Review cover Monster Hunter: World (PlayStation 4)
Official GBAtemp Review

Product Information:

  • Release Date (NA): January 26, 2018
  • Release Date (EU): January 26, 2018
  • Release Date (JP): January 26, 2018
  • Publisher: Capcom
  • Developer: Capcom
  • Genres: Action-Adventure, Action-RPG
  • Also For: Xbox One

Game Features:

Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer
Eat. Slay. Repeat.

Monster Hunter: World is the fifth generation of the Action-RPG/Adventure series by Capcom. You assume the role of a hunter from the Research Commission's Fifth Fleet, sent to the New World, a land that once every 10 years Elder Dragons cross the vast sea to travel to. Your job is to assist the Commission's quest to understand what the Elder Crossing is, and why they are drawn there. But is it still the same as previous titles or has Capcom changed things to appeal to a broader audience? Well, let's get to hunting!

New World, New You

Starting aboard a boat bound for the New World, MH: World begins with a fellow Hunter asking about yourself, leading into character creation. In previous titles, you are usually limited to picking hair, face type and features such as paint, eyes and facial hair, clothing and voice types. It has been dramatically overhauled, allowing you to change individual eye color, face type, lips and the appearance of wrinkles and age on your character. There are also two layers of paint and more choice with paint design, changing the glossiness, transparency, or how metallic it looks - you can make some unique looking people. Palico creation has had a few changes, not quite the same as above, but there has been some pretty good ones. If you don't know what a Palico is, it is a cat-like species that help out Hunters in various ways; gathering, hunting and befriending the local wildlife. As far as Palico creation, you can now change things like fur length, thickness and colors of individual patterns. It's not quite as detailed or as in-depth as your Hunter, but it allows for some good variation in design. I made my Hunter look like myself (actually looks more like my dad) and my Palico like my cat, so it was a lot of fun to mess with.

Soon afterwards you arrive at the New World and a small tutorial begins introducing a few of things, such as the Wildlife Map and Scoutflies. Scoutflies are a new addition to the series. Tiny luminescent insects, they guide Hunters to points of interest, such as monster tracks and gathering points. As you examine monster tracks, they begin to learn their scent. Once you have enough, the Scoutflies will be able to track the monster, guiding the Hunter directly to it by creating a trail to follow, completely replacing Paintballs for tracking. As the Scoutflies level up, it becomes easier to begin tracking a monster and knowing whats present in the current area. The Wildlife Map is just that; a map. But as you explore the locales of the New World, gathering spots and other points of interest in the environment, such as loose boulders and trees covered in vines, become marked on the map so you can find them later. All is displayed on the the mini-map in the bottom corner, making things like gathering something specific much easier. Pulling out the full Wildlife Map lets you view the entire area and can filter specific things like gathering spots, small monsters, and environmental interests to name a few. Additionally, the Scoutflies can be set to track anything marked on the map, making it that much easier to find what you need. You could always fast travel to camp with a Farcaster in the past, but now you can call a Windrake to grapple hook on to and fly you there. This doesn't completely replace Farcasters, as you can only fast travel when not in combat or the presence of a large monster, but it is a great new feature and saves Farcasters for those really hairy situations.


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Once you make it to Astera, the headquarters of the Commission, you are introduced to a number of the facilities that help to make a Hunter's life much easier. Some include the Provision's shop, where you can buy items such as Potions and Bowgun ammo, the Canteen where you eat before quests to gain a number of buffs and stat boosts. There is also the Blacksmith to make new armors and weapons from materials you gather. However, the Research Center and Resource Center are two of the most interesting facilities available to you. The Research Center is just what it sounds like; scholars doing research. As you explore and learn more about various life from small and large monsters to endemic life, small and non-aggressive creatures you can capture and keep as pets, the more they learn. Once they learn enough, they update the information available to you, such as weak points, weaknesses, known habitats and which materials you receive from breaking what parts. It is also the way in which you level up your Scoutflies, so it is crucial to visit regularly.

At the Resource Center you can accept Bounties and Investigations, along with fulfilling delivery requests to improve the various facilities. Bounties are side objectives you can do during a quest, some involve gathering a set number of things like flora or bones and others slaying the required amount of monsters. They can also be more specific, like capture a monster or hunt Brute Wyverns. Once completed, you return to Astera and receive your reward, usually Research points to be used at certain facilities, and Armor Spheres to upgrade your equipment's defense. Investigations are similar to Guild Quests like in MH4. A key difference between them is Investigations have a set number of attempts and tiered rewards. To obtain Investigations, there are various means; slaying a small monster, hunting large ones and breaking parts. When you do, you receive a notification that a new Investigation is available. Return to the Resource Center in Astera, choose what Investigations you'd like and accept them like a regular quest.

On the topic of quests, there are four different types to choose from; Assigned, Optional, Investigations and Limited. We already covered Investigations, so we'll skip that. Assigned quests are essentially key quests, often related and moving along the story. These can only be done once and are finished. Optional quests, as the name implies, are just that. Not necessary to do but a good way to earn materials and other rewards. Some just appear and others are requested by NPC's in Astera and the New World. These can be done over and over again, making farming for materials a bit easier. Limited quests are only available for a set amount of time and are distributed by Capcom. Sadly, there weren't any available at the time for me to try so can't talk on it too much.

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The core of the gameplay revolves around exploring the local environments, completing quests and, of course, hunting large monsters. This is accomplished by using the many weapons, tools and abilities at your disposal. Each weapon has a different style and strategy. The Great Sword offers incredible attack power but is cumbersome when drawn, slowing you down considerably, whereas the Dual Blades have quick attacks and movement while it sacrifices strength. The Light Bowgun can use many types of ammo and rapid fire but isn't quite as strong as the Heavy Bowgun, with its size slowing you down when drawn. With 14 different types of weapons, from the vaulting Insect Glaive and the buff granting Hunting Horn to the shell firing Gunlance, MH: World has plenty of different ways to hunt monsters. All the weapons have tight controls, improved or new combos and skills and their own advantages/disadvantages against each monster you hunt.

Mounting, gathering and targeting have all undergone some great changes as well. Introduced in MH4, when you land a leaping attack off an edge or by jumping off a wall, you mount the monsters back and stab into it repeatedly until its stamina is drained and topples over, opening it up to relentless attack. Originally you could only stab and brace yourself as it fought you off. Now you can move to different parts, like it's head or tail, and generally finish with a devastating attack. It gets pretty intense when the monster is running and crashing into trees and walls, trying to buck you off. As added in MHX, those assisting in the hunt can also attack the monster without getting you knocked off but run the risk of taking damage when the monster runs wild. Targeting is much tighter and keeps better focus on the monster, revolving around it. Not only can you target large monsters but you can now target small ones as well. A small change but a most welcome one.

Gathering is pretty much the same; fish, collect plants, catch insects and mine for ore. The only real change is you no longer need to bring a pickaxe to mine or a bug net to catch insects. You always have a pickaxe that doesn't take up any space and a small capture net as well. You can just pick up insects where they lay or use the capture net with your Slinger. The capture net is also used to catch Endemic Life, which earns you Research Points and can be kept as pets in your room. As mentioned, the Slinger is a new tool and a fantastic one at that. Attached to the wrist, it is used to launch a cornucopia of objects; stones to distract monsters, watermoss that washes away mud, or dung to drive a monster away. When in use it does an over the shoulder aim similar to when you use one of the ranged weapons and has an assisted targeting when pointed at a monster or an environmental object, like Flashflies that emit a blinding light when struck. The Slinger is one of the best new tools that has been added to the series and brings more strategy when it comes to how you hunt.

Old Monster, New Tricks

Monster Hunter: World is about one thing; Monsters. Hunting them, capturing them, studying them. And they certainly don't disappoint in this game. There are many old classics, like the Rathian and Rathalos and the Diablos, a savage two horned Brute Wyvern. But don't worry, there are numerous new monsters to hunt too. Among them is the Anjanath, a Brute Wyvern that looks like a T-Rex with vulture characteristics. An aggressive beast, if not wary of it's powerful biting and fire attacks, a hunter can be dropped in one blow, as I have experienced myself. Others include the mischievous but cowardly Pukei-Pukei and the floaty Paolumu. Each monster has its own behaviour and attacks, each requiring a different approach to defeat them. There are plenty of other monsters and with DLC on the way, I can only imagine there will be more added to the hunt.

Expeditions are back from MH4 as well but have also gone through a few changes as well. In MH4, you could only go to one place; The Everwood. They paths between and number of zones were random every time, as were the monsters you encounter. This is not the case here. Expeditions now take place in the areas you explore, but with no set goal. Simply free to hunt and gather as much as you want. Day and night cycle is in the game, changing the monsters and life that appear. A few changes to camp have been made as well. Not only can you have more than one camp, you can also change your armor and weapons, eat a meal and go through your item box now. Nothing big, but game-changing all the same. Run out of an item you need? Go back to camp and restock. It's little quality of life changes like this that greatly improve the game.

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When you load up your save, you have the choice to start or join an online lobby. You can set passcodes, invite friends and make it private if you'd like. Lobbies can have up to 16 people, with up to 4 per quest. The Gathering Hub is where you interact with other players when playing online. With its own Canteen, quest counter and board, item box and provision shop, the Gathering Hub has everything you need for hunting with others. No disconnections, voice and text chat worked nicely. If you are hunting alone and encounter something you can't handle alone, you can send and SOS Flare. Up to three Hunters can join mid-quest to help out. Incredibly helpful for some of the more intense monsters. You can exchange Guild Cards with other hunters as in previous games in the series. These are customized cards that feature player stats, chosen title, backgrounds and poses, you can make some pretty absurd and clever ones.

Graphically, it's quite impressive. The lushness of the jungle and it's dense overgrowth; the scales on a monster's hide. The amount and attention to detail is astounding, the maps themselves, seamless movement between the areas within, they breathe life. Even in a dark, carcass filled pit, there is so much detail and life all around you. Crisp, clean and colorful, Monster Hunter: World is very pleasing to the eyes. The soundtrack is great as well, featuring new songs and music from previous instalments. When there is no music, you have only the sounds of the wildlife around you. Bugs, the rustling of leaves and the ground beneath you. My only real complaint is some of the voice overs are incredibly off-sync. Like, worse than an 80's kung-fu movie. Not a deal breaker or a big problem, but it is kind of ridiculous at times how off it is.

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Join the Hunt

For those wondering if they changed the game to reach a broader audience; Yes and no. They have changed quite a bit, more than I could cover here, but at its core, it is still Monster Hunter. A number of improvements, changes and additions make Monster Hunter: World the definitive game in the series. Unique monsters, beautiful and immersive environments, plenty of quests and online fun, I cannot recommend this game more. Veterans of the series should have no problem jumping right in. But newcomers to the series shouldn't have too hard a time learning the game, it does a good job providing an in-depth tutorial and training area.
Happy hunting.

Monster Hunter: World - Launch Trailer


What We Liked ...
  • Plenty of quests
  • Amazing visuals and locales
  • Epic monsters
  • Great online
What We Didn't Like ...
  • Some out-of-sync voice overs
Polished controls and improved targeting, 14 different weapons, new tools help to make the game fit to how you want to play. This game has it all.
Apart from minor issues with voice over, Monster Hunter: World is a stunning game and it shows everywhere. Good story, beautiful locations and monsters galore.
Lasting Appeal
There are more than enough quests, monsters and coming DLC to keep you coming back for a good long while. With the return of Expeditions and Investigations, there is more to do than you can shake a stick at.
out of 10


Monster Hunter: World stands high as top dog in the series. Tight gameplay, impressive visuals and great online only make up a small fraction of this fantastic game. A must play for vets and those new to the series alike.
Aww damn I'm glad this rates high. Cannot fuggin' wait for the PC version. At the same time, I'm glad they're spending a little more time on it, some of those textures look fairly low-poly on PS4. It does look better in motion, ofc.
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Aww damn I'm glad this rates high. Cannot fuggin' wait for the PC version. At the same time, I'm glad they're spending a little more time on it, some of those textures look fairly low-poly on PS4.
I think the screenshot function is lower quality than the actual game? Like half the resolution or something. It certainly looked way better than that in the beta. On my PS4 Pro you can select graphics, framerate or resolution. I chose framerate and the game still looks incredible.
Great review! Can't wait for tomorrow, this is the one!
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I think the screenshot function is lower quality than the actual game? Like half the resolution or something. It certainly looked way better than that in the beta. On my PS4 Pro you can select graphics, framerate or resolution. I chose resolution and the game still looks incredible.
Great review! Can't wait for tomorrow, this is the one!
Some of it is probably just motion blur or bad angles, but yeah.

I've been watching MH:W class videos and I cannot for the life of me decide which to play first. At least four really amazing ones IMO.
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Reactions: MajinCubyan
any info about upcoming dlcs? prices? micro-transations??

edit: i 'm a dog lover, is there an option to get puppy instead cat?
Damn, I wanted to try MH for a while now, but since the last installments are on 3DS, and unfortunately I don't own a New 3DS (no second analog stick), so I've never really been into it. Now might be a good occasion!
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Reactions: MajinCubyan
On every occasion in the past Monster Hunter has managed to bore me to death, no matter how I tried to play it/experience it. This despite being all that I should want in a game (crafting, exploration, giant monsters, in depth combat).
It sounds like this might have cracked it but I shall have to play it to see.
i would like someone who has never played monster hunter before to review this game. I feel like i can't trust reviews from mh vets due to them having lots of bias towards the series.
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On every occasion in the past Monster Hunter has managed to bore me to death, no matter how I tried to play it/experience it. This despite being all that I should want in a game (crafting, exploration, giant monsters, in depth combat).
It sounds like this might have cracked it but I shall have to play it to see.
Same, I've tried playing every Monster Hunter game and I just can't get past how goddamn boring the game is to play. How Capcom managed to make a monster slaying Action RPG as slow and boring as they did is just astounding to me.

Monster Hunter World looks like it might fix some of that, but I'll be waiting for PC release before I play it myself just cuz I'm not much of a console gamer these days.
Some of it is probably just motion blur or bad angles, but yeah.

I've been watching MH:W class videos and I cannot for the life of me decide which to play first. At least four really amazing ones IMO.

Yeah, it was hard to pick which ones since it seemed like the quality was a bit lower. That motion blur doesn't help em either, but you should see the ones I didn't keep, couldn't even tell if it was me or a monster.

I'm pretty partial to Great Sword, Light Bowgun and Dual Blades myself. Try em all!

any info about upcoming dlcs? prices? micro-transations??

edit: i 'm a dog lover, is there an option to get puppy instead cat?

As far as I'm aware, all the dlc will be free. No micro-transactions either. I'd imagine that the first set of dlc will drop either at launch or how they have done in the past, around the start of each month.

Sadly, no puppers.

On every occasion in the past Monster Hunter has managed to bore me to death, no matter how I tried to play it/experience it. This despite being all that I should want in a game (crafting, exploration, giant monsters, in depth combat).
It sounds like this might have cracked it but I shall have to play it to see.

Haha, sounds like how I feel about Skyrim.

But I feel you there. I honestly hated it when I first played the games back for the PSP. Took a few years and MH4U to change my opinion on it.

i would like someone who has never played monster hunter before to review this game. I feel like i can't trust reviews from mh vets due to them having lots of bias towards the series.

I understand. I try to be as impartial as possible when it comes to my reviews. Might be slightly bias but I tried to approach it in a neutral way. But, again, I understand where you are coming from. I'm sure there are quite a few other reviews floating from people who might not have experience with it.
any info about upcoming dlcs? prices? micro-transations??

edit: i 'm a dog lover, is there an option to get puppy instead cat?
I'm pretty sure it was said that all quest content DLC is free, as that has been the case for all installments (unless you count G Rank as DLC. Then I have no idea). The only micro-transaction related thing I heard was for cosmetic outfits for some of the NPC characters. You can make the quest provider wear a maid outfit or whatever. All of the stuff you get can only be awarded from playing the game and real-life money can't help you.
As far as not liking cats, they already have DLC costumes for them, so if you don't want a cat, you can have a tiny MegaMan (See DLC) and most likely a shaka-laka costume or something.
I understand. I try to be as impartial as possible when it comes to my reviews. Might be slightly bias but I tried to approach it in a neutral way. But, again, I understand where you are coming from. I'm sure there are quite a few other reviews floating from people who might not have experience with it.

My usual policy is write the review you would want to read. To do anything else lessens things, though that is not to say you can't note things that another might like and observations which might apply to them. The "find reviewers which match your likes" only works if said other reviewers play to their likes.
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i'll answer the dlc question. the pre order and deluxe edition add-ons are available in a deluxe upgrade pack for 9.99. all other DLCs are free. However, i spent years trying to get into the series and my research has shown, any paid DLCs are always releaaed for free for monster hunter at some point. And there isnt ususally more then one paid dlc pack
9.8 is pretty crazy high.
Is it that good?
IMO it looks like Dark Souls boss battles with more extravagant player character attacks, a lot of other story and quest and customization stuff sprinkled throughout, and a bigger focus on online interactivity. So yeah it's probably that good. About time we got a non-portable MH release. This is the first MH game I'll be putting any real time into.
IMO it looks like Dark Souls boss battles with more extravagant player character attacks, a lot of other story and quest and customization stuff sprinkled throughout, and a bigger focus on online interactivity. So yeah it's probably that good. About time we got a non-portable MH release. This is the first MH game I'll be putting any real time into.
I have never played any Monster Hunter (or Dark Souls for that matter)
Should I give one of the earlier ones a try? Or should I not bother with it if this exists?
I have never played any Monster Hunter (or Dark Souls for that matter)
Should I give one of the earlier ones a try? Or should I not bother with it if this exists?
No. Start with this one and pretend the earlier ones don't exist.
I started with MH: Freedom Unite. The further back you go, the worse the hitboxes and mechanics get. Each newer iteration has better QoL changes.
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After 3 beta periods and now finally having been able to sink my teeth into this... As a Monster Hunter "veteran" (can I say that yet? This is officially my third generation...) I can say that this game so far has sufficiently wow'ed me. Perhaps due to my inclination of fighting things that are stronger than I should be fighting (e.g. Rathian when you should be fighting Barroth, Diablos just chilling in an expedition and I managed to take it down) this game has managed to deliver on every single aspect, be it difficulty, graphics and even the sound design. Since I've been messing around a lot on expeditions, I have to say that I haven't gotten far into the story yet, but the new monster designs that I have seen have genuinely interested me so far. I remember just watching some monsters live their lives during the beta and I couldn't help but feel amazed at the level of detail on display.

The gameplay itself though, if I have to say anything about it... Just take your normal Monster Hunter gameplay and pump some steroids into it. Pretty much every weapon now has an extremely flashy move (some are akin to hunter arts from Generations) that is satisfying to pull off, the movement has been retuned to be far less clunky and most items no longer hold you in place - though they do slow you down. While I must admit that this makes for an easier experience with some monsters, others will still eat you alive for making a mistake with item use.

Now I can't say anything about the voices, as I generally have mine set to "Monster Hunter Language" (for... reasons, I suppose) but the music and sounds all fit what they are trying to compliment - atleast as far as I've played.

I can't recommend this game enough right now. It is absolutely glorious. If you've ever been put off by a Monster Hunter game's slow start or clunky gameplay, this is the game for you. If you're a complete newcomer to the series, know that playing this game will likely make playing the other games in the series tougher, should you want to do this. At it's core, I believe this monster hunter game, while the same, is fundamentally different. Emphasis has been placed on different aspects of the game and rather than limiting the player for challenge, the challenge seems to be more in the resourcefulness of the player to overcome the challenge at hand. Which brings me to...

The environment. Oh, this environment. The later games in the series have always had a focus on environment in some way (Tri's water, 4's emphasis on verticality) but this game really lives up to the title "World". The environment is one of the most important aspects of the game in World, and it can be directly affected by monsters and yourself. Occasionally you'll find bugs to fling at monsters, or toads to kick to make them excrete a gas that affects you or a monster in some way. Learning to properly use this environment is key to being a better hunter, as it's always been with gathering as well. The key difference here is that this time around, it doesn't feel like a chore to be one with nature, as most gathering can now be done while moving as well. It makes going out of your way to quickly grab a plant much more tempting.

All in all I could probably go on forever but I'm being told to go to bed as I've ignored the world around me for the past few hours, and I could literally go on forever. If not for this review, I most likely would've written one myself. Please, do yourself a favor and get this game. It is amazing.
I never played MH before, and if the GPU prices don't come down by the time the PC version comes out, I guess I won't be starting. :( I want to replace my piece of crap HD 6850!
I am actually enjoying the game this time. But I still have a few complaints. Items shouldn't be link'd to the x button. It is standard for combos to be done with all four face buttons. I am constantly using up items because I am so used to using all 4 buttons, especially X.

Online is a nightmare to join friends. It won't display a pop-up if your not high enough to join your friends. In fact nothing happens at all....the 11 people on my friends list already have 20 hours in vs my 4 hours. They are already rank'd 20+ vs my rank 2. Secondly the game will not let you join through the xb dashboard system. If you even try to join this way, it quiets you out, makes you reload your save file and you still not join'd in. This makes it ever hard to join your friends, considering the options for joining friends' quest are not straight forward at all. There needs to be a option to see what friends are doing in the game and let you join that way if they don't fix the dashboard joining issue. Destiny 1/2, the division, cod and even halo have a roaster list. These online issues and difficulties are really sad and disappointing. Especially considering even beginning quest are near impossible to due solo without grinding for days of real time.
A big con for me :
This game doesn't have the same matchmaking as Destiny , you must find someone who you can play with , because if you don't do that , you'll never find anyone
A big con for me :
This game doesn't have the same matchmaking as Destiny , you must find someone who you can play with , because if you don't do that , you'll never find anyone
Waht no, set your quests to public. I had randoms hopping in with me all night.
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Reactions: MajinCubyan
Just a pair of mistakes, Investigations are the equivalent of Expeditions, not Guild Quests and Diablos is a Flying Wyvern, not a Brute Wyvern. Excellent review.
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Reactions: Xzi
So far, I only have two complaints about this game. Glow flies totally destroy the idea behind being a hunter. What's the point if you're directly led to your prey? I feel they tried to counteract this by adding the marking mechanic, but even those are highlighted by your glow flies. The paintballs from previous titles sufficed. That said, with the world being much more open now, I suppose they introduced this mechanic as a handicap for players new to the series. My second complaint is that they removed the excessive amounts of blood that spurt out of monsters when you attack them. I always loved this, as it added to the excessiveness of the entire game as a whole. Hacking and slashing with gigantic, unrealistic weaponry just isn't as satisfying without the buckets of blood to go along with it. Regardless, I'm not in the least bit disappointed. The actual difficulty is still there, and that's all I could hope for.
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If anyone sees me, Blaze163, online on PS4 and hunting some towering monstrosity, feel free to wave or something. Just beat Odogoran or whatever that thing was that escaped from Resident Evil to mess with my day. Not as far as I usually would be in a MH game but I've been busy.
So far, I only have two complaints about this game. Glow flies totally destroy the idea behind being a hunter. What's the point if you're directly led to your prey? I feel they tried to counteract this by adding the marking mechanic, but even those are highlighted by your glow flies. The paintballs from previous titles sufficed. That said, with the world being much more open now, I suppose they introduced this mechanic as a handicap for players new to the series. My second complaint is that they removed the excessive amounts of blood that spurt out of monsters when you attack them. I always loved this, as it added to the excessiveness of the entire game as a whole. Hacking and slashing with gigantic, unrealistic weaponry just isn't as satisfying without the buckets of blood to go along with it. Regardless, I'm not in the least bit disappointed. The actual difficulty is still there, and that's all I could hope for.
Hmm, hopefully they include a blood option at some point. Or even better, allow for Steam workshop mods in the PC release (doubtful being Capcom). Then you could change glow flies to paintballs too.
...because the game released on PC today. No point in doing a second review for the same exact game, so we promote the old one's to the front page if they get an important port.
I guess, but i mean couldn't it be updated a bit to reflect some new changes that was made? I mean it was a lot and it's been a few months. :ninja:
...because the game released on PC today. No point in doing a second review for the same exact game, so we promote the old one's to the front page if they get an important port.
True, though I'd prefer a PC-specific review so that graphics options and performance can be discussed.

But where's @Reploid with his negative comment though?
Good question. There's no way he actually likes this game since it is challenging.
I guess, but i mean couldn't it be updated a bit to reflect some new changes that was made? I mean it was a lot and it's been a few months. :ninja:
True, though I'd prefer a PC-specific review so that graphics options and performance can be discussed.
Our GBATemp TV team will be doing a PC stream on MH:W sometime soon in the future. Whether they'll also do a write up is to be determined.
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Reactions: Xzi
True, though I'd prefer a PC-specific review so that graphics options and performance can be discussed.

Good question. There's no way he actually likes this game since it is challenging.
I started playing this game few months ago. I got it when I heard about the cross over events (So not in janurary but somewhere in between then and now) I admit I didn't like it as much and still don't but as I play and started to get far into the game and past the problematic parts of the story, I started to enjoy it. This is the first time I played a monster hunter game.

Then I got to more problems and I just got bored of it for progressing too long. Also playing alone wasn't fun. but who was I gonna play with. I still think the game needs some work but it's least playable. :)
Our GBATemp TV team will be doing a PC stream on MH:W sometime soon in the future. Whether they'll also do a write up is to be determined.
Word. For what it's worth I now at least know how it runs on my own hardware. Pretty close to max settings 1440p on a GTX 1070. The only big performance drain is volume rendering, so I turned it off.
Whether they'll also do a write up is to be determined.

I'd like to see a new write-up. I read several complaints that there are barely any changeable graphics options, and that mouse controls are emulating a joystick with unchangeable mouse acceleration. On top of all that, there's third-party DRM.

It sounded to me like they spent 8 months trying to figure out how to copy & paste a pretty lazy console port.
I'd like to see a new write-up. I read several complaints that there are barely any changeable graphics options, and that mouse controls are emulating a joystick with unchangeable mouse acceleration. On top of all that, there's third-party DRM.

It sounded to me like they spent 8 months trying to figure out how to copy & paste a pretty lazy console port.
I'll be handling the write-up, and a stream via our Twitch. I'm not too impressed with the port so far, but I'm only 2 hours in.
Review cover
Product Information:
  • Release Date (NA): January 26, 2018
  • Release Date (EU): January 26, 2018
  • Release Date (JP): January 26, 2018
  • Publisher: Capcom
  • Developer: Capcom
  • Genres: Action-Adventure, Action-RPG
  • Also For: Xbox One
Game Features:
Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer


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