Review cover Final Fantasy XV (PlayStation 4)
Official GBAtemp Review

Product Information:

  • Release Date (NA): November 29, 2016
  • Release Date (EU): November 29, 2016
  • Release Date (JP): November 29, 2016
  • Publisher: Square Enix
  • Developer: Square Enix
  • Genres: JRPG, Action RPG
  • Also For: Xbox One

Game Features:

Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer
Final Fantasy XV is Square Enix’s latest entry into the ever-popular Final Fantasy series. Featuring a large open world, action-styled combat, and a boy band in a car, is FFXV a worthy entry into the series?


FFXV: A Final Fantasy for Fans and First Timers

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Nope, I’m not making that title up, Squeenix saw to it to add that into the game as one of the first things you see every time you load it up. In my opinion, I think it’s a poor statement, and this review will cover some of the main reasons as to why. 

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To start off, we’ll talk about our boy band characters. First, we have the main playable character Noctis; a prince and future king of a place called Lucis. With our future king are his “body guards” and friends Gladiolus, Ignis, and Prompto (or, as I like to call them, Muscles, Brainy, and Annoying character tropes.) The game starts out with your little band of boys selfie-ing their way to a neighboring city called Altissa so Noctis can wed his hotty fiancée, Princess Lunafreya of some other neighboring kingdom. Woooo alliances and stuff. Of course, as with any Final Fantasy game, something goes wrong and now you’re forced to save your kingdom from an evil empire! Oh no! Unfortunately, the story is a bit...lacking for the most part. I don’t really get the sense of urgency you should really have in a “save your kingdom” type emergency. I also feel like you miss out on a lot of important or useful information if you don’t watch the movie or anime shorts that provides some “prequel” information on the world.

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Right away you’re thrust into the open world environment, employing a more “MMO” feel rather than the typical “hallway” gameplay that the more recent Final Fantasy games used. The world is filled with different outposts, random buildings, campsites and other such places where you can take part in various activities. In order to travel this vast world to fight the baddies, you’re given the Regalia, a car that probably costs more than most of the outposts you visit, but we’ll talk more on that in a moment. Instead of being tied down to a main quest, in the beginning you’re simply free to do whatever you feel like at your own pace in the world. There are sidequests, hunter contracts, fishing spots, photo spots, chocobo racing, and other such things you can do instead of progressing the story. While this may sound great at the start, unfortunately (like most MMOs and overly open world games) you’re simply being drowned in fetch quests, “exterminations” and the occasional “bring me 1 XYZ please”. Side quests just blend together, and there are few that stand out from the bunch. The world of Eos is an interesting one, taking on a more modernized approach instead of only relying on the standard “EVERYTHING IS MAGIC OR STEAMPUNK” cliché. There are straight up modern vehicles, gas stations, smart phones, video games and other modern conveniences, but it also pairs them with things like Magitek armor, flying ships, and magical weapons summoned from nothing in order to keep the fantasy setting.

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As I mentioned earlier, traversing this world is mainly handled by your personal car, the Regalia. You can customize your car with various paint jobs, decals, and interior colors as well as upgrade various components like a bigger fuel tank. You can also purchase previous Final Fantasy soundtracks to listen to as you drive your way to wherever it is you’re going which is a nice touch. There are two modes of travel while in the Regalia, auto and manual. In Auto mode, Ignis drives you to a designated point, whether that’s a quest location or another outpost you’ve discovered in the world. You can use auto mode to fast travel to already discovered locations if you want to skip a long drive, however it (for some reason) costs you 10gil in order to do so. Manual mode is, as the name suggests, where Noctis (AKA the player) takes control of the vehicle, and can drive the roads wherever you please. Unfortunately, manual mode doesn’t necessarily give you as much freedom as you might think; you’re limited to driving on roads and, for the most part, in your own lane. You can’t really GTA your way to your destination or go off road, hitting vehicles takes precise timing as your car (and the other vehicle) will automatically slow down to avoid damage. While a little disappointing, I suppose it makes sense in that the Regalia is basically the only way to travel vast distances quickly. 

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Combat in Eos is also vastly different from the average Final Fantasy game; instead of random encounters and going into a separate combat area/mode, enemy encounters are seamless with the overworld and combat is action based. No more menu inputs, no more waiting to attack, combat has basically evolved to in-your-face, bring it on non-stop almost button “mashing” (or, in this case, holding down a button). Thankfully, combat has a bit more depth than you would think based on that basic description. You can use the left stick to change up the way you attack while holding the attack button, Noctis has different weapon types that he can use and chain into combos as well, and you have various techniques you and your allies can make use of in desperate situations. Noctis can “warp-jump”, where he throws his weapon at an enemy and warps straight to them, dealing various amounts of damage based on range. You can also warp to different points in the area where you can heal up or “strategize” if you need to. Allies can perform special “teamwork” techniques, like Ignis’s ability to mark enemies that Noctis will warp to and attack or Gladiolus’s “I’m just going to hit them really hard”. You can also block and parry enemy attacks and do massive damage ala Dark Souls. Magic is also an option during battles, and can be created by absorbing elements in the overworld and fusing them together with Elemancy. While using magic can be a great benefit, as it does massive damage, it can also hinder you as your allies can also get hit as well. If you can’t handle all that fast pace action, you can turn on “wait” mode which basically pauses the game when you stand still so you can strategize a little bit before continuing to bash the shit out of enemies.

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Leveling is a bit different in this game as well. While you still receive EXP after battles and quests, the actual leveling up doesn’t occur until you stop at a camp site/hotel/rest points. Unlocking additional abilities and techniques is done with the Ascension Grid, which is honestly just a giant confusing mess of options and abilities and things that I just don’t care about. Ability points are gained from battles and quests as well, and you can unlock the ability to earn AP from various other sources like driving long distances, riding a chocobo a lot etc etc. Overall, for the most part, I simply kept forgetting to spend AP points. The only useful stat bonuses you can get in the game come from accessories instead of the Ascension Grid, which makes focusing on leveling a little...difficult. 

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Graphically, the game looks great at first. There are various types of areas you’ll come across in the game, such as the desert you start out in, a big hill-y area, a rainforest type place. Even a little beach where you can enjoy the invisible walls in the water! Unfortunately, there a few…technical issues that plague the normal PS4 version of the game (I can’t say about the Xbox One version, and I’m told the issues I’m about to talk about aren’t present in the PS4 Pro). To start, running through most areas, you’ll begin to notice a lot of HQ textures pop-in all around the environments. Textures on an outcropping of rocks will make a jump in quality at a close distance which is very noticeable and a bit jarring, the same goes for random trees and sometimes even random buildings. Large bodies of water also have the same issue, but to an even worse extent. It’s tough to put it into words, so I’ve included some screenshots of the massive graphical glitch I encountered in part of the first area you get to. The framerate of the game is stable in most areas, but will noticeably drop when you get into any big outpost/city. The camera is also a bit wonky at times, especially in enclosed spaces, where you’ll be zoomed in so far, you’ll be inside another character or when little “cutscene” dialogue things happen between the members of your party it’ll straight up miss the main characters completely. Lip syncing during cutscenes is also appalling, and the voice acting gets a bit cringe-y at times as well. I’d honestly say both are nearly as bad as Final Fantasy X in terms of actual quality.


What We Liked ...
  • Visually, the game looks pretty good from the start...
  • Action combat works very well, and the seamless transition between battles and the overworld is great.
  • The addition of modernized vehicles and items is a welcome change to the jRPG format, even if it doesn't feel like a Final Fantasy game should.
  • The music of the game is well done, as are the cutscenes.
What We Didn't Like ...
  • ...but graphical glitches happen far more frequently than they should, and are very noticeable.
  • Lip syncing and voice acting are near PS2 quality, which is very depressing for a game released in 2016.
  • The Ascension Grid is confusing and an absolute mess, and hardly matters at all.
  • A story that requires a 2 hour movie and 5 10-15 minute Youtube series to fully understand and appreciate.
Gameplay wise FFXV plays wells. The combat is probably one of my favorites of all the Final Fantasy games to date, despite being a massive change from turn-based as we’re all used to. The story is a bit…bad, but quite frankly can be said for most Final Fantasy games anyways.
At first, the game looks greats, but thanks to all the graphical glitches and bad lip syncing it really sort of breaks the “experience” the game tries to give you.
Lasting Appeal
My main story playthrough of FFXV took me about 36 hours, give or take some time I spent idling and typing away as well as checking out a few areas and available sidequests. I probably didn’t complete a 10th of the total available sidequests, and there are also post-game quests and things to do as well that gives FFXV a very long lasting appeal…but only if you’re into MMO styled fetch quests that are basically rehashed again and again.
out of 10


Final Fantasy XV is an ok game for the most part. My biggest complaints are with the lackluster story, the lack of that “Final Fantasy” feel thanks to the modernized world, and the occasional technical issues. Is it truly a Final Fantasy game for fans and first timers? I don’t think so. All the changes they made to the standard Final Fantasy formula don’t necessarily sit well with previous games. Would I still recommend FFXV? If you’re a true JRPG fan looking for a change, absolutely.
Does the game include dual audio? And if so do you know if the lip synching issues are present when using Japanese audio too or only the English?
It looks like my worries were crystallized in the final product (see what I did there?). I'll pick it up when it goes into the bargain bin. Looks like a good waste of 40 hours or so.
Does the game include dual audio? And if so do you know if the lip synching issues are present when using Japanese audio too or only the English?
The game does offer dual audio. As for the "lip sync issue", I don't seem to have that issue, and I have the game completely in English.
I've heard mixed reviews. I stopped playing FF games after 9, they just lost their touch it seems...Glad I didn't pick this one up just yet
I disagree with the score, I'm just short of 40 hours play time and am only half way through the story at chapter 7.
I've been completing every quest before I advance the story, think the combat is great once you ascend enough skills and it 'clicks'.
I liked the car initially, but it becomes annoying when you can only have one active quest marked at a time and you end up going back and fourth turning them in. Seems to be a lot of space between missions for no real reason other than to accommodate the car.
It does feel way more MMO than any of the previous single player games and I think that's an issue if you are a newcomer, as this isn't what traditional FF is.
I'm playing on PS4 Pro and think the game looks beautiful and have had no lip sync issues and no graphical glitches worth mentioning.
All that said I'd give it an 8 to 8.5 so far, but I'm a big fan of the series if that means anything.
Might also be worth noting that digital foundry say the vanilla PS4 is the worst performing version, even next to X1.
Wow thats a harsh score.
Didnt you update the game?

Those visual clipping fails annoyed me a lot too in the initial version. It was super fu++ed up!
But after the update 90% of those glitches disappeard.
As for the lip sync.. well yeah.. thats still a topic in the newest update version.

But its true.. the game is not ff typical long.. its just 30-40 hours if you just want to have the story.

i'd give it an 8 overall. greetings
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To be honest I love the game. With its many shortcomings.

The biggest shortcoming IMHO is how the story is told, it is kind of messy and as the game progresses you start not giving a fuck about the ongoing plot.
Also, the characterization of everything but your boy band is so bland. In some part of the game an old man dies and everybody is sad, meanwhile you ask yourself who the fuck was this guy?
If you don't care it is because of bad storytelling and bad characterization.
That is kind of dissapointing for a FF.

Now there comes the gameplay, for my taste the exploration is great, it is very enjoyable to go around the world that is quite diverse.
The world also looks great, and at least on Xbox One (even if blurry) it stays fluid and performs very good. It is a pleasure to watch, with some great landscapes here and there.

The battle system feels great to use, it is very active departing from classic FF, a little more alike to Kingdom Hearts' (specially that warping feature), more dynamic for sure than Xenoblade's.
One thing I don't like is how magic is so limited in this game with only a handful of spells, and also its annoyingly big cooldown timer.
I also don't like the little customization you can do to your characters regarding weapons or so, I feel it is very limited, the weapon catalogue is limited, what you can equip is limited.
The most annoying thing during battle is actually the goddamn camera, hell that camera is your enemy.

Music is nice, but not outstanding. Actually it is a little lazy, but I would say I enjoy more listening to old FF soundtracks with the in-game MP3 player than to the actual new sound track.

Regarding the car, hell it starts with a tank as big as a teacup and is slow as a turtle, many times I felt like putting the game aside and playing some Forza Horizon 3 to remember that an actual car in a game can run fast.
The manual mode, as said, gives you as much freedom as North Korea. But I prefer to drive it myself instead of using auto mode, I feel that when I wasn't doing that I couldn't get immersed in the world and get a feeling of where is each place, how far apart, etc. Driving yourself gives you a better feeling of the world.

Anyway, I would say that in my own opinion I would rate this game quite higher, specially because I love exploration in the game, I enjoy the battle system, and the landscapes make me feel in awe.
But it has many shortcomings, the general plot and characterization is kind of uninteresting, the story is badly told and doesn't lure you in, the camera system should have HP so you can kill it, the pacing is slow, etc.
Actually, after a while I stopped getting interested in the story and just started going around the world, exploring, and relaxing. It is kind of a relaxing game that makes you smile with its beauty and mundanity, and when you think of it like that it is quite good.

PS: I should check again, but I haven't caught anything like that beach/water glitch on the Xbox One version. Also, I haven't noticed many lipsynching problems.
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I didn't bother reading if you watched Kingsglaive before you played the game but if you didn't then you literally missed the entire point of the game and a whole lot of background and story. That takes a lot away from the enjoyability of the game.
@DarkenedMatter Regarding Kingslaive, I got it together with the game.
I tried to watch it, but I couldn't stand more than 10 minutes, it is that bad IMHO.
I sure would try to watch it sometime, but it is 2 fucking hours long, and after 10 minutes of swash, clink, clink, boom, rapid camera movement I am worried that two hours would give me headaches, deafness, epileptic attacks and death by massive boredom.
I disagree with the score, I'm just short of 40 hours play time and am only half way through the story at chapter 7.
I've been completing every quest before I advance the story, think the combat is great once you ascend enough skills and it 'clicks'.
I liked the car initially, but it becomes annoying when you can only have one active quest marked at a time and you end up going back and fourth turning them in. Seems to be a lot of space between missions for no real reason other than to accommodate the car.
It does feel way more MMO than any of the previous single player games and I think that's an issue if you are a newcomer, as this isn't what traditional FF is.
I'm playing on PS4 Pro and think the game looks beautiful and have had no lip sync issues and no graphical glitches worth mentioning.
All that said I'd give it an 8 to 8.5 so far, but I'm a big fan of the series if that means anything.
Might also be worth noting that digital foundry say the vanilla PS4 is the worst performing version, even next to X1.

Really glad they didn't give you the keys to the car and let you review this one. This is one of the first honest reviews and scores I've seen. Take off your rose tinted goggles and look at this game for what it is. Mediocre.
For a game with a 10+ year development cycle and this is what they come up with. Incoherent story, inconsistent performance, boring repetitive gameplay. Yeah very deserving of 8/10. And since it has ff in the name it should get an extra 3 points, beconing the first 11/10. Goty. Get off the high horse, square can't make good ff games anymore.

Game deserves the score it received.
Really glad they didn't give you the keys to the car and let you review this one. This is one of the first honest reviews and scores I've seen. Take off your rose tinted goggles and look at this game for what it is. Mediocre.
For a game with a 10+ year development cycle and this is what they come up with. Incoherent story, inconsistent performance, boring repetitive gameplay. Yeah very deserving of 8/10. And since it has ff in the name it should get an extra 3 points, beconing the first 11/10. Goty. Get off the high horse, square can't make good ff games anymore.

Game deserves the score it received.
What are you talking about, why are you attacking me for my opinion? Is it only because it doesn't match your own, or have I done something to upset you?
You're glad who didn't give me the keys to the car?
How can I have Rose Tinted Glasses for a week old game I'm still playing?
The game hasn't been in active development for 10 years.
I didn't give it 11/10 and it's not my goty.
What high horse? I was just posting my opinion after playing the game longer than most people probably have on here, including you.
Really glad they didn't give you the keys to the car and let you review this one. This is one of the first honest reviews and scores I've seen. Take off your rose tinted goggles and look at this game for what it is. Mediocre.
For a game with a 10+ year development cycle and this is what they come up with. Incoherent story, inconsistent performance, boring repetitive gameplay. Yeah very deserving of 8/10. And since it has ff in the name it should get an extra 3 points, beconing the first 11/10. Goty. Get off the high horse, square can't make good ff games anymore.

Game deserves the score it received.
I would have also been glad if they didn't give the keys to the guy who ended up reviewing it.

It's not really fair to make someone who usually hates JRPG's review a JRPG. It's like making someone who hates shooters review Call of Duty.
I wouldn't take this review to heart, and I would recommend reading other reviews for this game. This game is really good, and most of the "issues" he mentioned just aren't present in the game.
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Meh. You speak like you believed you mattered.
Too much use of imperative and passing opinions as facts, specially when you try to degrade e.g. previous reviewers, as this is "Finally an honest review on this site" (in contrast to every other before).
Your opinion is valid, but you phrase it like a true jerk.

PS: And yes, I noticed I just took the bait. Hell, always falling for trolls.

Please read other reviews on this site. There are people reviewing games with clear bias. I am glad the reviewer here was not just because of the FF. This game deserves this score.
What are you talking about, why are you attacking me for my opinion? Is it only because it doesn't match your own, or have I done something to upset you?
You're glad who didn't give me the keys to the car?
How can I have Rose Tinted Glasses for a week old game I'm still playing?
The game hasn't been in active development for 10 years.
I didn't give it 11/10 and it's not my goty.
What high horse? I was just posting my opinion after playing the game longer than most people probably have on here, including you.
Attacking? Who's attacking here? And I have a feeling opinions don't matter in these comments anyway. Keys to the car was referring to car in game and letting you review this one.

This is the meaning of rose tinted glasses. I said goggles because I feel that you've overlooked so many problems with this game that you don't see the real underlying issues. I pumped just as many hours in this game and many more in other ff games so I don't know what you're talking about.

As for the dev cycle, active or not that is no excuse. Look at a game like owlboy, same dev time much smaller team. Way more polish in every way. Sure diff game genre graphics, but the key point is polish. This reviewer pointed out serious flaws with this game that you have obviously overlooked. Am I attacking you personally, no. I just find it hard when you call this game 8/10 when it is clearly not.
I would have also been glad if they didn't give the keys to the guy who ended up reviewing it.

It's not really fair to make someone who usually hates JRPG's review a JRPG. It's like making someone who hates shooters review Call of Duty.
I wouldn't take this review to heart, and I would recommend reading other reviews for this game. This game is really good, and most of the "issues" he mentioned just aren't present in the game.
Why is that not a good thing? I find it a necessity. Someone who is unbiased toward a genre is a good thing. This ff15, other than the character interaction has NOTHING to make it memorable. When someone makes a jrpg that isn't completely cookie cutter and without major issues I'm sure the reviewer will appreciate it. If you like mashing one button and get into situations where the camera doesn't allow you to see any of the "combat" then you'd love this game. There is no skill to it. In my opinion square should just make interactive movies like a game such as heavy rain. Cause that is obviously what they are trying to do. Oh wait, their movies suck too :/
Please read other reviews on this site. There are people reviewing games with clear bias. I am glad the reviewer here was not just because of the FF. This game deserves this score.

Attacking? Who's attacking here? And I have a feeling opinions don't matter in these comments anyway. Keys to the car was referring to car in game and letting you review this one.

This is the meaning of rose tinted glasses. I said goggles because I feel that you've overlooked so many problems with this game that you don't see the real underlying issues. I pumped just as many hours in this game and many more in other ff games so I don't know what you're talking about.

As for the dev cycle, active or not that is no excuse. Look at a game like owlboy, same dev time much smaller team. Way more polish in every way. Sure diff game genre graphics, but the key point is polish. This reviewer pointed out serious flaws with this game that you have obviously overlooked. Am I attacking you personally, no. I just find it hard when you call this game 8/10 when it is clearly not.
But in my opinion it is an 8/10 lol difference is I'm not stating it as a fact where you seem to think your opinion is.
What is your PSN ID or gamertag?
Why is that not a good thing? I find it a necessity. Someone who is unbiased toward a genre is a good thing. This ff15, other than the character interaction has NOTHING to make it memorable. When someone makes a jrpg that isn't completely cookie cutter and without major issues I'm sure the reviewer will appreciate it. If you like mashing one button and get into situations where the camera doesn't allow you to see any of the "combat" then you'd love this game. There is no skill to it. In my opinion square should just make interactive movies like a game such as heavy rain. Cause that is obviously what they are trying to do. Oh wait, their movies suck too :/
But if someone doesn't like a certain genre, they won't really enjoy playing the game in the first place, thus giving the game an overall lower score. I hate stealth games, I hated The Last of Us and MGS V. If I reviewed those game, I would have given them a low score. Is it being honest? Yes. Does that necessarily mean it's a bad game? No, since my judgement was kind of clouded because I simply do not like the genre. The same case applies here. The person reviewing it should understand JRPGs, they should know how it works. That way, they can give a more accurate score.
TwoPunchMan said:
Why is that not a good thing? I find it a necessity. Someone who is unbiased toward a genre is a good thing. This ff15, other than the character interaction has NOTHING to make it memorable. When someone makes a jrpg that isn't completely cookie cutter and without major issues I'm sure the reviewer will appreciate it. If you like mashing one button and get into situations where the camera doesn't allow you to see any of the "combat" then you'd love this game. There is no skill to it. In my opinion square should just make interactive movies like a game such as heavy rain. Cause that is obviously what they are trying to do. Oh wait, their movies suck too :/
Hates the genre implies he is not unbiased. (prejudice anyone)
In fact, the best possible person to make such a review is someone that knows and likes the genre (JRPG) and has experience with many games in the genre, so that he can evaluate and compare the game inside the genre and its targeted market.
After all a review is used by people interested in a game from that genre, when they want to know if the game is good inside the given genre. How useful can the review be if someone that likes JRPGs and wants to buy a new JRPG looks for a review of the new JRPG and finds that it is "not good" because in fact it is an JRPG. Wut?
That said, this game is not perfect, but it is quite good IMHO. Of course opinions are subjective.
Those mentioning the patch regarding lipsync issues, yes, I played the entire game with the latest patch, I got the game release day as everyone else.

To those claiming you "have" to watch a shitty movie in order to fully experience a game, that's where the problem lies. I shouldn't have to watch a 2 hour movie about a game just to understand and get invested in a story, that's just plain old terrible story telling.

I would have also been glad if they didn't give the keys to the guy who ended up reviewing it.
It's not really fair to make someone who usually hates JRPG's review a JRPG. It's like making someone who hates shooters review Call of Duty.
I wouldn't take this review to heart, and I would recommend reading other reviews for this game. This game is really good, and most of the "issues" he mentioned just aren't present in the game.
Who said I hate jRPGs? That's 100% not true in the slightest. I talk shit about games of all genres, doesn't mean I "hate" them, jRPGs included. If I hated the genre I wouldn't have even bothered reviewing the game, you can ask any of the mag staff and they'll tell you I pass up games all the time because I don't like the particular genre/game series. Ask T-hug, he'll tell you I was hyped to review the game when he gave me the option. :rolleyes:
You can't remove bias from a reviewer, no matter what, but I, and I'm certain the other reviewers here, will push most of that aside in the pursuit of a fair review. Although I think having someone who understands the genre will always help the content of a review. See Playstation Lifestyle's take on Steins;Gate 0, where they have someone completely new to the genre of visual novels totally flub the review because they criticize the game for having lots of text to read. What? Of course GBAtemp staff usually take games from series that they're familiar with, but that doesn't make any review here "dishonest".

I didn't bother reading if you watched Kingsglaive before you played the game but if you didn't then you literally missed the entire point of the game and a whole lot of background and story. That takes a lot away from the enjoyability of the game.
But should a game require a movie and anime series to watch beforehand? Sure it enhances the full experience, but the game should be able to set up a strong story on its own.
I play the games I want, whatever their reviews score.
I make my own opinion. Who cares?

I'm at the start of FF15, it's good so far.
the game is not perfect? and then what? not the end of the world, lot of games have glitches, texture and shadow issues, etc. I noticed the shadows are not rendered on the side of the screen (maybe not on a PS4k?), well, that's how that game is working and doesn't make it unplayable.
I enjoy it. that's what is important.

I like to complete all possible missions before advancing in the story, I think I'll be busy with this game for a long time. I wanted to play last guardian too :cry:
You can't remove bias from a reviewer, no matter what, but I, and I'm certain the other reviewers here, will push most of that aside in the pursuit of a fair review. Although I think having someone who understands the genre will always help the content of a review. See Playstation Lifestyle's take on Steins;Gate 0, where they have someone completely new to the genre of visual novels totally flub the review because they criticize the game for having lots of text to read. What? Of course GBAtemp staff usually take games from series that they're familiar with, but that doesn't make any review here "dishonest".

But should a game require a movie and anime series to watch beforehand? Sure it enhances the full experience, but the game should be able to set up a strong story on its own.

I mean they purposely released the movie before the game came out for those that might truly care about the series and it came with the deluxe edition so I just find it hard for there to be a reason to not watch it. In today's world with microtransactions and pay to win scenarios I'd take a good movie that ties in with a game any day even it takes away from the story a bit. There is DLC coming out anyways so I'm not too bothered with how the story plays out but for how long the game was being made? I'm not sure it's reasonable.
I don't think this review isn't particularly well written mainly due to the fact that I've read through the whole thing and have no Idea what made you think it deserved such a low score. I'm not saying that because I'm "defending the game", I haven't even played it, I just genuinely feel this review misses it's purpose.
All you did is say what you can do in the game which is something anybody who kept up with the FF15 related news should already know while not explaining why certain elements or the game work or don't work.
Sure the game has glitchy textures, unstable framerate and appearantly poor lip synching. Outside of the ladder that's any open world console game in a nutshell (with the exception of MGSV that one doesn't drop a single frame).

Unfortunately, the story is a bit...lacking for the most part... I don’t really get the sense of urgency you should really have in a “save your kingdom” type emergency. I also feel like you miss out on a lot of important or useful information if you don’t watch the movie or anime shorts that provides some “prequel” information on the world.
You need to go into further detail with that statement as this information is pretty useless without it.
What was missing from the story, what were the prequel-ish elements that were missing from the game. Was it the world building or perhaps the characterization of a certain character? If you're afraid of Spoilers we do have a Spoiler tag for these kind of situations.
Noct is a prince
Also go into more detail why you thought the Ascension Grid was BS because the way you told it I have no idea. It could either be you are right and it's bad or you simply didn't understood how it works so you called it bad. I can't tell from my standpoint.

Is it truly a Final Fantasy game for fans and first timers? I don’t think so.
This sentence flat out doesn't have anything lost inside a review what so ever. You can only judge a game based on your own perspective. If you're a long time fan (I assume that since you mentioned FFX horrendous lip synching) then you can only comment on whenever or not this game might be appealing to long time fans. And even then you need to explain Why you think that. Saying "All the changes they made to the standard Final Fantasy formula don’t necessarily sit well with previous games" is also a very irrelevant statement since every FF title since X has been completely different with massive changes to the formula. A first time player in the series doesn't know or care about that when deciding on whenever or not they should pick this game up.

Also, no word on the Season pass and upcoming DLC, like the Character specific episodes, that probably fill a lot of these "prequel like holes" that you mentioned, or the "online Multiplayer" DLC that was announced months ago. This would've been a good closing statement. Rather than end vaguely with "RPG fan looking for a change" you could say "in current form I wouldn't recommend it but the upcoming DLC might improve the game by a ton. If you're still on the fence about it I'd recommend waiting until the game gets cheaper."
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I still don't get it, this is one of the few JRPG where you start with a mode of transportation. In other games you gradulatly earn that by small incriments, FF VII you get the chocobo, the little car buggy thing, Cid's broken plane boat, then the Highwind, but here you just start the game with a broken car you have to fix and keep refueling over and over, is like they were trying to be more realistic keeping most of the ideas from Final fantasy XIII, I can't tell compared to this world and timeline if it's based on the past present or future.... well a flying car, so has to be future. :unsure:
I am quite sure big fat bull sized chickens still puts it in some alternate world, independent of past or future. It could be a long time ago in a galaxy far away for all I care.
I would imagine fans of older Final Fantasy games are (re)playing Bravely Default or Bravely Second, or classic Final Fantasy. This shouldn't even be called Final Fantasy IMO. I was really disappointed to hear that a main Final Fantasy game was going to be just another open world action RPG. And I don't hate all open world stuff, I hate things that don't do anything unique with it and just play catch up with the trend because it sells.
Being on PS4 myself I have NEVER run into any graphical issues so far. I'm 30 hours in the game but I'm only just started Chapter 6. Lip syncing is completely fine for me excluding some small side quests chat where I think they still use the Japanese lip syncing but you'd really have to look for it.

"I’d honestly say both are nearly as bad as Final Fantasy X in terms of actual quality." Personally I feel as if this is the best voice acted Final Fantasy game so far. Square Enix hired quite a few famous voice actors for this game or even Final Fantasy XV as a franchise and It just gets be thinking what are you expecting? What would you consider impressive in terms of voice acting and cutscenes?

The level system and Ascension Grid work quite well together. The Ascension Grid reminds me of Final Fantasy Type-0's Crystarium (I think that's what it's called) and it works even better with the resting exp gain system. It locks you down to doing all the quests below your own level but if you take a risk and you keep racking up EXP you can cash it at a hotel that will double+ your total EXP. It makes you want to complete all the side quests which is a good thing by the way.

My favorite parts about this game are the small little quirks. We all should know Prompto loves Chocobos and takes some pretty awesome photo's (I'm serious out of 1,000s photos many will make you say wow). Ignis sure does like to cook and he's always nervous when Noctis drives, Gladios tends to pick up a bunch or rare items for you too and both of them have your back during a battle. The small talk in the game is actually quite amusing and doesn't get overly repetitive.

Yes the quests are a bit or a fetch or kill but they do tend to change thing up a bit sometimes and your never fetching the same item or slaying the same beasts over again. It's not much different from games like The Witcher 3 except the Story Quests tend to be much more linear like typical Final Fantasy games. I cannot say this games quests or side quests are too repetitive...

Witch such a low score and quite a few things I don't agree on I'm going to have to say I'm writing off your review as a bad impression on the game. Either your not a Final Fantasy fan like I am and you maybe don't see how great it is, or your a huge fan and you hate it because that's what fans do sometimes. My favorite Final Fantasy's are VI, VII and VIII being I played them when I grew up and put so much time into those games. I'm hoping that Final Fantasy XV will make it to the list as well as the game progresses. I still have 10~ish chapters and future DLC and Co-Op to look forward to as well.

8.5/10 so far. The game is "Very Good" so far.
I've heard mixed reviews. I stopped playing FF games after 9, they just lost their touch it seems...Glad I didn't pick this one up just yet
I think one of the issues is that Square Enix doesn't Final Fantasy to be one of the most notable series in a niche genre anymore. Now they want it to just sell, which while making sense from a business standpoint can make a game less than interesting (one of the reasons I, and a lot of people consider Oblivion better than Skyrim. Not a JRPG but pointing out the premise of my argument).
Never played a Final Fantasy game and I am thoroughly enjoying this one. Ascension system makes sense - I'd like to know what is apparently confusing about it.
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The final score doesn't seem to reflect what you wrote in the Pros/Cons. Some of the best combat in FF, but bad lip syncing and graphical glitches take it down to a 6.5? I loved what I've seen of the story from watching Brotherhood and Kingsglaive. However my favorite FF games seem to be the ones no one likes (13, 12, 8, 4, 1) :)
I like this review, although I would have to disagree on the presentation. While the lip syncing was absolutely abhorrent in many, many places, the rest of the game looked absolutely stunning. Easily one of the most beautiful games this generation. The Luminous Engine is capable of pushing some of the most realistic but eye-pleasing graphics to date. From the global illumination to the tiny details such as frost on the characters' hair, the game has fantastic visuals through and through. When it's not glitching, of course, but the latest patch should fix most of those issues.
Sounds like it's not a game worth buying a console for, certainly, but I'll probably be willing to buy at $30 for PC, assuming the port is good. Assuming it gets ported at all.
Well the comments look like a shitstorm, look it's your opinion I haven't played the game yet but it seems to be getting some pretty great reviews 9/10 8/10, and a 10/10
then again so do all the COD games
and well any big name game :|
I wouldn't say any big name game gets 9/10 or 8/10 hell COD Infinite Warfare has a 78/100 on metacritic, and Gamespot gave COD INFINITE WARFARE the same score as FFXV granted two different reviewers though.
I finished the game yesterday and it is really bad once you leave the open world, chapter 12 to 14 just plain suck but I still stick with 8/10.
Took me 50hrs all I have left is the secret dungeon and the adamtoise but I really can't put more time into it and will trade it in today.
Easily an improvement from FF XIII in my opinion, nice that the open world started straight away, but some of the side quests get repetitive quickly
Worst FF till date. No innovation. No soul.

Sorry to say this, as a big FF fan, but Squeenix is going in a spiral down to the abyss...
I just realized one of the images was taken at the samet time a trophy was unlocked. :P

I wonder what images would have been taken and used for reviews if only images taken were ones during trophy unlocks. :unsure:

By the way, who composed the soundtrack?
I just realized one of the images was taken at the samet time a trophy was unlocked. :P

I wonder what images would have been taken and used for reviews if only images taken were ones during trophy unlocks. :unsure:

By the way, who composed the soundtrack?

The system automatically does, and as you might be doing something cool at the time (I say might as most trophments are lazy and only do boring things like took first step) they can make for nice screens if you are doing a review.
As for only images used then it would be like some are now when they only use promotional screens rather than sorting your own that might be more representative of the game.

As for the composer
Yoko Shimomura
Credits are loads but Front Mission, Parasite Eve, various Mario and Luigi titles and most if not all of the Kingdom Hearts games.
I know who she is, i just wasn't sure, i figured it be the long time composure nobuo uematsu, I mean he been on final fantasy team for so long. Who would have thought the woman making music for street fighter 2 would be making music for popular rpg games, she sure is good. Though it would have been interesting if at least some of the composures that collab with smash bros arrangements like Yuzo Koshiro, Yastunori Mitsuda, or the team behind project x Zone or even xenoblade chronicles.

Still that commercial with the song whatever is called the woman singing all the time, could be given a rest for a while. :P

If anyone will maybe try maybe setting screenshots to take when trophies are eanrd, and then review them to see just how many you would use for a review? Of course i don't mean to actually make a review with them, just maybe examine them to see how useful it could be potentially in reviews. Or just share them with me.

You know what, i have just cause 3 on ps4, if no one has done a review of it, i'll maybe try it myself instead. Though honestly i just think it depends on the game, cause some games have very strange requirements for trophies.:unsure:
Good review. I don't have a next-gen console, though, so I'm probably not going to play it anytime soon. Anyways, this game looks cool, albeit with many idiosyncrasies. Is it true that there's a 3-day long final boss?
Good review. I don't have a next-gen console, though, so I'm probably not going to play it anytime soon. Anyways, this game looks cool, albeit with many idiosyncrasies. Is it true that there's a 3-day long final boss?
I don't think any one will actually would be sadistic enough to try and make a boss battle that long. Probably just some unskilled or under leveled not stat boosting something to make that claim. But no, i think the thing you may be talking about is the giant turtle monster, andamantoise or whatever is called. (Sound like wolverine andamantium and tortise combined)

There was a video i can't find again, that said the developer actually intended to be a 15 hour boss battle and someone already put videos on youtube that beats it under a hour, so no, is just exaggerated statements. I mean who would make a battle last so long, that sadistic and only hard core will wanna do such things. Like the kind that make those Impossible rom hacks or I wanna be the boshy or whatever those Expert difficulty game levels are called. :blink:
I agree with your review.

I have put about 150 hours in the game and have completed all of the trophies (PS4). I'm one of those people who have been waiting for this game since the announcement of Fabula Nova Crystallis. I was in middle school when they announced this game. And I wanted it infinitely more than I did Final Fantasy XIII or Agito XIII (now Type-0). And I love this game.

But I also hate this game. And I hate Square Enix. 10 years, but they gave effectively gave them less than four years. They switched directors at the end, and new people had to learn about stuff that had been in development for 6-7 years. They clearly were not ready for the release of the game, but ended up putting it out there anyway.

The story is massively incoherent. And I've had no emotional investment into ANY character (aside from the boy band). The characters are flat and lifeless, and the story is short and unimaginative. Also, it's confusing. There's no proper understanding of what relationship certain characters have in the end.

Specifically there was a massive disservice to Lunafreya, Ravus, Iedolas, Verstael (I mean, do you guys who beat the game, even know who he is?), and Aranea (my favorite normal fight in the entire game was against her... So glad I saw the tutorial to perform the glitch to get her permanently). I feel like they should have fleshed out the Empire a lot more.

I forgot to mention the lack of exploration aside from Lucis (the lack of exploration in the endgame is absolutely criminal).

I would have been utterly livid if they had told me that the game was postponed until late 2017. But maybe then it would have been worth the wait.

The Good: Art (Character Designs, Architecture, Scenery, etc.), Combat (except magic and summons)... The bit of story that they did have wasn't bad.

I was disappointed with the game (don't even get me started on how the changes from versus XIII make me feel). But I did enjoy playing it, and continue to do so (still missing the Zwill Crossblade, and Balmung... And I don't have a single Dark Matter Bracelet, lol).
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This game was on sale for flash sale on Playstation store, %33 for the game or bundle with season pass. $40. Nice job sony, %50 and i might have bought it. :P

I'm still trying to understand, how much of the game play is "Final fantasy" It doesn't seem like any of the games that the series is known for. If it doesn't play like a traditional turn based battle system, nor does it play much like Kingdom hearts, what the heck can we call this? I will admit i don't play many games in this series for various reasons, but the same reasoning is why the series is on for so long, is the 15 game, not that i know any other games that has 15 in their name.

So far, i played game 4, game 7, game 8, and game 10. I hear many say 6 is the only possible competition for 7 being best in series, so i had wanted to try, but been busy playing breath of fire. I like the 4 game best, but i also like the others i did play, so the question for me is would someone with this track record enjoy this game? Since i'm not sure, i have just decided to wait for discount.

At first i didn't notice that it was mentioned the reviewer is not known to enjoy rpg games, so i suppose i can relate to that. It made me more interested. :)
@Sonic Angel Knight
All opinions, all IMHO, but now that you posted...
FF7 is not that good, it is a great game, but it has more fan hype than anything.
FF6 is the best by far storywise, but some other games like FF5, even if very light hearted, they were very funny and enjoyable.
I would take any of those two over FF7, but FF7 was good anyway.
Regarding FFXV, the storytelling is a fucking mess, and I totally agree with @dynelf on this, a fucking disappointment.
On the gameplay department I still feel this is a FF evolution, the gameplay is good.
I may generally agree with this review, I may score it somewhat higher (75?), but in general I agree with it.

PS: and regarding the track record thing, I played 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, didn't finish 10 or 12, and I enjoyed FFXV a lot, but I felt very disappointed regarding the story, the way it's told and how many relevant characters are almost ignored and undeveloped.
@Sonic Angel Knight
PS: and regarding the track record thing, I played 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, didn't finish 10 or 12, and I enjoyed FFXV a lot, but I felt very disappointed regarding the story, the way it's told and how many relevant characters are almost ignored and undeveloped.
See that just what i mean, I don't mean that i'm a fan, yes i know is a long running series and it has things about it people like and dislike, it has each game playing a different way, game 4 plays like the first 3 games where each character has a specific role, or class... rank, whatever, each character has strength and weakness by class, most of which the final fantasy tactics game series is based on i guess (even though is based on tactics ogre to be honest) But the story in the game is not bad and set up nicely for is sequal which i haven't played yet.

game 6 has female protaginist terra and villan kefka who looks like he belongs in a circus or least doink the clown from that midway wwf wrestlemania game, or insane clown posse... i dunno, he is very disturbed. Again i dunno much about the game, i didn't play it, just what i know from dissidia final fantasy when i played that. But according to many, there is multiple stories where you play with different characters at the time.

game 7 isn't bad, is just mind blowing. For a american when knowing only 3 FF games at the time (one on nes, 2 on snes) then 7 on playstation is like Wuuutttt? :blink:


Besides the exaggerated parts, is fun to play, the materia system is amazing and shows lots of effort, and is fun to mess with various combinations for combat that make it seem so broken... watching a video of a boss being dominated by one character without need to command them is impressive to show off at times. But i hardly care for the plot, everything else was okay.

game 8 got a bit more realistic with the way the characters look and the story being told, being a bit relatable to some extent, the GF system and bit more detail to graphics and story telling, the idea of leveling up where it doesn't hardly seem necessary could be questionable since the real power is by equipping summons and enabling commands and using draw to increase power from junction magic. Again, story wasn't the selling point, game play was.

Now we come to 10, first game on new console PS2, same WOW effect 7 had, more better cutscenes, more story and plot, but game play is altered again, turn based battle system, sphere grid, and such.

The point i was making is the games all play different, which some are good and bad, i can't decide the reason why people like the series in the first place? Is the game best known for the story and plot or the content of game play it features each time they make a new one? I admit watching the characters roll around in a car that look like is from transformers, is fun to watch, presentation was nice, the story is broken into a anime series that tells the past exploits of each character and how they meat and serve noctis and his kingdom, a movie with a questionable title of Kingslave, which i had not seen but then again it wasn't free... and then all that for you to play the game, why could it just be a game and that is all, wanna extend the story, make a update or something, I didn't like much of the marketing for the game that was in developement for almost a decade.

Moving along from that, is nice to look at, and at times is amazing to see, it reminds me of watching the trailer for xenoblade chronicle games both of them, nice presentation, cool stuff, interesting characters, and presentation. Watching some of the people play this game, it seem boring from time to time, but i always thought my opinion would change if i played it not watch it. I can't decide where the fun is, the story that needs more effort to follow? I already find that a miss if we need so much video media to get the whole plot, gameplay? Is it like kingdom hearts or dissidia final fantasy, is nothing like the last 14 games in the series. This is where the conflict decision to buy lies for me. I'm worried about this now, cause i will have to make same decision when the FF7 remake comes out later. :unsure:
I play the games I want, whatever their reviews score.
I make my own opinion. Who cares?

I'm at the start of FF15, it's good so far.
the game is not perfect? and then what? not the end of the world, lot of games have glitches, texture and shadow issues, etc. I noticed the shadows are not rendered on the side of the screen (maybe not on a PS4k?), well, that's how that game is working and doesn't make it unplayable.
I enjoy it. that's what is important.

I like to complete all possible missions before advancing in the story, I think I'll be busy with this game for a long time. I wanted to play last guardian too :cry:
I wish I had trusted your review and not the scores on metacritic. Now I know I just threw 50 euro out of the window lol A day after that I spend 35 more to buy Uncharted 4, just so that I wouldn't be so salty hahaha But in all honesty this game wasn't worth the wait and certainly not the hype... I keep bumping on reviews and even user reviews, praising the game as flawless, best FF yada yada I'm almost 30 and I realize that things are different now. Most of young people find fast paced battles and cool action scenes to be the enough to enjoy a game, no matter the genre or the title's history. Don't get me wrong, these aspects of a game are not bad, unless they become the game's only aspects lol What about story, direction, character development, romance, mystery? How can you claim that this is a game for old and new FF fans alike, when these are almost nonexistent or half-cocked? But what shocked me the most was Sakaguchi's statement... FF XV GOTY, really? That actually made me sad... And if it means that we will see him back to square at some point in the future, then I think all hope is lost. I prefer him working on smaller budget titles like lost odyssey and the last story rather than being just a name in the credits of a new FF so that they can boost they hype and sales.
@Sonic Angel Knight
All opinions, all IMHO, but now that you posted...
FF7 is not that good, it is a great game, but it has more fan hype than anything.
FF6 is the best by far storywise, but some other games like FF5, even if very light hearted, they were very funny and enjoyable.
I would take any of those two over FF7, but FF7 was good anyway.
Regarding FFXV, the storytelling is a fucking mess, and I totally agree with @dynelf on this, a fucking disappointment.
On the gameplay department I still feel this is a FF evolution, the gameplay is good.
I may generally agree with this review, I may score it somewhat higher (75?), but in general I agree with it.

PS: and regarding the track record thing, I played 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, didn't finish 10 or 12, and I enjoyed FFXV a lot, but I felt very disappointed regarding the story, the way it's told and how many relevant characters are almost ignored and undeveloped.

I stopped reading at "FF5".

I have played almost the same titles as you, and FFV have the worst story but incredible gameplay, period.

FF7 is not that good? Are you in drugs?

Don't you ever say that again, or I will tell Exdeath to send you to the void.
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I stopped reading at "FF5".

I have played almost the same titles as you, and FFV have the worst story but incredible gameplay, period.

FF7 is not that good? Are you in drugs?

Don't you ever say that again, or I will tell Exdeath to send you to the void.
Really. That is my opinion.
And I know how many people think, that is why I posted FF5 as a game I love people normally hate in some other thread, the general opinion is no news to me, and I still love the game for what it is: a fun game with good gameplay and incredibly funny very lighthearted story.
FF7 in the other hand is just so so, the storytelling is a mess, it is very overvalued but it is a good funny game, below FF6 and many others from the series. And fortunately I am enough of an individual to be able have an opinion different from the popular one without taking drugs or being drunk.

PS: I don't really think FF7 is bad, it is only that I hear often people saying "best game in the world" or whatever, and I don't think it is even the third or fourth best game made by Squaresoft.
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I completely missed this review.

@sarkwalvein "the way it's told and how many relevant characters are almost ignored and undeveloped."
They are undeveloped. They have as much personality as an undeveloped fetus.

FF boy band edition. They are like the nerdy Backstreet Boys.
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3 years later, this game should be re-reviewed. a 6.5/10.... ITS WAY TOO HIGH. Ive read all the comments above me.

I've played this game for 150+hrs and watched all the stupid movies and skits and DLC, its bad. Talk about having Noctis crammed down your throat for years and years, nobody cares, Noctis is a whiney little bitch with little to zero backstory and nobody likes him. I dont want Noctis as playable character in any other game, i dont want to play the mobile game, i dont want to play him in dissisia nt, im done with all things FF15.

The music is repetitive, the combat is easily exploitable because of the warp strikes, the leveling system is broken, the story is basically non-existant and was made up as they went along, the game is poorly optimized (seeing as they developed it using two gtx 1080 which were $1000/each at the time), the final game is incomplete because the second director was just done trying to recreate someone elses vision...

Easily one of the worst games Ive ever played. Ive played a lot of games going back to NES. This one is right up there with the worst.

FINAL SCORE 4.0/10 judging it for what it is as its own product with all DLC, all episodes, Kingsglaive, Multiplayer, etc etc.
Review cover
Product Information:
  • Release Date (NA): November 29, 2016
  • Release Date (EU): November 29, 2016
  • Release Date (JP): November 29, 2016
  • Publisher: Square Enix
  • Developer: Square Enix
  • Genres: JRPG, Action RPG
  • Also For: Xbox One
Game Features:
Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer


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