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The daily mail claims the N-word was found in emails on Hunter Biden's laptop

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Deleted member 559230

Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
That's utter bullshit not once did British TV or indeed any British newspaper call it anything other than COVID 19/Coronavirus so your claim about all the world's media calling it China virus/Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus is totally fake.

Really now? You sure about that :P It took me less than 2 minutes to use a search engine.

"New China virus: US announces first case"
Last edited by Deleted member 559230,


Do what I do. Hold tight and pretend it’s a plan
Aug 19, 2015
United Kingdom
Really now? You sure about that :P It took me less than 2 minutes to use a search engine.

"New China virus: US announces first case"
That is them saying that there is a new virus in China you know befere anyone knew it was covid/coronavirus totally different from calling it Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus or kungflu ect as Trump did.

Deleted member 559230

Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
That is them saying that there is a new virus in China you know befere anyone knew it was covid/coronavirus totally different from calling it Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus or kungflu ect as Trump did.

The BBC, which happens to be from the UK called it the Chinese Virus in their title of their story. I already claimed that the world was calling COVID-19 the Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus or Chinese Virus before it was named COVID-19. You replied stating that the British news organizations never called it that and I replied with an article of them calling it that. I'm sure if I cared enough to spend more time I could find more articles with that language in it as I recall almost every publication calling it by those names before the Sars2 COVID-19 name came to be. Try to keep up my dear.

I've also attached a screen shot incase someone contacts the BBC and asks them to rename their story due to implied racism. Implied being implied by any moron that thinks calling a virus that originated in Wuhan, China the Wuhan Chinese Coronavirus (or "Chinese Virus") is racist.

Last edited by Deleted member 559230,


Do what I do. Hold tight and pretend it’s a plan
Aug 19, 2015
United Kingdom
Sorry, I challenged myself to find another one, again in less than 2 minutes.

"News Daily: Baby deaths investigation and Chinese virus latest"
- https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-51213954

Once again it's not racist to call it that before anyone knew what it was. It is racist to continue to call it that after people knew what it was.
The BBC, which happens to be from the UK called it the Chinese Virus in their title of their story. I already claimed that the world was calling COVID-19 the Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus or Chinese Virus before it was named COVID-19. You replied stating that the British news organizations never called it that and I replied with an article of them calling it that. I'm sure if I cared enough to spend more time I could find more articles with that language in it as I recall Try to keep up my dear.

I've also attached a screen shot incase someone contacts the BBC and asks them to rename their story due to implied racism. Implied being implied by any moron that thinks calling a virus that originated in Wuhan, China the Wuhan Chinese Coronavirus (or "Chinese Virus") is racist.

So you are seriously saying it wasn't racist when Trump called it Kung Flu? Also why is it ok to call it Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus when it's never been done with pretty much every other serious viruse?

Nobody ever says German Marburg Virus no its just Marburg Virus

Nobody ever says Sudan Ebola Virus no its just Ebola

Nobody ever says Indian Rabies no its just Rabies

Nobody ever says American Hantavirus no its just Hantavirus

Nobody ever says Philippines Dengue Fever no its just Dengue Fever

Nobody ever says English Mad Cows Disease no its just Mad Cows Disease

So please explain how Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus or kungflu is acceptable and is no way racist when pretty much every other virus doesn't have its origin attached to it in press or TV ect.


Do what I do. Hold tight and pretend it’s a plan
Aug 19, 2015
United Kingdom
Sorry, this is just too much fun. Last one, I promise.

"Chinese virus infections rising"

- http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/7375764.stm
Funny how I said any TV or newspaper yet all you have is articles from the BBC website. So again show me an actual TV clip or an actual newspaper headline where someone said that then I will admit I am wrong. Also again how is calling it kungflu not racist you seem to be refusing to answer that.
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Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
The buck always stops somewhere else with Republicans. They'll never accept that Trump deserves his share of the blame for all the recent animus directed at Asians and Asian Americans, just as they still haven't accepted GWB's share of the blame for all the hatred directed at Muslims even though that continues to this day. Nothing to see here folks, don't look behind the curtain or under the white hood.
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Deleted member 559230

Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
Once again it's not racist to call it that before anyone knew what it was. It is racist to continue to call it that after people knew what it was.

So you are seriously saying it wasn't racist when Trump called it Kung Flu? Also why is it ok to call it Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus when it's never been done with pretty much every other serious viruse?

Nobody ever says German Marburg Virus no its just Marburg Virus

Nobody ever says Sudan Ebola Virus no its just Ebola

Nobody ever says Indian Rabies no its just Rabies

Nobody ever says American Hantavirus no its just Hantavirus

Nobody ever says Philippines Dengue Fever no its just Dengue Fever

Nobody ever says English Mad Cows Disease no its just Mad Cows Disease

So please explain how Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus or kungflu is acceptable and is no way racist when pretty much every other virus doesn't have its origin attached to it in press or TV ect.

If you weren't a devote Trump hater that puts emotion before logic you'd realize that "kung flu" is a joke, you what a joke is, right? Trump's persistence in keeping to call it the Chinese Virus after COVID-19 was named was due to the fact he wanted to hold China accountable for their actions because from day 1 there was a theory that not only was it discovered in Wuhan, China, but it may have gotten out of their genetic engineering lab that just happened to be working on Novel Coronavirus at the time.

So not only did China initially hide the virus from the world, but they allowed it to spread by not telling us it existed until it was too late. I'm not sure how you feel about China and their forced slave labor, re-education camps, child abuse and neglect and cyber warfare, but I for one am no fan of their Government, which is who runs the show over there. Actually, as soon as China got caught hiding the virus they started campaigns to deflect guilt to other people including publishing in their local news papers and airing on TV that the US Army had started the pandemic in Wuhan.

Simply put, the Chinese government can go get fucked and if calling it the "Chinese Virus", which mostly everyone did until China started to interfere keeps the focus on China, which is where it should be. We're now seeing that Biden has taken interest in the origins of COVID and all fingers point back to Wuhan, which is funny because when Trump was interested in the same theory he was a bad racist stupid White man, but now that the Liberals choice has the same theory there's nothing wrong with it.

As for the virus and its origins, there's a thread on this forum where you can discuss stuff as this thread isn't supposed to be about that.

"Three Wuhan lab researchers were hospitalized in November 2019"
- https://gbatemp.net/threads/three-wuhan-lab-researchers-were-hospitalized-in-november-2019.588916/

All in all it really all boils down to having the Trump Derangement Syndrome. You and others hate the man and have been fooled by the crooked media into believing all sorts of nasty rumors, conspiracy theories and lies about him and Conservatives in general. Luckily, the BBC isn't as bad as ABC, NBC, CBS and/or CNN. Actually, the BBC holds itself to a pretty high standard that I've never seen them break so unless you know something I don't about them, which is all possible because you (possibly?) live over there.

To end, I really think the left needs to stop calling things "racist" because they dislike them. It really makes that word that should be used in extreme cases go in one ear and fly out the other. Crying wolf all of the time is not productive. Never has been, never will be.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Funny how I said any TV or newspaper yet all you have is articles from the BBC website. So again show me an actual TV clip or an actual newspaper headline where someone said that then I will admit I am wrong. Also again how is calling it kungflu not racist you seem to be refusing to answer that.

The BBC is a news syndication, just like ABC, CBS, FOX or CNN. When I referred to papers I am referring to online news papers as printed papers are becoming a thing of the past. However, if you have access to local printed material I'm pretty sure if you look back at what they wrote about the virus before it was named COVID-19 that you'll find similar verbage to the BBC. Unfortunately, I don't have access to any British news papers, but you know that already and are just trying to save face as opposed to admitting you were wrong and moving on. That's also a character flaw ... not being able to admit you're wrong.


Do what I do. Hold tight and pretend it’s a plan
Aug 19, 2015
United Kingdom
If you weren't a devote Trump hater that puts emotion before logic you'd realize that "kung flu" is a joke, you what a joke is, right? Trump's persistence in keeping to call it the Chinese Virus after COVID-19 was named was due to the fact he wanted to hold China accountable for their actions because from day 1 there was a theory that not only was it discovered in Wuhan, China, but it may have gotten out of their genetic engineering lab that just happened to be working on Novel Coronavirus at the time.

So not only did China initially hide the virus from the world, but they allowed it to spread by not telling us it existed until it was too late. I'm not sure how you feel about China and their forced slave labor, re-education camps, child abuse and neglect and cyber warfare, but I for one am no fan of their Government, which is who runs the show over there. Actually, as soon as China got caught hiding the virus they started campaigns to deflect guilt to other people including publishing in their local news papers and airing on TV that the US Army had started the pandemic in Wuhan.

Simply put, the Chinese government can go get fucked and if calling it the "Chinese Virus", which mostly everyone did until China started to interfere keeps the focus on China, which is where it should be. We're now seeing that Biden has taken interest in the origins of COVID and all fingers point back to Wuhan, which is funny because when Trump was interested in the same theory he was a bad racist stupid White man, but now that the Liberals choice has the same theory there's nothing wrong with it.

As for the virus and its origins, there's a thread on this forum where you can discuss stuff as this thread isn't supposed to be about that.

"Three Wuhan lab researchers were hospitalized in November 2019"
- https://gbatemp.net/threads/three-wuhan-lab-researchers-were-hospitalized-in-november-2019.588916/

All in all it really all boils down to having the Trump Derangement Syndrome. You and others hate the man and have been fooled by the crooked media into believing all sorts of nasty rumors, conspiracy theories and lies about him and Conservatives in general. Luckily, the BBC isn't as bad as ABC, NBC, CBS and/or CNN. Actually, the BBC holds itself to a pretty high standard that I've never seen them break so unless you know something I don't about them, which is all possible because you (possibly?) live over there.

To end, I really think the left needs to stop calling things "racist" because they dislike them. It really makes that word that should be used in extreme cases go in one ear and fly out the other. Crying wolf all of the time is not productive. Never has been, never will be.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

The BBC is a news syndication, just like ABC, CBS, FOX or CNN. When I referred to papers I am referring to online news papers as printed papers are becoming a thing of the past. However, if you have access to local printed material I'm pretty sure if you look back at what they wrote about the virus before it was named COVID-19 that you'll find similar verbage to the BBC. Unfortunately, I don't have access to any British news papers, but you know that already and are just trying to save face as opposed to admitting you were wrong and moving on. That's also a character flaw ... not being able to admit you're wrong.
When Chinese Americans are saying it's racist then that is good enough for me. Let's not forget Trump is being sued by the Chinese American community for his comments. As for BBC news they are pretty much hated here in Scotland and in other parts of Britain for being a right wing news party who I'm not gonna say outright lie they just miss out vital details to make the tory party look good and the left look bad. But it is what it is no different from what the American news channels do for either side.

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Deleted member 559230

Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
When Chinese Americans are saying it's racist then that is good enough for me. Let's not forget Trump is being sued by the Chinese American community for his comments. As for BBC news they are pretty much hated here in Scotland and in other parts of Britain for being a right wing news party who I'm not gonna say outright lie they just miss out vital details to make the tory party look good and the left look bad. But it is what it is no different from what the American news channels do for either side.


We have a thing that lots of places in the world don't have here in the USA. It's called free speech. Even if that speech hurts others it's still allowed under the law (and those silly hate speech laws are all unconstitutional so it'll be a matter of time before those laws are struck down). I highly doubt Trump is going to lose that suite because he was just making jokes when using the term "kung flu". I really don't understand why younger generations get so uptight about people making jokes these days. It's like they are crying to their parents saying "that's not funny, I don't agree with that, it hurt my feelings". Like, grow up. Look, I know the leftist media claimed saying "kung flu" is racist and all, but they label anything they disagree with racist, so ...

The big question is why are they defending China? I bet it has something to do with the CCP and large amounts of money.


Do what I do. Hold tight and pretend it’s a plan
Aug 19, 2015
United Kingdom
The big question is why are they defending China? I bet it has something to do with the CCP and large amounts of money.
Well see you previously stated Biden is investigating the origins of the virus yes. So think about it would that make any sense to do if they are in cahoots with the CCP and receiving a huge wad of cash. Genuinely interested in your thoughts on this as to me that would be a crazy thing for Biden to do unless it's some kind of bluff.

Deleted member 559230

Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
Well see you previously stated Biden is investigating the origins of the virus yes. So think about it would that make any sense to do if they are in cahoots with the CCP and receiving a huge wad of cash. Genuinely interested in your thoughts on this as to me that would be a crazy thing for Biden to do unless it's some kind of bluff.

Well, I didn't mean Biden was being influenced by China. I meant the media complex as a whole is motivated by China's influence. It would be neat if I knew how to read Chinese and had access to their state media as now I depend on 3rd parties, such as FOX, ABC, NBC, etc ... to report on what China is or isn't doing. I see though any mention of China blaming the USA for COVID-19 isn't turning up in the popular search engines, but they did run stories about it in or around December and January of 2019. Anyway, if Biden knows what's good for him or the rest of us he'll keep China at arms reach.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
United Kingdom
The entire world's media called COVID-19 the Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus for months before they all decided not to.

Which media and which months.

The official names COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2 were issued by the WHO on 11 February 2020

This was during this time Trump was downplaying the effects of covid 19.

Casting the virus “foreign” was not a simple rhetorical flourish. According to the database website Factbase, the president used the expression “Chinese virus” more than 20 times between March 16 and March 30. The deliberateness of the wording was made clear when a photographer captured the script of his speech wherein Trump had crossed out the word “Corona” and replaced it with “Chinese.”

Only the dumb racists keep calling it china virus.

There is no solid evidence it started in wuhan.

Sorry, this is just too much fun. Last one, I promise.

"Chinese virus infections rising"

- http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/7375764.stm

Stop it, I'm enjoying myself too much, they literally within one sentence gave the correct name for the virus.

The virus, Enterovirus 71,

Please give us a break from pwning you so we can catch a breath.


Are you saying that Trump is so mentally retarded that he can't learn the name covid 19? I think that is something I could get behind, he looks mentally challenged, but not as mentally challenged as his supporters. Although you'd have to convince me as he sounds racist.

Researchers also found that the timing of the former president's tweet was significant. The first time he used "ChineseVirus" was March 16, 2020, and the following week saw an increase in anti-Asian hashtags and a rise in hate crimes.

International health officials purposely avoided attaching geography to the virus, as had been done in the past, to avoid casting blame, but Trump insisted on tying China to COVID-19 at every turn.
Last edited by smf,

Deleted member 559230

Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
Which media and which months.

The official names COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2 were issued by the WHO on 11 February 2020

This was during this time Trump was downplaying the effects of covid 19.

Casting the virus “foreign” was not a simple rhetorical flourish. According to the database website Factbase, the president used the expression “Chinese virus” more than 20 times between March 16 and March 30. The deliberateness of the wording was made clear when a photographer captured the script of his speech wherein Trump had crossed out the word “Corona” and replaced it with “Chinese.”

Only the dumb racists keep calling it china virus.

There is no solid evidence it started in wuhan.

Stop it, I'm enjoying myself too much, they literally within one sentence gave the correct name for the virus.

The virus, Enterovirus 71,

Please give us a break from pwning you so we can catch a breath.


Are you saying that Trump is so mentally retarded that he can't learn the name covid 19. I think that is something I could get behind, he looks mentally challenged, but not as mentally challenged as his supporters.

"Chinese virus infections rising". They called it that in the title. I guess you have selective vision now.

Regardless it's not racist to call it that name and all of the evidence points to Wuhan. I can't help it your in denial of the science and facts.
Last edited by Deleted member 559230,


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
United Kingdom
"Chinese virus infections rising". They called it that in the title. I guess you have selective vision now.

The headline is referring to a virus in china, they are not calling it the chinese virus like Trump did. I guess nuance is too much for you. The evidence for that is that they called it by the correct name in the article.

Trump point black refused to ever call it covid, it's like he's some idiot troll like you.

"I call it the China Virus because I wanna be accurate" - Donald Trump

Surely being accurate would be to use the official name. Instead he chose a name that he had been told would drive division and increase racism.

Regardless it's not racist to call it that name

Yes, it very much is. Only racist apologists would disagree, which is what you are.

We know it fuels racism.


Knowing that, only someone racist would insist on calling it that

We can go back through time and find where people said it was ok to use racial slurs, but it's not ok now.
After February 11 2020 it was not ok to call it the china virus, afterwards it was racist (there are plenty of racists in the world)

People threw the N word around in the old days & white people thought it was ok, it's not ok now.

If it's bad for Hunter to use the N word (and I think it is), it's bad for Trump to use china virus.

I guess as a racist you and Trump think it's ok for Hunter to use the N word. Or is it bad because he is a democrat and racial slurs are only ok by republicans?

and all of the evidence points to Wuhan.

What evidence? The evidence at the start of the pandemic showed there was an outbreak there that had started earlier in remote areas. I am not aware of any further evidence.

I guess you have your own racist evidence that is made up by racists for racists to throw around on the internet, like all this other crazy republican "evidence" https://nymag.com/intelligencer/202...-theory-vaccines-turns-you-into-a-magnet.html

It's getting really boring seeing half the US population going through some kinda of meltdown about being asked to be vaxinated, wear masks, not be racist & not make crazy shit up about magnets and 5g. How do you lot function in every day life???

You're just a load of sheeple snowflakes. Wake up sheeple.
Last edited by smf,


This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
Trump point black

Doctor's responding to magnet claims: "Don't worry, we aren't injecting metal. It's just the iron from all the blood clotting."

And lol @ Amanda's "you can't prove it because the technology not accessible" approach.

China tried hiding and denying the new strain of virus as they let it go wild and out of control. I have no problem with being upset with that entire government.

I'm sure some Chinese people hate China.

Maybe even some of the ones in America do, too.


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
United Kingdom
Doctor's responding to magnet claims: "Don't worry, we aren't injecting metal. It's just the iron from all the blood clotting."

And lol @ Amanda's "you can't prove it because the technology not accessible" approach.

The keys stick because skin is sticky. You can actually do it with metals that aren't magnetic, or even plastic.

I can't believe there was not a single person in that room that didn't get up and say "I'm sorry, but what is this bullshit?"

China tried hiding and denying the new strain of virus as they let it go wild and out of control. I have no problem with being upset with that entire government.

China's handling of the outbreak in 2019 was pretty bad, but that is partly driven by them wanting to show themselves as strong. As did Trump. When really they are both weak.

At least the Chinese government realized quickly what was going on, Trump never ever learned as he is either too dumb or doesn't care if people die.
Last edited by smf,
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Deleted User

If you weren't a devote Trump hater that puts emotion before logic you'd realize that "kung flu" is a joke, you what a joke is, right?
So, this is what I called schrodinger's bitch. It's where you say something racist, then pretend it's a joke when it's called out. Yeah, go tell the "kung flu" joke that has increased violence or killed Chinese(and probably some Asian) Americans.
https://www.csusb.edu/sites/default/files/Report to the Nation - Anti-Asian Hate 2020 Final Draft - As of Apr 30 2021 6 PM corrected.pdf

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Regardless it's not racist to call it that name and all of the evidence points to Wuhan
calling it "kung flu" definitely is. Oh and should I tell you all that evidence is also pointing to the United States?
Should I mention this now or is this a bad time?
Yeah so that lab found near that market in china. Yeah, there was American scientists there, working with the Chinese ones... How funny isn't it? Oh should I also tell you the reason this partially happened was because Trump authorized tampering with viruses. See there's a practice where you take a virus found in the real world, start editing it to figure out how it works. Problem is though it brings ethical questions since it can enable such things as enabling it to hop to a new host type. This is usually done for anti body research. And was paused during Obama's administration (one of the few things he did right. The rest is all hell tbh) And then said research was reauthorized by, yup, you guessed it, Trump.
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Deleted member 559230

Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
So, this is what I called schrodinger's bitch. It's where you say something racist, then pretend it's a joke when it's called out. Yeah, go tell the "kung flu" joke that has increased violence or killed Chinese(and probably some Asian) Americans.
https://www.csusb.edu/sites/default/files/Report to the Nation - Anti-Asian Hate 2020 Final Draft - As of Apr 30 2021 6 PM corrected.pdf

I highly doubt that the people who are motivated to attack Asian's in general are doing so just because someone they are exposed to happened to use a joke containing words you find offensive. China has done so much wrong that there's literally thousands of things to get upset over. Yes, that includes hiding COVID-19 from the world and allowing it to spread around the Globe before taking action. Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to justify random acts of violence, but the Communist Chinese Government can go get fucked. You see, that's not an attack from me on their citizens as I'm sure it really sucks to live under communist rule. It's just you're assuming that these people attacking Asian's are acting like 5 year olds who get upset over a few words and that's just not the case. There's deep seeded motivation behind these attacks and I don't blame the people for being upset with China, but attacking random Asian's is not going to help the situation at all.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

calling it "kung flu" definitely is. Oh and should I tell you all that evidence is also pointing to the United States?
Should I mention this now or is this a bad time?
Yeah so that lab found near that market in china. Yeah, there was American scientists there, working with the Chinese ones... How funny isn't it? Oh should I also tell you the reason this partially happened was because Trump authorized tampering with viruses. See there's a practice where you take a virus found in the real world, start editing it to figure out how it works. Problem is though it brings ethical questions since it can enable such things as enabling it to hop to a new host type. This is usually done for anti body research. And was paused during Obama's administration (one of the few things he did right. The rest is all hell tbh) And then said research was reauthorized by, yup, you guessed it, Trump.

You can fall for the CCP bullshit and lick China's balls are you want, but I'm not going to. I do indeed understand that Liberals hate the USA so agreeing with China's lies is something I don't put past them.
Last edited by Deleted member 559230,
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