Review cover Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? Familia Myth Infinite Combate (Nintendo Switch)
Official GBAtemp Review

Product Information:

  • Release Date (NA): August 11, 2020
  • Release Date (EU): August 7, 2020
  • Release Date (JP): November 28, 2019
  • Publisher: PQube
  • Developer: Mages
  • Genres: Action RPG
  • Also For: Computer, PlayStation 4

Game Features:

Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer
Is it Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? Well hopefully we will find out in this rather bizarrely named game. Join me as we enter a world of gods, adventure and scantily clad women.

I feel I should start by saying I knew absolutely nothing about this game or indeed the manga series it is based on. By doing a little research I have discovered it started out life as a novel and as is the way in Japan, it was then adapted into a hugely popular manga and anime series.


The game starts out with a fairly basic narrative of how the gods of the world Orario have become bored and how they have decided to challenge themselves by living amongst the humans, they do this by having their own Familia. Or in other words, a family of humans for them to set challenges for in the games Dungeon. It is at this point we are introduced to the first of the games two main protagonists.

Bell Cranel is a young naive boy who is just starting out his life as a dungeon explorer. He starts the game as the only member of the Hestia Familia.


Not long into the game, he finds himself confronted by a boss who is way too powerful for poor Bell to beat. At this point, we meet the game's second protagonist, Aiz Wallenstein, a first-class swordswoman and soon-to-be the love interest of Bell who comes to his rescue. Ais is part of the Loki Familia and has many companions who help her during the game.


Now, I don't want to talk too much about the story as to not spoil it for anyone who intends to play the game, since the story is a huge part of the game. One thing I would say is, you might want to avoid playing this game in public due to some of the content; especially the shower scene featuring one of the female characters in the nude and her gravity-defying bosom.


From screenshots of the game, it's hard to tell what style of game this is. Well, it's basically 60% graphic novel and 40% dungeon crawler. The game is divided into chapters and each chapter has two parts. The two parts tell the same story but are seen from the differing perspective of Bell and Aiz. Part one is always Bell and Part two Aiz.

Each part of the chapter starts with the story being told by way of a graphic novel lasting anything from 1 to 10 minutes on average. You are then given a mission and then it's off to the Dungeon. The missions are always along the line of kill ten of this type of enemy or find the hidden treasure etc nothing too taxing. Some missions also have some added things to worry about such as time-limits, Or you can't use magic and so on.


Before starting a mission just like pretty much every dungeon crawler you can buy more powerful weapons or you can improve your characters' skills using the skill tree but there is absolutely no need at all to do either. Bell a short while into the game is given Hestia’s Knife and Pyonkichi Mk-II armour which is powerful enough to see him to the end of the game and Aiz can survive the whole game pretty easily with her starting equipment. The only time you will ever need to visit the shop is to buy a health item, and even then that will be a rare occurrence as health supplies can easily be acquired from the dungeon.

Once you are in the actual dungeon your character has a weak attack which you can do 5 times in a row and a strong attack which you can only do once and then your protagonist can't move for about half a second which leaves them venerable to attack until they recover. You can dodge enemy attacks with the B button and later on you learn magic attacks. Another thing you can do is bring along up to three other members of your familia. They are not seen on screen but you can select them during a battle to appear and which point they do a hugely powerful attack. You then have to won-screen your support characters slowly recharges before you can select them again. Sadly the combat is very repetitive and every fight can be won by simply hitting the enemy a few times with a weak attack then you dodge out the way at which point the enemy will try to attack but miss then you can simply return to do a few more weak attacks and rinse and repeat. After you complete the current mission your character levels up and you get another long graphic novel story.


One thing you will notice as soon as you start playing this game is that everything about it is very basic. Everything is done from an in-game list except obviously the dungeon sections. Weapons are bought by picking the store from the list. You then pick the weapon from the store list that next appears. There are no towns to explore. No houses to raid for items. No huge world the game's budget all menu-driven. It very much has a kind of old-school vibe to it. Similar to something like Etrian Odyssey for instance.

The only place you have any sort of freedom to explore is in It is dungeons. Even the graphics in the dungeons are very basic even if they do have a certain charm about them. Where the game does really excel is in the music and in-game speech. The opening song sung by Iguchi Yuuka is amazing and the speech even thought it's all in Japanese is done really well and each voice actor is perfectly cast for the character they portray. It definitely seems like Pcube used most of the game's budget on acquiring the licence and didn't have much left for the game. The graphics in the game are somewhat of a mixed bag. In the story sections, they are colourful and rather nice looking. It is the dungeon graphics the let the game down. They would not look out of place on a PlayStation 3 if I'm being brutally honest.


Reading everything I have written above, it sounds like I didn't enjoy the game, but that is not exactly true. The story is very well explained and does a great job of introducing its various characters, lore and terminology to people like myself that knows nothing of the series. The timed missions are also exciting and add a bit of risk versus reward to the game. Do you head straight to the mission goal or do you risk failing the mission by hunting for treasure or killing some enemies for more level points for your character?

It's not exactly a bad game but nothing about it is particularly good either other than the music. Played in short sessions then there is some fun to be had, though I don't see anyone being able to play this for hours at a time without becoming extremely bored.


What We Liked ...
  • Excellent music
  • Fun in short blasts
What We Didn't Like ...
  • Repetitive Combat.
  • Some long story sections.
  • NSFW scenes may offend some people.
The gameplay is very repetitive and most enemies can be beaten far too easily
A well-told story with nice graphics in the visual novel parts of the game. Dungeon graphics would have looked good about 15 years ago.
Lasting Appeal
Next to none, I don't imagine many people wanting to replay it once it has been completed.
out of 10


The game should have been made entirely as a graphic novel. Or had a higher budget to improve the dungeon sections.
nsfw scenes may offend some people? how is that a con? the spanish dancing in oddyssey was offensive to some people. mr game and watch was offensive to some people. how are nsfw scenes in a game called "Is it Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?" a con?
@Volttekka @hamohamo thank you for your comments. All criticism is good criticism especially for someone like myself who has never written a review in their life until now (I guess that was pretty obvious if you took the time to read my review lol) One bit of advice I was given by a very wise temp member was that a review should be written from your own personal view and that is what I did. For me, the title of the game is very bizarre (yes I know absolutely nothing about anime/manga) and some of the scenes are quite risqué for a game that is rated for teens but that is just my personal opinion. But I do very much appreciate the feedback guys.
I could tell this game was gonna be bad just from pre-release screenshots. TBH even the anime isn't particularly "good," it's your cookie-cutter harem theme with a bit of RPG dressing on top, but for what it's worth I did watch through both available seasons and I didn't actively hate it like I did with Sword Art Online. I'd recommend Log Horizon over either of them in a heartbeat.
@Volttekka @hamohamoAll criticism is good criticism especially for someone like myself who has never written a review in their life until now. . .
That's a great way to look at it. But I also wanna give some praise. Just by reading this review I assumed that you've written more before because this is pretty dang good for a first one! Well, maybe the game itself wasn't the best but your review of it was well written and held my attention.

Also, you got this bad boy out relatively fast. Great job!
Thank you very much @Ericzander with zero skill I gave it my all and even if you are the only one that liked this review then I am happy that one person liked it :rofl2:
  • Deleted by Ericzander
NSFW scenes may offend some people. <-- ??
I really should have gone into more detail about that I know this now but it was my first time ever writing a review. Anyhoo there were some scenes in the game that someone much like myself that knows nothing about anime/manga would not expect to see in a game rated by Pegi suitable for 12-year-olds. Including male and female nudity and worse. Now don't get me wrong nothing in the game offended me other than how bad the dungeon sections actually are but imagine you are a mum who knows nothing about games and your nieve son little Johnny has a birthday coming up. You rush to the shop and grab the first game you see because it has a child-friendly looking cover (which this game does) paying no attention to the actual title. Fast forward to little Johnny's birthday and he unwraps his present and gratefully puts his new game into his switch while mum watches him to see if he likes his new game. After a little time, mum is shocked to see Hestia fully in the skud with her giant boobs on display and her foof covered by a strategically placed bubble. Mum now has a heart attack and Little Johnny is now no longer nieve.
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I didn't think anyone would write a review for this game.

Just looking at the screenshots from steam I already knew this was going to be a very low budget game that isn't worth anymore then 10 and based on your review I think I was right.

Good review and I hope to see more from you.
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Reactions: AmandaRose

I didn't think anyone would write a review for this game.

Just looking at the screenshots from steam I already knew this was going to be a very low budget game that isn't worth anymore then 10 and based on your review I think I was right.

Good review and I hope to see more from you.
Thank you very much I really appreciate the kind words but a lot of credit has to go the way of @T-hug @Chary and @p1ngpong for all the hlep they gave me.
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I still don't get the NSFW parts. Nintendo do not allow nudity (if they haven't changed it?) as in fully exposed nudity on their systems. Not like from behind where yiu just see a butt or such.
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Reactions: AmandaRose
I still don't get the NSFW parts. Nintendo do not allow nudity (if they haven't changed it?) as in fully exposed nudity on their systems. Not like from behind where yiu just see a butt or such.
Thank you for you feedback and I do appreciate it but I still maintain there are scenes in that game that are not suitable for people aged between 12 to 16 and I also maintain the same scenes I personally would not want someone else to see whilst I was at work.
The review content is thoughtful, but I'm afraid your lack of familiarity with English is rather obvious.
Thank you for you comment. Sadly I have very bad dyslexia and try to keep everything as basic as possible to make it easier for myself I guess. If I get to do another review for the site I will try and channel my inner FAST6191 and do better :rofl2:
I don't think the "NSFW scenes may offend people" point is a valid criticism. This game's primary demographic is fans of the DanMachi series, and those folks already know what they're getting into.
And there will also still be people who buy it with no clue what it actually is about. But like I have said to everyone thank you for comment and I have taken on board all the criticism so far.
I don't think the "NSFW scenes may offend people" point is a valid criticism. This game's primary demographic is fans of the DanMachi series, and those folks already know what they're getting into.

This. If people get offended, tell them, "Welcome to the reality club. Learn to cope and manage!"

Granted, I know things are getting...a little authoritarian over in the UK, but I can't imagine that people aren't just used to stuff like this in public just like most people are in the US outside of the CPWs who want the music in a restaurant changed, Karen wanting her item for $1 cheaper (speaking from experience), and SJWs calling you privileged for a lot of things you have no control over.
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Reactions: AmandaRose
This. If people get offended, tell them, "Welcome to the reality club. Learn to cope and manage!"

Granted, I know things are getting...a little authoritarian over in the UK, but I can't imagine that people aren't just used to stuff like this in public just like most people are in the US outside of the CPWs who want the music in a restaurant changed, Karen wanting her item for $1 cheaper (speaking from experience), and SJWs calling you privileged for a lot of things you have no control over.
Thats pretty much it Silent_Gunner I am obviously in the UK and normally a game like this here would have got a 15 and over rating not a 12 and over and its something some other reviewers of the game have also been picking up on. We also have some quite strick laws on what is and isn't suitable in a work place and I can fully see a Karen or two getting upset if they see a work colleague playing this game on their break or something. So as a British person I stand by my NSFW statement.
Danmachi is one of my favourite japanese novels (pretty much tied with Highschool DxD).
The manga adaptations are also pretty good and as for games... I'm surprised this looks so bad.. The mobile game looks much better than that and it was released years ago.
The review wasn't to short or too long which in my book is a positive thing; then again their wasn't much to the game so I guess that might have something to do with it, and with the whole NSFW thing I do see some parents not realizing that theirs some risque content in the game, but for your first review it was done quite well.

Also I forgot to mention that you really seem to be active in the comments too which I'm sure is not easy to do all of the time.
I just feel it's really important to thank and reply to people who have taken the time to read my review no matter if they did or didn't like it. Like I said in my first comment all criticism is good criticism as I just want to learn and get better at doing reviews should the site ever ask me to do any more.
Review cover
Product Information:
  • Release Date (NA): August 11, 2020
  • Release Date (EU): August 7, 2020
  • Release Date (JP): November 28, 2019
  • Publisher: PQube
  • Developer: Mages
  • Genres: Action RPG
  • Also For: Computer, PlayStation 4
Game Features:
Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer


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  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @Xdqwerty, It only shows that if you do 'View Source', right below that it'll tell you the SQL response query. I feel like a nerd lol.
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    But for everyone, it said unexpected database error.
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Just said database error for me
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, she said it only said "too many connections" when you view the source
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    btw gonna try to actually beat touhou 6
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @Xdqwerty, Have fun.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @SylverReZ, i recall playing some hard undertale fangames way before playing touhou, like the genocide asgore fangame or the mettaton neo 2.0 one
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    so atleast im already kinda used to bullet hell games
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    and yea i played both undertale and deltarune too although those are a piece of cake compared to any touhou game
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    aaaaaaannnnnnd i already lost all my continues
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    I only set three default lives btw
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    cuz of score
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    i think i first should focus more on beating the game rather than obtaining a high score
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    good night
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Stop ctrl cing me
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Sorry, here ctrl-Z
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Ctrl u 2 u
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Damn, that turned my tv channel, you got powers
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    The fbi will be knocking on your door soon
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    They all went mad after looking at my browser history
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Why, cause beastiality is not legal in Florida yet?
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    @Psionic Roshambo, they rewrote the constitution when they saw your browser history
    K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2: @Psionic Roshambo, they rewrote the constitution when they saw your browser history