Review cover Miyoo Mini+ (Hardware)
Official GBAtemp Review

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Review unit provided by - buy your Miyoo Mini+ from
Can the Miyoo Mini Plus really offer retro gaming through ease of use and value for money? Let's find out!


Review unit provided by - get your Miyoo Mini+ from

Retro gaming handhelds have seen a resurgence in recent years. They are easy to produce thanks to powerful yet compact components, and they feed the nostalgia of the players who want to relive their youth at an affordable price.

The Miyoo Mini Plus is the latest iteration of Miyoo's GameBoy-inspired lineage, but this time with enhancements and features that come bundled in one incredibly well-made package.


Retro Gaming Simplicity


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Opening the box the Miyoo Mini Plus looks entirely familiar, with SNES throwback button colouring, a 4:3 ratio, 640×480 3.5" IPS Display, which is all powered by an ARM Cortex A7 Dual-Core Processor (1.2GHz) paired with 128MB's of RAM.

The version I opted for was the Smokey Grey clear black model, and it just looks incredible with its "funtastic" retro aesthetic.

Going around the unit, you have three LED's on the top with a rather small power button. The left-hand side has the volume rocker, the right is notably absent of anything. The bottom elevation contains a USB-C charging port and the rear of the device has four shoulder buttons (L1/L2/R1/R2) with a notably staggered layout as opposed to the previous model's row configuration. The front, as mentioned before has the SNES style quad colour action buttons, the iconic speaker slashes, a rather black nice concave D-Pad and then finally some nicely uncluttered Start/Select/Menu buttons to keep every function at your fingertips.

Firing it up you find the class 10, U3 (30MB/s) 64GB SD card packed to the rafters with "content" and a rather basic Linux-based OS. Miyoo has always focussed on ease of use and for the most part I have to admit that the OS is incredibly lightweight, and does exactly what it says on the tin, but it's very underwhelming in terms of looks and wow factor.

Going through the settings menus, I changed the default theme for one of the Nintendo Switch-inspired skins and I have to say it looks great and feels a little more stylish than the stock UI. You can also turn off the godawful BG music, and change basics like brightness, language, keymaps, set when to hibernate, etc.

Wifi settings are a cinch thanks to the nifty well presented OSK, and setting this up means you will have access to the netplay features of each emulator that is included. Yes, this means that if any of your pals are playing on the same cores you can join up and play no matter what the platform.


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Emulation-wise the Miyoo Mini Plus come with 16 categories comprising of:

  • "Arcade" (254 games including CPS1/2/3 and IGS)
  • MAME (412 games)
  • Famicom (692 games)
  • GameBoy (715 games including GameBoy Colour)
  • GameBoy Advance (908 games)
  • Megadrive (635 games)
  • NeoGeo (151 games)
  • NeoGeo Portable (39 games)
  • OpenBOR (9 titles)
  • PC Engine (77 games)
  • PlayStation 1 (49 games)
  • Super Nintendo (1498 games)
  • Sega Master System (127 games including Game Gear)
  • "Shoot" (183 vertical shooters)
  • Wonder Swan Colour (70 games)
  • FFPlay (Movie player)

(Total games included 5819 approx)

Great D-Pad, Solid Buttons & A Gorgeous Screen


As a huge Street Fighter fan, I gravitated immediately towards Street Fighter 3: Third Strike on the Arcade (CPS3) category, and I was not disappointed! The game takes a little while to boot (some 30+ seconds), but when it's running it is flawless. The default overlay throughout the various cores is that of CRT scanlines with curved corners, so it looks fantastic from the off, and it runs as silky smooth as you would want it to.

That concave D-Pad lends itself particularly well to fighters on this handheld too, with a really good feel to those directions, ease of input for fireballs and dragon punches, and overall a really smooth feeling to it. The face buttons are shiny and tactile too, though they can get a little slippy if you have sweaty thumbs, thankfully that wasn't really an issue for me, and I had a wonderful time playing countless hours per day!

The 3.5" glass screen is bright, vibrant and beautifully sharp with no ghosting on the IPS at all. Colour saturation and luminance are perfect for on-the-go gaming, and I was very impressed with the representation I was seeing on screen regardless of what emulator I started up, and I really liked seeing a proper 4:3 ratio!

Setting the screen to 6 or 7 brightness is enough for most indoor gameplay, and turning it down to 3 or 4 for nighttime definitely saves on the juice used to power it, though outdoor cranking it up to 7 or 8 was the best option now that the summer sun is upon us.

Soundwise, the speaker is only mono, and a little tinny for my liking. I understand this was the issue with the previous models too, so it's sad to see little to no improvement in that area, and though it mitigates that somewhat with the 3.5mm headphone jack, it would have been great to incorporate Bluetooth so that wireless headphones could be used as an option too, though I do not know what kind of hit the battery would take with BT turned on during play, so perhaps that's not such a good idea until the battery is bulked up further again to accommodate additional features like that.

Emulation is Rock Solid in Most Scenarios


Notably in the ROM selection (the number of included games varies from each vendor) there was an obvious lack of Nintendo's first-party games. As we know, Nintendo like to DMCA and C&D everyone and their mates these days, so it's understandable that the inclusive list of games won't contain any first-party titles because they have been removed from most ROM hosts in recent years. Fear not because if you own the game, or can dump your own ROM then it's as simple as dragging and dropping the ROMs on yourself, along with some box art, and your golden is just a few minutes. The included charging cable cannot be used to put ROMs on the device, but the included SD card adaptor will get you playing whatever you want very easily.

Amazingly the device I was sent also contained the Linux port of the famously decompiled: Super Mario 64 ROM, which in this iteration is significantly scaled down to accommodate the ARM v7 architecture. The game itself runs incredibly smoothly, and as a Proof-of-Concept it's insane, though the omission of the analogue stick and obvious missing face buttons definitely detracts from the gameplay somewhat.

Emulation on the Miyoo Mini Plus is amazing. Everything from 8-bit to PlayStation One runs exceptionally well with very few hiccups. I mainly played SNES, GBA, NeoGeo and CPS1/2/3 titles, but the big draw was definitely playing PS1 games like Tekken, and Crash Bandicoot in the palm of my hand. With custom ROMs and openBOR too, you can easily play a variety of bootlegs, mods, and crazy hacks: and you can store favourites to a sub-section of the menu too.

Saving and loading is almost instant, with 10 slots per game to satiate those who use save games to TAS games. When loading a game again it often auto-reloads your most current save upon load, which is handy for lone players, but not so much for guest players checking out the system. The Menu button brings up these options along with netplay, so you can also get online and batter your mates with ease, or quit back to the main menu and find another game/system to hammer.

Though I had a wonderful experience throughout testing this device, I have to say that notably, the GBA emulation (gpSP) runs genuinely well but displayed a little frame lag here and there which gets annoying at times, especially in fast-moving games, like Mario Kart Super circuit. Thankfully there is a fix: read on below!

The Li-Po 3.7v 3000 mAh rechargeable battery gave me around 5-6 hours per charge on average, with level 6 brightness and moderate volume and was, therefore, enough juice for several lunch hours and some commuting in the daily grind. The supplied USB-C cable is super short, which is usually a complaint of mine, but actually, it was just enough to plug it in next to me whilst I worked or whack it into a power bank in the same pocket.

Thinking Outside The Box: Custom OS

Snooping around the SD card I found that the built-in FFPlay app had a hidden Rick Roll (thanks guys) and that there were traces of other, unused emulators such as those for Atari Lynx. This got me thinking: can we add more cores? The answer is thankfully a resounding yes!

OnionUI, which is the basis for the Miyoo Mini Plus' OS gives you access to Retroarch out the box, which is fine if you know what you're doing, but for the uninitiated, it might be a little daunting. Heading over to I located the latest OnionOS (Onion V4.1.4 stable or Onion V4.2.0.2-beta DEV at the time of writing) and was met with the possibility of adding around 100 emulators to the native UI with very little fuss.

Formatting a spare 128GB SD card to FAT32, I proceeded to drag and drop the Onion 4.2 release on, eject the card, pop it into the Miyoo and power it up. I was met with an absolute boatload of QOL fixes and additions that up until today: I hadn't realised the base OS was lacking. Options such as display calibration, start-up/shutdown configuration, shortcuts, activity tracker, screenshots, title search, FPS counter, vibration intensity, sorting/cleaning sd card, and it adds in a music player, a PDF reader and OTA updating to boot!

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4.2's built-in package manager allows you to add or remove emulators, themes, apps and (in expert mode) experimental emulators with a few clicks of the A button, bringing you extremely fast access to customising and personalising your device on the go and adding/removing or swapping to different cores very quickly. Another bonus was the FTP/HTTP and SSH access granted by the OS, which makes it even easier to access without having to remove the SD card.

I opted for testing out a couple of the alternative emulators, such as Lynx emulation via the Handy emulator and I was impressed, with flawless Atari Lynx gaming on the move. Why Miyoo removed that is perhaps due in some part to optimisations the community have put forward since the sadly woeful stock OS provided, or perhaps it was a planned feature that got cut at the last minute. Either way, the Miyoo Mini Plus is a machine that can be much improved if you put a little time and effort into seeing what the community has done to advance the OS.

Other emulators such as mGBA actually improved what I was experiencing on gpSP eliminating any small frame stutters, and additionally using alternate cores for some systems, instead of the ones provided in the default loadout, yielded better results along with a far tighter UI experience overall.

One downside to Onion V4.1.4 is that the battery logic is broken and so you cannot tell what your battery life is throughout your gameplay because it just reads "0%", also the shutdown function seemed to work, but actually just reboots. Fear not because these things are working in the Onion V4.2.0.2-beta and will be included in the upcoming 4.2 stable release, so I very much look forward to that and more as the Miyoo Mini Plus matures!


Overall I think the Miyoo Mini Plus is a solid option for people who want to buy a device and play. Tinkerers such as myself can also get a heck of a lot more out of the device and vastly improve the stock experience far beyond what I thought was possible just by dragging and dropping on a custom OS.

With a price tag of $69.99 at most retailers, it's a great price to get instant access to a lot of games, quickly, and with minimal fuss!

Sure, people may argue that a VITA or PSP could be purchased for under $60 and filled to the brim with emulators and additional content, but the Miyoo offers a package that means even the most un-tech-savvy people can pick up and play their favourite retro titles in a matter of seconds after opening the box.

We have to remember that not all people have the acumen for hacking or modding, some just like to buy it pre-prepared, and not have to stress about configurations or sourcing ROMs or emulators that are compatible: and Miyoo makes this an incredibly attractive purchase!


What We Liked ...
  • Fantastic 3.5" 4:3 display
  • Excellent D-Pad and buttons
  • 4-6 hour battery life (depending on usage)
  • 128GB max storage size (64GB provided)
  • Pocket-sized portability
  • Comes with 64GB card, a hard protective case, glass screen protector, SD card reader, & charger cable!
  • Onion OS 4.2 gives it a much-needed overhaul (installed separately)
What We Didn't Like ...
  • Cruddy stock UI installed
  • Tinny sound
  • Basic vibration
  • GBA/PSX is the absolute upper limit
  • Cannot be used as a removable drive through USB.
out of 10


The Miyoo Mini Plus improves on the original's design choices, screen, and battery life in droves. With an updated third-party OS the experience is superb throughout, and for just $69.99 I have to say this is a great pocket package for people wanting the ready-made retro experience.
If it plays PSX good, without stutter, I'd say it's a great investment.
Most phones can play PS1, N64, DC, etc so spending $70 on this may be a waste as it'll be used once or twice then never again.

Connect a controller via BT with your phone and there you go.
  • Haha
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Most phones can play PS1, N64, DC, etc so spending $70 on this may be a waste as it'll be used once or twice then never again.

Connect a controller via BT with your phone and there you go.
The issue with just using a phone is that not everyone has a powerful enough phone that can do this to this day some don't like to buy new until it breaks. Theirs also the form factor of the classic GBA that people miss and having a dedicated device helps with this. Or they don't have to go through the entire set up process or want to take up phone storage considering phones today are getting rid of micro SD even top of the line Samsung devices.
Installing Onion OS is a must! The stock UI is not that bad though. However, the roms are that it comes with and the SD card is too as it's no name crap and will die soon.

So first steps for any Miyoo Mini (Plus) are always:
  1. Buy a SanDisk or Samsung SD card
  2. Format it to FAT32 with GUIFormat
  3. Install Onion OS
  4. Copy over the BIOS files from the SD card it came with
  5. Source your own roms either by dumping them yourself or getting them from the Roms Megathread (Reddit) or by gettting the "Tiny Best Set"
"GBA/PSX is the absolute upper limit"

Could we really expect ps2 for a $70 device?
I thought the same. Why is this even mentioned? Also apart from the pricetag of the device, it only comes with a D-Pad. Nobody would even want to play PS2 games on that.
If it plays PSX good, without stutter, I'd say it's a great investment.
It definitely does. Also CD systems like PC Engine CD and Sega Mega CD run great.
Arcade games are hit and miss but most of the MAME 2003 Plus romset works pretty well. Same goes for the FB Alpha set that is mentioned on Onion's wiki page.
The Miyoo Mini was already a pretty impressive device for the price and size that played everything up to PSX and the Miyoo Mini Plus has the exact same chip so it does it too but only with a bigger screen. I have both and love 'em.

128GB max storage size (64GB provided)
That's nonsense. I have a 512 GB card in it and people in the subreddit are running 1 TB cards just fine.
I've been offered a MiyooMini last summer. It's fun to have it even if my PSP is also a console that I use commonly with the video output, which I love for Ps1 games.

L1, L2, R1 and R2 buttons are too compact for my tastes, but I can survive without them.
I wonder how it feels on this model?

The person who offered me that console also added MiniUI for a simpler interface. He also changed the speaker with his soldering skills because he also disliked the sound of the original speaker.

I see that the netplay is an impressive feature on this new model.

I think my 'dream portable console' would be with a video output and two usb plugs for controller support and I would use the USB port to upload roms on my micro sd card. But for that, I could give an effort and try tinker an Arduino or simply use a laptop only for emulation, for example.

Thanks for the review, it's very complete!
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This is a really great device. I'm choosing between this or the Anbernic RG35XX since I want a smaller handheld to bring around with me in my pocket around campus.
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Most phones can play PS1, N64, DC, etc so spending $70 on this may be a waste as it'll be used once or twice then never again.

Connect a controller via BT with your phone and there you go.
Something about playing games on a phone is really not satisfying, but I am not sure why

Maybe it's the interruption from notifs, or worrying I am draining my phone battery, but I just have never been able to do it long and enjoy the experience
Something about playing games on a phone is really not satisfying, but I am not sure why

Maybe it's the interruption from notifs, or worrying I am draining my phone battery, but I just have never been able to do it long and enjoy the experience
Will say that phones get so old with current tech you may have an old one with type c HDMI out already in your room some place that's unused. Many keep old ones that can easily be turned into a all in one retro machine docked or portable that's just collecting dust.
I have one of these it is pretty damn cool and upper limit of psx/gba well you would have to shell out another $100 to get something more powerful. This system is great if you just want to casually load some Neogeo, etc. Runs great.
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This seems small to me and it'd get uncomfortable after a while. Do you guys recommend the Anbernic RG35XX instead?
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I never liked OnionOS, the simpler MiniUI is better IMO.

Edit: Just read the giveaway, so am I automatically in? since I have commented before the giveaway announcement?
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This seems small to me and it'd get uncomfortable after a while. Do you guys recommend the Anbernic RG35XX instead?
Ambernic has been flooding the market with those things as well, prettymuch competing against themselves at this point. There's so many systems out now the differences between them and their merits are all very miniscule, you really can't pick one and lose.
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I've been offered a MiyooMini last summer. It's fun to have it even if my PSP is also a console that I use commonly with the video output, which I love for Ps1 games.

L1, L2, R1 and R2 buttons are too compact for my tastes, but I can survive without them.
I wonder how it feels on this model?

The person who offered me that console also added MiniUI for a simpler interface. He also changed the speaker with his soldering skills because he also disliked the sound of the original speaker.

I see that the netplay is an impressive feature on this new model.

I think my 'dream portable console' would be with a video output and two usb plugs for controller support and I would use the USB port to upload roms on my micro sd card. But for that, I could give an effort and try tinker an Arduino or simply use a laptop only for emulation, for example.

Thanks for the review, it's very complete!
If you have the cash you might like one of the many Win GPDs, they make tiny laptops with built in gamepads and a lot of bells and whistles, and have recently also started making more vita / PSP styled Windows laptops with slide out keyboards. The only real downside to them is their price.
@lordelan I only had a 64GB provided to me, and a spare 128GB knocking around. I was informed that 128GB was the max supported on the stock OS so that’s what I ran with.

Thank you for letting me know otherwise :)

@K3N1 Aether SX2 actually runs quite well on reasonably old <£70 2018 android phones, but it would never run on this.

@ertaboy356b thank you, I’ll check that out :)
@lordelan I only had a 64GB provided to me, and a spare 128GB knocking around. I was informed that 128GB was the max supported on the stock OS so that’s what I ran with.

Thank you for letting me know otherwise :)

@K3N1 Aether SX2 actually runs quite well on reasonably old <£70 2018 android phones, but it would never run on this.

@ertaboy356b thank you, I’ll check that out :)
Oh yeah, I wasn't trying to dog your con for it it's just that it's not really advertising anything higher than PSX so it was confusing. The community knows how much I love my Chinese crap handhelds. Remember when I said wasn't that long ago we had no portable options for smooth ps2 emulation? Honestly with yuzu being android ported we're going to see a ton more products advertising switch support and probably instant law suits from Nintendo. Can't wait for smaller Aya neo like devices that can run rpsc3 under $200 MSRP also. I doubt the RG35PS could even do ps2 :)
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I use koriki fw, there a great theme called BigCody and I love it!
By the way it runs fine pce engine cd too and even run some daphne games!
What more: I play some DOS games and some have a little sound lag - BUT they works :D


There a way to play through retroarch dreamcast vmu games too. About ps analog portable games I don't find info.
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"GBA/PSX is the absolute upper limit"

Could we really expect ps2 for a $70 device?
No, but to hear that GBA games are pushing the limits of the device is concerning. It shouldn't be an issue to emulate GBA games, my toaster should be able to run them.
This device is awesome! The fact that it has wifi is a differential to use retroachievments.
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"The main draw of our Myoo Mini compared to the other devices with similar specs and capabilities is the small size. What do we change in the successor so we keep the edge? Faster CPU? Better sound? More supported systems?"
"How abou we make it bigger?"
"Fucking brilliant!"
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I have tried numerous times to build something like this myself, I always get hung up on something though. First attempt it was the enclosure, second attempt the buttons... The battery... The microcontroller...
My time and effort would never really result in something as nice as these little units. I'd love to get my hands on one.
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I have the first one and wonder how much more confy the back shoulder buttons became. I already beat high precision platforms on the small one with Super Mario World, Aladdin SNES and Mega Man X4 both with X and Zero and have had a lot of fun and could have played in my phone with a controller more confortable like the 8BitDo Pro+ and Pro 2, Gamesir X2, or with the Xbox One or Series with the 8BitDo Clip, could have played with my PSP or my PSVITA but there's something about the small size and the simplicity that I do prefer to carry throughtout the day. Yes the D-PAD and the action buttons are GREAT as stated in the review.
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It’s amazing how many of these little devices there is. I’m a bit paralyzed by the selection — which one to choose?!
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I've been pretty 'meh' towards the dedicated handheld emu scene - mainly because I prefer to play stuff on original hardware, and only use emulators for systems I don't own on PC... but that line has become a little blurred due to running a small handful of emu's on my 3ds and Vita (as well as the built in GB/GBC emulation on my EZ-Flash Omega DE), so I've begun to take notice of some of these pretty nifty handheld emulation devices - and I must admit that the Miyoo products seem to be getting reckoned as the preferred device in it's price range.

Do I NEED one? No... but if I had one it would probably take over a chunk of my life!
Seems like a good retro handheld, not at the level of Analogue Pocket of course.. but for the price I think it's worth it. Also it's a good looking device with that retro gameboy vibe and with Onion OS it has a nice UI, for me one negative point is the resolution a bit low since we are in 2023, i would expect at least around 960x540 for a 3,5 inches, but It is not alone, as the Nintendo Switch is 7 inches with a resolution of 720p and should at least have 1080p in 2023 I think (same as tablet and smartphones). That said, I think using this miyoo seems like a fun experience, and also good luck for everyone that is participating to this giveaway!!!
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Looks like a cool device to own and to pass the time with. I really like that smoke transparant case. Awesome little device so it seems.
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How is this thing doing with PC-98 emulation? Are the control buttons configurable (for the PC-98)?
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I find relatively cheap devices like this can be good for situations where if you want something but don't want to risk something more expensive e.g. a high end smartphone and gamepad by the pool.
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"GBA/PSX is the absolute upper limit"
For 70 dollars, do you really think this handheld can emulate everything? Try to play PS5 on that.
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That would be a great console along with my Steam Deck 😀

I've had my steam deck for 2 months now and only just started to play games on it 😂.. Most of my time was spent tinkering around with Linux and learning on how to use the damn thing.

Dual booted windows onto it a couple of days ago aswel
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Install OnionOS on this and you have the best retro handled if you only want PSX era and before :teach:
Got one and absolutely love it!
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I have the regular one (Mini, not Mini+), with OnionOS installed it's just a great device. Iirc I had it on aliexpress for something a bit more than 50€. I don't think there's a better « cheap emulation console » for now, it completely eclipsed my Powkiddy v90 (which couldn't run some SNES games that well, the Miyoo Mini has no issues whatsoever)
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I’ve always been curious about devices like this. This one though, seems to have a great looking screen. The shoulder buttons are interesting. This would be great for those long road trips in the van.
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Still hesitating, I've always wanted to have one of those retro handheld, but I feel like the screen is too small to play RPGs.
Also, how does the back buttons (L and R) feel? Are they easy/comfortable enough to reach?
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Installing Onion OS is a must! The stock UI is not that bad though. However, the roms are that it comes with and the SD card is too as it's no name crap and will die soon.

So first steps for any Miyoo Mini (Plus) are always:
  1. Buy a SanDisk or Samsung SD card
  2. Format it to FAT32 with GUIFormat
  3. Install Onion OS
  4. Copy over the BIOS files from the SD card it came with
  5. Source your own roms either by dumping them yourself or getting them from the Roms Megathread (Reddit) or by gettting the "Tiny Best Set"

I thought the same. Why is this even mentioned? Also apart from the pricetag of the device, it only comes with a D-Pad. Nobody would even want to play PS2 games on that.

It definitely does. Also CD systems like PC Engine CD and Sega Mega CD run great.
Arcade games are hit and miss but most of the MAME 2003 Plus romset works pretty well. Same goes for the FB Alpha set that is mentioned on Onion's wiki page.
The Miyoo Mini was already a pretty impressive device for the price and size that played everything up to PSX and the Miyoo Mini Plus has the exact same chip so it does it too but only with a bigger screen. I have both and love 'em.

That's nonsense. I have a 512 GB card in it and people in the subreddit are running 1 TB cards just fine.
Great post, thanks 🙏
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Reactions: Hmed and lordelan
Seems like a good retro handheld, not at the level of Analogue Pocket of course.. but for the price I think it's worth it. Also it's a good looking device with that retro gameboy vibe and with Onion OS it has a nice UI, for me one negative point is the resolution a bit low since we are in 2023, i would expect at least around 960x540 for a 3,5 inches, but It is not alone, as the Nintendo Switch is 7 inches with a resolution of 720p and should at least have 1080p in 2023 I think (same as tablet and smartphones). That said, I think using this miyoo seems like a fun experience, and also good luck for everyone that is participating to this giveaway!!!
Given the systems that this can emulate, the screen resolution is a non-issue. Especially for the size of the screen. Granted, if it had HD output I'd expect at least 720p.
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Very neat device little device with a cool visual flair... If we exclude the buttons font which is pretty ugly. The speaker being mono is a bit disappointing too.
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I might already have a modded Switch and a Steam Deck...but having a dedicated handheld for ps1 and below would be convenient

Real shame about the speaker though :(
Tried my friend's miyoo mini and thought that it was excellent, especially with onion os, just a tad small. The plus seems to have the perfect size.
Seems like a ptetty nifty lil device! Good review.

If I win will it get here before I goto London on Monday? Be cool to take that rather than my wii u :rofl2: :yaysp:
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"GBA/PSX is the absolute upper limit"
For 70 dollars, do you really think this handheld can emulate everything? Try to play PS5 on that.
Lol I didn’t expect it to emulate anything higher, but I confirmed that those two in particular are the upper limit usable with a few small hiccups.

You could probably remote play PS5 on it if you rrrrrreally wanted ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Definitely looks like a very neat little emulation device, funny to see that the SM64 port is included in it.

Good luck to everyone else who's entering the giveaway!
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I have a Miyoo Mini V2 and a Miyoo Mini +, I love both of them! I highly recommend installing DotUI for the MMP, it is a CFW that focuses on getting you to your games as fast as possible. And it saves your battery life quite a bit.
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looks quite interesting, wonder if any hardware overclocks might improve the performance, or perhaps testing with other retroarch cores.
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I very much like it, I got a Miyoo Mini a good while back and it's honestly been a really solid little handheld - although the included microSD card is of questionable quality and I would replace it if you expect your saves to stay safe.
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what was the next step up in the emulation chain past psx that it couldn't handle? just curious to know its pushed limits of emulation
A really great device to take along anywhere and play some classics. Not everything should be super powerful, So playing up to PSX is fine. It's a shame it doesn't come with a case, as the smaller version did.
There are so many of these devices, I really want to test one but can't decide, so I'm sticking to mine New 3DS XL for now.
So seems like it falls a bit short of a modded 3DS or PS Vita, but still a really cool piece of kit. The Game Boy-esque form factor certainly doesn't hurt. :D
They've been putting out amazing emulation handhelds recently. Would definitely love to try this out. :wub:
Even though I do have a steam deck, having a very small form factor device that is not as costly as a steam deck seems to be actually quite nice.
More curious to how repairable this will be in the long run, when the manufacturer isn't interested in supporting it anymore, for whatever the reason.

Still, high marks, so color me interested.
This new model looks as great as the original but Id love to see a new batch in the original size (with the same or better performance) since it was so pocketable.
Seems pretty solid at this price, performance, design and screen. Would be nice to win.
Yeah. The last time i played a handheld was 20 years ago (gameboy and gameboy color).

Good luck to me!! hahaha.
Dunno how to feel about this. On one hand, having a small device dedicated to emulation sounds great! On the other, I already have a Vita.. and a phone with controller.. never mind the mono speaker.. what year is it!?
The miyoo mini + is a great device, I only wished it had better sound. The community and mods for it are great. I love OnionOS.
I really love these little tinny things, you can game on the way and today are becoming more powerful but tinniest than ever!

By the way is hilarious how the comments become more tinny at the point to be uni-syllable. Why that will be?
Hoping to see this version become cheaper or a better more powerful version that does a lot more and has better speakers/overal operation features like USB transfers.
Would be nice if they were easier to buy too, they never seem available.
Though I personally don't need one but it would be nice for family.
Interesting review, playing PSX games is what makes it worth it. But the sound quality is a bummer. Also it is very true that buying a PSP to do the same things is possible, but to be honest everyone on this forum has a bit of knowledge on figuring stuff out or experimenting which makes the psp a better option.
Display on this thing actually looks pretty nice. Would be nice to have, I haven't used one of these retro emulation machines before
I always liked retro and actually the ps one I could never fully enjoy it, it would be an honor after reading this review to win one.
Loved that it plays Street Fighter well with that d-pad. That's the first thing I test for when trying out new systems and controllers.... responsiveness and comfort for playing high execution games (like fighting games)
For 70€ that's a pretty cool deal. Kudos for running Linux, someone somewhere will push this to its limit xD
It has been a very long time since I've held something similar to the classic Game Boy form factor. It looks like from the pictures I have seen of this handheld that it could be a little awkward to hold and play on. But I would give it a chance if I had the money or opportunity for it.
This looks surprisingly good for the price alone, I've somehow expected much less.
Totally worth it just for the emulation power alone, that beats my phone just for the fact there are actual physical buttons to press while playing.
Giveaway post.
I don't really want it for myself, but it'd make a nice birthday gift for some people I know.
Ambernic has been flooding the market with those things as well, prettymuch competing against themselves at this point. There's so many systems out now the differences between them and their merits are all very miniscule, you really can't pick one and lose.
Thank you! Yeah, in fact there's so many models that that doesn't help. Anbernic only ships from China to my country too and it gets expensive plus it takes forever, so it's more complicated.
*Crosses Fingers* Hope I win, but seriously I always love the look of this portable device. It's just the right size of gaming (well for me anyway).//
Of course I'm gonna post it now for some chance of winning a freebie, but tbh... after reading a review... I want it so bad :D
Looks dope, which are the actual sizes of it? Haven't seen except the 3.5" screen size.
Doesn't seem to be very big for what it packs.

Btw, good luck everyone!
Kinda surprised PS1 runs on a little device like this... imagining playing Tony Hawk on this tiny little thing
This seems small to me and it'd get uncomfortable after a while. Do you guys recommend the Anbernic RG35XX instead?
Size wise, the 35XX is just slightly bigger. For comfort alone, you will likely want a horizontal model or a bigger vertical model (although honestly, I can't help but think it is not ergonomic), which also means a price bump (alongside a performance bump).
Love to have this to replace my 3ds as the portable emulation powerhouse (or not) but onion is the first thing that needs to be done to it.
The system looks really awesome. Your review was in much detail for sure thank you. I may purchase this system now.
I ate an edible and can’t be bothered to read that. Will come back to it tomorrow when I comprehend.
But, the question is, can this run SMZ3, particularly when switching games? If that works, I'm sold, and buying one ASAP.
I'd be interested to try something like this. Looks fairly well built. I'm for sure the type who'd immediately mess with the custom OS and stuff :lol:
Surprised to read the reviewer praising the screen after seeing the photos. It doesn't look particularly great to me, but maybe the photos don't do it justice.
If you have the cash you might like one of the many Win GPDs, they make tiny laptops with built in gamepads and a lot of bells and whistles, and have recently also started making more vita / PSP styled Windows laptops with slide out keyboards. The only real downside to them is their price.
Thanks for the info! good to know that it exists!
I rarely buy brand new stuff, so I mostly end up with stuff given away by friends, thrift stores, and used items via eBay or video game shops. I sometimes need to do basic repairs and I got lucky enough until now!
I've been keeping an eye on these little handheld emulators for awhile. Something to note, the previous iteration of the Miyoo Mini was fragile as all hell and users claimed the thing would die after a minor drop(off a couch for instance). Others haven't experienced that but I thought it's worth mentioning.

Regarding the Miyoo+, some report that and some other issues. The most common issue I've seen is the screen would pry off the device from the front edge of the display. Just something to keep in mind to whoever wants to buy one. The size-to-power ratio is impressive with a sharp display, but these things can sometimes be a mixed-bag in what issues you get. Sometimes none, other times some.
I wonder, is there much noise in the headphone jack? It would be nice to have something to replace my GBC, which has terrible noise in its output
I wonder, is there much noise in the headphone jack? It would be nice to have something to replace my GBC, which has terrible noise in its output
Aren't there mods to work around this? I'm almost sure of it. That might be a better solution if you care to bother with it.
Size wise, the 35XX is just slightly bigger. For comfort alone, you will likely want a horizontal model or a bigger vertical model (although honestly, I can't help but think it is not ergonomic), which also means a price bump (alongside a performance bump).
That's what I've been seeing. But my god there are like 50 different models. Do you recommend one in particular? If possible I'd like to emulate up to GameCube but I'm not sure that's viable lol. I don't mind the price bump.
Thank you very much!
I enjoy the form factor of this handheld. I know it may not play PS2 but my favorite retro systems it can handle it fine making it a really nice device to travel with 🙂
I'd love to get me one of these! I wonder about those R1/R2/L1/L2 buttons though.. I can imagine you accidentally keep pressing the wrong ones continuously.
I played a lot of GP2x/Pandora about 15 years ago. In comparison, I see few advantages today in this price range at first glance.
Anyway, I would like to test a "modern" emulation handheld and find out what makes them better.
Hardware looks cool, I could use a portable SNES... that can also run the occasional Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX.
In any case, I am a player of chance, I've won many duels by surprising the adversary with Skull Dice. Works every time.
For me the main draw of this over its competitors is the aesthetic. They seem to have really nailed it, moreso than similarly styled devices.

Another strength is that it's been designed with its limits in mind. Most games for PlayStation and earlier machines used this button layout or a subset of it.
I already have psvita, but I'd like to have this console too. Ilike it very much
Thanks for the review
I've never owned a dedicated handheld gaming device before. I've always used a PC or my phone.
This looks great and I would definitely like to play around with one of these!
Never had a third party, emulation-dedicated console. Looks very nice although being limited to gba/psx excludes lots of more recent 2D games.
That's what I've been seeing. But my god there are like 50 different models. Do you recommend one in particular? If possible I'd like to emulate up to GameCube but I'm not sure that's viable lol. I don't mind the price bump.
Thank you very much!
For reliable GC/PS2, you would need to go with either a x86 Steam Deck or Android-based Odin (Snap 845)/Odin Lite (MTK Dimensity D900), but then we are talking about larger-than-Switch devices.

If you want up to GC/PS2 in a more pocketable shape, the best options are the Retroid Pocket 3+ or its clamshell Flip model (in a 16:9 shape) or the RG405M (in a 4:3 shape). They are Android based (both share the same SoC: Unisoc T616) so you would need to set them up yourself. It is not perfect but a good chunk of games work.

If you want a more tailored experience using EmulationStation and don't mind capping at PSX/N64 (with some Saturn), then you would either pick the RG353 series (P, V, M with dual Android/Linux or PS and VS with just Linux) for 4:3 or the RG505 (Linux only, OLED Vita display) and Powkiddy X55 for 16:9. They all share the same SoC too (RK3566), so it is basically up to design and build quality.
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"Fear not because if you own the game, or can dump your own ROM then it's as simple as dragging and dropping the ROMs on yourself, along with some box art, and your golden is just a few minutes."
The form factor should be a major con imo. There's a reason why the gba is the shape it is. Shoulder buttons. If this was in the data frog snes controller console I'd consider it.
But when it's close to the cost of a 2nd hand switch lite, picofly cheap as, no brainer, switch lite all the way.
Great review, made it sound like it's a great out of box experience which is fantastic to pickup quickly and start playing anywhere.
As a single user of a device it is good to know also it will auto-load saves to continue the action asap.
I've never really looked at the listing for this but I'm really surprised that it goes up to PS1 at that price point. Looks pretty sweet!
Been looking at loads of handhelds like this. Seems good for the price. Won't come close to my win 3 but that cost a heck of a lot more. For those who are hoping to win this one in the giveaway, good luck.
Hi dear I thing this is a great giveaway because the prize is valuable for all players thank you very much gbatemp
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I think this is the best review I have ever seen in my life. A bigger Miyoo mini, a twist on the classic.
I'm fine with it not being able to emulate anything past PS1 considering the portability this has, great little device
Looks good enough for the consoles I'd use it with. I doubt I have enough luck for the giveaway, so I wish the best for everyone.
I wonder how good the shoulder buttons are...
They are good, but it's not easy to use them. After some time hands got tired.
I talk about not "+" version, my hands big - so maybe that version better feeling in hands like that.
But console is good!
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really cool. i love these things tbh and the extra shoulder buttons make it one step closer to playstation perfection. if only they would build these wider like the psp and give us two joysticks.
I've been watching videos on this handheld. The store keeps saying out of stock, though.

EDIT: I forgot to ask how well this running Onion handles PC Engine CD and Saturn emulation.
I read the review a few days ago and it seems like a solid product.

However, I am not sure if its actually worth buying if you already own a Switch or other similar handheld device.

In any case, good luck everyone.
I've always been curious about these retro emulation handhelds, never really had the cash to drop on them though. Also I've heard these specifically are apparently hard to get? Maybe with the giveaway I'll get my chance though.
Want to get this for my Daughter. Got her a cheap $10 one at the Store, but it has so many repeated items, and has Issues
I wouldn't mind having something like this. Hilariously, for something that is much more powerful than most handheld consoles I own, I would probably be less worried about being a bit rough with it and taking it wherever. I recently upgraded one of my GBA SPs to have an IPS screen and put in a newer battery. Now I'm afraid to take the thing on trips with me. :rofl2:It cost me a bit of penny to gather what I needed to build the thing, as well as having to send back the wrong screen. I'm so silly.

I think for me, all I'd have to do is improve the audio if possible (but I could live with it, and prefer headphones anyway), and add a custom OS. Then there would be no cons. Don't care otherwise for vibration, playing anything above GBC really, or wanting to use it as a USB storage device. I'm sure you could unplug the vibrator motor and take it out.

Overall, neat!
This seems small to me and it'd get uncomfortable after a while. Do you guys recommend the Anbernic RG35XX instead?

Ambernic has been flooding the market with those things as well, prettymuch competing against themselves at this point. There's so many systems out now the differences between them and their merits are all very miniscule, you really can't pick one and lose.

Just picked up an RG35XX, would be interesting to compare.

I love these retro handhelds, have had two Anbernic but this one is soooo beautiful would love to win it!
The issue with just using a phone is that not everyone has a powerful enough phone that can do this to this day some don't like to buy new until it breaks. Theirs also the form factor of the classic GBA that people miss and having a dedicated device helps with this. Or they don't have to go through the entire set up process or want to take up phone storage considering phones today are getting rid of micro SD even top of the line Samsung devices.
That's true, but if I used a phone till it'd break I'd need to make sure it'd not have any banking apps or the sort. I personally can't do that.

There's folks who probably use banking apps on phones that no longer get security updates and it may be fine, although that's a risk they're taking. Oh well, their choice.
But, the question is, can this run SMZ3, particularly when switching games? If that works, I'm sold, and buying one ASAP.
@KiiWii can you test a random SMZ3 seed to see if this works properly? If it does, then I'm picking one up ASAP, even if I don't win the giveaway.
That's true, but if I used a phone till it'd break I'd need to make sure it'd not have any banking apps or the sort. I personally can't do that.

There's folks who probably use banking apps on phones that no longer get security updates and it may be fine, although that's a risk they're taking. Oh well, their choice.
That's a bit nitpicky some people don't even use bank apps, I have a neighbor in their 50s that would love this thing and he still likes to do everything in person.
its funny that you can buy a $15usd android phone 32gb storage 3gb ram 720x1440 ips screen and its
more powerful then this device and can run alot of psp games even some gamecube games run good

only reason i can see this being better is no need to connect a controller to it and the screen being 4:3 Aspect ratio and a better user interface and no need to install emulators and add roms
Just looking at it brings back so many memories! :gba: Wish I can experience this! It would be really useful and time-saving if in the next generation they make it work as a removable USB drive instead.
Honestly, one of the plus being the buttons is probably the most attractive part of this device considering a lot tend to mess that up.
Wow i find it really cool that such a small handheld can play ps1 games and at only 69.99! Although i do already have a psp for ps1 emulation, this one seems more streamlined and easier to play different roms from different systems. Thanks for the great review!
Do the emulators support retroachievements? (EDIT: nvm, I didn't read that it gives you access to Retroarch out of the box).
I would love to buy one. Too bad they sell them in small batches, it's almost impossible to find a mini.
The Screen looks great, but how are the supply? They have been hard and expensive to get in the past
This looks awesome! It's way more handheld than a Switch and it would take you back to the good old Gameboy-times :lol::yayswitch:
Most phones can play PS1, N64, DC, etc so spending $70 on this may be a waste as it'll be used once or twice then never again.

Connect a controller via BT with your phone and there you go.

My main non console handheld device is a Redmi Note 11 pro with a Kishi V1 and you can't even understand how wrong you are.

A phone setup is cumbersome, finnicky and full of invasive notifications that will hinder your experience. And don't get me started on spam calls.

Then, if you're actually using a controller with a clip, it's also uncomfortable thanks to the weight located in a weird position outside of your hands and the constant angle adjustment of the phone (given the clip actually allows it)

Then there are a lot of small annoyances, like some controllers not having jack or usb passthrough, bluetooths earpieces being low latency compatible or not, etc...
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I´d say 70$ is a fair price. Would like to be able to use even larger sd cards, and would add a bit more plastic at the bottom just to make it easier to hold. Wouldn´t not buy it because of that though.
Jesus Christ the amount of comments here is insane.... Then again it makes sense, this is basically a modern Gameboy LOL

GL HF hope i win
I'm usually against thin bezels on basically every device due to the thin bezel compromising on rigidity in most cases, or not letting you hold the device properly if it's a touch device, but since this device has a fixed form factor (no hinge) and you should never hold the device near the display, it actually looks quite good like this.
It looks like a pretty cool device! I don't like those handhelds that look like someone stuck an analog stick over a D-Pad centered device.
Also those Onion/Garlic names sounds pretty funny xD but seems like they open the door to everything the device has to offer: it comes with a good selection of consoles already available, and CFW makes it even better.
The black shell really gives it some classy looks, and I like its size. All-in-one devices (like using a phone for everything), at least for me, end up making things more difficult to enjoy. So I highly welcome all these new additions to the gaming world!
I wouldn’t mind this for on the go, even though I mainly play games when I’m home. Also I like the fact that this has netplay.
Being of an age that I was fortunate to play or own most of the originals at times of release o ha e noting but admiration of emulation on any new device.

This one has a certain charm and appeal.
Modi inventore eos unde quia consectetur quos necessitatibus. Natus eveniet eos consequatur minus. Neque ex placeat voluptates qui non et aut consectetur.
Great review! That grey miyoo mini plus in my opinion is the best looking of the 3. Thank you for the review and entry into the contest. Good luck everyone!
Looks like a great device to leave in my pocket just to play a little while waiting for things. Great little device.
This might be the ideal solution to the drawer full of GB/GBC/GBA/SP machines I have that is stressing me out.
I've been wanting one but it's always just out of my disposable income price range. Lol. I'm also sad because these systems never have a 6 button layout to really cover all their bases. I'd love a controller with a modern design scheme but with 6 front face buttons instead of only 4. I'm not sure about the two back buttons, still haven't quite gotten used to those yet.

But yeah, with the Tiny Best Set some what recently updating to the Tiny Best Set Go now is a great time to get one of these handhelds. Either an RG35XX or Miyoo Mini+
ANBERNIC RG35XX FTW, but I wouldn't mind owning both... Recently bought myself the RG35XX from Temu, but it has since sold out. Make sure to install OnionOS on that bad boy before y'all ship it out to me, lol.
nice form factor. I have an xperia play though. Sems like they are equivalent in terms of emulation capabilities?
For reliable GC/PS2, you would need to go with either a x86 Steam Deck or Android-based Odin (Snap 845)/Odin Lite (MTK Dimensity D900), but then we are talking about larger-than-Switch devices.

If you want up to GC/PS2 in a more pocketable shape, the best options are the Retroid Pocket 3+ or its clamshell Flip model (in a 16:9 shape) or the RG405M (in a 4:3 shape). They are Android based (both share the same SoC: Unisoc T616) so you would need to set them up yourself. It is not perfect but a good chunk of games work.

If you want a more tailored experience using EmulationStation and don't mind capping at PSX/N64 (with some Saturn), then you would either pick the RG353 series (P, V, M with dual Android/Linux or PS and VS with just Linux) for 4:3 or the RG505 (Linux only, OLED Vita display) and Powkiddy X55 for 16:9. They all share the same SoC too (RK3566), so it is basically up to design and build quality.
Thank you very much! Incredibly detailed comment. I've been thinking of getting the Pocket 3+ or the Flip so I'm probably going that way. Thanks again!
Ive always loved portable consoles. From my original Gameboy DMG all the way up to the switch. Wish nintendo made an official Virtual Boy portable LOL.
Up to PSX is exactly what I would like for my handheld! Arcade emulation and that are the only things missing from my N3DSXL
While I am still loving my Mini V2, going for a Mini Plus is certainly a nice upgrade because of the Wi-Fi support alone. But, personally, I like the bigger screen and OnionOS.
A bigger Miyoo Mini is a good move. I bought a Rg300 a year ago because while the Myioo was more powerful, it was to small for my taste. I could see myself buy the Plus to replace my trusty RG300 and give it to my daughter as her first console ever.
this little device looks quite adorable. i really love the gameboy era and all of its different versions (pocket, color, light etc).
This one looks like a nice replacement although it doesnt offer cartridge games.
pretty neat
I'm all for newer retro handhelds! I think it's one of the best and most convenient way you can play these games nowadays, and I kind of prefer handheld anyways so maybe I'm a bit biased, but the small screen usually doesn't bother me. Obviously the games designed for a handheld will possibly look and be proportioned better on such a small screen, but to me it's really never been a huge issue, but I may just have good eyesight so who knows.
I wish the screen was just a tiny, tiny bit bigger...but at least the battery life looks like it makes it worth it for that small form-factor :)
i was thinking about buying one before on aliexpress, the original, but the price shoot up, might aswell try my luck
Seems like a solid little device :)

I could see myself having fun with it on long train rides.
This thread's answers amount made my browser freeze haha

This could be fun to play retro games :)
I want one for a long time, but didn't decide which model, there is always a new one every month haha
Interesting, looks like a nice device trying to balance performance, versatility and size, in a GameBoy-esque design. Screen size was bumped up from 2.8" to 3.5" for the Plus, which is quite nice. And compared to the GBA, this is like 3x the vertical resolution..?

this screen: 4:3 ratio, 640×480 3.5" (2.8"×2.1")
GBA screen: 3:2 ratio, 240×160 2.9" (2.4"×1.6")
GB screen: 10:9 ratio,160×144 2.5" (1.9"×1.7") , 2.33" (1.7"×1.6")
GameGear screen: 4:3 ratio, 160×144 3.2"
The device looks quite neat, seems comfortable and has a nice display to go along with it.
The selection of available consoles that can be emulated is really nice as well.

Good luck to everyone entering the contest!
Good luck everyone, this mini devices are always insanely cool to see. Love to see Retro games living on strong through these products.
Wish you could still get hold of the non plus version but this looks pretty cool.
I've been interested in getting something like this for a while, to play at work during breaks. I'll have to look into it.
If I had to critique this thing for anything, it would be the s.all amount of ram. Doubling it to 256MB would help keep things smooth, like the UI, no need for a swap file on the SD, etc.
thanks gbatemp for these awesome giveaways , good luck to everyone , its a great handheld to have .
if you get this miyoo mini
and you didnt play Rhythm Tengoku
you waste your money~


this is better than
ninten~dont online retro stuff :rofl2::rofl2:
I know most phones can emulate psx, which I consider is one of if not the best of its generation. But having a dedicated handheld is probably better. The form factor is beautiful.
Not expecting to win, but I've heard endless good things about the miyoo mini from the micro handheld community
Super late for the giveaway! does look like a nice little device, even if I don't win the giveaway, I'll likely be picking up one of these to mess around with it. Cheers!:grog:
The moon speaker is a bit of a disappointment but if headphone rectify that than this looks to be a fine JRPG or SRPG machine if hibernation works well.
Between this and the RG35XX both are really solid options to emulate anything up to PSX, and they're really pocketable to be able just to carry them everywhere.
what sold me on this is the wifi, price and form factor. I know it's not mentioned much but for this price point and how portable it is, being able to do retroachievements is pretty awesome.
Those back triggers looks kinda odd, but it seems that is a great handheld for casual gaming when you are not at home.
I have the Miyoo Mini and it was a great device for when I was stuck at work. I honestly would prefer the Plus due to it's slightly larger size, thought I've mostly moved to my Razer Edge for most emulation.
This looks like it would be a great device to kill some time. I would keep this in my bathroom as the ultimate toilet companion.
Wish they would opt for horizontal form like the Switch or GBA instead of the old Gameboy's vertical form. At least it doesn't have any hinges that break after a little use like the Retroid Pocket Flip.
The GB-inspired design looks actually good for old retro games.
The only thing that seems weird is the triggers, but probably it's just fine and it is me complaining about the visual I'm used to (plain in the back)
Looks like a fun piece of kit. Always been curious about these handheld retro devices...
This little thing reminds me of my old Dingoo A320, miss that thing. I'd love to get one to help me relive those days!
I honesty expected this review to be "What a piece of crap". I was rather surprised it turned out to be such a nice piece of hardware. Usually if these devices have the power, their screens suck, or if their screens are decent, they are underpowered, or if they have sufficient power and a nice screen, they cost too much for what you get. This is probably the first handheld I've seen that has a decent screen, decent power, and is a rather reasonable price. I can easily see this being a hit. The only very slight drawback I see with this is that the screen is strictly 4:3, so GBA, PSP, etc... aren't really reasonable. But one could argue that there are a dearth of proper 4:3 portables, and that would be fair. So, if one is looking for a 4:3 device that has a nice screen, is sufficiently powered, and has a good price, I would probably place this one at #1.
"Cannot be used as a removable drive through USB." never saw this in a review for a handheld before lol
Y'know, I've always thought these looked like those "legally distinct" handhelds in TV shows and movies, but the fact that this comes with so many important goodies, a good screen, and rumble, it's honestly pretty enticing. Let's see what lucky ducky ends up getting their hands on one, good luck to you all!
The device looks small, but cute. Would love to have one to play SNES games on the go---in particular, Final Fantasy VI and Breath of Fire.
Lucky! Come on! Lucky! Neeeeeeeeeeed!
Perfect for retro-gaming in the pocket!
Fingers crossed! ;)
For me one of the nicest retrogaming handheld devices !
Would be nice to get one for the next holidays. Thanks for the great review !
I have a nephew that would love to upgrade to this from the old GCW Zero I gave to him. So proud that he likes retro games.
I love the glorious graphic modern games but they can't beat unique gameplay from retro games
Can I finally win a giveaway??
This is a very interesting device. The 640x480 resolution is awesome for retrogaming, allowing to get crispy pixels for most platforms. And we also can use RetroArch filters for platforms with uncommon screen resolutions (such as handheld platforms like Gameboy and GBA). Also, the bigger size makes the experience less cramped, compared to the previous iteration. Gotta be very cool to have this guy in my pocket when I'm not home.
No, but to hear that GBA games are pushing the limits of the device is concerning. It shouldn't be an issue to emulate GBA games, my toaster should be able to run them.
I'm late to this but I think all they meant is it can't do the next generation of handhelds (DS/PSP). They didn't say GBA is "pushing the limits", they said that GBA and PS1 are the upper limit, meaning it can't go beyond them. It runs both without hassle.
The original Miyoo Mini is my favorite handheld emulator for its pocketability and OnionOS. But ergonomics are rough on it sometimes, and it can be hard to see details on the small screen for certain games. So it's really cool they made the Miyoo Mini Plus. And with wifi support this time, so ideally I could transfer things like save files through FTP. The only downside really is I prefer a volume wheel to a rocker, but that's a nitpick if anything.
I'm late to this but I think all they meant is it can't do the next generation of handhelds (DS/PSP). They didn't say GBA is "pushing the limits", they said that GBA and PS1 are the upper limit, meaning it can't go beyond them. It runs both without hassle.
The original Miyoo Mini is my favorite handheld emulator for its pocketability and OnionOS. But ergonomics are rough on it sometimes, and it can be hard to see details on the small screen for certain games. So it's really cool they made the Miyoo Mini Plus. And with wifi support this time, so ideally I could transfer things like save files through FTP. The only downside really is I prefer a volume wheel to a rocker, but that's a nitpick if anything.
I guess I'd question why lump GBA with PS1 as the upper limits? Surely saying PS1 is the upper limit would give everyone a solid idea of what this can handle and help avoid confusion. To say PS1 and GBA are the upper limits of the device immediately reads like a red-flag to me, even if GBA games actually do run great in practice.
I guess I'd question why lump GBA with PS1 as the upper limits? Surely saying PS1 is the upper limit would give everyone a solid idea of what this can handle and help avoid confusion. To say PS1 and GBA are the upper limits of the device immediately reads like a red-flag to me, even if GBA games actually do run great in practice.
cause the GBA came out after the PS1, it's a pretty common thing to say what is the max console and max handheld a thing can emulate. But I guess either way you do it apparently someone's going to be confused.
Symphony of the Night with a Game Boy Color look and form factor? Yes please! Shame about the bad speaker and no BT headset support, but I've got quite a few wired earphones laying around so I'm still very interested.
Symphony of the Night with a Game Boy Color look and form factor? Yes please! Shame about the bad speaker and no BT headset support, but I've got quite a few wired earphones laying around so I'm still very interested.
There's some solid speaker replacements online if you don't mind doing some modifications. The miyoo mini is very popular for modifications.
Nice review. I like how you don't have to take the entire backplate off to get to the battery, like on the anbernic rg35xx.

This is a nice little machine. Wouldn't mind getting my hands on one.
And just so the reviewer knows, on the rg35xx, whether you're using GarlicOS or MinUI...if you create a blank file named enableADB and put it on the root of the Misc folder(if Onion has one) then that enables browsing and adding files without having to take out the sd card again and again.

Just use an adb file manager(I'm a linux user, don't know what it would be on Windows/Mac), or the site and you're good to go.

Now like I said I've only tried this with the rg35xx. But who knows, it might work on Miyoo with Onion
so who won the giveway?

p.s. gbatemp is still so buggy; getting freezes from time to time since 2 months now.... a javascript is bogging resources.
He he, yeah.

It only has a d-pad so who tf is expecting to play DC, GCN, or PS2? 😆

PS1 *did* use analog sticks, but most games were focused on the d-pad.
To be fair, the best PSX games, such as Mega Man Legends (2), relied on the analog stick heavily, and would be next to unplayable on this device, which is a real letdown imo.
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This thing makes my $180 GBA AGS-101 modded systems look like shit. All for only 60 bucks. I wonder if I should cash in. People still buy those things lol. I think they go for like $200 ea on ebay now rofl.
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