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BLM under fire for defending Cuban regime


The inadequate, autocratic beast!
Global Moderator
Aug 5, 2007
A former communist party here demonstrated for the Cuban regime. I was baffled... are they really that stupid?
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Terry Crews #1 Fan
Jun 21, 2012
United States
Well, I guess that about sums it up. You're obviously too drunk on hate and prejudice to participate in rational discourse, and the op's propaganda getting debunked to hell and back means nothing to your dire need for entrenching your toxic mindset. Y'all can whine about SJW's, leftists, and commies until you're blue in the face, but facts are facts, and at the end of the day... you guys happen to be the minority opinion in the United States, to say nothing of the world as a whole.

In summary... you're wrong, you've done nothing to show you have any knowledge or experience to back your absurd statements, and you and your allies have blessed this forum with nothing but garbage. Thank you for yapping at the dark and wasting everyone's time.

You don't have rational discourse with BLM, white supremacists, sociopaths or any other manner of terrorist, you mock their stupidity, minimize them and when they become violent and they will you use appropriate means to incarcerate or eliminate them.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2021
United States
You don't have rational discourse with BLM, white supremacists, sociopaths or any other manner of terrorist, you mock their stupidity, minimize them and when they become violent and they will you use appropriate means to incarcerate or eliminate them.

I am genuinely amazed. If this is your manner of solving problems, it certainly does explain a lot. You do realize that BLM is a group of largely marginalized and frustrated human beings with genuine grievances, right? White supremacists aren't marginalized and don't have a genuine grievance. Simple, right?

Seriously, I wouldn't even want to mock white supremacists or terror cells to begin with, it is much more beneficial to understand what created the conditions that spawned such kinds of groups and address that than to incapacitate or martyr them... while bullying them? Seriously, where did you get your insanely vicious mindset from, Call of Duty? When folk are endangered, sure, use the law and subdue the situation, but your statement sounds quite bloodthirsty and makes you sound more dangerous than the folks you purport to be terrorists.


Terry Crews #1 Fan
Jun 21, 2012
United States
You don't have rational discourse with BLM, white supremacists, sociopaths or any other manner of terrorist.
I am genuinely amazed. If this is your manner of solving problems, it certainly does explain a lot. You do realize that BLM is a group of largely marginalized and frustrated human beings with genuine grievances, right? White supremacists aren't marginalized and don't have a genuine grievance. Simple, right?

Seriously, I wouldn't even want to mock white supremacists or terror cells to begin with, it is much more beneficial to understand what created the conditions that spawned such kinds of groups and address that than to incapacitate or martyr them... while bullying them? Seriously, where did you get your insanely vicious mindset from, Call of Duty? When folk are endangered, sure, use the law and subdue the situation, but your statement sounds quite bloodthirsty and makes you sound more dangerous than the folks you purport to be terrorists.

"I hate whitey, capitalism and the police" is not a genuine grievance. Engagement implies I care or want them in my vicinity or community I don't.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2021
United States
"I hate whitey, capitalism and the police" is not a genuine grievance. Engagement implies I care or want them in my vicinity or community I don't.

Pity, then, that they are recognized as something other than a terrorist organization and should they ever care to come to your community and you try to stop them, you'll be seen as the crazy person by law enforcement... Honestly, were you not on a message board for retro game enthusiasts, I'd presume you to be worthy of concern instead of just being small, ignorant, and frustrated with the world around you for all the wrong reasons.
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Terry Crews #1 Fan
Jun 21, 2012
United States
Pity, then, that they are recognized as something other than a terrorist organization and should they ever care to come to your community and you try to stop them, you'll be seen as the crazy person by law enforcement... Honestly, were you not on a message board for retro game enthusiasts, I'd presume you to be worthy of concern instead of just being small, ignorant, and frustrated with the world around you for all the wrong reasons.

If you call a violent marxist supremacist hate group "Kuddly Kitties are Kute" they are still a marxist supremacist hate group.

"I want nothing to do with them."

"But don't you think Kuddly Kitties are Kute why do you hate animals, you ignorant small minded blah blah snow flake blah".


Global Moderator
Jul 15, 2009
[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
United States
If you call a violent marxist supremacist hate group "Kuddly Kitties are Kute" they are still a marxist supremacist hate group.

This is one of the most hilarious things I've read all week. Thank you for posting this mindless buzzword braindead word vomit. You've got a lot of main stream media talking heads living rent free in yours.
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Terry Crews #1 Fan
Jun 21, 2012
United States
This is one of the most hilarious things I've read all week. Thank you for posting this mindless buzzword braindead word vomit. You've got a lot of main stream media talking heads living rent free in yours.

Thanks for stopping in to rant about the media and make ad hominem slander because you are denial about what they self profess.


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2021
United States
Why in gods name would anyone give money to black lives matter? they are literally running a ponzi scheme: shake down big companies for money so they can receive their 'woke badge', spew out marxist talking points, then spend said money on million dollar houses for the leaders of the organization. Quite amazing that companies fall for it too lol. but alas i could really care less I suppose, their loss.

But yeah of course BLM supports Cuba, they literally give refuge to murderer and domestic terrorist Assata Shakur who should be rotting in a prison cell rn.

Deleted User

Why in gods name would anyone give money to black lives matter? they are literally running a ponzi scheme: shake down big companies for money so they can receive their 'woke badge', spew out marxist talking points
define Marxists.
Because Black people just don't want to be dealing with systmatic racism and cops who kill them more than statistically reasonable. It's at a much higher ratio for a group who is not seen as often as a white person.
that's not marxist.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2021
United States
Most marxists I meet are nice, intelligent folk. Most right leaning individuals I meet... like individuals on certain forums... tend to be mindless neanderthals who never learned how to discuss things, but such is life.
Why in gods name would anyone give money to black lives matter? they are literally running a ponzi scheme: shake down big companies for money so they can receive their 'woke badge', spew out marxist talking points, then spend said money on million dollar houses for the leaders of the organization. Quite amazing that companies fall for it too lol. but alas i could really care less I suppose, their loss.

But yeah of course BLM supports Cuba, they literally give refuge to murderer and domestic terrorist Assata Shakur who should be rotting in a prison cell rn.

Sweet yob, the cold war is over, folks! Flock mentality for the intellectually bankrupt in this place is outright depressing... I never even mentioned donating money to BLM, or anybody. BLM hasn't had any major protests in a while, and I work at a court house in the middle of Oakland! I see them all the time! Worst I've ever dealt with was one guy gave me the stink eye for advising him where best to position his banner so it could be seen by oncoming traffic. Best I've ever dealt with was they shared some snacks and water bottles. There has been graffiti and some broken glass, but it pales in comparison to what I've seen at protests elsewhere in the country, over things as benign as an MLK parade.

You can speculate what nefarious evil plans BLM has, but at the end of the day, they're just people. Nobody gets up, brushes their teeth, pisses in a puppy's face, and thinks to themselves "Boy howdy, I'm so happy to be spreading EVIIIIL in the world!" You silly sheepskins need to start looking at what causes strife and destruction in the world and figure out how to fix things before your apathy and spite leads to something dire. Socialism and its ilk might not be a magic bullet that will solve the world's ails, but the United States leads the world in very few things these days, save wealth inequality and pollution and desperately needs anything other than what its been doing to fix it.


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2021
United States
Well Black Lives Matter isn't Marxist in the traditional sense. Marxism, especially in Europe back in the day revolved around seeing the world through a lens of class struggle and the power dynamic of the poor being the oppressed and the rich being the oppressor, also know as critical theory. Considering economic classes in the US are relatively fluid compared to many other places in the world (at least back in the day), many of the modern race based marxists (they admit that they are in fact 'trained marxists') instead replace class struggle with a different power dynamic, being that minorities (and in this case, African Americans) are the oppressed, and the 'White Patriarchy' is the oppressor. With this comes the idea that our very systems are (without evidence) tied to said power dynamic of white supremacy and thus must be compensated for by 1st, striving for 'equity' (not equality, which we already have), and or just tearing down said system entirely and instead replacing it with a system revolving around equitable outcome for all races by destroying meritocracy, expanding our welfare systems, etc etc

sorry. took a long ass time to articulate everything I wanted to say lol

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Most marxists I meet are nice, intelligent folk. Most right leaning individuals I meet... like individuals on certain forums... tend to be mindless neanderthals who never learned how to discuss things, but such is life.

On the contrary, many leftists that I meet nowadays in fact work to shutdown speech for whatever reason. Whether it be on social media calling speech 'violence', or college campuses or online marketplaces etc etc. Traditional liberals back in the day wouldn't support said shutdowns of speech regardless of what it was. We have a long tradition of supporting people's right to speak even if we find it heinous or disgusting (for instance, Skokie and defending Nazis 1A right to march). Instead it seems modern liberal politics has been turned into an attempt to label anything they don't like as violent or hateful and worthy of not being debated upon with no limiting principle. There are many many conservatives that would be willing to have a good faith debate in this country without name calling, it's just a matter of everyone acknowledging other's right to believe what they believe, which seems to be a jeopardy in this country as of today


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
Well Black Lives Matter isn't Marxist in the traditional sense. Marxism, especially in Europe back in the day revolved around seeing the world through a lens of class struggle and the power dynamic of the poor being the oppressed and the rich being the oppressor, also know as critical theory. Considering economic classes in the US are relatively fluid compared to many other places in the world (at least back in the day), many of the modern race based marxists (they admit that they are in fact 'trained marxists') instead replace class struggle with a different power dynamic, being that minorities (and in this case, African Americans) are the oppressed, and the 'White Patriarchy' is the oppressor. With this comes the idea that our very systems are (without evidence) tied to said power dynamic of white supremacy and thus must be compensated for by 1st, striving for 'equity' (not equality, which we already have), and or just tearing down said system entirely and instead replacing it with a system revolving around equitable outcome for all races by destroying meritocracy, expanding our welfare systems, etc etc
The struggle is and always will be about class for Marxists, it's not as if there's any shortage of working-class black people. And the US hasn't had any semblance of a meritocracy since before I was born. Class mobility is practically flatlining, and so is home ownership for anyone under a certain age.


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2021
United States
The struggle is and always will be about class for Marxists, it's not as if there's any shortage of working-class black people. And the US hasn't had any semblance of a meritocracy since before I was born. Class mobility is practically flatlining, and so is home ownership for anyone under a certain age.

Then my question to you is, if African americans were really worried about this apparent 'class struggle', why would they have come out in droves for an establishment moderate democrat such as Joe Biden and put the nail in the coffin for a democratic socialist such as Bernie Sanders? It's quite obvious by poll statistics that, besides healthcare, many people don't see class struggle as a major issue in the US. That is why the modern American marxist wishes to gain power by emphasizing of the boogieman that is systemic racism


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2021
United States
Well Black Lives Matter isn't Marxist in the traditional sense. Marxism, especially in Europe back in the day revolved around seeing the world through a lens of class struggle and the power dynamic of the poor being the oppressed and the rich being the oppressor, also know as critical theory. Considering economic classes in the US are relatively fluid compared to many other places in the world (at least back in the day), many of the modern race based marxists (they admit that they are in fact 'trained marxists') instead replace class struggle with a different power dynamic, being that minorities (and in this case, African Americans) are the oppressed, and the 'White Patriarchy' is the oppressor. With this comes the idea that our very systems are (without evidence) tied to said power dynamic of white supremacy and thus must be compensated for by 1st, striving for 'equity' (not equality, which we already have), and or just tearing down said system entirely and instead replacing it with a system revolving around equitable outcome for all races by destroying meritocracy, expanding our welfare systems, etc etc

sorry. took a long ass time to articulate everything I wanted to say lol

I just don't get this. How in the name of fluffy cute bunnies can you arrive at "White Supremacy" never played a factor against minorities in the United States? Have you never opened a history book, or watched a movie about the past, or spoken with grandparents? Conspiracy mongering aside, nobody denies slavery was a thing. There wasn't some level of compensation upon release, there were well documented groups murdering and harassing folks trying to work hard and make a better life, and there is a clear line of when laws came into being that kinda doesn't make sense if emancipation just cured racial inequality.

Things have not progressed that far since, and economic mobility in the United States isn't nearly as great as you seem to make it out to be. Poor people tend to remain poor, even if they have skill and enthusiasm, because it often takes money to make money. Social programs are supposed to exist to allow everyone stuck at what we collectively would call the bottom of society to start moving upward, but every state has their own race to the bottom that makes moving while poor unrealistic, and stuck with a myriad of hoops and catches that makes it outright likely to end in failure, which is a thing that lets the poor go into even further problems. As such, there is no bottom, save being on the streets in the cold.

White folk suffer from this too, veterans in particular freeze on the asphalt all the time. Class is an issue, but race is an issue too. Things suck for a large fraction of the populous, and what is in place right now isn't fixing a damn thing. Marxism at least is an avenue of different solutions to try. Don't like it? Offer something else, otherwise you should quit trying to pass judgment on others to pass the time.


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2021
United States
define Marxists.
Because Black people just don't want to be dealing with systmatic racism and cops who kill them more than statistically reasonable. It's at a much higher ratio for a group who is not seen as often as a white person.
that's not marxist.

Answer is, there's a lot more crime in said communities and thus more interactions, many being more violent. If systemic racism really were to blame for this, why wouldn't the deaths/arrests be high amongst other minority groups?


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
Then my question to you is, if African americans were really worried about this apparent 'class struggle', why would they have come out in droves for an establishment moderate democrat such as Joe Biden and put the nail in the coffin for a democratic socialist such as Bernie Sanders?
The Democratic establishment fucked over Bernie Sanders by making all the other candidates except Joe Biden drop out prior to Super Tuesday. I don't blame black people for that.

It's quite obvious by poll statistics that, besides healthcare, many people don't see class struggle as a major issue in the US. That is why the modern American marxist wishes to gain power by emphasizing of the boogieman that is systemic racism
Understanding US history and the roots of systemic racism has nothing to do whatsoever with Marxism. Unless Marxism by your definition is when a person goes to college.

Answer is, there's a lot more crime in said communities and thus more interactions, many being more violent. If systemic racism really were to blame for this, why wouldn't the deaths/arrests be high amongst other minority groups?
Seriously? Maybe because all black people seem to "fit a description" when it comes to the pigs. Drug arrests are always higher for black people despite the fact that studies show every race/ethnicity does drugs at about the same rate.
Last edited by Xzi,

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  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @SylverReZ, the other game where I found newgrounds is new york shark
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    Spoke to Tom Fulp the other day, if he can find his old Newgrounds site content like the mini Flash animations from the 2000's that played on the portal.
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    So far no response, but he did say that he'll find them. Wayback Machine doesn't have em.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @SylverReZ, atleast the 1999 versión of pico's school is avaliable (the difference between it, the 2006 versión and the 2016 versión is that the speed of the game depends of the speed of your computer and that it had the og soundtrack)
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @Xdqwerty, Another being Pico VS Bear, the original 1999 version before Jim Henson filed a DMCA takedown.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    The 2006 versión was made when the flash portal was made
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    Many people thought it was lost, but was discovered that he hid it on the same page.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @SylverReZ, although the "secrets" system where the game was has been removed. Also pico vs uberkids had a netplay versión that was shutdown, although the swf file has been found
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @Xdqwerty, Nope. There are two download buttons on the same page, where you can download the original under a file called "bear.exe". "bear2.exe", however, is the updated game in a Flash projector. P.s. this was on the archived Pico page from 2000.
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @Xdqwerty, That's been there for a long time, too. People who search for lost media don't look hard enough lmao.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @SylverReZ, also the pico 2 demos used to be only for the newgrounds patrons but they are on internet archive too (https://archive.org/download/picos_school_2)
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    Iirc the demos were removed from newgrounds in 2022
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @SylverReZ, or well only the demo with mindchamber's style was on newgrounds
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    Fun fact @SylverReZ: iirc one of the goals on the fnf Kickstarter stated that pico 2 would be finished but the Kickstarter didnt get enough money for that goal to be fullfiled
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @Xdqwerty, FNF sucks, their community is toxic as hell.
  • The Real Jdbye @ The Real Jdbye:
    @SylverReZ its a single player game
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @The Real Jdbye, Yea but it has a shitton of mods with their own songs and stuff
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @The Real Jdbye, and quite a lot of people involved in those mods get cancelled
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    Newgrounds wasn't the birth of FNF; rather, it was games where you beat up celebrities and parodies.
  • a_username_that_is_cool @ a_username_that_is_cool:
    FNF was born from Game Jams
  • a_username_that_is_cool @ a_username_that_is_cool:
    Specifically Ludum Dare 47
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @SylverReZ, and Sonic fights a la dragón ball z
    T @ Texasauras: help https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUPdNq0qyeA