Review cover Mighty No. 9 (PlayStation 4)
Official GBAtemp Review

Product Information:

  • Release Date (NA): June 21, 2016
  • Release Date (EU): June 24, 2016
  • Release Date (JP): June 21, 2016
  • Publisher: Deep Silver
  • Developer: Comcept, Inti Creates
  • Genres: Action, Platformer
  • Also For: Computer, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Wii U, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, Xbox 360, Xbox One

Game Features:

Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer

Review Approach:

As a lifelong fan of the Mega Man series - I had to jump at the opportunity to review its spiritual successor. After no-living the game for a few days and beating it twice I feel that I have the ability to comment on it properly.
Delay after delay, design change after design change; it’s hard to disagree that the Kickstarter funded game that we were promised back in 2013 turned out differently from its original concept. But is the resulting product something that warrants spending your hard earned cash? That’s what this review sets out to help you decide!


Right off the bat, people have mixed feelings about Mighty No. 9. Many who were excited about it – and even backed it on Kickstarter – feel disappointed by all of the delays and changes that the game went through leading up to its release 3 years later. Others are still ecstatic about it and feel like the delays could only bring upon good things. After all, some feel that most bad games are rushed and most great ones are delayed.

Luckily for me, I don’t care about any of that! I played the Mega Man series and loved it and this game promises to be the spiritual successor to the older Mega Man titles. I am tossing all judgement about the release schedule aside for this review and judging the game based on its own merits.

With all that said, let’s get started! The game takes place in the “present year*” [*see “future”] where robots and men live together in peace – until suddenly all of the robots turn on the humans and the world falls into chaos! Well… Most robots anyway. You play as an android named Beck, the ninth in the “Mighty” series of robots by Dr. White. For a reason not explained until later – Beck is unaffected by whatever is causing the robots to go haywire. Throughout the story, Beck has to use his unique power of assimilation – that is the power to cure the afflicted bots and to take on their powers as his own – to save his 8 brothers and sisters and put a stop to the madness.


To me, the plot feels a bit stale. Surely this was intended by the team at Comcept, who were inspired by titles where the plot takes a backseat to the gameplay such as Mega Man which had a plot that was actually much shallower than Mighty No 9’s. That said, every piece of dialogue in the game is completely voiced and every character has a unique personality. Unfortunately, I found the voice acting to be on par with 4kidz when it comes to its cringeworthy-ness. In its defense, the Mighty No.’s were designed to have one track personalities so the dialogue works for them. I’m just annoyed that at no point in the game did I feel that the two most brilliant scientists in the world were any more than just bumbling buffoons based on how they spoke.

But who cares about plot? The gameplay is really what makes or breaks a game like this. After playing the game twice (and being the first person on PSN to beat it in under 2 hours) I still struggle with my own opinions about the gameplay. See, the difficulty is all over the place in this game. You start the game with just you and your laser gun. As you progress and save the other Mighty No.’s you obtain their abilities which can help you out immensely in the game. The thing is that after the tutorial level you can play the next 8 stages in any order that you want. In fact, the first stage is by far the most difficult out of the first 8 and as a result you’re better off saving it for much later.


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In a typical game the difficulty gradually increases as you go, despite any upgrades that you obtain. In this game however it gets progressively easier after the first level because for that mechanic to work, all of the levels (aside from the first) are of roughly the same difficulty. Then towards the end of the game the final stage takes it to a whole new level of difficulty. Now, I may sound like I have something against difficult games, but I want to point out that I actually love them… When they’re done right. In this case it’s not the difficulty that bugs me but the fact that the difficulty is very inconsistent between levels. Oh and I also want to mention that I’m talking about NORMAL difficulty. The easiest mode is very tough and after completing it you unlock the ‘Hard,’ ‘Hyper,’ and ‘Maniac’ modes. For those (like me) who care about trophies and achievements – there is an achievement for beating the game on both Hard and Hyper and one for beating Hard without restarting. At the time of writing nobody on the PS4 version has beaten Hard mode yet (though some may have and just haven’t synced it), let alone Hyper or without restarting. I like games that have difficulty settings like this but I wish that A) all modes were unlocked at the start, and B) that there was an ‘Easy’ mode for more casual gamers.


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The controls are very responsive in this game, which is good for a title where you need perfect accuracy in hectic situations. You press a button and Beck does it. There’s not a whole lot to say about it, but I have no complaints about the controls - but the framerate has, on occasion, dropped during intense moments. Normally it isn't enough to ruin a session but they do occasionally happen.

At the time of writing this review the game hasn’t been released to the general public (it will on June 21st – the day after this will be published) but so far only a single person has been able to beat the Boss Rush mode – at least on the PS4 version of the game. This will obviously change but I’m mentioning it to point out the difficulty of some of the challenges. Don’t worry, this is the last time that I’ll complain about the difficulty.

And speaking of Boss Rush – there are several modes in this game. Aside from the Story Mode there is also a Solo Challenge mode where you try to complete tasks, a Challenge Co-op mode where you challenge people online, the Boss Rush where you have to beat all of the game’s bosses (yikes!), and an Online Race Battle mode where you race with other players to see who can beat certain levels the fastest. The modes are actually pretty fun but I am bummed that there is no local Co-op mode. You can set up private matches but you both need a copy of the game and separate systems.


Honestly though, I did enjoy the game. I smashed my head a couple of times through my initial playthrough and complained about the difficulty to my friends – but after I ‘got gud’ I really enjoyed myself on my speedrun playthrough. I will continue playing the game because I’m a masochist who wants all of the trophies – despite the fact that it looks like a difficult and daunting task.

I will say that this game really does feel like a Mega Man game and that fans of that series – especially the earlier titles – will find a lot of enjoyment out of this game. Those who just want an easy game to smash through should look elsewhere. The game challenges you to get better as you play, so it’s also for those who want to see their own skills improve.

I want to conclude by mentioning that the plot of the game set itself up for a sequel. So look forward to Mighty No. 9-2 coming out 3 to 5 years after it’s announced!


What We Liked ...
  • You can play the first 8 levels in any order
  • Tight controls
  • Upgrades after every level are unique fun to try out
  • Multiple difficulty levels
  • Challenge modes - Online Co-op - Boss Rush - and Racing modes
What We Didn't Like ...
  • Inconsistent difficulty between levels and bosses
  • Rare dips in framerate during battle
  • Cheesy dialogue and a rather weak plot
  • No Local Co-op mode
The game was genuinely fun for me - but it can be extremely frustrating for those who aren't up to the difficulty. Almost nobody at the time of this review were able to actually beat the game on normal difficulty. The framerate drops are annoying and the difficulty is all over the place. If you're like me - you'll hate it at first and then grow to enjoy it.
The game itself looks great. I personally enjoy the style that they used but it is not for everybody. It almost feels like you're playing an updated PS1 game.
Lasting Appeal
There is a lot to do after you beat the game. Since it tracks your time you may want to go for a speedrun, or a no 'game over' run. There's also the nearly impossible Boss Rush mode and all of the other challenge modes to keep you interested for a long while. If there was a Local Co-op mode I'd have given this a 9.
out of 10


There was a lot of hype for Mighty No 9. which ended up fading away over its rough development time. The end product was not what we anticipated - but it's still a fairly good game for a decent price. It's fault comes from not knowing exactly what it wants to be. It's difficulty is so wild that it could turn off many players - casuals and Mega Man veterans alike. Overall, I recommend fans of the genre to give Mighty Number 9 a shot.
I like your way of thinking. There are bad parts of the game for sure - but it ultimately is a good experience for fans of the genre!
This is true for most games. Some people don't have the same taste as you, and instead of sperging about how this game is "critically acclaimed" or "this game sucks because it doesn't appeal to me", just accept that you're not the target audience. If you can't come up with an actual argument (and parroting a review is not a valid one, actually use examples) then don't try to critique the game.
The amount of delays and graphical downgrades has made me lose my interest for Mighty Delay No. 9. I also saw IGN's review today earlier and they made a lot of sense.
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The amount of delays and graphical downgrades has made me lose my interest for Mighty Delay No. 9. I also saw IGN's review today earlier and they made a lot of sense.

That's your opinion. Therefore, you are not Megaman fan so it made a lot of sense that you re not fan of this game either. By the way, IGN's review is an opinion!
That's your opinion. Therefore, you are not Megaman fan so it made a lot of sense that you re not fan of this game either. By the way, IGN's review is an opinion!
Hm, no. I'm not happy with how Mighty Delay No. 9 has turned out to be and I refuse to support it just like I refuse to support Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE for the screw up that Nintendo made it into.
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Hm, no. I'm not happy with how Mighty Delay No. 9 has turned out to be and I refuse to support it just like I refuse to support Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE for the screw up that Nintendo made it into.

Still, I understand your opinion. I just played it and the story is silly, of course! However, a gameplay is really fun and the 8 bosses are awesome. I enjoyed it a lot. I can't wait for the sequel and maybe it can help them improve their mistake, perhaps. Just keep your mind open. Oh yes, have you been playing it yet ?
Hello, umm i was wondering if you will also be doing a review for azure striker gunvolt 2 when it is released. I also would like to see that, but i am in no position to make one, as legit as yours, I would just make my own opinion based one as yours is more professional. :)
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Hello, umm i was wondering if you will also be doing a review for azure striker gunvolt 2 when it is released. I also would like to see that, but i am in no position to make one, as legit as yours, I would just make my own opinion based one as yours is more professional. :)
Well there's a chance we'll get a review code for it and be able to do it. I'm pretty interested in the game myself so either way I'd consider doing a review of it! As for an opinion based review... That's sorta what all reviews are anyway as not everything is completely objective. So your review of it would be just as 'legit' as mine since my opinion isn't inherently better than anyone else's. I just get the privilege of having mine be deemed "official" and I know what to look for in a game to make a review. But if you're interested in reviewing a game I would totally give it a shot! That's what we have the user reviews section for anyway. :P
I didn't know that, my concern was not having those fancy graphics for stuff like the pros and cons, or the scores and such. But i mean as for user review on the game i wasn't aware of that being a thing, i just felt the Offical reviews take more prioirty over others since it has better presentation and promotion as well as a designated person behind it as more of a job or something. But i guess i can try reviewing some games. :)
How did you know you were the first one to complete it in less than two hours? and that no other (sync) players got some trophy?
I know you can search by PSN-ID, but didn't know you could search by game. or is it psnprofile existing profiles only?

Thanks for the review anyway!
I saw you were playing it, but it wasn't available on the PSN yet :P
I didn't ask for a shared play, I thought you might be reviewing it.
As a long-time Mega Man enthusiast herewith I swear that I will beat Maniac Mode no matter what it takes!

That plan might end up being less painful than getting buried in side-missions in any Ubisoft game...
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Just some additional information, The wii u port is very underfavored or should be avoided, I own it sadly, and frame rates are a issue, as well as long loading timems (about 30 seconds to load options menu and then 20 to leave, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?) Also reloading the stage after losing lives is fustrating for this very reason, the long load times.

I got the wii u version thinking the gamepad support will offer some new unique or advantages but sadly it just mirrors tv screen for off tv play, so is not advised unless you don't use your tv for games as much, or wait for the mobile ports.

Some people has been reporting game freezes requires in a hard power down of the console (Hold power button for 7 seconds, Unplug power cable) I didn't play long enough to have experienced it myself but is been discused.

Just thought i should share if you might want to know, you can add if you want to your review. :)
How did you know you were the first one to complete it in less than two hours? and that no other (sync) players got some trophy?
I know you can search by PSN-ID, but didn't know you could search by game. or is it psnprofile existing profiles only?

Thanks for the review anyway!
I saw you were playing it, but it wasn't available on the PSN yet :P
I didn't ask for a shared play, I thought you might be reviewing it.
Well when I looked up the trophy information on my PS4 it shows that I was the only person to get the trophy. I know this because the game shows that only 1 person beat the Boss rush and that 0.5% of people had the trophy. Before my speedrun was over the trophy information for the speedrun was at 0.0% and then right after it was at 0.5%. That's enough for me to be confident.

But it was kinda just a humblebrag that I wanted to throw into the review. :D

Also I'd gladly share play with you Cyan but I don't think my internet connection would be able to hold up sadly. We can try it if you want.
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So if anybody is thinking of trying the PC version, don't do it. It's not optimized and lacks controller support despite recommending you use a controller, and the default keyboard and mouse controls suck. I only played a bit but I like what I saw ignoring the mentioned issues. Wait for a PC patch before trying to play.
So if anybody is thinking of trying the PC version, don't do it. It's not optimized and lacks controller support despite recommending you use a controller, and the default keyboard and mouse controls suck. I only played a bit but I like what I saw ignoring the mentioned issues. Wait for a PC patch before trying to play.

Man, I don't mean to shit on what you said but when I see a lie I can't help but disprove it. I received my code, downloaded for Steam plugged in my standard XBOX 360 wired controller as I do every time I play something and it was fully supported, vibration and all. Unplugged it later to try keyboard controls but even though I customized them they felt uncomfortable and went right back to playing with my controller.

Don't say stuff just because.
Man, I don't mean to shit on what you said but when I see a lie I can't help but disprove it. I received my code, downloaded for Steam plugged in my standard XBOX 360 wired controller as I do every time I play something and it was fully supported, vibration and all. Unplugged it later to try keyboard controls but even though I customized them they felt uncomfortable and went right back to playing with my controller.

Don't say stuff just because.
A lot of people are having issues with using controllers with the game. Look at Steam discussions and reviews. [retracted, the contoller support is functional, but still poorly implemented].

UPDATE: So I finally got my controller working, but it was an ordeal because the contoller support is so poorly designed.

Actually getting to play with decent controls I'm really liking the game, especially the difficulty.

This is a good example of a game to ignore the reviews and actually try the game (still saying to avoid the PC version). Like the IGN review the guy seemed mad because it isn't just a classic Megaman clone and didn't stimulate the nostalgia boner he wanted. That's what I got from him talking about how the game "had no soul" and bitching about the art style.
Like the IGN review the guy seemed mad because it isn't just a classic Megaman clone and didn't stimulate the nostalgia boner he wanted. That's what I got from him talking about how the game "had no soul" and bitching about the art style.
In addition, many reviewers spent the whole review bitching about the delays and not about the actual game. Granted, I also mentioned the delays but I made it a point to give the game the score I gave it based on the game itself and not its history. That might explain why even though I rated it below average, I still gave it a better score than almost any other critic.
Get a nvidia sheild device, You should be able to play the game on it, and is only $200 for one of them. Besides, if your already have a playstation or xbox, you practically have nvidia consoles. You don't need a nvidia pc to play this game. ^_^
(Screen shot for list of avaible platforms the game is for)
Get a nvidia sheild device, You should be able to play the game on it, and is only $200 for one of them. Besides, if your already have a playstation or xbox, you practically have nvidia consoles. You don't need a nvidia pc to play this game. ^_^
(Screen shot for list of avaible platforms the game is for)
I only have a 3DS and a old PSP and the 200$ even if i have it, in my country for a NVDIA is a dream.
So i'll watch the gameplay
A lot of people are having issues with using controllers with the game. Look at Steam discussions and reviews. Maybe do some research before calling someone a liar?

UPDATE: So I finally got my controller working, but it was an ordeal because the contoller support is so poorly designed.

Actually getting to play with decent controls I'm really liking the game, especially the difficulty.

This is a good example of a game to ignore the reviews and actually try the game (still saying to avoid the PC version). Like the IGN review the guy seemed mad because it isn't just a classic Megaman clone and didn't stimulate the nostalgia boner he wanted. That's what I got from him talking about how the game "had no soul" and bitching about the art style.

It's good that you got your controller working. I hope you do realize that most of the things said on those reviews are just pointless vitriol aimed at the fact that the game made its earnings on the dreams of disappointed fans, hence most of them can be discarded as rubbish.

I don't love the game, it's not the greatest thing in the world, but at least the PC version is not as buggy as people are saying. Me and other friends who got it had to do NOTHING, nothing at all but plug in XBOX360 controllers, Steam controllers, PS3 controllers or crappy controllers to start playing.
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Such weird ass high demands from people who don't know how the industry works....whatever... the game was fun for me. different concept to playing a familiar side scrolling game. I hope the creator makes it super freakin hard like it was back in the day, it may be easy now for old schoolers but for these young bucks it needs to be hard.
It's good that you got your controller working. I hope you do realize that most of the things said on those reviews are just pointless vitriol aimed at the fact that the game made its earnings on the dreams of disappointed fans, hence most of them can be discarded as rubbish.

I don't love the game, it's not the greatest thing in the world, but at least the PC version is not as buggy as people are saying. Me and other friends who got it had to do NOTHING, nothing at all but plug in XBOX360 controllers, Steam controllers, PS3 controllers or crappy controllers to start playing.
Yeah, it's not buggy but it does require a bit of messing with settings if you have other gaming peripherals and drivers.

I actually love the game now. I'm glad that it's not just a Megaman clone. So many of the differences make the game really enjoyable and difficult.

I feel like a lot of reviews (both professional and amateur) are just shitting on the game without paying attention to the actual gameplay. I haven't experienced much slow down on PC, and I get that it's a legitimate concern, but when you talk about how it doesn't have "soul" (and I have seen a lot of it, not just from IGN) and start talking about Megaman it's obvious you dislike it partially for not being literally Megaman.
I was able to calibrate my PS2 controller with no fuss. So there's that.

So far I haven't really enjoyed the game. The whole absorption thing takes any fun out of the game, because instead of running and gunning I have to have the famous scene from Dirty Harry stuck in my mind. "Was that 6 shots or only 5?" God forbid I accidentally shoot one too many times from the other side of the screen and can't get 100%. And speaking of the other side of the screen... his gun doesn't even go from one end to the other. I guess I shouldn't have started with Mighty No. 1... damn fire walls.
Whats the frame rate on the WiiU version?, played it today and the gameplay seemed really gritty like a frame rate issue. Just seemed off :(

edit: btw this was on the GPad
Whats the frame rate on the WiiU version?, played it today and the gameplay seemed really gritty like a frame rate issue. Just seemed off :(

edit: btw this was on the GPad
Yeah I heard that the Wii U version isn't optimized very well. I did this review on the PS4 version and didn't know about the Wii U's issues obviously because there was an embargo on reviews for the Wii U version.
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Whats the frame rate on the WiiU version?, played it today and the gameplay seemed really gritty like a frame rate issue. Just seemed off :(

edit: btw this was on the GPad
Yeah I heard that the Wii U version isn't optimized very well. I did this review on the PS4 version and didn't know about the Wii U's issues obviously because there was an embargo on reviews for the Wii U version.
In other news, I just got the platinum trophy in this game. Even made a guide on how to beat the Boss Rush. Man it was difficult, but if anybody is interested the video guide is here.
Remember kids: cheesy dialogue isn't a flaw if you're trying to be the spiritual successor of a game series that was all about cheesy dialogue

i mean, until zero.. but then it went back downhill with zx so whatever
Review cover
Product Information:
  • Release Date (NA): June 21, 2016
  • Release Date (EU): June 24, 2016
  • Release Date (JP): June 21, 2016
  • Publisher: Deep Silver
  • Developer: Comcept, Inti Creates
  • Genres: Action, Platformer
  • Also For: Computer, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Wii U, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, Xbox 360, Xbox One
Game Features:
Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer


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