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Teens promise to fix "climate change" with great idea


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007

Figure from the IPCC’s Fourth Assessment Report (Hegerl et al 2007).

src: https://www.carbonbrief.org/qa-how-do-climate-models-work

Yes, I say, that you stick to odd talking points, someone from the alt right feeds you, and that you never critically reflect. ;) As in never. Not once. :)

Also - for some reason, nature decided to double green house gasses, naturally, in accordance with nature - in the past 300 years, starting with the industrial revolution in 1760.

src: (https://citizenactionmonitor.wordpr...-its-accelerating-methane-levels-also-spiked/) not the best source, just the fist google image search result. Source for the data is stated to be the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (U.S.).

Let me guess. Jesus did it?

edit: Also Jesus made sure the curve increased trajectory in the 1950s-1960s when the majority of the world switched to oil as their main energy source. ;)
Last edited by notimp,


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
If the Earth is like a greenhouse, then why are some areas warm while others are freezing cold, like where I live? Huh, the Earth sucks as a greenhouse, jerkhole. My plants would die if my greenhouse was like the Earth.
If you think of earth as a globe. Rotating around the sun. There are areas, lets call them poles, that are almost never facing direct sunlight. (The sun is always low on the horizon, even in mid summer.)

So lets say you have a shady part of your glasshouse - thats then also colder. ;) (Glass house isnt a globe rotating the sun, so we have to add something that introduces shade - direct analogy breaks. :))

With the glass house analogy we are talking 'mean temperature' so all the measured temperatures, divided through the number of all the measured temperatures. Thats what also can be explained by the pretty simple model. ('Windows of the glasshouse are getting 'thicker', temperature rises.)

In terms of where in the world climate change does what (projected) - its more complicated.

Also - no one is telling you that arctic regions or even canada, or russia wouldnt benefit from rising temperatures. They would. (Better suited for food production all of a sudden. :) Also general economic productivity. )

The issue is, that vast regions will get issues in terms of food and water security, and this will impact production of goods and services - to the point where top insurance companies say - they may not be able to insure against climate events anymore (think draughts) at which point the world economy (mainly international trade) goes byebye. (Mass migration, wars. World wide recessions.) Thats then a problem. F.e. if you think about energy transitioning, manufacturing, development, ...

So the US was in the middle east for five decades, to ensure oil production. Similarly - if you want lets say battery storage for renewable energy, you need rare earth materials, that you probably don't have in your country. But the rest of the world is a flaming mess, of wars - so you cant get production opened there. Hence, lower your own life quality as a result. (Long term impacts will be greater, if currently you do nothing. Even for the US. Especially for Europe.)

Also - its not easy to reverse the trends. So its not as if you can wait out the wars, then conquer, and then go back to normal with less people.. ;) Living and working in those areas will then always be kind of a problem. (CO2 stays in the atmosphere for quite some time. (Google - how long does CO2 stay in the atmosphere. ;) ))

Overall - areas where you can easily live will become fewer, even with technological advancements projected in.

So its best curb mean temperature rise now. (Most economical for everyone.)

The problem is, that doing so - costs real money. :) And will not necessarily produce many jobs in the west.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Bezos promises to fix climate change with great money contribution.


Money should go to activists, NGOs, and scientists. Great. More (mostly) PR spending.
(Will be leveraged, to press more climate investing out of not clued in baby boomers.

Could also read as - Amazon pays 10bn to attain higher contribution from Joe Shmoe into the renewable energy markets it wants to use to cut climate spending, in 10 years, in europe.)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Still no one caring about gamers to be part of the status quo, which is praising climate activism, or why have I still not drawn any words of contention?

My next seminal work will be to explain amongst gamers, why no one needs them politically, because they are seen as escapist anyhow. Half jokingly. When I get more frustrated.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Greta has become old, white and the secretary general of the UN - part 2:

(still checking if its also available in video form)

edit: Oh yeah it is. Wow @intro

edit: If you are only interested in climate stuff, start at around 11 min in (but also watch the intro. ;) ).

edit2: OH F*CK. I've got to order me some of those UN - non plastic bags to go to the supermarket with (16min in).
Last edited by notimp,


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
There is new doctrine. :)

I dont quite understand / havent fully internalized it yet - but it goes as follows. :)

Financial crisis of 2008 was a fluke. Problem was, that a few intelligent math guys created financial derivates as a religion, which regulation didn't understand, and so they couldnt regulate it until it was too late. (Thats roughly correct./One way to look at it.)

When prepping up the system again, we just flooded it with freshly printed money, and didn't change the structures, so the same fundamental problems persist - they are now just handled by algoritmic trading so we get less of that irrationally problem, and we made banks take lower risk, but at the same time get the same financial economy decoupled from the real economy (bubble>bust), and same winners as from before the financial crisis problem who never were punished (thats actual subtext).

The institutions that flooded the financial system with money where the central banks, which were petitioned by states, which were bribed by the financial system (financial system had the primate in that action) (Thats roughly correct.).

This created the new problems of the 0% interest economy.

Solution to this is gettin either in PR in banking, or in PR in politics, and first - convince politicians to petition central banking, to print money for climate change (/new investmement into the real world economy).

And second, create great incentives in PR in banking for (actually mostly boomer middle class) wealth to be redistributed, with rulesets already nudged (at least in europe), so that this at least partly (large part) also goes into climate change investment.

As motivation we get some financial actors/investment companies that already are way into climate investing, and might be fronting a trend all on their own, yay!

Reason to get into PR in banking would be redistribution of private wealth into new investments, for which we'd "absolutely need" the banking sector.

This is currently sold to us as "getting our banks back, from the financial elite" by the intellectual and cultural elites. (Creating real world economies again.)

Plot of 'some Arte documentary' have to recheck what its called. ;)

Anyone dare to comment? ;) Again, this time, I dont know what this is. :) Someones vision of the future... ;)

edit: Here is the source:

Crash - After the Crisis is before the Crisis (2019)
Direction: Eve Minault
Available in German and French
src: https://www.arte.tv/de/videos/088123-000-A/crash-nach-der-krise-ist-vor-der-krise/

Have to go over the actual Pundits in the Documentary as well.(political affiliation) Will do that tomorrow.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Checking the pundits here was pretty useless. An established institute for economic research in germany, a german professor for financial market economy in Bonn, a french economic professor, a professor for economy at a catholic university in Leuven, and an economic journalist from the NYT. (edit: Oh and a professor for comparative law studies from Columbia University, NY and a historian from the same university.).

edit: Oh and two members of a financial "research laboratory" called 'Désorceler la finance' in Brussels. (NGO activism)

State and faith based fonds already were driving forces in climate investments.

What has me urked here is the narrative progression of that specific documentary, because it takes the normal viewer at base level, without any prior economic knowledge, and then opens up a narrative, where this is the likely version of a positive future.

So it actually sells a projection. But it sells it as THE positivist projection for the future, for the common public ("taking our banks back") and then connects it with the climate movement. Which is very strange for an Arte documentary.

I have to file that as an 'unusual blip' in my media consumption ecosystem, where I try to prevent consuming information sources that do that kind of stuff. Just strange...

edit: There is new EU regulation already layered in that if you are getting financial investment advice from your bank in the future, there has to be a non voluntary block on climate investing layered in there. (You have to be presented with the option.) So thats the 'nudging' Ive mentioned in the previous posting.

Also, the 'book burnings of the liberal left" events filmed in this documentary are strangely funny. Although the artsy crowd filmed was now burning (shredding) bank statements instead. :)
Last edited by notimp,


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2013
United States
Holy fuck, you're seriously a climate change denier? Are you a flat Earther and anti-vaxxer too?

The education system in this country certainly did you no favors.
Those with strong religious beliefs are already conditioned to believe in the extraordinary, which also serves as the basis behind their distrust of the scientific community. The two key ingredients for getting suckered by conspiracy theories are both present.

This is why mankind is not only the most intelligent species on the planet, but in many ways also the most stupid.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Yeah, but life without believing in the extraordinary, would be so boring... ;)

Also - believe in the extraordinary (escapism+) is a sort of coping mechanism for mentally challenging situations as well. You dont just easily separate the two. Its how we work as humans.

And finally - If you read Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper - the first trick of science is to convince you that its more than popular shared opinion - so somehow we need to integrate that as well.

If you just replace god with scientific process and worship that for no reason, without critical distance - sure, its progress, but in the end you did nothing more, than to submit to popular opinion within your own peer group. You then add 'conspiracy theory' to everything other than your peer groups believes, and you also are namecalling, just using fancier words.. ;)

Scientific process is important. Exact language. Publishing your work and sources, having it peer reviewed. Falsification based.

Models of something as big as world climate are inductive logic, prone to all sorts of inductive biases and ultimately never to be tested (you dont have a 'control group' earth). So in those cases you are only trusting in scientific paradigm, which is another word for shared opinion.

And ultimately, when you try to make politicians act, or explain stuff to the public - all you mostly do is to rely on inductive logic ("you need to do this, inferring from our testing" = extrapolation), and the image of your social class within society. Nothing else. So in my book - its a strange mix.

Of course there is need for understanding and acting on something as multifaceted as global climate, which can only be expressed either after the fact, or in models, and of course you are operating with probabilities within corridors, and you are hedging your risks, by saying its the overwhelming opinion of everyone within the field.

So thats fine.

But then you should have seen the introduction speeches of some climate scientists, advising governments, advocating the benefits of Greta Thunberg at the Summer Meeting in Lausanne Europe (SMILE), and thats not fine. Thats - if child gives our cause more publicity and staying power, then child is the best thing that happend to climate action in years, and that isnt that swell. And its at that point, that I have massive problems with the advocacy for political action.

Doesnt mean that the world isnt facing climate crisis, but if you are succumbing to your personal Johanna von Orleans and are advocating that as the best thing that happened in your field for years, something went wrong categorically. (PR.)

'To the best of our knowledge' spoken amongst people that trust and rely on each other still is the basis of everything societal.

But sadly - you cant force it. And you cant force political action by scientific means, or through relying on publicity stunts as mentioned. So in the translation process - and if politics, or the finance sector, isnt listening to you, to the extent that you like - you rely on PR to fill in the gaps. Thats not at all science, and there are problems arising from that.

Now maybe smaller problems all around, granted - but at the same time, what you are doing has left the confines of science and has become advocacy. (Spoken to the scientists that engage the public in that capacity.)

(Also conspiracy theories in this day and age have an awful image.. ;) They arent all negative. In the end they also only are a result of people talking. (Lack of information - heck, in prior times, those were called legends, sages, myths... Where are those gone, all of a sudden. ;) In todays world everything has to either be scientific fact, or a conspiracy theory.

But by doing that, you loose track of the possibility that f.e. social science had a legitimacy crisis recently stemming from lack of reproducibility. And now thats science - meeting conspiracy theory in the worst possible way. And now your own argument (either science, or conspiracy theory) - doesnt work anymore.

Climate science doesnt have the baseline issues of social sciences. But the same inductive logic problem.

And the same inherent risk, of it all ending up as religious babble at the point, where you or your pals think it should more than inform human behavior. If it cant, it cant. Now stop founding new popular religions.

Find different means to translate what you know (science) into action, that arent so close in look and feel to religious doctrine. (My personal, controversial, opinion))))
Last edited by notimp,


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Three days ago an open initiative letter was published where representatives from 10 EU countries demand from the european commission to tie funds for Covid 19 recovery (economy) to 'Green New Deal' projects ('earmark' funds).


So If you were in a low income group and lost your job during the Corona crisis - you'll now be forced to worship the earth while telling everyone to plant trees, never getting anywhere in your life, by design. Essentially. (I'm overexaggerating for effect. ;) )

I'm actively monitoring the conspiracy theory angle of - 'use covid crisis for climate action' if you want to know. ;)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Teens have grown old fast... ;)

(Michael Moore produced documentary. :) )

Maybe dont follow the emotional and plot trajectory of the documentary entirely. But research is research.
Last edited by notimp,


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Problem is, the current one would be faster. Probably. (Transition is a problem (how fast), habitable areas are a problem (where can you still live), ...).

Its not a yes or no thing. Again - the main issue - shorttime arises from insurance companies not being able to cover risk anymore. That leads to famins, political instability, economic problems that ripple through entire networked ecosystems...

Its not as simple as John Jones your great, great, great granddad could adapt.

We went over that I think three times already.. ;)

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