Nintendo Switch hackers Team Xecuter leaders arrested, charged in federal indictment


The United States Department of Justice has shared some news regarding Team-Xecuter, which doesn't appear to be a good sign for the company. Gary Bowser, known on GBAtemp as garyopa, Max Louarn, and Yuanning Chen have all been arrested in Seattle, Washington. The US Government classifies these men as "leaders of one of the world's most notorious videogame piracy groups", and will be facing a federal indictment charge, for the selling of illegal hardware that facilitates piracy.

“These defendants lined their pockets by stealing and selling the work of other video-game developers – even going so far as to make customers pay a licensing fee to play stolen games,” said U.S. Attorney Brian Moran for the Western District of Washington. “This conduct doesn’t just harm billion dollar companies, it hijacks the hard work of individuals working to advance in the video-game industry.”

The FBI has also been involved, with each defendant to be charged under 11 felony counts, ranging from wire fraud, trafficking circumvention devices, and conspiracy to commit money laundering. One of the defendants, Louarn, has not yet been extradited, though Bowser has, where he was seen in the court hearing that took place today.

In September 2020, Louarn and Bowser were arrested abroad in connection with the charges in this case. The United States will seek Louarn’s extradition to stand trial in the United States. Bowser was arrested and deported from the Dominican Republic, and appeared today in federal court, in New Jersey.

Each defendant is charged with 11 felony counts, including conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, conspiracy to circumvent technological measures and to traffic in circumvention devices, trafficking in circumvention devices, and conspiracy to commit money laundering.

:arrow: Source


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2017
my job. and what job might that be? also why the fuck are you on gbatemp if you supposedly don't pirate.
and that's where I'll stop discussing with you
You act like a child and discuss without investigating the facts, people liking your replies to me are probably manchilds/childs
If you actually took a bit of your time to investigate, you will find out that a lot of users in this site, specially developers, are against piracy and mod their consoles for homebrew
I hope you aren't shocked when you find out that all the developers of atmosphere are against piracy, or when you find out that piracy is actually prohibited here and the only thing allowed is its discussion, because the main purpose for most developers to mod consoles like the Switch, the 3DS or the PS4 is to enable homebrew and video game mods, not piracy (which is a colateral, inevitable, effect of unlocking all the capabilities of a console)
Don't even bother replying to me, I won't answer, and stop acting like a child discussing over the internet about the morality of something illegal that will never become legal because it's wrong


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2018
United States
Lots of hate for sx os but I am not surprised. I for one enjoyed usb storage of xci especially since you can convert nsp to xci. I like how you can make xci with dlc and updates. Or multi xci for example. I prefer atmosphere for homebrew. I felt their price was fair. I understand that there are claims of stolen work. All these things aside I want to make a few points in light of something I recently experienced. Frankly due to some of the more trollish people here I will not discuss. Which is the point of forums I feel. But such is the culture here. Though there are some good folks here. They are rare. With that said.

There enemy of your enemy is your friend no? Look at the times? Things are getting rather questionable. Can we not all agree that we enjoy modified consoles? Can we not all agree on this one principle? Yes perhaps sometimes people make a modification that allows things you may not like. For me my pet peeve is things that allow online cheating. But for good sake! This is similar to freedom of speech! Why are some of you here supporting these actions by the govt/corps??!! We are losing our rights here people! Yeah sure I don't like people who make cheat devices but all in all it is intellectual work. It is a good thing for humans to do this. Humans who do these things and profit should not be imprisoned! And before you lecture me tell me have you done a day!? So why do I make my plea? Well let me tell you why. I recently lost my rights to share links on YouTube. This is just recently. Due to my posting of info for how to compile sm64pc on ps4. Look you let one thing go as a people. They don't stop! It's called the totalitarian tip toe. They will inch by inch strip you of all rights! The govt/corps are NOT YOUR FRIENDS! I for one say this should be protested. May I stand alone so be it. I rather live on my feet than die on my knees!

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me
You seriously need to go educate yourself on what rights are, because you have no clue. Privileges are not rights. Also, you are clearly not educated on the TX situation.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

I believe (possibly in Europe, not America) there was a new terms of service released for both the ps3 and the 360, which said that opening up your console does not void the warranty. I think that may be why only Europe got 5.5.4 on the wii u. there were two or three updates to the 360 regarding changes to the terms of service as well. afaik, that's all that's different with the latest dash kernel. the idea of being able to do with your console as you see fit is the argument geohot made against sony when he was sued. it's an interesting question to say the least. when you sign in to psn, you have to agree to their terms, but you sign nothing when you physically buy the system. I guess you enter into some sort of contract according to these companies.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

now that I think about it, you do have to sign a terms of service when you go through settings when you first turn the system on, but that would be after already buying it.
For decades the law in USA has been citizens have a right to try and repair something themselves without it voiding the warranty. Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, countless other big name brands and generic brands violated the American citizens rights when they voided warranties for self repairs. I remember when Sony got called out for it on the PS3.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
Quickfire round.

You buy the hardware you own it.
You can smash it with a hammer, use it as a book stop, sell it on if you want...
At the same time the software on it is remarkably hard to go and install your own stuff on it via any kind of obvious means.
Some places will call your buying the item as accepting terms, others will want you to actively/tacitly accept things prior to that (this can include downloading if you click the "by downloading this..." bit).

Right to repair.
Most places in the world will only technically allow places to void a warranty if the user's actions caused the problem. As a consumer device is maybe only a few hundred and to speak to a lawyer for a couple of hours (never mind have them file papers with the court, and especially never mind go stand in one and argue your corner, possibly plus forensics work to prove your case) is more than that then they have been getting away with saying "no thanks, you modded it" despite very famous cases saying otherwise.

This combined does in many ways effectively leave you are merely being allowed to use a device you own by the company the made it by dint of their good nature. To that end in a strict definitional sense you are not a licensee but in many practical ones... you kind of are.
For the most part for purposes of discussion on this site we don't care about that (or more accurately go with a strict interpretation that says "your device, your rules"), a warranty is just a piece of paper worth less than the card stock it came on, and are delighted to see things be pushed to the limit in ways the corporate software farms pumping out games can't, or won't, allow because lawyers, finances, lack of imagination or otherwise.

Nintendo's anti consumer practices.
Charging for online.
Not allowing resale of downloadable games.
Not allowing homebrew on their devices
Hard evidence is hard to come by but I doubt we can say Nintendo has never artificially caused a bit of scarcity.
I get you have to fight it but their responses to various design issues has been pretty woeful.
This could go on for a while.

Before someone says "but X does it" then maybe, still does not mean it is suddenly consumer friendly.

Piracy. Other than the raiding of boats, planes, spaceships and whatever by force this is defined as obtaining intellectual property (music, games, books, films...) that you do not have the rights to a copy for.
You can buy second hand things (technically even downloadable stuff is supposed to fall under this in various places, though the US is rather hazy here) so there is that option. The supply might be limited or non existent but... sucks to be you I guess is how that one works.
Anyway copyright lasts a long time, longer than any game you have likely ever played or will ever play barring some kind of life extension technology.

Sometimes things can be gifted to the public domain but this is very rare indeed (all those open source games you see that require you to provide the assets from a legit copy... yeah), and I don't think any games are likely to fall into the registration trap (not to mention we still have a while before even stuff from the 80s hits that window). Before someone mentions it then abandonware is not a legal term, defence against things or anything at all other than something some people out there in copyright reform land are pushing for (and are extremely unlikely to get).
If you want to call something acceptable because it was released in 1995 and not 1996 then that is all you. The law does not recognise anything and in fact trying to argue that in court this side of several decades from now (this start of this year saw things from 1924 be rendered public domain -- ) will probably be welcomed with open arms by the copyright holders as you just admitted it.
Now I did argue a functional equivalent above and yeah nobody is probably going to come after you for grabbing a torrent of barbie's horse adventures on the GBA, or similar on the PS1. I should also note as part of this that if such a thing is still being sold as an emulated title, in a collection on a later system or similar then that counts as an actively sold product.

Paying for things.
People do this. Typically they will pay to make things easier or more pleasant for themselves (we are a tool using species after all). This is more handily summarised in a favourite album title -- Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death. You equally pay someone if it is something you can't do yourself or you don't want to.

On "real" pirates. I have had a chance to speak to some of the people doing the actual work here of cracking software and hardware over the years, and otherwise had cause to observe things as they are done and know what it would have taken to do them. They have some wonderful toys they often paid handsomely for.

I think that clears up several misconceptions I saw over the past few pages.


Oct 5, 2020
United States
and that's where I'll stop discussing with you
You act like a child and discuss without investigating the facts, people liking your replies to me are probably manchilds/childs
If you actually took a bit of your time to investigate, you will find out that a lot of users in this site, specially developers, are against piracy and mod their consoles for homebrew
I hope you aren't shocked when you find out that all the developers of atmosphere are against piracy, or when you find out that piracy is actually prohibited here and the only thing allowed is its discussion, because the main purpose for most developers to mod consoles like the Switch, the 3DS or the PS4 is to enable homebrew and video game mods, not piracy (which is a colateral, inevitable, effect of unlocking all the capabilities of a console)
Don't even bother replying to me, I won't answer, and stop acting like a child discussing over the internet about the morality of something illegal that will never become legal because it's wrong

This, so much this. I joined this site recently knowing it was a website built around discussing development, homebrew, modding etc. I'm happy that there are members of the community like Nachuz who stand up for what this site stands for :).


Non-commutative algebra
Feb 23, 2015
You agreed to it when you powered it on and hit "I Agree". This isn't a hard concept to grasp.

That's not about hardware but software. I own my hardware. I can break it if I want, I can paint it if I want, I can teardown it if I want, and I can put a paperclip in it if I want.
Getting my Switch banned for that is okay, since it's software and indeed I do not own the software. But the hardware is fully mine.

Legend Of Kay

Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2018
how are the pirates supposed to pirate the games then??
You’re missing the very simple point. Everybody has to purchase stuff in order to pirate. It’s not up to you to decide what is okay to purchase what isn’t. “True pirates” as you like to put it can still purchase a product like SX mod chip or license and still be “true pirates” you don’t get to decide when the spending has to stop just because you think so highly of yourself.
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♂ ♥ Gallant Pervert ♥ ♀
GBAtemp Patron
Dec 26, 2008
Steam City
you didn’t answer my question. What job?

also you are undoubtedly posting on the wrong forum.

A lot of people seem to have that misunderstanding.
The temp is not a place for piracy, sure, it was for a short while (roughly a year maybe two). Let's say for example that GBAtemp had roms from 2002 up to 2003, we are currently in 2020. That's 17 years without offering roms versus that one or two years.

I have been a member of the temp for quite a bit and a follower for even longer. I have been anti-piracy for several years now, since I believe if you can afford other tertiary goods, you should also buy your own games. Being anti-piracy, however, does not make me dislike CFW, I love fan translations and I quite liked how some of the 3DS's ones could be used with actual physical games.

Tl;dr, the temp is not for piracy.


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2016
United States
"The anti-piracy honourable".... that'll be the day. Off you go to play your illegal downloads like the rest of us. I'm not buying it from anyone of you on the forum. Don't try to tell me you're using CFW to display a new wallpaper.
Last edited by isoboy,


Dec 24, 2008
United Kingdom
I guess this thread has served its purpose and might as well be locked since nobody is talking about the actual topic anymore and just arguing about piracy.. as fekkin bloody usual.
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♂ ♥ Gallant Pervert ♥ ♀
GBAtemp Patron
Dec 26, 2008
Steam City
"The anti-piracy honourable".... that'll be the day. Off you go to play your illegal downloads like the rest of us. I'm not buying it from anyone of you on the forum. Don't try to tell me you're using CFW to display a new wallpaper.

Like I said, I use CFW on the 3DS for fan translations (and undubs in some cases).
I do own the games that I use them for though. While not that many, I do have around 50ish physical games (and plenty more digital games I bought, or got as review copies for a review website I used to work with).

When I was a teenager and had a DS, I was all about flashcarts and piracy. I was a stupid teenager and after a while, I got sick of games. Got my 3DS on release day and vowed that I would never again pirate a game. Turns out that not paying for a game, or earning it in some legitimate way, had reduced my interest in gaming as a whole, games were just numbers.

So yeah, I am against piracy, especially when it's coming from people who have no problems wasting money on other pointless things such as tobacco, alcohol and so on.

Also, it's pervert, honourable pervert.

Anyway, only noticed Dinoh's post after I wrote all this.

Back on topic, my opinion remains that they got what they deserved. They were playing with fire and getting way too close to it.
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The inadequate, autocratic beast!
Global Moderator
Aug 5, 2007
Sweden has already been taken down?
Seems so yes. It redirects to the hosting companies site.


Registry Domain ID: 96618014_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
Registrar WHOIS Server:
Registrar URL:
Updated Date: 2020-10-05T10:21:05Z
Creation Date: 2003-04-09T02:11:09Z

Something is totally changed.
Last edited by linuxares,
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Oct 1, 2020
United Kingdom
Max console was toxic. I was a member there and very active within the psp scene. But things changed when it got taken over, and the place changed.

the people that have been arrested and awaiting trial in the US have some serious charges and they will stick. But the same thing that’s always happened will happen again. New people will take over and continue the work.

Piracy as frowned upon as it is, has made consoles. It’s a simple fact that if people can pirate things then they’ll buy the associated hardware, be that consoles, cd/dvd writers, card programmers whatever.

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