELO (aka TMR – Tamer Matchmaking Rating). Players will start with some placement matches which will define their initial TMR and after that, they will be matched with each other based on their current TMR.

For this first iteration of the matchmaking, we plan to give pansun rewards for each victory as a reward for the time spent battling (based on the opponent’s TMR). Although probably this feature will be disabled when the feature launches until the system is fully tested and stabilized.

  • Temtem auto-scaling
This is probably one of the hottest topics in the community. We know it is very important for competitive players to jump into the competitive scene as quickly as possible and reduce the time and friction needed to tweak and test new stuff.

So, our idea to solve that is to introduce auto-scaling into the ranked queue. Auto-scaling will essentially perfect your Tems, upping all their SVs up to 50 for the battle and their level to the current level cap (currently 48). With auto-scaling, players will still need to capture and organize their teams, set their preferred TV spread using fruits or training, obtain the necessary gears completing the main or side quests in the game and breeding for their desired egg techniques. But, players won’t need to grind for perfect SVs or spend a fortune breeding to reach that point.

This auto-scaling will only apply to the ranked matchmaking queue, so there will be other game modes where having a perfect Temtem (and breeding for them) will be necessary (in-game tournaments, player organized tournaments and battles, dojo club wars, end-game PvE content, etc…).

There will be a new island called Kisiwa, and will include 25 new Temtem to capture and train. Something called climbing gear will be added, along with chat emotes. Finally, in fall 2020, another new island and 25 Temtem are slated to be put into the game, bringing the first "mythical" Temtem to the game.

The game will also be adding clubs, which are a form of guilds and allow players to join together under the same banner with their friends. You'll also be able to buy a house and decorate it to your liking. These plans are subject to change at any time if they don't work out, according to the developer, and are merely a short-term plan. A mid-term roadmap will be shared tomorrow, which includes information about Dojo Wars, the Trading House, and end-game content.

Spectator Mode V1
Having a spectator mode has been one of the most requested features so far and while we already had it in our internal roadmap scheduled for later, we’ve decided to push it to the front due to the number of players requesting it. This first iteration of spectator mode will be a basic one and we will iterate on it in the future adding more options.

Basically, players will be able to spectate other players while they are playing a competitive match. While spectating, only the common info will be displayed (HP and STA percentages, team composition after the pick&ban, stages and status conditions, techniques used, etc.) so players won’t be able to use this feature to get leverage over their opponents.

We hope including this feature will also help tournament organizers solve some of the issues they’re currently facing.

In-Game Chat
The chat implementation we had during the Alpha / Stress test phases was a temporary one and it was lacking a lot of features, so we decided to disable it entirely for the early access release. Our plan is to remake the chat from scratch, increasing its performance and capabilities.

The chat will feature several predefined chat groups (e.g. Global, Local, Trade, Club…) and it will also support private messaging between users (whispers). We’re also going to add chat bubbles which will appear above every talking character. We know some players find chat bubbles a bit intrusive sometimes, so we will give players the choice between two different levels of chat bubbles (displaying the full text or just a notification to know they’ve talked) or disable them entirely.

Club Management
Clubs are our take on clans for Temtem. Clubs have basically two main features related to them.

The first one is to be able to create a club, assign a banner to it, name it and invite all your friends to join. This will be the first part of the club features that we will tackle.

The second part is the Dojo Wars, which we’ll talk more about in the next part of the roadmap.

Every Temtem player will be able to acquire a house since they won’t be limited in quantity. We’re designing the Atoll Row (the physical location where all houses will be built) to be infinite so you don’t need to worry about buying permits or land. Technology in the Archipelago is amazing!

There’s one thing you’ll need to worry about though, decorating your house! You will be able to decorate your house using furniture bought and earned in-game, and every furniture store in the Archipelago will open their doors and will showcase different furniture in each island (in a similar way as the boutiques with the clothing options).

You will also be able to invite other players over so you can gather around your dining table or join other player’s houses and check how they’re decorating them. While houses will keep a predominant decorative functionality, we have some ideas to include useful furniture too in the future (think of things like an incubator, a jukebox, a fruit tree…).

We all love achievements. Whether they are something simple like completing the Tempedia or something more obscure like defeating an Ukama with a Head Charge, achievements are now part of most games and Temtem will not be less. Temtem will feature a full array of achievements that will reward players with the most precious currency of them all, bragging rights (although some of them will also potentially give some in-game rewards).

Achievements will be supported directly in-game, and we will also support achievements for every system we release on (as long as they have an achievements/trophies feature of course).

Mid-term Roadmap
Hop in tomorrow in this same post for the second part of the roadmap, including the Trading House, the Dojo Wars, and details about the end-game island, after launch support and more!

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Deleted User

You know that only today I discovered that this game is online only? As soon as I discovered it my interest for this game dropped to the bottom.
Btw do you know if I can play crew 2 without Xbox live gold? I just ordered it for 15$.


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2019
Addition of housing sounds pretty intriguing, not gonna lie. As much as TemTem moves towards competitive/MMO angle, it's still pretty lackluster in terms of the whole "lifestyle" fancies that make Pokemon entertaining for a lot of people, and addition of personalized houses makes for a step in the right direction. There's still some problems with the base game, like bare-boned player interactions and kinda "bootleg-ish" visual design and writing (again, the game tries too hard to be Pokemon at some points), so I wonder how those are going to be addressed during development.


I Won year sub Edge mag 1996 hot topic digitiser
Mar 10, 2019
United Kingdom
You know that only today I discovered that this game is online only? As soon as I discovered it my interest for this game dropped to the bottom.
Btw do you know if I can play crew 2 without Xbox live gold? I just ordered it for 15$.
The temtems said we pld this on playstn and had to be online all the time so mayb same for xbox


New Member
Feb 10, 2017
United States
You know that only today I discovered that this game is online only?

Are... are you actually complaining that how you just found out that game that LITERALLY markets itself as a MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online) can't be played singleplayer & offline? Don't you think that's a bit of a boneheaded complaint? (I know actual pokemon games are singleplayer based, but still)

...bringing a mix of Pokemon and MMO formulas to the PC platform.

Also iirc, you do need a xbox live gold sub to play The Crew 2, unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2012
United States
Are... are you actually complaining that how you just found out that game that LITERALLY markets itself as a MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online) can't be played singleplayer & offline? Don't you think that's a bit of a boneheaded complaint? (I know actual pokemon games are singleplayer based, but still)

Also iirc, you do need a xbox live gold sub to play The Crew 2, unfortunately.
He probably is mad he can't PokeSav, erm, TemSav, for easy work.


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2019
Are... are you actually complaining that how you just found out that game that LITERALLY markets itself as a MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online) can't be played singleplayer & offline? Don't you think that's a bit of a boneheaded complaint? (I know actual pokemon games are singleplayer based, but still)
I can kinda see where it comes from, considering TemTem doesn't do all that much to justify it's "always-online" status, marketing or not. It feels like a game that could be played offline without losing much substance, therefore it does feel off that online is required for everything.

Deleted User

Ok so I'm gonna explain to all of you why it's bother me so much that this game is online only game.
1. Not a single game need to be online only game. Even if the game's basic purpose is for online multiplayer like world of Warcraft you at least should have small offline campaign so you could play the game
Everywhere without the need of internet connection.
2. You not buying the game, you are renting the game. Once the server going down you going down with it. That's it. Game over. And for a small development team that work on temem it's specially true. Who know for how long they can sustain their server.
3. What if all my consoles are hacked? How can I play this game without the risk of getting banned or without updating to the latest firmware or without paying 80$ each year.

So yeah. I don't have problem with online games I have problem with online only games.
Last edited by ,


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2007
The offline feature shouldn't take anything away from the online portion, so I don't get why anyone would complain about others who are complaining that there is no offline option. Also, if the game is to compete against Pokemon, they should really add an offline option.


Sep 13, 2009
United States
This developer disgusts me. After they banned tons of players "for cheating", stating that they dont make mistakes in bans, that hit up red flags in me right there to stay away. It's bad enough this game is an uninspired Pokemon clone, but the people running it are power-tripping assholes.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2019
3. What if all my consoles are hacked? How can I play this game without the risk of getting banned or without updating to the latest firmware or without paying 80$ each year.
That's kinda on you for hacking the consoles though - it's not responsibility of developers to accomodate for people who mess around with CFWs .з.


Nov 24, 2019
This developer disgusts me. After they banned tons of players "for cheating", stating that they dont make mistakes in bans, that hit up red flags in me right there to stay away. It's bad enough this game is an uninspired Pokemon clone, but the people running it are power-tripping assholes.
they actually made a post saying that they were rash to take that decision and they opened something in the forums for people to appeal their bans


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2015
Ok so I'm gonna explain to all of you why it's bother me so much that this game is online only game.
1. Not a single game need to be online only game. Even if the game's basic purpose is for online multiplayer like world of Warcraft you at least should have small offline campaign so you could play the game
Everywhere without the need of internet connection.
2. You not buying the game, you are renting the game. Once the server going down you going down with it. That's it. Game over. And for a small development team that work on temem it's specially true. Who know for how long they can sustain their server.
3. What if all my consoles are hacked? How can I play this game without the risk of getting banned or without updating to the latest firmware or without paying 80$ each year.

So yeah. I don't have problem with online games I have problem with online only games.
There's zero reason an MMO needs to have an offline mode. Being able to use your characters offline would make cheating easy. I wouldn't care in a game like Temtem, but if people could use their characters offline in ESO, WOW, or any other MMO where equipment matters, they could hack in a ton or stuff and modify their stats.

Temtem has sold 500k copies, that's $17.5 million, before taxes and whatever cut they have to give to Humble (if any) and Steam. They can run servers for a long time. Any MMO and even digital game has the issue of you not being able to play when the servers go down and in the case of the latter when it's removed from a storefront and they stop hosting the download.

And it's really not the developer's fault if your console is hacked. You should have a second console or in the case of the Switch a clean SysNAND and hacked EmuNAND if you want to be able to play games online.

If you don't like this, play games that have online multiplayer, not online games (yes there is a big difference).


Social Justice Potato
Feb 20, 2020
somewhere that may or may not exist
United States

Temtem originally released into early access on January 21st, bringing a mix of Pokemon and MMO formulas to the PC platform. The game is far from finished, and developer Crema appears to have big plans for it, offering a short-term roadmap that details upcoming features to be rolled out throughout 2020.

Planned for spring of 2020 are five new features: ranked matchmaking, a spectator mode, an in-game chat, chat bubbles, and club management. There will be patches released to try to keep all the Temtem balanced, though the developer intends to focus on balancing moreso after all the Temtem have been put into the game, later on. There will be multiple battle modes, some of which will scale your Temtem to have perfect stats, and one where you'll have to raise them to be the best they can, yourself.

There will be a new island called Kisiwa, and will include 25 new Temtem to capture and train. Something called climbing gear will be added, along with chat emotes. Finally, in fall 2020, another new island and 25 Temtem are slated to be put into the game, bringing the first "mythical" Temtem to the game.

The game will also be adding clubs, which are a form of guilds and allow players to join together under the same banner with their friends. You'll also be able to buy a house and decorate it to your liking. These plans are subject to change at any time if they don't work out, according to the developer, and are merely a short-term plan. A mid-term roadmap will be shared tomorrow, which includes information about Dojo Wars, the Trading House, and end-game content.

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ah yes

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